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Book Review by Hajar

Title: ‘The Flowers’ Author: Alice Walker

Charactres: The story is about a young, ten year old girl, named Myop. She lives with her
family on a farm and loves adventures. Being on the farm makes her feel excited, light and
comfortable under the warm sun of the summer.

Plot: At the start of the story, it is a nice, sunny and bright day and it seemed to Myop as she
was on the farm playing and exploring, that the days had never been as beautiful as these. It
was warm and breezy, everything seemed perfect on this nice, summer day. But, as the story
slowly progresses, the day seems to feel less perfect. This starts when she leaves the farm
without her parents realising, she goes to the back, through the woods, collecting different
flowers and things she finds on the way. By twelve o'clock, her arms were full of her findings,
she was a mile or more from home. She had often been as far before, but the strangeness
made it not as pleasant as her usual haunts. It seemed gloomy in the little cove in which she
found herself. The air was damp, the silence close and deep. Then she suddenly finds
something strange, on the ground there is a body of a tall man. His head lay detached beside
him, when she pushed back the leaves and layers of earth and debris Myop saw that he'd
had large white teeth, all of them cracked or broken, long fingers, and very big bones. All his
clothes had rotted away except some threads of blue denim from his overalls. The buckles of
the overall had turned green. “Myop laid down her flowers. And the summer was over.” Which
means that before Myop found this body she was still an innocent child but after this her
childhood was over and life was not perfect anymore.

My Opinion: I think that Myop, at a young age, should not go to places far from home alone,
an adult should be with her so that she doesn’t get hurt or something bad happens to her as
she is very young. Also, it is not fair to Myop that her summer, or childhood is over as she is
still a child and should not have to see these things as she will think about it for the rest of her
life and will hurt her a lot and affect her.

Recommendation: I think you should read this story because it’s very interesting because it
shows how in just one day everything can change. In the morning everything was perfect and
she was still a happy child living on a farm with a perfect life but because she was curious
and likes adventure she decided to leave her perfect home and explore on her own, and then
everything changes when she goes too far and finds the body of that dead man rotting away.
So it is very interesting how everything changes for her and she is just a child.

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