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1. DEFI LESTARI PO7133121055

4. META SHINTIA PO7133121079
6. SUKMAWATI PO7133121083




By giving thanks to the presence of God Almighty, because of His

grace and grace we can complete the presentation task of about Introduction
Of Sanitation.
We thank Mr. Fider Saputra as the English lecturer for sanitation who
has taught us. And we also don't forget to thank our friends who have
participated in completing this task.
In making this assignment, the author realizes the many imperfections
in his writing. Therefore, the authors expect constructive criticism and
suggestions, for the sake of improvement in making further assignments.
Finally, the authors say thank you.

Palembang, March 2023

Group 2

FOREWORD…………………………………………………..……………… i
LIST OF CONTENT…………………………………………………..……… ii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION…………………………………………….. 1
A. Background…………………………………………………..………… 1
B. Formulation…………………………………………………..………… 2
C. Purpose…………………………………………………..…………… 2
CHAPTER II : THEORY…………………………………………………..… 3
A. Definition Of Environmental Sanitation……………………………… 3
B. Benefit Of Sanitation………………………………………………….. 5
C. Application Of Sanitation……………………………………………… 5
D. Components Of Sanitation…………………………………………… 6
E. Scope of Sanitation………………………………………………….. 7
CHAPTER III : CLOSING…………………………………………………..… 11
A. Conclusion…………………………………………………..………… 11
B. Suggestion…………………………………………………..…………. 11
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………..………….. 12


A. Background
Sanitation in English comes from the word sanitation which
interpreted as health care. Ehler and Steel stated that sanitation is
control efforts aimed at environmental factors that can become a link in
the chain disease transmission.
Meanwhile, according to Azawar revealed that sanitation is an
ongoing public health effort emphasis on engineering control of
environmental factors that affect or are likely to affect the degree of
health man.
Sanitation according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is
an effort that oversees several factors of the physical environment that
affect humans, especially things that affect, damage physical
development, health, and life sustainability.
According to WHO, environmental sanitation is an effort to
control all factors of the human physical environment that might give
rise to or could give rise to things that detrimental to physical
development, health and survival man.
Aimed at improving and maintaining standards of fundamental
environmental conditions affecting human well-being. These conditions
include a clean and safe water supply; efficient disposal of human,
animal and industrial waste, protection of food from biological and
chemical contamination, clean and safe air; clean and safe house.
From this definition, it appears that environmental sanitation is intended
to meet the requirements of a healthy and comfortable environment. An
environment with poor sanitation can be a source of various diseases
that can interfere with human health. In the end, if health is disturbed,
then welfare will also decrease. Because of that environmental
sanitation efforts are important in improve welfare.

B. Formulation
1. Definition Of Environmental Sanitation
2. Benefit Of Sanitation
3. Application Of Sanitation
4. Components Of Sanitation
5. Scope of Sanitation

C. Purpose
To find out the definition of environmental sanitation, benefits of
sanitation, application of sanitation components of sanitation, and
scope of sanitation


A. Definition Of Environmental Sanitation

According to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia number: 965/MENKES/SK/XI/1992, the definition of
sanitation is everything efforts made to ensure the realization of
conditions that meet health requirements. According to the Big
Dictionary of Languages Indonesia (KBBI), Sanitation is an effort to
foster and creating a good condition in the field of health, especially
public health. So that environmental sanitation means ways healthy
environment, especially the physical environment, namely soil, water,
and air.
WHO defines that environmental health is a ecological balance
that must exist between humans and the environment in order to
guarantee the healthy state of humans, healthy conditions include
humans whole and not only physically healthy but also mentally and
relationally healthy optimal social environment (Mawardi, 2014).
So from the understanding above it can be concluded that
sanitation is a disease prevention effort that focuses its activities on
human environmental health efforts. While hygiene is how people
maintain and also protect themselves to stay healthy.
Environmental sanitation is part of environmental health science
in the form of individual or community efforts to control the environment
that endangers human survival1. Poor environmental sanitation is one
of the problems that must be faced by several countries, especially in
developing countries. Poor sanitation can be a medium for transmitting
various diseases. Diseases that develop due to poor sanitation are
environmental-based diseases. According to Achmadi (2011),
environmental-based diseases include diarrhea, malaria, ARI (Acute
Respiratory Infection), DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever), TBC
(Tuberculosis), intestinal worms, and skin diseases.
Environmental sanitation is an important factor that must be
considered, especially the provision of clean water, excreta disposal,

waste management, waste water management, and soil pollution3.
According to UNICEF Indonesia (2012), poor sanitation, inadequate
hygiene, and unsafe drinking water affect 88% of cases of diarrhea in
the world4. The CDC (2012) explains that soil-borne diseases and
trachoma are caused by poor hygiene and sanitation. Poor sanitation
causes the disease to have an opportunity to spread through piles of
waste and excreta which become breeding grounds for disease agents.
The CDC (2012) also explains that hygiene and sanitation are
important in terms of health, where several diseases can be prevented
through good personal hygiene and increased environmental
From this definition, it appears that environmental sanitation is
intended to meet the requirements of a healthy and comfortable
environment. An environment with poor sanitation can be a source of
various diseases that can interfere with human health. In the end, if
health is disturbed, then welfare will also decrease. Therefore
environmental sanitation efforts are important in improving welfare
(Setiawan, 2008).
Environmental sanitation places more emphasis on supervision
and control / control of human environmental factors such as:
• Provision of water ensures that the water used by humans is clean
and healthy.
• Disposal of human waste, waste water and garbage.
• Individuals and communities are used to living healthy and clean.
• Food ensures that the food is safe, clean and healthy.
• Rodents and other arthropods.
• Condition of the air free from materials that are harmful to human life.
• Factories, offices and so on are free from dangers
In accordance with this understanding, sanitation is directly
related to the human environment in it. The environment is something
that is around humans in more detail can be categorized into several
1. Physical Environment, which is included in this group is land and air
and the interaction with each other between these factors.

2. The biological environment, which includes all living organisms
including animals, plants and microorganisms except humans
3. The social environment, which includes all interactions between
humans and fellow creatures which includes social, economic, cultural
and psychosocial factors.
Based on the above categories, it can also be interpreted that
the environment is a collection of all external conditions or forces that
affect the life and development of an organism human life. (Riyadi,
The definition of environment is very broad, but environmental
health is only an environmental component that has the potential for
disease hazard. If a person stands in a place, then various living and
inanimate objects around him are referred to as the human
environment, but do not necessarily have the potential for
environmental sanitation diseases including: waste management, clean
water, waste water disposal facilities and latrines (Achmadi, 2005).

B. Benefit Of Sanitation
The benefits and importance of sanitation are as follows:

1. Prevent infectious diseases

2. Prevent accidents
3. Prevents unpleasant odors
4. Avoid pollution
5. Reduce the number (percentage) of sick
6. Reduce Global Warming
7. The environment becomes clean, healthy and comfortable (Widyati
R, 2002).

C. Application Of Sanitation
Community-Based Total Sanitation, hereinafter referred to as
STBM, is hygienic and sanitary behavior that is used as a reference in
the implementation of STBM. STBM has 5 pillars namely, stopping
open defecation (Stop defecating), washing hands with soap (CTPS),

food and beverage management, household waste management,
household liquid waste management (Ministry of Health RI, 2014).
There are approximately 375 million cases of acute diarrhea in
the United States each year (1.4 episodes per person per year).
Worldwide, diarrheal diseases affect 5 billion people a year, accounting
for nearly 10 million deaths in developing countries. A 2009 report
released by the United Nations Children's and the World Health
Organization indicated that diarrhea kills around 1.5 million children
less than 5 years of age every year (Seupaul, 2019).
Diarrheal disease is characterized by stools or stools that turn
soft or runny, usually occurring at least three times in 24 hours. The
target coverage of services for diarrhea sufferers of all ages (SU) who
come to health facilities is 10% of the estimated number of sufferers
(incidence of diarrhea for all ages multiplied by the population in one
work area within one year). In 2017 the number of diarrhea sufferers
with SU served at health facilities was 4,274,790 sufferers and there
was an increase in 2018 to 4,504,524 sufferers or 62.93% of the
estimated diarrhea in health facilities. Nationally, the incidence of
diarrhea in all age groups is 270/1,000 people (2015 Diarrhea Rapid
Survey). There were 10 outbreaks of diarrhea in 2018 spread across 8
provinces, 8 districts/cities. Tabanan Regency and Buru Regency each
had 2 outbreaks. The number of sufferers was 756 people and 36
people died (CFR 4.76%) (RI Ministry of Health, 2018).

D. Components Of Sanitation
Sanitation is an essential factor in improving human health. Poor
basic sanitation and the lack of appropriate basic sanitation facilities
are still prevalent in many communities.The provision of clean water,
household waste disposal, and waste disposal facilities are essential
components of basic sanitation. Sanitation-based containers are
usually related to the provision of portable toilets and the collection of
waste borne by users. If managed properly, container-based sanitation
systems are effective in collecting, transporting, and processing waste

safely for low-income residents because they are cheaper than
installing and maintaining drainage systems.
Sanitation is not only about physical facilities but also about
changing hygiene and sanitation behavior through community
empowerment methods. Ecological sanitation is a system that utilizes
human waste and converts it into an energy source with technology
that can be used in various aspects of life, such as agriculture, water
conservation, or pollution prevention. To achieve health-related
sanitation efforts, well-maintained facilities, community empowerment,
and ecological sanitation are essential components.
Environmental health goals (Article 22 paragraph (2) Law
1. Public places: hotels, terminals, markets, shops, and similar
2. Residential environment: residential houses, dormitories/the like
3. Work environment: offices, industrial areas / similar.
4. Public transportation: land, sea and air vehicles public use.
5. Other environments: for example those of a special nature such as
environment in a state of emergency, disaster massive population
movements, reactors/places that special.

E. Scope of Sanitation
The scope of environmental sanitation consists of several
scopes. Environmental health is a public health science that
emphasizes preventive efforts with efforts to improve all environmental
factors so that humans avoid diseases and health problems.

There are 17 scopes of Sanitasti according to WHO, namely:

1. Provision of drinking water, including monitoring of quality and quantity,

use of water, diseases transmitted through water, methods of
processing and methods of maintenance.
According to Kepmenkes RI No.907/Menkes/SK.VII/2002 it is stated
that water that meets drinking water requirements is as follows:

1) Physical requirements The drinking water used should be tasteless,
odorless, colorless, not cloudy, and the maximum air temperature is
±3°C from the surrounding water.
2) Chemical requirements Consumed drinking water does not contain
organic and inorganic substances that exceed the standard, the pH is
at the maximum and minimum limits, and does not contain toxic
3) Bacteriological requirements Avoid the possibility of E.coli.
4) Radioactive substances Avoid radioactive radiation that exceeds the
maximum limit.
2. Wastewater management and pollution control, including collection,
cleaning and disposal issues
3. Solid waste disposal
Some of the ways to handle solid waste in landfills include:
1) Open dumping Open dumping is a way of disposing of garbage in
open places, namely in places that have been provided by the
Regional Government.
2) Hog feeding Hog feeding is a way of handling waste by using it as
animal food (pig, fish and others).
3) Sanitary landfills
4) Garbage Incineration That is a way of handling waste by burning.
Garbage is burned in a place that has been specially designed for that
5) Recycling Recycling is a way of handling waste by recycling waste
that can still be used, such as paper, bottles, plastic, cans and others.
6) Composting Composting is a way of handling waste by using it as
7) Bio-gas Biogas is a method of handling waste by converting waste
into bio-gas.
4. Control of vectors, including anthropodes, rodents
5. Prevention/control of soil pollution by human actions
6. Food hygiene

Starting from the procurement of food ingredients/raw materials,
storage of food ingredients/raw materials, food processing, and food
transportation, food storage, and food serving.
7. Air pollution control
8. Radiation control
9. Occupational Health, especially the adverse influence of physical,
chemical and biological factors.
In the 1970 Law Number 1 concerning work safety it is stated that the
objectives of work safety are as follows.
1) Prevent and reduce accidents.
2) Prevent, reduce and extinguish fires.
3) Prevent and reduce the danger of explosion.
4) Providing an opportunity or way to escape during a fire or other
dangerous incidents.
5) Provide assistance in an accident
10. Noise control
11. Housing and settlements, especially the public health aspects of
residential areas, public buildings and institutions.
12. Environmental health aspects and air transportation
13. Regional and urban planning
14. Accident prevention, including work place/space, work, work method,
and workforce/workers.
15. General recreation and tourism
16. Sanitary measures related to epidemics, natural disasters and
population movement
17. Precautions needed to ensure that the environment is generally free
from risks to health. From the scope of environmental sanitation above,
public places are part of sanitation that needs attention in its

According to Article 22 paragraph (3) of Law No. 23 of 1992 the scope
of kesling is 8:
1. Water and Air Sanitation
2. Security of solid waste/garbage
3. Securing liquid waste
4. Security of waste gas
5. Radiation protection
6. Noise protection
7. Control of disease vectors
8. Health and other safeguards: For example after a disaster


A. Conclusion
sanitation is an effort to ensure the realization of conditions that meet
health requirements. It is part of environmental health science in the form of
individual or community efforts to control the environment that endangers
human survival. Poor sanitation can be a medium for transmitting various
diseases, such as diarrhea, malaria, ARI, DHF, TBC, intestinal worms, and
skin diseases. Environmental sanitation is an important factor that must be
considered, especially the provision of clean water, excreta disposal, waste
management, waste water management, and soil pollution. Hygiene and
sanitation are important in terms of health, where several diseases can be
prevented through good personal hygiene and increased environmental
sanitation..Sanitation is essential for preventing infectious diseases,
preventing accidents, preventing unpleasant odors, reducing pollution, and
reducing the number of sick. Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM) is
hygienic and sanitary behavior that is used as a reference in the
implementation of STBM.

B. Suggestion


Achmadi, Umar Fahmi. 2011. Fundamentals of Environment-Based Disease.

Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia Health Profile 2018.

Jakarta; 2019.

Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Decree of the Minister of

Health Number: 965/MENKES/SK/XI/1992. About: Good Cosmetic
Production Methods Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Seupaul, R. A. (2019). Diarrhea Red flags Anatomic essentials.

UNICEF Indonesia, 2012. Summary of Clean Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Studies. (online). Available:
Retrieved March 22, 2023

Widyati, R and Yuliarsih. 2002. Hygiene and Public Sanitation and Hospitality.
Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia : Jakarta


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