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Let me first offer the following.

I have argued both pro and con the anomalies surrounding the official story of 9/11. I am called a wing nut by the blinded by the flag crowd and a paid shill for the man by the everybody is in on it fruitcakes. I can honestly say I sit comfortably somewhere in the middle. My methods over the past three plus years have been to argue every detail both pro and con. Only then could I deduce a reasonable, rational explanation for what is the most traumatic event(s) our generation has ever endured. I do not claim to be an expert but I am well versed and reasoned. I have read in excess of twelve books. Perused the ranting of hundreds of web sites both pro and con. Have read in excess of 500 articles some peer reviewed and watched over 250 hours of video and engaged in numerous discussions. What you are about to read is my definitive conclusion based on science, reason and common sense. Something lacking in either extreme on this debate. But what you are about to experience is real. Much of it probably unknown to you as it is not a subject the main stream media would dear touch. It will test your sensibilities and make you question dearly held beliefs. I promise whatever it does to you internally everything I tender is true and accurate to the absolute best of my abilities. And when I say that understand in my whole endeavor I simply sought the truth where ever it led me. That said and without further ado let me offer you the reasons why you cant believe the official story of 9/11 and then let me tell you what most likely is the truth. I could not possibly document every point both pro and con so I will give you a summary snapshot. Building 7; I bet most of you arent aware that on September 11, 2001 at about 5pm a third tower within the World Trade Center complex collapsed upon itself? Well it did and it is known as building 7. This skyscraper was small for Manhattan standards only rising to 47 stories but in actuality would have been the tallest building in over 43 states. It was built in 1989 and it housed every 3 letter federal agency you could imagine. CIA, FBI, SEC, etcetc. It held a whole bunch of state secrets. The question comes is to how could a bldg not hit by planes, not on fire, barely structurally deficient actually collapse upon itself at free fall speed? The answer is simple and without question. Building seven was imploded by controlled demolition For a structure to have catastrophic failure without demolition it would fall within the law of inertia. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Seven fell at free fall which means at the rate of gravity and its bottom supports were cut from beneath itself so it would fall upon itself. Watch any film and pay close attention to the top section of the roof in the middle. From that point and a second before failure the structure falls in on itself and then the rest of the building follows. This carries every characteristic of free fall demolition. You cant get away from this fact. Numerous demolition experts all agree as well as 1500 Architects and Engineers.

The governments explanation is that the building fell due to structural failure caused by fire. Yet none of the main support columns were eviscerated and remained intact right up and until it collapsed. There have only been three buildings in the whole world that have ever collapsed due to fire. The first two were the twin towers the third being Bldg. 7. The owner of the building was Larry Silversteen who in a slip of the tongue gave an interview where he said There had already been such loss of life that day we decided to pull it Pull it is a demolition term used to implode a building. News outlets had press releases and were announcing the failure of Bldg. seven five minutes before it fell. Some even announcing it as the cameras were on it as a background to their anchors. Police and Firemen in the streets were evacuating what people were left right before its failure as if they too were told something that nobody else knew. Bldg. 7 is a minor blip in the days events but I started with it because the conspiracy theorists are using it as the defacto smoking gun. I am here to tell you that gun is about to go off in their face. Bldg. seven is a Trojan horse to the 9/11 conspiracy movement. Heres what really happened; As I told you earlier Bldg 7 held every alphabet federal agency and probably some that you dont even know about. That was a serious problem. In my research I had been able to find three sources who swear to a doomsday protocol for certain instances. This obviously being one of them. The simple reality is that 7 was imploded because the state secrets couldnt be contained. This is 100% verifiable by physics and by the buildings landlord who had to of been in the loop but possibly not sworn to secrecy. Seven came down because it had to come down because everything in it had to be destroyed and it was. No conspiracy just normal operations in the intelligence world. This is proper doomsday protocol. Dont expect them to ever admit it. Pentagon; Of all the events of that day the Pentagon rises to the highest level of complicity.
The official version of flight 77 is that hijackers took over the airplane subduing the pilot and then flew the plane into the side of the building at 560 MPH. Sounds easy enough until you look at the facts. The hijacking pilot was Hani Hajor, an aspiring pilot who just two weeks earlier was denied the ability to rent a Cessna 172 (One of the smallest single engine planess ever made) because he lacked sufficient piloting skills. In other words he sucked as a pilot. The official version has Hani maneuvering the Boeing 737 at 7000 feet, 396 knots, dove almost 5000 feet within a 330 degree turn and covered 5 miles in about 3 minutes then hitting the Pentagon. Please vision this. He turned the plane at 500 plus miles an hour while descending and upon completion of the complete circle (330 degrees out of 360) and descent he found himself at the target Pentagon. This is an incredible maneuver even for a seasoned pilot let alone a klutz as Hani. Further compounding disbelief is the fact that structural failure could happen due to improper descent but even more so an inexperienced pilot would have more than likely stalled the plane. I am a student pilot and I can tell you

from 7000 feet descending at 5oo mph and hitting your target is no easy task In fact its usually impossible in a 172 let alone a jumbo jet. Also he allegedly then flew the jet across 500 yards of lawn about 30 feet off the ground before hitting the target. The fact that the air pressure alone would wreak havoc on the operation of the aircraft is another fact to consider let alone maintain 30 feet of altitude at 500 mph is impossible. But thats the Governments story and they are sticking to it. What you may not know is at about 3pm the day before 9/11 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a news conference and said that the Department of Defense had lost, misappropriated, couldnt find or account for, get this; 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS!!!!! This was done approximately eighteen hours before the plane hit the Pentagon. The spot where the plane hit held the computers that maintain proper accounting and could find where that money had gone. The Pentagon has hundreds of cameras on the building and many where the plane struck but to this day we have only seen two small clips. Where the plane struck had absolutely no debris field. The Boeing 737 has two Rolls Royce engines attached. Each 12 feet long and 9 feet high weighing 6 tons each made of steel and alloy and titanium. In order for those engines to melt you would need an energy value exceeding 3000 degrees. Jet fuel is kerosene and it wont burn greater than 1600 degrees. But the official story is the engines melted. This is a physical impossibility. There was no wings, no engines, no seats, no luggage, etcetc. The impact to the structure did not leave a fingerprint suggestive of a jet crash according to former commanding Army General Stubblebine also of the Military Hall of Fame said in an interview in June of 2009; General Stubblebine: I am Major General Albert Stubblebine. I am retired Army Major-General.

In my last assignment -- my last command -- I was responsible for all of the Army's strategic intelligence forces around the world. I had responsibility for the Signals Intelligence, Photo Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, and Human Intelligence. They all belonged to me, in my last assignment. I was supposed to find out what the enemy was doing, before the enemy did it so that we could take action against the enemy. That's Intelligence, OK, before the fact. So, we always -- always -- rely not on a single piece of data, before we make a statement, but on multiple and the more pieces of data that you have that correlate, the better you know exactly what is going on. So I have had a lot of experience looking at photographs. I have looked at many, many different kinds of photographs, from many, many different platforms on many, many different countries, around the world. Interviewer: OK. So on September the 11th, in 2001, what hit the Pentagon? General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane. Further it should be added that right before the collapse of the towers military computers were timed to let hundreds of millions of dollars be transferred as if no one could ever trace their

origins. A German high tech forensic company was able to salvage the hard drives and its contents were then taken as top secret and nothing further has been learned. There are many more anomalies surrounding this scenario which I wont delve into. If there is any smoking gun for the conspiracy theorists the Pentagon is it. I am not conclusively saying one way or the other but reason, evidence, information and belief all lend one to wonder what this can and cant add up to? Flight 93 lets roll The official government story is that the plane was flown into the ground due to most likely the passengers retaking control of the aircraft. This too is bullshit. The plane left a debris trail over ten miles long. If the plane was flown directly into the ground then in no way could it have left a debris trail scattered over ten miles. And the debris was of a minor nature in that ten mile field of papers, parts of luggage and seats. No large objects like a wing or engine. Those items no longer existed. They were never recovered. The alleged impact crater was a 20 by 20 hole in the ground and had no debris or bodies or luggage. In fact the coroner who arrived on scene said his job was done 30 seconds after he got there. What really happened? Because there is absolutely no debris in the impact crater and there is trace debris of a minor fraction scattered over ten miles could only lead you to conclude that the plane was incinerated by a Missile fired by one of our fighters. Otherwise there would be a broken scattered plane with bodies and luggage and seats etc..etc.. There is none of that. The conspiratists would argue that the plane was shot down due to positive control or retaking of the plane. I am arguing that the plane was incinerated because if they didnt do it over a field that plane could have caused a greater loss of life. This is not something I would expect the government to concede but the reality is obvious. They had to shoot it down as tragic and as hard as it must have been. TWIN TOWERS; I have studied the failure of those two buildings time and time again. The official story is the jet fuel caused the trusses to weaken and the load failure worked as an anvil forcing the floors to fail catastrophically. This is plausible. But there are some real anomalies that bare scrutiny. First prior to the towers falling a seismograph registered explosions consistent with demolition. Eyewitnesses reported many explosions before which are not attributable to anything.

Six weeks after structure failure and water being poured on the site since. Firefighters on the ground and confirmed by a NASA thermal imaging satellite registered heat anomalies over 3000 degrees and the fire fighters report a lake of molten steel pouring red hot like in a foundry. Jet fuel and office fire burn at a value of 1600 degrees. How could there be a fire of 3000 degrees six weeks later? What energy source could cause that? Within the debris field was hardened molten steel. In order for this steel to form as it did it would need to be heated to 4500 degrees. There was absolutely nothing in those towers or planes that could have done that. What burns at that value? Thermite. and thermite was found in every virgin dust sample in lower Manhattan. Thermite could be used in cutting the main support beams underground. Now I will say there is another physicist who countered the Thermite hypothesis. Not conclusively but enough that it makes me pause before rendering an absolute conclusion. The towers render me a tossup in terms of reality and fantasy. There are significant questions that need be answered. But as to the official story it remains dead even. When the Vice Chairman of the 9/11 commission Lee Hamilton says We got it wrong.. Then you better realize something is wrong. For the record I will take no official position as to the conspiracy or complicity of anyone or our government. What I will do is raise the specter of discourse and hope everyone who reads and thinks carries my thoughts forward and makes them their own and seeks for the truth. The events surrounding that day was a game changer for the world. We must be vigilant against all terrorists foreign and domestic and let the truth be our only compass. I will conclude by saying I only touched on some major issues surrounding this whole story and will state openly that there is so much more information to be learned. I hope you do just that. Lastly I must add the fact that I distance myself from the everybody is in on it crowd. The reasons are simple but in case you are unsure the reality of such a scenario is so insurmountable to suggest such displays a lack of understanding of history and human nature. Does that say I dont think false flags happen often? No, not at all. They do and they are very transparent. What I am saying is that I consider myself a patriot. I know that so many of the people to my right and my left are the same. For anyone to suggest that a large fraction of our fellow Americans are treasonous scum is just plain nuts. If there are bad guys out there rest assured there are more good guys. History may be planned but it is never written till it is over For those who died that day I honor you by searching for the truth. May others honor you also.

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