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Lheritier, Chamo, Seggiaro

Good afternoon everyone,

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for this invitation and appreciate the claim
of this conference: avoid war.
As I am representing the Austro Hungary empire, we believe in peace, peace
is in our thinking a priority for all of us. Even though we have been attacked, which
could be grounds for war, we don´t believe that war is the solution.
Among these, Serbia attacked our archiduque Franz Ferdinand and we would like to
talk about our terms and conditions to resolve this situation.
To begin with, we want 1.500.000 (one million five hundred thousand) pounds
of remuneration for the death of Franz Ferdinand. We will never get our Archduke
back, but we believe this is the appropriate amount of money to repair the loss of our
archiduque. We have decided that this amount will be a big help for the poor people
of our country.
Apart from that, we want the murderer to be processed and punished in our
country according to our laws. Because this crime can not go unpunished.
Taking into account the history, Serbia had an alliance with Russia. That's
why we are going to propose the following things, because they are necessary to
avoid the war.
Russia, we are going to offer the perfect way to avoid war and give Serbia
what they deserve.
● We are going to redraw the European map giving you 20% of our territory.
You will have more land, power and possibilities.
● Offer a commerce agreement that benefits both of us. We are wide open to
future agreements and to help increase your economy.
● We will suspend taxes for Russia when you are in our territory, which will
benefit both of our economies.
Up to now, we were having good commercial agreements with other countries
and we are convinced this will be another success for both sides.
War is something terrible that we have to avoid over here. That's why we
hope you will accept our proposal.
Thank you all for listening, and hope peace will become a priority above all.

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