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1.Why the future and why plan for the it?
• What is the future
• Difference between the future and destiny
2.The Past Vs The Future
• Why people are unable to move on
3.The Future is a predictable reality ( you are the architect of your
• The Vision board
4.Why you must start early
5.Fuel for your future
• The God factor
• The principle of serving
• The principle of honour and recognition
• The principle of seed sowing
• Proactiveness
• Mentorship
• Discipline
Final words of admonishment
Other books by the author
I humbly dedicate this wonderful work piece to the Glorious Church
for their love and support throughout this journey .

Thank you sweet Holy Spirit for being my Senior Partner . We are this
far because of your constant presence. Thank you sweet Holy Spirit,
forever our Senior Partner.

Understanding The Future is a work piece compiled through the
constant observations I made while growing up. The future is not a
special day set aside. The future is the tomorrow you spoke about
yesterday but it takes the wise to know what the demand of the
future is. The future can be pretty simple and exciting if you want.
You don’t need a 1000 pages of motivational books to make it in life.
You can be motivated but if you lack the right motive towards the
future, you will fail. The future is a predictable reality not based on
prophecies but principles.
• Why the future and why plan for it?
Ever wondered why no matter how many times you cry or get
upset over a broken glass it never gets fixed? Yes!, because you can
never fix a broken past. You can only let the past be a stepping stone
to attain higher heights into the future. The past is not worth killing
yourself for! Put yourself together and turn pain into power!.
The Future should be something you are so passionate and
obsessed about. You can only get things you are obsessed about.
If a great future is not your obsession, count yourself out of
greatness. Why obsession? When you are obsessed about
something, you don’t care how you will get it , you take risk , you
sacrifice, you are restless until you get it. Be passionate about
having a successful future. Its not compulsory to have a successful
future anyway, maybe you don’t have the seed of greatness
wired in you but if you do want to create legacies for your
children, make a name for yourself and leave life to the fullest,
then you need to make up your mind to fight for it. It can not
possible that not everyone will have a successful future but make
up your mind that will not be your story. Fight for that future!, life
will not give it to you, you take it!
Now the big question, why the future? You live towards your future
not your past. You walk forward not backwards because there is
always much visibility ahead than behind. It is the future that gives
you hope. If you indeed want a great future, you won’t let anything
else get I’m your way. Focus is key in arriving into that future. You
can basically focus on things ahead not this behind because it is what
focus on that feeds you back at the end .
Moving forward, issues about the future is soo critical that, if
you loose guard, you will slack. You can not handle the future by
your own strength. It is too heavy at the top to handle it alone. You
need an unseen hand. Yes! You might be wondering why spirituality
is soo important in this journey. The future is first spiritual just as life
is first spiritual. You need to do this “ future thing” spiritually. Have
you asked yourself what is so important about the future that even
God is mindful of? I guess you have not but if you have kudos!
Jeremiah 29 :11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares
the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future”.
It can be that, those who don’t have a prosperous future did not seek
the face of God. Why ? Because God had the pans but you still need
to ask him the way forward. You need to involve God. Failure is
never God’s plan for anyone. The bible said ask and you shall be
given . So if you don’t ask God , you can’t be given.The future is not
ordinary and you need an unseen hands to sail you through. Your
spirituality really matters in this journey of life. You can not serve
God and fail neither can you put God incharge of your future and fail.
Many have been a product of the God factor in the process of their
life journey. God can be with a man and he will prosper. A biblical
example is Uzziah. 2 chronicles 26:5 says ,” And he sought God in
the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of
God: and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper”.
Your spirituality will play a very key role in your journey of life.Let
the word of God guide you through this journey because it has been
tested and approved.
What then is the future ?
The future is the tomorrow you spoke about yesterday .
Therefore, you live in the future everyday. The future is not a
special day which comes unexpected!. Infact there’s nothing like
unexpected future. What you do today will magnify itself
tomorrow. Don’t expect to you sleep and wake up to a day called
Future. Today is even what you spoke about yesterday. The future
is what you live on daily basis. The biggest mistake we make is
that we think there is more time!. No there is not. You are already
living your future so sit up. I have heard young people say, “don’t
focus too much on the future but instead put much effort into
today because you only live once”. Many youths have destroyed
their destiny because of this jargon. They live once so they live any
how and waste time. There’s is no time to waste and life won’t
give you a second chance neither will the world give you a second
A great future is as a result of great planning. Most youths
forget that, they are failing and unproductive because they did not
plan ahead. I am not surprised why many youths are not
achieving. This is because they are not visionary and only think for
and about themselves. They want to have the full pleasure today.
But remember, if you fail to plan you plan to Fail. The world pays
those who are visionary, goal achievers and proactive , you need
to plan ahead.
Also, I had a conversation with one of my brothers who said, “what is
the essence of working too much for a future I’m not even certain
about”? They forget that , a good parent is one who leaves
inheritance for his children’s children. I told him ,”It is better to die
with excess than to die in lack". Then I asked him, “ why are you not
certain about the future?” and he said, “ the future is in God’s hands
so wherever he lands me I’m okay“. This statement is powerful but
that is a mediocre thinking. You are the architect of your future and
you decide your future. God just helps you with what you bring to
the table so that if you decide to be poor, you don’t blame God.
Cast your mind back to school when you vowed to excel in that
particular subject. Yes!, you studied soo hard, had sleepless nights,
and made all the necessary preparations In order to be sure you
were ready for that paper. You could not even wait for the
examination to begin because you are sure you prepared adequately
well. Yes!, same applies to the future. You need adequate
preparation to make its successful and productive. The bible says, “If
a knife is blunt much strength is applied but if a knife is sharp less
strength is applied “. That is to say, if the preparation is Excellent
success is assured. Your tomorrow is productive and successful based
on your sacrifices and preparations today. Remember the future you
do not plan for you can not have.
This brings my mind back to a conversation I had with
one of my daughters. I asked her if she had any plans towards
her next five years? She said, “ Apostle Sir, I don’t really know
and I have not plan that yet but all I know is that I will be
great and my future will be excellent”. You might be thinking
she’s talking with so much faith and boldness but remember
what the Bible teaches on Faith? It says in the book of James ,“
Faith without work is dead”. You can therefore have all the
faith in this world but if you fail to plan you plan to fail and
scriptures can never broken!.
The future can be great and terrible , the ball lies in your
court. You are the architect of your own future. Plan that future
and fight for it because there is no successful future for an idle

Many failures can be traced to lack of understanding about

the future. It is surely one thing to assume the future and it is
another thing to understand what the future holds. The future is not
magical, it is technical and you determine how you want it to be. A
great future is built through determination, discipline and hardwork.
Its okay to mess up in your past but don’t miss your future.


Many of us might be thinking that future and destiny are the same
and therefore can be used interchangeably. Remember I stated that,
the future is something you have control over. You determine the
outcome of your future. That is to say , you are the planner or
architect of your own future. Your future can be whatever you
manifest by exercising your free-will in your thoughts, words, and
actions. Let’s break this down. Why thoughts, words and actions?
• Thoughts because, as a man thinketh, so is he. As you think,
you because and that is the power of your imagination. Your
thought is a realm on its own where you can manifest whatever
you want. Your thought has a magnetic force that pulls things
to you. For instance, if you constantly think failure, you
manifest failure. Even wealth is a mindset. Its okay think big
even if you don’t have money. Poverty is first a state of the
mind so don’t let it manifest. Sometimes you think about
something and even God answers. Why? Because your
thoughts are prayer points. Your thoughts are powerful and it
can make and unmake you. Imagine that future, create it
mentally. A future you can’t create mentally, you can’t
manifest physically.
• Your future can be manifested by your words. Why your
words? Because the power of life and death lies on the tongue.
You are constantly what you say to your self. As you pronounce
success on yourself, you become successful. Manifestations
are power tools used to attract things from the spirit realm.
Start prophesying into your future, start saying words of
encouragement to yourself. Understand the power of the
tongue because as Adam named them, it was so. Whatever
name you give to a situation, it is so. Your future can be
beautiful if you want.
• Actions also play a major role in determining your further.
Don’t just think and say, act it! . The prove that you are wise is
that you talk and act. Don’t just talk! Act it!. Yes! Actions speaks
louder than words. You don’t think of being a millionaire and all
you do when you wake up is to eat and sleep. Do the necessary
things, do what the millionaires do, don’t just be idle . Don’t
imagine you’ll sleep and wake up a millionaire. If wishes were
horses, beggars would be riding. Learn to apply principles
underlying every situation. Application is a prove of wisdom.
Don’t Just be a talkative, be a doer, be a man or woman of your
words. The world is I for those who talk and act not just talk. Be
on the move because you can only meet greatness on the move
not when you are idle.
What then is Destiny??
Destiny is the predeterminate counsel of God for a man that is
written in the realm of God before time began. Once its in the spirit,
then its in God’s hands. Therefore your destiny is in God’s hands not
your future. What is being prophesied to you is your destiny, its
God’s plans for your life or your God’s plan for your future. Once it
leaves the spirit realm to the physical, it’s no more in God’s hands
but you decide whether it comes to pass or not. So prophecy is
basically the mind of God concerning your life . So your future is not
in God’s hands, it was never in God’s hands and it will never be in
God’s hands until you ask for God’s intervention. And one key thing
to do to invite God into your matter is through prayer. That is why it
is written that ask and it shall be given. You are not entitled to
anything until you ask. Don’t assume God knows what you are going
through. God has nothing to do with anything you did not ask for his
help. Therefore poverty once again is a personal decision and God
knows nothing about it.
TASK: Set your mind to do 5 productive things by the close of
tomorrow. Make sure you set reminders and discipline yourself to
achieve those goals you have set.

Remember those times when you thought those friendships ,
relationships and other tight bonds were not going to end so you
devoted much efforts but they eventually ended. Certain things
don’t last forever , certain things come and go in and out of season
but what matters is your preparation to whatever may come your
Your past has to do with anything you no longer find interest
in or anything behind us. The past can either be positive or negative.
It can be a past relationship, past examination, past job, past
encounter, past glory etc as long as you have nothing to do with it
again. If you should have nothing to do with it then definitely, it
should not have your time and attention. There is surely negative
effects of holding on to the past. Going back to your past after a
great move in your life shows how unstable you are and it shows
how low your self esteem is. Why do you decide to move backwards
when you can actually move forward. Let the past be in the past.
Misfortunes are bound to happen, heartbreaks do happen but once
you decide to move on, move on. No matter how miserable your
past was, there is always hope to push further. Remember, no
matter how long it rains or eventually seizes and no matter how long
the tunnel is there is always light at the end. You need to learn to put
your emotions together and move on because it will cost alot to
hold on to the past , let it go and face a new chapter. Holding on to
the past will cost your time, tears, joy, it will cost you everything.
Now let’s take the past as the examination which You studied so
well but was unable to answer most of the questions because it was
not what you expected. It was certain that you were going to fail in
that subject. You realise that, holding onto the memory of failure
interfered with their preparations for the other subjects. Yes that’s
what the past does, it makes you worry a lot and steals your time so
you become unproductive. It stops you from seeing other
opportunities ahead. Life is like an examination. It doesn’t respond to
what you want neither does it meet your expectations, you rather
prepare towards life. Your failure to prepare towards it will lead to
disappointment and who can you blame if not yourself.
Let’s analyse this also, You know how your body reacts when you
hold on to anger towards someone? You feel so bitter that it affects
your whole mood and even it eats into your schedules. But what
happens when you decide to set things right? You let go off the
anger and you begin to feel so relieved as if a burden has been taken
off your neck. That is how it works. Holding onto the past puts alot of
burden on you. It makes you over think.
Also, for instance, because your first relationship was a mess, you
assume all men at the same. You refuse to give yourself another
chance to fall in love again just because you have refused to let go of
the past. Your inability to forgive and you ability to take revenge is a
clear exposure of your weakness. Unforgiveness and revenge is for
the weak. Sometimes you are unable to forgive because you don’t
love yourself so you can’t express that same love and forgiveness
towards others. Love is an extension therefore what you can’t do to
yourself, you can’t do for others.
Holding on to the past blinds and prevent from seeing other
opportunities. The past is a lens, so is the future. You determine how
you want to see based on the lens you use.. Everyone has a
particular place in their hearts for the past. The story of our lives is
composed of all of our memories, tragedies, and failures. But clinging
to it, however, can frequently make us blind, preventing us from
recognising other crucial chances that might ultimately result in
growth and personal development. One’s inability to recognise new
opportunities is a result of holding onto the past, and this will deny
you many things because in this kingdom, what you have is a
function of your sight. In Genesis 13:14–15 (And the LORD said unto
Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine
eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and
southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou
seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.) We can see that
in this scripture, God told Abraham that as far as he could see, that
means if you don’t see, you cannot have. So our sight determines our
height, meaning that if you are blinded by the past, you cannot seize
hold of new opportunities around you. One can become stagnant
and unable to realise their potential if they hold on to the past. The
sense of bond that results from holding on to the past is among its
main drawbacks. We grow so obsessed with reliving the past that we
forget to make new memories. Because it is outside of our
established routine, we may reject other wise beneficial
opportunities as a result of this. We stop being able to experiment,
take chances, and ultimately develop. Past memories gives the
impression that you are in charge. In the hope that doing so will
provide us with the same sense of fulfilment as the original, we try to
reproduce former experiences, which, as a result, frustrates your
thinking and creates a sense of forgetfulness and a loose focus on
what the future actually even holds.The past is therefore a lense
which prevents you from seeing ahead. A blind person has no clear
sight or vision therefore they can bump into anything. Yes Holding
on it the past can make you miss so many opportunities. Dwelling so
much on the past glory can make you forget about the many doors
ahead because you are content with your little achievements . You
feel so proud of yourself that you set your little achievements as
standards. In as much as its good to celebrate baby achievements, it
can also be irrelevant If you can do better . That is, if there is more
room for improvement. In addition to this, holding on to past
mistakes even reduces yourself confidence. It prevents you from
giving new opportunities a try because you are scared you might fail
Aside The fact that holding onto the past prevent you from
seeing other opportunities, it also makes you feel bitter. Due to some
unfortunate relationships, victims feel insecure and they begin to
look down on themselves. They feel they never deserve the best.
They have become introverts and they are even afraid of their own
selves. Just as I stated earlier, You feel bitter because you don’t love
yourself. You need to fall inlove with yourself. Stop hurting yourself
because you messed up, you deserve the best and you are worth
every good thing. You need to pamper yourself even in the worst
situation. Feeling bitter is just going to hurt and eat you up. Suicide
is as a result of low self love. You don’t love yourself so you only end
up wishing for the worst. If you loved yourself, you wouldn’t hold on
to something which hurts your feelings and tears you apart. The past
will make you think poor about yourself. You have to let it go. The
more you feel bitter, the more you degrade yourself and it affects
your thinking and your mental health as a whole. Learn to love
yourself, learn to put yourself first , learn to forgive yourself.
One dangerous effects for also holding on to the past is that
it’s obscures your vision. Your vision is a bigger picture of where you
want to see yourself. A man without vision is a man going no where.
A biblical example is the story of Joseph. Even though he was in
prison, he still saw himself at the Palace. He prepared himself
because he knew where he wanted to be. His situation did not
prevent him from dreaming big. He did not let the prison take hold
of him because he saw himself bigger than what he was facing. If he
had not seen a bigger picture of where he wanted to be, he would
have given up. Holding on to the past will make sure you don’t do
not get to you desired destination. Let the past make you stronger
instead. Let it be your stepping stone. Give yourself another chance
to make that dream come through. The past will only make you
concentrate on failures. Holding on to the past is just going to
change your focus and let other minor issues disturb you at the
expense of your set goals. Don’t waste time!. You hold on to the past
because your vision is not compelling enough. Set bigger dreams,
challenge yourself. The past will distract you if you allow it. It will
waste your time and degrade Your potentials. The past has nothing
good to offer but it has everything to mess you up. You have goals
and visions you need to catch up with! Don’t waste time.
The Future on the other hand is what is ahead of you. The
future depends on your actions today. The future is a lens you
determine how you want to see it. Focusing more on the future
makes you more productive, more visionary, more proactive, more
stronger . The future has a lot in stock for you but you can’t meet it
unprepared . Before Joseph went to the Palace, he prepared himself
because you can’t meet greatness unprepared. The same way you
Can not meet greatness unprepared, you can not also meet the
future unprepared. Build capacity for the future. Why hold on to the
past when you can let go and build yourself. Instead of letting the
past intimidate you, let it motivate you. You can never change the
past but you can worsen the future if you don’t correct your past
mistakes. The same energy you use to think about the past can be
used to think about the future too. Your past does not determine
your future, it’s your present that does so it’s better to set things
right and fix the future. Focus more on the future opportunities,
making new friends, learning new skills and building more capacity.
You have what it takes to make your life feel better. Focusing more
on the future brings out the best in you. The past I say is a time
snatcher and momentum taker. Focusing on the future opens you
up to alot of opportunities. Kill unstability! You owe your family and
friends alot. Someone is definitely looking up to you.
Life is not always going to be fair. Life is not always going to get fun,
life won’t always be in your favour. But don’t give up and don’t let
this affect your motives. I have come to realise that the beauty of life
is when you still get up even when you fall. Give it a try again, it
might work! If life puts you on the ground, get up, clean up , dress
up and show up more powerful than you were. Humans have a
natural propensity to hold on to our prior experiences, both good
and bad. Even though we may intuitively try to let go of many of
these memories, many of them are likely bad and cause us to
repeatedly revisit them. This is mostly because they are connected to
our emotions and feelings. Because memories have great power and
emotions have an impact on memory, people often remember things
that happened a long time ago as if they happened yesterday. Strong
emotional memories, whether happy or sad, are more likely to stay
in our minds because they elicit strong emotions and reactions.
Other people frequently form emotional ties to their earlier
experiences, especially those that involved strong emotions, such as
tragic or important events. A person may be plagued by the
memories of losing a loved one, for many years.
Some believe that letting go of the past can be frightening
because it requires stepping into the unknown. Even if it is
preventing them from moving forward, people may feel more
comfortable remaining in their comfort zones because they worry
that if they move on , they may not know what to do. As a result,
they may not want to make the change.
Additionally, people's guilt and regret prevent them from
being able to move on from the past. When individuals have erred in
the past, they may have a hard time letting go of feelings of guilt and
contrition, which they believe are irrevocable. When this happens,
people now think and believe that they are unworthy of success and
pleasure. Here are a few more reasons why people are unable to
face life again ;
They lack a compelling vision. A vision is what you see and
you can’t sleep because you are too restless until you get it done!.
People hold on to the past because their vision is not scary
enough, it’s not motivating enough, it’s not compelling enough. If
you make up your mind to throw stone at every dog you meet on
your way, you might not get to your destination on time.
Sometimes, things happen to distract you but learn to be
committed to that vision. If you lack stability and commitment and
you will fail!. This is not the time to cry over spilled milk, put
yourself together and make things work. Set smarter visions, set
deadlines , be proactive, think and achieve those goal. You have a
family to make proud, you have a country to make proud, you
have friends to motivate, be a momentum giver. Let that vision
stand, let it work!. A man without vision for his future always
returns back to his past.
People who cannot let go of their past are people who lack
self worth. Self worth is the ability to understand who you are
and how valuable you are. People lack self worth because of the
countless times they have been abused and humiliated. That is to
say, your choice of places and environment can be reason why
you lack self worth. You need to study yourself, you need to set
values and standards. Don’t let little things get to you. Your self
worth is you net worth. Build yourself, build your brand. Forget
about the past and be the best you can be for yourself. The past
messed you up but don’t mess the future up. Self discovery is
really important and if you don’t know your worth you fall for
everything below standard. Mistakes are bound to happen but
don’t let it be the reason why you hate yourself. Leave the past to
the past and move on. The past is not worth your time, you are
priceless. Just let the past be.
Also, people who hold on to the past are self centred.
They want to understood, they want to be pampered, the want to
be motivated, they want attention. No, you won’t always be
understood, you won’t always get your way out. Be strong for
yourself , the world is not going to pamper you because of your
mistakes. Yes! ,you messed up but what are you doing to prevent
yourself from messing up again ? If you understand that no one
actually cares , you be doing well by now. Learn to survive on your
own. You don’t need motivation. Some have been over motivated
and are now nuisance to their environment. Be your own
motivational speaker, be your own inspiration and get on the
move. The past is not going to get any better but you can prevent
repeating the same mistakes.
Growth is one essential element that helps to let go of
the past. Growth is the ability to develop certain attitudes and
features far different from what and who you were. Growth
prevents you from sticking to one thing for long. Growth will help
you realise that certain things are not worth your time. It takes
growth for you to know that holding on to the past is something
childish and time wasting. People who hold on to the past
therefore lack mental growth. Don’t be a prisoner to your past,
grow mentally!
People hold on to the past because they feel their past
can not be forgiven. It might be true that you did alot of terrible
things and you are now facing the consequences and you feel you
can not forgive yourself. It might also be true that people really hurt
you feelings and they cannot be forgiven. But is that all?? How have
you improved since you kept that pain within you? Is your life
better? Obviously no! At any point in time remember people have
been in worst situation than you have. Your condition they say is
another man’s prayer point. Feeling bitter against yourself will not
change the past, feeling bitter against yourself won’t fetch you
money. Nothing is worth your time if it doesn’t bring out the best in
you. Your past can be forgotten, just stop pampering it!
As I emphasised earlier the past can be a past glory as
well. The past can also be a good memory. But is that good
memory motivating you to do more or its motivating you to relax.
So people are stacked with their past achievements that they
refuse to achieve more than their capabilities. Some people say, “
I used to travel alot, I used to have cars, I used to have business,
I used to heal the sick, I used to prophesy “ so what happened?
They probably thought they had made it in life so they are okay
with their baby achievements. The bible admonishes ad to enlarge
our coast because you have the ability to do more if you want to.
There is always more room for improvement. Nothing moves
until you move it. Don’t let baby achievements be you main focus
if you can do more. You are the best student so you stopped
putting in much effort? , you are the best preacher so you
stopped putting in much efforts? , you cook so well so you
stopped learning different techniques? No! , don’t let yesterday’s
victory prevent you from doing more exploits. Build more capacity
and build on yesterday’s exploits.

Task: You are to have a self introspection and analyse any 5 things
that you think is a destruction and find solutions to them. Also, you
are to write down 5 new habits you’re going to develop to face the
• The future is a predictable reality and you are the architect of
your own future
The future can be predicted not just based on prophecies but
based on your attitude towards it. How you prepare your future
today will determine its outcome tomorrow. How is the future
predictable? What happens if you plant a mango seed? you grow a
mango tree and you harvest mangoes not oranges. Therefore if you
are not making the right decisions about your future today, don’t
expect anything contrary. That is to say, if you play with your future
today, don’t expect to be successful tomorrow. You will fail and
even anointing can not change the effect .
Just as I mentioned in chapter one, if you fail to plan you plan
to fail. You don’t wake up into a future you have not envisioned or
planned. Therefore, your future is in your planning. You can predict
the future based on the preparations you are making towards it.
Your future is basically a magnification of your actions today. That is
to say, your future is not different from what you do today.
Your ability to understand that the future is in your own
hands and you decide the outcome of it is an alarm to you to get
serious. Many people think theìr future is in God’s hands. But I
repeat, God knows nothing about your future. Psalm 115: 16( The
heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's: But the earth hath he
given to the children of men). This basically shows that, you are the
captain and the brain behind whatever that happens to you on earth.
God has given you the dominion to create whatever future you
desire for yourself. Even though the future may appear uncertain to
us, there are some factors that make it possible for us to predict it
fairly accurately. Studying historical trends and patterns is one such
element that enables us to predict future events based on our
knowledge of the past. In Proverbs 22:28, Remove not the ancient
landmark, which thy fathers have set." and also in Jeremiah 6:16
(Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the
old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall
find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein."
We understand in the first scripture that "we must not remove
ancient landmarks that our fathers have set." The "ancient
landmark" actually means historical trends and patterns, as the
second also emphasises those same historical trends and patterns by
saying, "We should ask of the old paths where there is a good way
and walk in." This simply implies that whatever you want to do in the
future, someone has somehow already done it, so you just need to
walk in and study those people on your path, and you will be
successful because the secrets of men are in books. For instance, if
you want to be a businessman, there are so many successful
business experts who have written books, so just read the books and
get their knowledge and secrets on how they did it and apply them;
that is wisdom, and you will be successful as well. If you are able to
apply these principles well today, you can predict that your future
will only be a success and not a failure.
• Every man is the architect of their own future
Everyman is the architect of their own future that is to say, you are
the planner of your future. An architect is one who draws out a vivid
plan of a building . So to be an architect of your own future is to
gather the needed information and resources, counting all costs in
building the future you want. Yes! Count all costs before building
that future. Know the demands of the future you want to build and
prepare adequately. The future is not a joke! Delay gratification! that
is, joke now and fail in future or sacrifice now and enjoy. You are
indeed the determinant of Your own success. You can choose to be
poor or rich. Remember, poverty is a personal decision but I will
admonish you to do whatever you can to avoid poverty. No matter
what you do never become poor!
The future is governed by principles and it takes a disciplined
person to acknowledge this fact. A successful future is expensive and
it only takes the determined to make this happen. Once again, the
future is based on principles than prophecies. For instance, imagine
being prophesied to that you become a doctor but you are not
studying medicine neither do you have plans on becoming a doctor.
Eventually, This prophecy will not come to pass. This is because you
don't have plans on being a doctor neither Add their preparation
towards becoming a doctor. but the future is based on principles
because, if you want to become a millionaire, you start the journey
early. You start your business, you create your social currencies, you
gather enough knowledge either through reading or business
conferences, sow seeds and follow other necessary principles that
will land you safely into that desired future. The future once again is
expensive and everything great comes with a price. Pay the price
today and play tomorrow or play today and pay the price tomorrow.
There is no excuse to fail In this century. Coming from a poor
background is no excuse, disability is no excuse, you have to change
your mindset and take hold of that future. This Draws my mind to
that old man in old man selling and begging on the streets. Yes! They
choose that life and it’s was never God’s plan for them. God never
wishes poverty and suffering for his children. Becoming poor is not
God’s will for us but instead, it is God’s will that we prosper. All those
people made that decision and there paying for it. Remember,
even anointing can not change the effect of the bad decision. No
matter what, Never become poor! Take hold of your future now!
Start young, start early, and arrive early. No one and absolutely no
one is responsible for your failure and if you doubt this, become poor
and see how many will treat you like trash. This is an alarm! Count
the cost and build your future. You are the planner of that beautiful
family you want to have, those beautiful car and houses you wants
to have , those businesses and companies you want to establish!
Yes! You are the brain behind it so let it work. Don’t assume the
future! Just follow principles. Don’t follow men who say “ no one
knows tomorrow “ . You know tomorrow based on what you do
today. Don’t expect something contrary to your actions today. As
you live you sow seeds which will eventually harvest. You know
tomorrow! Don’t be deceived.


As I stated earlier, a successful future is a planned future . One
way to plan that future is to have a vision board. A vision board is
simply the drafting down of your goals or plans you want to achieve.
Or in other words, a vision board is a tool that helps individuals to
clarify and focus on theirs goals and aspirations. The vision board is
like a map that contains different destinations concerning different
areas in your life . Its a way of also transcribing your abstract realities
into tangible realities.
You can’t be serious about your future until you have detailed
information and plans about it. You can’t manifest what you don’t
have plans about. Putting them on paper makes them tangible . In
the book of Habakkuk 2:2-3Then the Lord answered me and said:
“Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run
who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the
end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. This makes us
understand that, first, a vision or plan must be written down. This is
because, once you write it down, it gets stacked with you. It plays to
you every time, it becomes part of your thoughts. Secondly, the
vision or plan must benefit who ever comes into contact with it in
your absence. It should be something that can still function In your
absence. Lastly , the vision board can not be accomplished over
night. It will take time for it to manifest. It might not make sense at
the beginning but just give it time.
A vision board might either be drafted based on an inspiration
from God or basically our own plans for our future. It can be an
inspiration in a sense that, sometimes, God reveals a glimpse of our
future to us and that then becomes an assignment for us to make
sure it’s executed. That is to say, once it’s an assignment, then its
needs strategic planning and that’s where the vision board sets in.
Therefore preparation is the gap between the time God
communicates an assignment to you right to the time you successful
execute that assignment Also, a vision board can be drafted based
on our own plans for the future. That is to say, drafting down where
you expect to be in some years to come. A vision which is driven by
your own personal goals.
As believers, it is expedient for us to engage the spirit
concerning our plans since we are expected to live according to the
will of God. One way to verify if our plans are in alignment with the
will of God is when we find peace in it. Inner peace is one way
through which God communicates to us. Therefore once you find
peace in that plan, automatically, it’s backed by God. Your vision
board must not necessary contain cars, houses, lands, etc No!, you
mean your main purpose on earth is to get lands and houses. Think
generational, be a generational thinkers. Look for means to inspire
your generation. Look for means to impact generation. Don’t just
think about yourself. All the rich men we hear about thought of how
to impact their generation. Generational thinking is a source of
income. We have established in Kingdom that, God is after
generational thinkers not men who are after their own personal gain.
So ever wondered why that prayer is not being answered?? Check
the content of that prayer!
• Why then must you pen down your vision?
It’s important to pen down your vision because it helps you
clarify and solidify your goals. It helps you stay focused. Creating a
vision board allows you to identify what you truly want to achieve in
life. That is to say, it makes your plans tangible that it keeps you
focused. It makes you see broader view and means of achieving your
goals. It gives you a clear perspective of where you really want to go.
It underlines what you have to expect and what you should avoid.
Creating a vision board forces you to think deeply about what you
really want in life. It helps you clarify your goals, dreams, and
aspirations and gives you a clear picture of what you need to do to
achieve them. Creating a vision board can help clarify what you want
to achieve in life. By writing your goals and desires, it gives you a
better understanding of what you truly want and what steps you
need to take to get there.
Also, writing down your vision motivates you. Seeing your
goals and dreams displayed on your vision board can provide you
with motivation and inspiration to work towards achieving them. A
vision board serves as a constant reminder of your goals and dreams.
It keeps you focused and motivated, even when you encounter
obstacles or setbacks. By looking at images and words that represent
your goals and aspirations, you can stay focused and inspired to
achieve them. Your vision board should be one that scares you, one
that puts you on your toes. It should not be something easily
attained. It should be something that would draw you closer to God.
You will need grace to accomplish it. A vision board should birth a
prayer life. It should serve as a reminder of what you're working
towards, and why it's important to you.
A vision board should help you to maintain a positive mindset and
focus on your desired outcomes, which can lead to their
Manifestation. By focusing on your desires, you can attract them into
your life. The Law of Attraction suggests that we create our own
reality through our thoughts and feelings . The law of attraction also
suggests that you attract into your life what you focus on. By
regularly visualizing your goals and desires through your vision
board, you are sending a powerful message to the universe that you
are ready to receive what you want. Therefore by focusing on what
you want, you can attract it into your life. A vision board can help
you manifest your desires by keeping them at the forefront of your
mind. Your focus on birthing forth a desired future is what will
determine if you can mange the future. Focus grows things! Ĺearn to
focus on the little things. Learn to see things grow.
As I stated earlier, putting down your vision makes them more
visible and tangible. It brings it to reality. Visualization is a powerful
tool for creating change in your life. When you visualize yourself
achieving your goals, you send a powerful message to your
subconscious mind, which can help to make your desires a reality.
That is to say, a future you don’t see you can’t have. You want to but
a car but have you visited a car garage? Exposure creates a realm I
the spirit. You need to see certain things if you really want to have
Accountability is also a reason why you need to display your
goals on a vision board. It helps you to stay accountable and
responsible to yourself. By reviewing your vision board regularly, you
can track your progress towards your goals and make any necessary
adjustments to your plan. By creating a vision board, you are making
a commitment to yourself and your goals. It holds you accountable
for taking action towards your dreams and ensures that you don't
lose sight of what you truly want in life.
In summary, having a vision board can be an effective way to clarify
your goals, stay motivated, manifest your desires, visualize success,
and hold yourself accountable to achieving your goals.

Task: make a 5 to 10 years step-by-step plan of the future you wish

to have and do well to pen down all the news details and information
you will need.

• The bases of life and why you must start early
Life does not start at 40! Life starts once you receive lights or
understanding about the future. Life starts at 40 is a jargon for the
failure . The understanding of life is what brings out the beauty in it.
It is one thing to understand life and its another thing to live life. You
can’t live life to the fullest if you don’t understand the necessities of
life. Life can be made simple and those who are able to accumulate
the secret of life are and those are the ones who start life early. That
is to say, life can be hacked based on following certain principles.
Certain things are beautiful when started early. How do you
feel when you see a classmate, age mate or anyone younger than
you having their own businesses, driving, aspiring for positions etc ?
Yes, it’s very beautiful. There is absolutely no harm in starting young.
It is better to start and fail than not to start at all. It’s might be that
you failed but you will have an experience to do better next time.
You need to start early so you can arrive early. You might be
thinking that starting early means “ rush life". No , to start early
simply means start preparing towards life early. Don’t assume there
is more time so you can waste your 20s and plan for your future in
your 30s.Life can really get late. Why do you waste your 20s and start
preparing for life at 30. There are a lot lie won’t give you so you have
to fight for them. Age 20 is for war! Life is a process doesn’t mean sit
down and expect life to give you a car because you are 25years No!
Life won give you, you take it! Start fighting for that life you want to
have . Be aggressive!
To start life early doesn’t mean you wake up oneday to look
for money and start buying cars or building houses. To start life early
is to prepare . Some youths have still not come to the realisation that
the outside world is not easy as they see it. Life has a demand and
you can’t meet life unprepared. Destiny must dawn on you. You are
growing! Make up your mind to take hold of your future now .It is
beautiful to have a firm grip of the future you want to have before
age 25 . Age 16 to 20 is the time for establishments and war. Young
man!, young woman!, your are not too young to make life happen.
Let no man despise your youth.
Many young people are achieving and they are not more than
you. You have no excuse. You both have 2 eyes, 2 hands, 2 legs, 1
brain, 24 hours, what is stopping you ? . They have Internet
connection so do you . There is no valid excuse . Jesus Christ started
his ministry at age 12. You think it was easy? You think he was not
discouraged? But he knew what he was in for. He knew his
assignment and he knew where he wanted to be. 2kings 22:1( Josiah
was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-
one years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jedidah the
daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath). You might be thinking certainly he
had all the provisions so becoming king was not a problem. You think
you are from a poor home so you can’t do anything great. But what if
he was made king because he was wise at his young age not because
they had the resources. That is to say, don’t let your pocket
determine your possibilities. Success is first a state of the mind. You
can’t do beyond your thinking. The life out there is for thinkers , its
for the wise. A wise man prepares ahead of time so be wise. Don’t
take life for granted, you need to start early.
Many at times, we hear people say, “ life is not a competition
so relax”. I also ask them that, “ if life is not a competition, why do
we have first class students and second class lower? Why did the
bible say in Deuteronomy 28:13 And the Lord will make you the
head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be
beneath,...?. Life is a competition young man , young woman! If it
wasn’t, everyone would be treated equally, first and second class
lower students would be given the same work benefit, there will be
no need to work hard to prove a point in your family. Life is a
competition and we all run a race to achieve a better place.
1Corinthians 9:24 says that run so you may obtain a good prize. No
one is struggling to make ends meet because they want to, they do it
because there is a price the want to achieve. Life once again is a
competition and you dare not want to loose the race.
In as much as life is a competition, you need to take your time
but make sure you are in time. That is to say, run but run wisely not
just because everyone is running. To take your time is to go through
the process . Young people these days want to escape process. But
know that, you can’t progress without going through the process.
Whatever you want to do or become, someone has done it and
someone is already. You just need to go through the lay down
pattern. The youths want success without hardwork, success
without process , success over night. They don’t want to pay the
price. Its either you pay the price today and enjoy tomorrow or you
enjoy today and pay the price tomorrow but the bottom line is that,
you will eventually pay the price. Success comes with a price. If it
was easy, we will all be doing it. Learn to follow the process. Its okay
not to know everything and its okay to ask for help. But know that
,someone has already done what you want to do. Just as King
Solomon said, “ There’s nothing new under the sun".
Starting life early will require that you stand on the shoulders
of men to get to your desired destination. That is, the power of
leveraging . Men are ladders, men are gateways, men are path
ways. You will eventually need a man along the journey. Before
Jesus could get to Samaria, he had to go through a prostitute .
Jesus needed a prostitute because he did not have what it takes to
go to Samaria. Sometimes, we are unable to receive from men
because we cannot accept the fact that men can land us into our
destination. Some people made it in life because of men. They
understood that its not everything they can achieve. Sometimes
going through all the process an make you be late. You need men
who have already gone through the process. Sometimes going
through the process could mean going through men. Men are
destinations. By leveraging on the experiences of others, you can
avoid making the same mistakes they did and take a more direct
path towards your goals. Seeking advice and guidance from mentors,
coaches, or people who have already achieved what you are striving
for can help you learn valuable lessons and gain insights that can
accelerate your progress. Aside The fact that leveraging on men will
help you avoid mistakes, it helps you build a network of supportive
individuals that can help you access opportunities, resources, and
connections that you may not have been able to access on your own.
Leveraging can also help provide you with emotional support,
encouragement, and accountability as you work towards your goals.
Standing on the shoulders of men can help you arrive early in life by
saving time and energy. You arrive early quickly and effortlessly with
men than your efforts.
In short, leveraging on others can help you arrive early in life by
allowing you to learn from the experiences of others, build strong
relationships and networks, share ideas and resources, and save time
and effort. By working with others, you can achieve your goals more
quickly and efficiently than you could on your own.
You need to recognise what men carry if you want to start and
arrive early in life . Not all me are the same. The person who said all
men are the same is a failure. Not all men are the same I repeat.
Men are in sizes , oil on men differ. Some are gates to greatness.
Don’t trivialise what men carry. Learn to discern, recognise what is
on a man. Recognition is key if you want to catch what is on a man.
Some men have graces to start and arrive early in life and it takes
Recognition to catch this grace. You can’t catch a grace you don’t
recognise. No you can’t!. Elisha asked for a double portion of what
Elijah carried but Elijah replied, “You have asked a difficult thing,”
“yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours—
otherwise, it will not.”(2 Kings 2:10). Recognition causes attraction.
Also, recognizing the graces of others can also help you cultivate
humility, which is an important trait in achieving success. When you
acknowledge the contributions of others, you recognize that you are
not the only one responsible for your success, and this can help you
avoid becoming arrogant or overconfident. Aside catching the graces
on men, recognising the accomplishments of others can inspire you
to pursue your own goals with renewed motivation and dedication.
When you recognize the graces of successful people, you can be
inspired by their achievements and strive to emulate their success.
Starting early in life would mean you serving your way to
top. Men have indeed made it in life because they understood the
principle of serving. It is through service that success secrets of men
are dispersed to you. As you serve, you get the chance to know the
success secrets of men. Serving opens you to alot of opportunities.
Naomi met Boaz through service . Service provides us with
opportunities to meet and connect with people from different
backgrounds and professions. This can help us build a strong network
of contacts, which can be beneficial in finding new opportunities . If
Noami stopped serving because Ruth asked her to leave, she would
have missed alot of opportunities. Serving others can help us build
relationships and networks with people who share similar interests
and goals. By working together towards a common goal, we can
learn from others, gain new perspectives, and create opportunities
that may not have been available otherwise. Serving is one of the
great doors that has helped men in their journey of life.
To start early in life, you will need stability and focus. Stability
is staying faithful to a course until its accomplished . Once you make
up your mind to arrive early in life you need to be stable and focus.
We all have individual objectives and dreams that we want to realise
as we go through life. Stability and focus are two traits that might
help you arrive earlier than anticipated, even though the route itself
may be complicated . Stability serves as our life foundation and its
also based on two parameters: wisdom and knowledge. Isaiah 33:6(
And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and
strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure) makes us
understand that "wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of
thy times," which means that instability is a result of a wisdom
problem. Stability as a foundation: we could see that if you are wise,
you are stable, and the Bible makes us understand that "wisdom is a
principle or fundamental thing," and since your level of wisdom
determines your level of stability, this means that stability indeed
serves as our lives’ foundation and is therefore very crucial. Whether
we are pursuing a specific objective or just going about our daily
lives, having consistency may make a huge impact. We are better
able to handle the difficulties that life presents us with when we are
much focused and stable. You don’t allow unnecessary things get in
your way. For example , imagine being 20 years and you set a target
to get your first car an house by 25 years. Since you want to achieve
about 85 %to 90 % of your goals by 25, you will be forced to stay
focused because you only have 5 years. You don’t waste time and
money on unproductive activities which won’t help you achieve that
goal you have set for yourself.

Our parents' achievements can potentially provide us with

several advantages that may help us start and arrive early in life. Our
parents have achieved success in their careers or personal lives, they
may have access to resources such as financial stability, a good
education, connections, and opportunities that we may not have had
otherwise. This can provide us with a head start in life and help us
achieve our goals faster. In some cases also, parents' achievements
may result in financial rewards or inheritance that can be passed
down to their children. This can provide us with a financial safety
net, allowing us to take more risks and pursue our goals with greater
confidence. Finally, parents who have achieved success in their own
lives are more likely to provide their children with support and
guidance to help them succeed. They may be better equipped to
provide advice, share their experiences, and offer valuable insights
that can help us navigate challenges and make better decisions.
Therefore our parents achievements or legacies can serve as a
stepping stone or a gate to help us start and arrive early in life.
Proverbs 13:22 says that, “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his
children's children..” from this, we can say that, many have climbed
the ladder of success as a result of support from their parents . Its
okay to come from a poor home but do not make poor home. You
might not get the opportunities that others are getting but do your
best to give your children the life you could not get.
While our parents' achievements can certainly provide us with
advantages, it's important to remember that our own efforts and
actions are ultimately what determine our success in life. We cannot
rely solely on the accomplishments of others to propel us forward;
we must work hard and pursue our own goals with determination
and perseverance.
Here are some other tips to help you start achieving at a young

Set goals: Decide what you want to achieve and create a plan to
make it happen. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,
and time-bound goals (SMART) to help you stay focused and

Develop good habits: Good habits can help you stay on track and
be more productive. For example, develop a routine that includes
regular exercise, healthy eating, and consistent prayer life, study
or work habits.

Learn from others: Seek out mentors or role models who can offer
advice and guidance. Look for successful people in your field or
community and learn from their experiences.

Take risks: Don't be afraid to take on new challenges and try new
things. Taking risks can help you learn and grow, and can also lead
to new opportunities.
Stay focused: It's easy to get distracted or discouraged, but it's
important to stay focused on your goals. Avoid procrastination
and stay motivated by reminding yourself of your reasons for
pursuing your goals.

Remember, success takes time and effort. Starting to achieve at a

young age can be a great way to build the skills, habits, and
mindset you need to succeed later in life.

• Why your youthful season is important

Your youthful years are years where you invest in yourself that
is to say, you build capacity, make relevant friends, read a lot and
become a lover of knowledge, research more and explore wisely.
Your 20 to 25 years is the building block of your life. What you do
during those years will determine your life. That is the time you
should have clarity of purpose, know what you want to do. That is
not the time to engage in youthful exuberance. You have a future
ahead of you, be wise! . This is the time you sieve your associations ,
sieve your exposures. What you see or hear constantly forms you. At
this age, the least things really get to you, they form part of your
thoughts, thy constantly mould your personality.
You might want to party , go to the beach ,have all the fun in
the world but is that going to positively enhance your growth. Your
20 to 25 years is for war and establishment. What’s the essence of
having fun when all you have is a mobile phone? What’s the essence
of having fun when you don’t even have any investment? Really,? Is
that the life you want? What have you establishment so far? You are
between the ages of 20 to 25 and all you do is to have fun? Then you
are a failure! time lost can never be regained. Time is the most
essential commodity every man can have. Others have made it in life
because they utilised it. We all have 24hours but how come some are
rich and others our poor?? Yes the messed up when they were
supposed to be establishing. The basic unit of life is time.
The little things you do at this age will really matter. From your
kind of friends, the books you read , to the places you go, to the
habit you develop will all form your personality . That is to say, the
books you read and your company of friends will determine your
next 10 years.

• Why must you start achieving young

Starting life early generally refers to starting to take action
towards achieving one's goals and aspirations at a young age.
Starting to achieve at a young age can be a great way to set
yourself up for success later in life. It's important to develop good
habits early on and to work hard to reach your goals. It’s
important to know that the youths have the ultimate power to
make great things happen. You are not too young to move the
world, you are not too young to contest for that position, you are
not too young to get that car, start that business, push for it!

The idea of achieving success at a young age is often touted as

desirable because it allows individuals to have more time to enjoy
the fruits of their labour and potentially have a greater impact on the
world around them. However, it is important to remember that
success is subjective and can be achieved at any age. But however,
starting early in life can offer certain advantages or more advantages
than starting late in life. Therefore there are several reasons why it
can be beneficial to start early in life:
One key reason why you need to starting life early is that, it
gives you more time to pursue your goals, develop your skills, gain
experience, and achieve your dreams. The earlier you start, the more
time you have to work towards your goals and make progress. Time
is a valuable and finite resource that cannot be regained once it is
lost. Therefore, starting early can give you a significant advantage in
achieving success. Starting early also gives you the opportunity to
take advantage of opportunities that may not be available later in
life. For example, if you want to pursue a career that requires a lot of
education and training, starting early can give you more time to
complete your education and gain the necessary experience to be
successful in your field.
Energy and resilience are important reasons why starting life
early can be beneficial. When you're young, you generally have more
energy and vitality to pursue your goals and aspirations. This can
help you take on new challenges, try new things, and take risks that
may not be as feasible as you get older. In addition, younger people
often have more resilience to handle setbacks and failures. When
you're young, you may be more willing to take risks and try new
things because you have less to lose. This can help you build
resilience and develop a growth mindset that allows you to bounce
back from setbacks and learn from your mistakes. Starting life early
can also help you build good habits and routines that promote
physical and mental health, such as exercise, meditation, and healthy
eating. These habits can help you maintain your energy and
resilience over time, allowing you to stay focused and productive as
you work towards your goals.
Moving forward, access to opportunities is a key reason why
starting life early can be beneficial. When you start pursuing your
goals at a young age, you have more time to take advantage of
opportunities that may not be available later in life. You get the
chance to explore different opportunities in life thus, from career to
business, to education, etc. If you want to start your own business,
starting early can give you more time to develop your idea, test your
product or service, and build a customer base. You may also have
access to more resources and support programs for young
entrepreneurs. Aside this, starting life early can also give you more
time to focus on personal growth and development. You can explore
different interests and hobbies, learn new skills, and develop healthy
habits that will benefit you throughout your life.
Lastly, experience is often considered a reason for starting
life early because the more time someone spends living, the more
opportunities they have to learn, grow, and develop their skills and
knowledge. Starting life early can provide individuals with a head start
in gaining experience, as they have more time to explore different
paths, make mistakes, and learn from them. Starting early also gives
you more time to make mistakes, learn from them, and apply those
lessons to future endeavours. By starting early, you have the
opportunity to try different things, explore your interests, and figure
out what you are passionate about. This can be particularly valuable if
you are still figuring out your career goals and aspirations.
Therefore in summary, you starts early so you can arrive early
as well. Starting early gives you all the experiences so you don’t fail
where it matters. You start at least so you learn to responsible. You
start early so you catch the grace to do more exploits. It's one thing
to start at 25 and it’s another thing to start at 40 but the difference is
Grace. Sometimes, you need to start early so you can serve as a
motivation to others. Remember it’s ok to start small but never remain
small. It might not work or take shape at the first try. You will be
discouraged, you be humiliated, but don’t give up! It will all make
sense one day.
Ever seen a new born baby who started working immediately
after it was delivered? No! They grow gradually. It might not make
sense at the beginning but you will become the envy and sight of
attraction. Jesus started at age 12, Josiah became king at at age 8, so
what then is your excuse? . Be on the move !

The Do's and Dont's of your youthful age

*What every youth between 16- 25 must Do
1. Every youth going somewhere must consider the God factor.
Prayer is the key and will always be. Learn to spend time in prayers
and set days aside for fasting. Let your spirituality be on point during
the journey of life. Be a prayerful youth not just an enjoying youth!
2.Laziness is one key enemy of progress. Deal with laziness else it will
disgrace you. You can’t achieve that vision with laziness. It takes
hardwork and perseverance to make a vision stand. Laziness will cost
you to loose too much.
3 . Be a lover of knowledge. This is the time to feed yourself with
knowledge. The world will not give an ignorant person a second
chance. Feed yourself with knowledge. You Need to be wise! The
world needs thinkers! Be one of them. Read more books, research
more!. An empty brain is an empty destiny. Load your brain.
4. This is also a time to explore wisely. Exposure creates a sort of
mindset in you. Go to new places, find out what’s happening thee,
develop new ideas, feed your eyes with good exposure. What you
have not seen, you can’t have. You need positive exposures!
5. Your need Mentorship as a youth. You don’t know it all, you need
men to be accountable to. You need men who will feed you with
wisdom. Mentors will guide you, will correct you , will support you,
will teach you. You can not go through life without mentors.
What Every youth between 16-25 years must desist from
1. As a youth, you must do away with irrelevant friends. Stop the
best friends and Favourite person bond and do relevant friends.
If your circle of friends are not making you grow, leave!. If your
circle of friends are not achieving, leave! , if your circle of
friends are communicating bad energy , leave!. Don’t get
stacked with failures and call them friends.
2. You must avoid unnecessary outting . If where you are going is
not going to transform your mind , don’t go! Be mindful of your
exposures. It’s not everytime thaf you have to be present at a
birthday party! Learn to say No to certain places.
3. You must avoid unnecessary spending or wasting money. As a
you , you must avoiding buying items you don’t need. Don’t buy
anything which will not benefit you. If you don’t know what to
use the money for, then invest or sow a seed. It’s not necessary
to buy things to show off. It’s not necessary to spend
unnecessarily. Be wise!

Task: Think of five amazing things you can do to impact your

surroundings and get it .
A successful future does not come overnight. We have also
established that, the future is a predictable reality not based on
prophecies by principles. The journey might be tough but the end is
worth celebrating. Here are some few principles to learn and areas
to build on ;
1. Consider the God factor
The God factor can never be left out in every phase of this life. You
are struggling because you think your spiritual life is different from
your normal. Life is spiritual and you have to treat it as such. Your
Christian life should not be something you practice on Sunday
morning and abandon Sunday evening. No!, you will stress yourself.
Many have backslided because they live this Christian life at their
own term. Christianity is not just a religion, its a life. In as much we
go on our daily endeavours we have to come to the realisation that
there is an unseen controlling the seen world and every great heights
has a supernatural backing . There is always an unseen hand in the
visible outcome of success. Life is first spiritual and it must be treated
as such. How much you can possess in life is soo much dependent on
this factor. You can't do much without this factor. When you ask any
true wealthy man concerning their wealth, there is always an
unexplainable part. This is because, there is an unseen hand
supervising their greatness. Always consider your spirituality first. It’s
your spiritual life that birth forth you financial, social, economic and
academic life. The spiritual life is your life and without it, you have no
life. Recognise the power God in your life.
2. The principle of serving
Serving is one key principle why men rise. Some people paid their
way through to the top while others served their way to the top.
First of you all have to understand that to serve doesn't mean you
are fool. In our current dispensation the predominant things that can
take us to our next level are the things we trivialize and look down
such us serving. A lot of young people don't want to serve. Why?
Because they assume serving is for fools and those who are timid. It
is always difficult to do something you lack revelation about . The
bible makes us understand that, the greatest is a servant. We don’t
serve because we are in need or we are timid, we serve because its
our responsibilities. We serve because we understand the benefits
service comes with. As believers, we are entitled to serve. Now let
look at the story of Prophet Elisha . It was through service that gave
him relevance. That is to say, service can give you a generational
2 Kings 3:11 (KJV) But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a
prophet of the LORD, that we may enquire of the LORD by him?
And one of the king of Israel's servants answered and said, Here is
Elisha the son of Jehoshaphat, which poured water on the hands of
Elijah. From this scripture you will understand that , when it comes
to the place of greatness you will be recognized sometimes by your
service not your capacity. The great Prophet Elisha was promoted
into the place of greatness because of his service to prophet Elijah. In
as much you have the capacity and you are gifted, you will need to
serve because names are doors. Serving under a good name
guarantees you and also promotes your credibility. I have been a
product of service. Because I understood earlier in life that others
have the keys to certain doors and serving under them will give me
access , I foolishly served. Sometimes you need to be a fool to
become full. Learn to serve greatness when you meet one. Wash
somebody’s clothes, buy fuel for someone, run errands for
someone, because you don’t know who is watching. Greatness
might be watching you. Just serve till you name appears in the table
of greatness. You might not know when you meet greatness but
wisdom is to descend when you meet one. Service is key and serving
is the lifter of men.

3. The principle of seed sowing

Seed sowing is one of the powerful principles in contacting graces.

We sow into men because we lack what they carry. Aside that,
sometimes we sow seed to end a certain season and a start a new
Now the bible says in Genesis 8:22 (KJV) While the earth remaineth,
seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease. That means once there is a seed
there would be harvest by hook or crook. Because you will want to
have a bountiful harvest you will need to sow bountifully as it is said
in 2 Corinthians 9:6. This principle has a lot of controversies around
it but it was more elaborated on in my book titled Wealth transfer. I
want you to understand that sowing seeds has a lot it can do for you
. It doesn't just bring you harvest but some seeds goes a long way to
cater for a calamity that was going to be fall in the future, that is why
is a great factor when it comes to preparing for your future.
Moreover Seed sowing is a door to greatness. Contact graces you
don’t have by sowing seeds into them. Never meet greatness empty
handed . learn to sow into the lives of great men. It doesn’t
necessarily have to be anything huge but just don’t meet greatness
empty handed. Some seeds are life changing seeds and eventually
you reap then when the time is right.
4. The principle of honour and recognition
Some greatness don’t look like its. I say, honour is the lifter of men
also. Some men are where they are because they honoured. To
honour is to discern what a man carries and giving him the needed
reverence. Because not all men are the same, discern! Men are in
sizes! Learn to recognise greatness when you meet one. Learn to
celebrate greatness when you meet one because the grace you don’t
celebrate, you can’t attract. Recognise the oil and graces on men,
don’t trivialise it because your next breakthrough might not look like
it. Your next breakthrough might be in your next recognition.

Proactiveness is basically the act or habit of thinking and acting to
prepare for, intervene or control unexpected events. Sometimes you
need to think! It does not pay to think a lot so let's be futuristic.
Sometimes greatness will not call you, you have to call yourself into
it. Fight to be called, make your presence known, be noted for
excellence! Don’t always be at the receiving point, sometimes be the
reason why things happen. Make preparations ahead. Even at your
work place , school, churches etc , always find what is absent and get
it done . Don't wait to be instructed . If you can do it, do it well and if
you can't, give it a try . Nothing moves until you move it . learned
this habit !
The future we talking about here is literally manifesting destiny and
purpose which means there is a destination. But with this destination
someone has been there before . And indeed, there is nothing new
under the sun. Men have been where you want to be and have
experiential knowledge on the journey you are embarking on. This is
why you need Mentorship. That is to say, even though you have a
picture (Vision) of where you want to be, position yourself under
Someone who has been there. To be under Mentorship is to agree to
be guided and trained.
In 1 Samuel 22:2. (And every one that was in distress, and every one
that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered
themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them; and there
were with him about four hundred men.) This scripture makes us
understand the power of mentorship and effective training, we could
see that at the latter part of 2 Samuel 23, they only became mighty
men, which is a success, by choosing David as a captain over them
even though they were very weak at the beginning,.
. So when one humbly comes under mentorship he allows himself to
be trained and nurtured into a package that will be valuable in the
future. Mentorship redeems timing. You get keys to doors of
greatness, it also gives you competitive advantage over your
colleagues . Isaac newton's said, “ I see far beyond my
contemporaries because I stand on the shoulders of those who have
been there”. Mentorship goes a long way to cut of your excesses that
are going to be detrimental to your rising and makes you
accountable and responsible. Be accountable to someone today!
Because mentor see what you don’t see.
So in mentorship you ask of Paths, Mistakes and Beginnings. If you
want to know more about mentorship you need to get my book on
the Force of Mentorship.
Discipline is the actual subjective so to obeying rules and code
of conduct for better living. A successful person is a disciplined
man. To be disciplined is to be wised about your actions. Try to
control or discipline yourself in speech ,in your act, learn
discipline yourself. Even in your down moment, it takes
discipline to put yourself together . Know what to do and how
to do what you want to do at the right time. At the table of
greatness, discipline is key.
NB: I would recommend solid foundation by myself which has
a full detailed information concerning discipline.
Task: Practice each of the above demands of the future and
jot down how it benefitted you.

• Final words of admonishment

It pays to be great! Greatness is expensive so pay the price now.
Greatness doesn’t come over night neither does it come announced.
You need to prepare for the future ahead. The future is not
something to joke about. Be very passionate about the future and
give it your all.There is no future for an idle man. Laziness is one key
cause of poverty and it has destroyed many lives. Young man! Don’t
let Laziness befriend you! It will disgrace you. Don’t just work hard
but work smart! Be a man under authority
1. Balance
2. How to increase
3. Success Systems
4. Protocol of the Palace
5. New world Order
6. Lively Oracles
7. When Destiny Is Calling
8. Understanding Worship
9. Wealth transfer
10. The Believer’s Authority
11. Industrialization
12. Knowledge Revolution
13. Overcoming Inferiority Complex
14. The Mercy Factor
15. The atomic power of prayer
16. Profiting By Wisdom
17. Unveiling the woman
18. Solid foundation
19. The Force of Mentorship

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