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Tales of the Two Moons


Tales of the
Two Moons
By Park An Jae and Baekceej11

You showed me the true meaning of love the moment you picked me up and tend my wounds. You,
who doesn‘t even know the real me, you who had the most beautiful eyes and smile, you who had
the purest heart—I vowed to the moons to be everything you need, and I would stay by your side

You accepted me for who I am, even when I treated you so bad. You were there when I forgot
myself. You remind me the purpose of why I live. You who finally had enough, you whose heart
was broken into pieces, you who I couldn‘t look at anymore—I‘ll find you my beloved, I vowed to
the moons to change for you.

You changed the once beast I was and then you disappeared. You were always in my dream at night.
You who had the brightest eyes, you whom I remembered to be the sole purpose on why I should
not hurt anybody, you who I wanted to see, you who I wanted to hold—I vowed to the moons to
love you as long as I live, I would wait until we see each other again.

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Tales of the Two Moons

One: The Love That I Would Cherish

The existence of every living thing depends on nature—its food, its shelter, its medicine—they all
came from Earth‘s good hands. It was a miracle how the creatures, starting from the smallest, to the
largest do their part in balancing the life of nature. How, without words, they communicate with
each other, understand each other. It continued like that until humans decided to be on the top of
the food chain—to be the one holding the power. In the end, their eyes were covered with dark
sheet of darkness, blinded by the truth that they were just a part of the balance.

Indeed, Luhan believed that everyone needed to respect each other. The warning was sent about
centuries ago, but none of them listened. Not until they encountered the very first shifter five
hundred years ago. There‘s no such thing as wolf that could change into an appearance of human
back then. But its sudden appearance shocked the humans. No one knows where they came from.
No one knows when they started living. The only thing human knew back then was for the first time
in history, someone, or something would prey on them.

Wolves were still existing up to these days, he believed. But so far, none of the new generations of
the latest century have encountered one for the past decades. Many thought that it was just a legend,
a mythical creature the ancestors created to scare their children if they don‘t do as they told.

None of them believed that the existence of two moons on the sky was the warning the nature sent.
But Luhan believed in the wonder of nature. He believed every single thing his grandmother told
him. That the when the two moons existed, that‘s when the wolves were born.

Luhan may not be raised with a mother and father, but there‘s always been his grandmother who
took care of him since he started breathing. She fed him, clothed him, taught him how to write and
read since they were poor to afford the school. Plus the fact that they live almost to the outskirts of
the town, by the forest, the travel from their humble house would be an hour walk away from the
town‘s main square—where most of the main buildings are there.

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The weather today was nice. It wasn‘t that hot for the clouds were blanketing the skies and the sun.
Autumn breeze caressed his fair skin, making his raven black hair dance against the wind. He was
walking by the river that serves as his guide back to his house whenever he goes inside the forest for
some dry woods he could use in their fireplace.

Gigantic trees with abundant crimson and brown leaves swayed with the wind, as some of it rained
down on him, on the river and let itself be carried by the water to who knows were. Luhan loved his
life, simple and peaceful. The Southern Tribe which consists of five towns was the most peaceful
part of their country. Among those towns was where he was living.

Black Sparrow Town

He adjusted the load on his back, which was a bundle of dried branches and twigs. Today was just
one of his ordinary days where he would take care of his sick grandmother. Not that he hated to do
it. He loves her, with all his heart. She was his everything, without her, he would not be Luhan.

The sound of his footsteps and rustle of the leaves above him, and the peaceful current of the water
splashing on the river whenever it hit some stones, was suddenly accompanied by soft whimpers—
whimpers that Luhan felt as whimpers of pain. When he stopped on his tracks he carefully scanned
the surroundings, looking for the source of the sound. He was sure that it came from his left, so he
took a step forward to that direction, away from the river. As he went closer to the border of the
forest once again, the whimper got louder and louder.

―Hello? Where are you little one? Come out I won‘t hurt you.‖ He softly called.

Luhan was sure that the whimper was coming from somewhere near him. He looked carefully, and
by then, he saw a glimpse of what it looked like white furs. Carefully, he went closer to the figure,
just beneath a giant root. When he peeked, he gasped for what he saw.

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‗It was a small fur ball of cuteness!‘ was his description in his vocabulary but the reality, it was a pup.
About half a meter long and a foot tall, its fur was mix of white patterns and dark gray, muzzle black,
and eyes were in shades of silver gray. But the pup was injured, his legs was hurt and bleeding.

He went closer, but the pup growled at him so he stepped back, ―I‘m not going to hurt you. I‘m
going to treat your wound little one. Trust me.‖ He reassured. As if he was understood, the pup
didn‘t move when he reached out.

Luhan saw that the pup‘s right hind leg‘s blood was oozing from it and thankfully, Luhan‘s appetite
was strong enough to handle the deep wound. He carefully he carried the puppy. ―I‘m Luhan, little
one. I‘m gonna take you home with me. Would you like that?‖

Was it just him or he saw the pups eyes sparkle in joy when he offered that? But either way, he won‘t
let the poor little thing alone in the forest. With a smile, Luhan went back to his humble home.

Its walls were made of woods that weren‘t even smoothened unlike the houses you will see in the
main square. A distant smoke could be seen from the roof, and even if it looked like the house was
big at first with the watermill by the river and stuff, there‘s really nothing much inside.

A couple of wooden chair, one old wooden bench, and by the fireplace there was a rocking chair his
grandmother was sitting on, embroidering Luhan‘s name on a single sheet of fabric. The young man
smiled as he approached the old woman on his eighty‘s, long hair pinned on a tight bun, wearing
shoal on her shoulders with a smile that defines the lines of aging in her face. Nonetheless, his
grandmother was still beautiful in his eyes.

―I‘m home grandma…‖ he greeted as he placed a kiss on the old woman‘s temples. The old lady
looked up and saw what he was carrying. ―Oh, Luhan, you brought a friend,‖ she smiled and fixed
her gaze on the injured pup. Luhan smiled and settled the fur ball on the carpet just beside his feet.

―I can‘t just leave him there. He‘s too precious. Did you eat already? I‘m going to reheat the soup!‖

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―Thank you dear, what would I do without you…‖ the woman rocked her chair once again,
continuing what she was doing before her grandson came back. With a smile, Luhan took the pot of
soup and hang the handle on the hook above the fireplace. It was how they cook and the soup was
just one of their few recipes to get by every day. After that he skipped on the old stairs of the house
to change his clothes. He was previously wearing thick ones because it was cold outside. Now that
he‘s back home, he changed into simple sweatpants, long sleeved shirt and a jacket, without
forgetting to put on his socks. With a small box in one hand he went downstairs, finding the injured
pup licking its wound.

―Don‘t do that, it‘ll get infected. I will treat your wound okay? Don‘t be mad at me. I‘ll be gentle.‖
With his grandmother across him, Luhan sat down on the carpet beside the fireplace and carefully
put the poor little thing on his lap, lying on his lap sideways so he could have access on the wound.
When he opened the box he brought from upstairs he swiftly took cottons, disinfectants, and a
bottle of water to wash away the blood on the wound. He also had another bowl of water where he
washed the cloth he used to wipe the blood on the legs. Now that the wound is clean, he could
easily tell how bad it was.

―Whoever did this to you is crazy. Don‘t worry this will be your home now okay?‖ Luhan smiled at
the pup and carefully dipped the antiseptic damped cotton on the wound. It won‘t hurt that much
because most of the medicine he has were herbal, extracted from plants planted around the house.

He was so engrossed in treating the wound that he didn‘t see how his grandmother looked at him
with tender and loving eyes. It was a gaze that mixed with both happiness, and sadness. She was glad
that Luhan grew up with golden heart, with care for nature, for other people and most of all, with
unending selfless love. It was obvious on the twenty year old young man. She wasn‘t surprised that
the young pup trusted him in tending its wound.

The moment she saw the wounded animal on her grandson‘s arms, she knew that it was destined to
be with her grandson. She knew that this pup was the wish she was asking for everynight. A wish
that came true today—

She knew she won‘t be living for long, and the only thing she wanted before she leaves was for
someone to look after her grandson. Although Luhan was already an adult, she doesn‘t want to leave
him alone. At least Luhan would have someone to accompany him when she was gone. She loves
him so much and all she wanted for Luhan was to find true happiness and peace.

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―There you go! All fixed!‖ Luhan giggled after he put on a bandage on the pup‘s leg. Wait. He
couldn‘t call him ‗pup‘ or ‗little one‘ for life. ―I think I should give you a name.‖ he murmured while
looking at the pup‘s sparkling eyes. He gazed at the fireplace, contemplating on what name he
should give the other. The pup stood up and carefully planted its injured leg‘s paws on the ground,
testing if he could give it a walk when Luhan jumped with a loud ‗Aha!‘ that startled him and the old

―Oh my, Luhan you‘re gonna give me an early heart attack my dear!‖ his grandmother scolded him
and he replied it with a sheepish grin. ―I just thought of a name I want for this one.‖ He said and
looked at the pup. ―Hunnie, do you like that name?‖ The pup‘s ears twitched there before his
tongue lolled cutely and give an enthusiastic bark on his new found owner—who broke into a wide

―Grandma, Hunnie likes his new name and he answered me!‖ he chuckled and patted the pup‘s head.
―You‘re such a good and bright boy aren‘t you? You‘ll like it here Hunnie! You‘ll never be alone in
the woods again and I will make sure, no one would hurt you again.‖ At the sound of something
boiling, he quickly sat up, took a pot holder and removed the soup from the fireplace.

After putting enough amount of soup on previously two, but now three bowls with a saddle, Luhan
helped his grandmother stand and sit on their table to eat lunch while he put down the bowl of soup
by his feet so Hunnie could eat with them. It was very good day and he couldn‘t have any more
blessings in his life.

That night, when the stars started showing up in the cobalt sky, Luhan opened the door of the living
room and sat on the bench just outside of the house. He often stays there at night to watch the star
studded sky and how the two moons enlighten the darkness during these times. Ever since a child,
he was very attracted on how beautiful the moon was, how they shine upon the forest. He‘d be sad
if the winter or rainy days comes because he can‘t watch them anymore. Only to be overly joyed
when spring and summer comes.

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A soft nudge on his legs pulled him out of his thoughts. It was Hunnie who sat by his feet, looking
up at him. Luhan pet the dog and rub the back of his ears. Hunnie leaned closer and growled at the
feeling. ―Don‘t you find it beautiful Hunnie? I meant the way the two moons exist on the night sky?
I always believed on the stories grandmother told me when I was young, about the birth of the
wolves five hundred years ago, about how beautiful they are, despite of the others saying how brutal
they could be on people. I don‘t believe they eat humans though, I never believed that. I believe that
they were there to remind us how precious the nature is, they were there to protect this world, not
to destroy it. Because wolves, they are connected to nature right?‖

Hunnie looked at him before gazing up on the two moons on the skies. They stayed there a little
longer before Luhan decided to go back, it‘s getting late, he said. After locking the windows he
carried the pup, for he can‘t go upstairs with his injured leg right now. Luhan went to his bed, beside
the window while placing the pup beside him. ―I hope you don‘t mind us sharing the same bed. I
always want something to cuddle with,‖ he yawned and lazily dropped his eyelids. ―Goodnight

It was past midnight when the dog heard footsteps coming to the room. His ears perked up at the
sound of the door creaking and the light from the window illuminated the smiling face of the old
woman. ―Hey there, Hunnie right?‖ she whispered as she sat down on the bed‘s side. She stroked
the dog‘s fur lightly and planted her gaze on the pup‘s eyes.

―Luhan is a good boy, and I love him so much. I don‘t want him to be in bad hands when I leave
this world. I am glad he found you and you stayed with him. I know how blessed is my grandson to
be in your presence for none of us have seen such wonder like you in a century. I may not know the
reason behind it but…can I ask one more favour before I leave?‖ the old woman whispered so the
young boy won‘t wake up. She went down on her knees, looking up at the eyes of the pup while
holding his paw.

―Take care of him, please? Take care of my baby boy?‖ her salty tears run down on her cheeks like
precious drops of rain on a dessert.

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What once a paw she was holding suddenly became a large hand of a young man, and she felt the
changed so she looked up to see a very handsome man, with intimidating sharp gaze, thin lips
pressed together, naked body wrapped with the other part of the blanket Luhan was using. His eyes
were like how it used to be when he was on his first shape.

―The moment he took me home and told me he would offer this shelter for me, I vowed that I
would never leave his side. I, who ran away from home, finally found another where I could be free.
Luhan showed me the true meaning of love. I will always protect him, that I promise you.‖ The
young man said. He pulled her up and kissed her hand. ―You finally found peace, the moon is
waiting for you, It might hurt Luhan if he finds out, but I will be there for him, you need not to

The woman stood up with a smile on her face, ―I knew that you were real, I am not regretting
sharing everything that I know to my grandson.‖ She traced her bony finger on the man‘s forehead
down to his nose, ―A beautiful creature, gift from the heavens…would you mind telling me your
name, young lad?‖

―My name is Sehun,‖ the man said. With a nod, the figure of the old woman was engulfed with
silver light, until she was gone. Sehun looked at the moons and remembered what Luhan said before
they went back to sleep. I believe that they were there to remind us how precious the nature is, they were there to
protect this world, not to destroy it. Because wolves, they are connected to nature right?

He looked down at the sleeping male and ran his hands on the soft raven locks he had. ―I didn‘t
mean to lie about myself, Luhan, but now that I‘m here, it would be impossible to leave. What have
you done to me might be a work of fate, but it is also my choice to stay. Even If I wished to leave, I
wouldn‘t be able to…my mate.‖

His silver eyes glowed like the light of the moons. Sehun felt the skin on his middle lower back
tingle, and he knew that the imprint mark was showing there. The mark of Sehun‘s family that will
soon show also on Luhan‘s lower back— Once he shifted back to his smaller form, he snuggled
close to his mate. It wasn‘t his real form but he needed to make sure to disguise, so he‘d be able to
stay by Luhan‘s side.

Sleep well, and I will be by your side forever.

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Tales of the Two Moons

Two: Times That I Spent With You

Odd—for it was always his grandmother who would wake him up in the morning. But what brought
him out of his sleepiness was loud chirping of birds outside and the bright light that comes from the
sun to his window. Luhan sat up, stretched his limbs like a cat. Hunnie beside him stretched too and
yawned, and he pecked the dog‘s muzzle before greeting him good morning.

Maybe his grandmother was too tired? He knew her health wasn‘t good for the past weeks so maybe,
she was spending her time in her bed. When he looked at the clock though, it was already eleven.
Too late for his liking—

His grandmother taught him to wake up always early. And being lazy, he always ends up with a
pinch on his sideburns whenever he refuses to wake up. Luhan dragged himself to his
grandmother‘s room, slowly opened the door and smiled when he saw her lying on the bed
clutching the handkerchief she was sewing yesterday.

―Grandma?‖ he called and sat beside her. The old lady was sleeping with a peaceful expression on
her face and he couldn‘t help but to smile. ―Grandma, wake up it‘s almost noon. I thought you hate
it when people doesn‘t wake up early‖ He chuckled and reached out to hold his grandmother‘s

Which was ice cold and hard.

His eyes widened and his heart stopped for second. ―Grandma? Grandma!‖ he called, shaking her
but he got no response. The coldness of her body and the stillness of her chest that was supposed to
be moving scared him. It scared him because he wasn‘t ready. He wasn‘t ready to admit it, so he
kept shaking her body, calling her name and yet, his grandmother refused to wake up. Luhan cried
on her chest, his wails of agony reached the wolf‘s ears from the door and Sehun, in Hunnie‘s form
whimpered at the sight of his mate, crying and begging for the dead to wake up—which they both
knew would never happen.

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Luhan took the handkerchief from the old lady‘s hand and saw his name sewn on it. He cried more
as he pecked her grandmother‘s forehead. ―Why did you leave so early…?‖ he whimpered, eyes
bloodshot and lips trembling, cheeks stained with tears. ―You didn‘t stay and let Hunnie played with
you…How am I supposed to live now grandma?‖ he sniffed.

For some reason, Luhan found it comforting when Hunnie walked down to his side and snuggled its
muscle on his leg, as if reassuring him that he‘s there, and he won‘t be alone. Luhan picked up the
dog and placed it on his lap. ―Thank you Hunnie…If we didn‘t meet, maybe I‘m all alone now in
this house. Since grandma already found her peace, will you stay with me?‖

The dog barked once and Luhan was more than happy with that. A peck on the dog‘s head, he put
him down. ―Come on Hunnie, let‘s prepare everything we need for grandmother‘s cremation.‖

It was a tradition in the town to burn the remains of the dead and put their ashes on a ceramic jar.
So Luhan put her grandmother on the prepared matt made from bamboo, dressed her with her
favorite white dress and shoal. He combed her waist length gray hair and braided it. ―You‘re still
beautiful grandma, despite of your age.‖ He whispered with a smile.

He was wearing all white when he set the bamboo and dried leaves on fire, watched her
grandmother burn together with the bouquet of white roses he picked from their garden and a
couple of more that surrounded her. Hunnie was sitting beside him and watched the unfolding scene
before them. The wind blew and the coldness of autumn reminded Luhan that by the next winter,
the coldness of the house would increase in the absence of his grandmother.

Luhan gathered her ashes and put them in a white ceramic jar. As he went to the river with Hunnie
tailing behind, he looked up at the canopy of trees above. ―Grandmother, may you rest in peace.‖
Then he took the ashes, spread it out on the river and mixed it with the air they breathe. It was his
grandmother‘s last wish she told him before. That when she died, she wanted to be cremated, and be
one with the nature—so here he was, granting her grandmother‘s last wish.

The following days were hard for Luhan. He wasn‘t used in staying in the house without her
grandmother. Sehun might see him smile but those smiles were still lingering with sadness. He
wanted to wipe the unshed tears away, and filled the cold house with his warm laughter. He wanted
to see the sparkle in Luhan‘s eyes. But what can he do?

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Tales of the Two Moons

Tending the daisies, tulips, the white and red roses in the mini garden her mother and he built ages
ago was one of Luhan‘s past times whenever he‘s bored. Taking care of the plants and the flowers
has been a habit he couldn‘t take off from his being. He loved talking to them like they could
understand him, and in return, they bloomed beautifully.

But because it‘s autumn he can‘t do that. What he must do is to stock food for winter. However he
wasn‘t even in the mood to get up from the rocking chair his grandmother used to sit on. The
warmth of the fireplace soothes him, yet loneliness was still there, lingering and refusing to leave

Wet and cold muzzle touched his hand that was resting on the wooden arm rest of the rocking chair.
He was too preoccupied and almost forgot that he had Hunnie with him. And the dog was aching
for affection. Luhan ran his hands on the dog‘s head, massaging it and combing the white and gray
furs. ―Hunnie, I‘m sorry. I spent too little time playing with you. It‘s just so hard for me to accept. I
know it‘s been a week since grandmother died but here I am, still mourning her death.‖

Hunnie licked his hands, and it brought smile to him. When he looked at the dog‘s eyes, he was
drawn into it, like something was pulling him closer to Hunnie. ―You have very beautiful eyes,
Hunnie, it resembles the two moons above at night.‖ He giggled. ―I should stop growing
mushrooms here, don‘t you think? Grandmother is probably aching to pull my sideburns there in
heaven whenever she sees me like this.‖

As much as Sehun wanted to say yes, he only placed his head on the human‘s knee and watched his
mate. Even when sad, he‘s so beautiful. Luhan was so pure and kind hearted yet he was strong to
face the waves of obstacles in his life. It brought him strength and inspiration to protect him more.
As the days passed of staying with him, Sehun found himself falling hard. He knew it‘s only been
seven days or more, but being imprinted, it was inevitable.

Luhan was his life now. The sole purpose of his existence was Luhan. And because Luhan himself
wanted to change, he would gladly do everything to pull him out of loneliness, make him know that
he‘ll be there for him as long as he lives.

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Tales of the Two Moons

It started with everyday chores. Luhan would gather water from the well at the back of their house,
and to their kitchen and bathroom for everyday use, when he noticed that Hunnie kept following
him. Sure he was a dog, but to think he would follow him, everywhere was overwhelming and cute.
He didn‘t mind though, he liked it when he sees Hunnie. He‘s such a very adorable fur ball.

Then Luhan would be out, gathering woods in the forest, Hunnie would still be with him.
Sometimes when he would take a break and sit under an oak tree, he would take out his snack which
was commonly bread and jam. He would toss a piece at his dog and he‘d be able to catch it. And
then, when there were times he have nothing to do, he‘d stay at home with a book on his hand.
Hunnie would sniff the space beside him before curling up, head on his thighs and looking up at
him with his silver eyes, sighing in contentment.

―You like making my thigh as a pillow, huh?‖ He chuckled and ran his hands on the dogs‘ back.
Sehun loved it whenever Luhan does that. It sent shivers on his spine yet in a good way. Luhan‘s
touch relaxes him, and he‘d be lying if he says it didn‘t arouse him. But enough of that—he won‘t
mount his mate just like that. He‘d be digging his own grave if he did.

Days passed just like that, and Luhan noticed how Hunnie grows so fast. How long has it been since
he took him? A month and a half? He was only a foot and a half or more in height back then and
after a month he‘s already up to the half of his thighs.

―How come you grow so fast Hunnie?‖ Luhan blurted out when he noticed it. But it came off with
an amused laugh and he continued what he was doing, which was folding his clothes he just washed
yesterday. Truth to be told, Sehun really did let himself grow like a normal dog but he wanted to be
a large one so no one would take him easily when someone tried to hurt Luhan. He intended to
grow more for the next few months, up until he reached Luhan‘s hips. If that was large for Luhan
then he doesn‘t know what his reaction might be if he knew his true appearance was larger than that.

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―Hunnie go fetch!‖ Luhan threw the rag doll he stitched for Hunnie. It became his dog‘s toy
whenever he‘s busy in the kitchen for Hunnie was very hyperactive. He‘d tug his shirt when he
wanted to play but sometimes things must be done first so he couldn‘t play with him. So as a
solution, he made him a doll. And it worked just fine.

Hunnie ran to the field where they were playing. Luhan watched his agile body form in a beautiful
curve whenever he ran. He was blessed to have someone like him. And he never felt alone. When
the dog came back with the doll on his mouth, he dropped it and looked up with him while his
tongue was lolling. Luhan clapped and crouched to meet his eye level and ruffled his furs just below
his ears. ―There‘s a good boy!‖ he chuckled, and received an affectionate lick on cheek in return.

Winter started that dawn, when Luhan woke up and gazed on the glass window. Snow was falling
from the gray skies and the temperature dropped around him. He instantly curled on the bed while
rubbing his gloved hands. The old house wasn‘t really that winter proof. Just then Hunnie jumped
on the bed despite of Luhan‘s command not to, since he‘s too big to fit already.

―Hunnie, get off you‘re too big!‖ he whined but the dog rested beside him and he was sandwiched
between the wall and the huge dog. Luhan was about to complain when he felt the radiating warmth
from the dog. ―Are you… warming me up?‖ he asked and as if he was answered with a yes, Hunnie
licked his cheek. Luhan smiled and curled against the dog and found comfort in the warmth it gives

Luhan opened his eyes again at eight and found himself protected from the cold by the dog‘s body
heat. Hunnie‘s tail was wrapped on his thighs, and he was facing the furry chest of the dog, lying on
its side. He brought a hand up and caressed the dog‘s side, ―Thank you Hunnie…‖

He stood up and pecked the dog, putting on his winter jacket and bonnet to keep himself warm
when Hunnie woke up with a shake of his body. ―You‘re up buddy? Let‘s go get some breakfast
shall we?‖ he smiled and went out of the room, followed by Hunnie. He searched for the stocks he
got and decided to cook a vegetable soup, but he knew Hunnie likes to eat meat. As a thank you gift,
he wanted to cook something his dog would like but he got no meat.

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―Hmm…since you warmed me up all night, how about beef soup with cabbage and squash, Hunnie?‖
he offered. Just by saying the food, Luhan heard a loud rumble of the dog‘s stomach and he laughed.
―Alright, that would be a yes. I‘m going to town square to buy some meat, you guard the house
okay?‖ he said and went upstairs to get thicker clothes. When he went back though, he saw Hunnie
looking at his leash and then to him with a bark, wagging his tail.

―You want to come with me? It‘s freezing outside! There‘s no one who‘ll guard the house.‖ He said
but the dog pulled the leash from the hook and brought it to him, by his feet. Sometimes Sehun
wanted to face palm himself. No wolf would be freezing because they‘re cold resistant. But Luhan
doesn‘t know that so he had to remind himself.

Luhan bit his lips but he couldn‘t say no to those puppy eyes. Although three months of staying
with Hunnie already got him this big—seriously up to his hips, he still had the cuteness when he
pleads with his eyes. ―Alright, but you better behave. I believe this is your first time in town square.‖
Yes that would be the first time he‘s going to take him in the town square because Hunnie would
always be inside to guard the house. But he doesn‘t know why the dog would want to come with
him now.

If he would ask, Sehun would say that it‘s the first day of winter and he knew how weak his
resistance in cold. When Luhan put the leash on him, connected to the body constraints that clad
the dog‘s body just fine, he barked happily to let him know how he appreciated Luhan accepting his
request. The type of constraint he had was made by Luhan himself because his mate said that it‘s
hard to control him with only a collar because of his size.

Luhan locked the door and brought the money and key with him. He walked along the cobbled path
to the town square with Hunnie on his side. He was really huge though, but he felt protected
whenever the dog was around. As if no harm would come to him as long as he‘s there. As usual, the
one hour walk to the town square tired him but then he sighed in relief when the walls and gates of
the place came into view.

As he passed the open gates he was greeted with stares. At first he didn‘t know why, but he realized
that maybe because of Hunnie. He paid no attention to them and went to the market. He also

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noticed how people made way for him, like they didn‘t want to go closer because of the dog beside
him. Come on, he‘s just a dog, larger than normal ones. They don‘t have to be afraid.

When he came to the meat stall, the vendor visibly gulped when he noticed the dog sniffing the
fresh meats displayed. Luhan gave him a small smile, ―Don‘t worry he won‘t eat it unless I gave him
permission. Hunnie‘s well trained and behaved dog.‖

With that the vendor seemed to relax and he began looking for fresh beef meets. ―Meats are a bit
expensive today because the winter has started. But not as much as the vegetables.‖ The vendor said
and Luhan chuckled, ―It‘s a good thing I stocked some for winter, I hope they won‘t wither that fast.
Ah, I‘ll take this, how much would this be?‖

―You have good eyes in meat! That would be a hundred koll.‖ Luhan looked for his pocket and
thankfully he had stocked five hundred koll in there. He was taking out a hundred when the meat he
asked for was taken by a round bellied fat man. ―This would be mine.‖ He said handling a hundred
koll to the vendor. ―Hey that‘s mine, I took it first.‖ Luhan snapped at the man.

―Well I paid it first, young man.‖ Luhan took the meat and paid a hundred koll as well. ―Choose for
yourself and don‘t still other‘s meat, will you? There‘s plenty of beef parts and I took this first.‖ He
argued. He might have a gentle side but he hates it being treated like this because he‘s younger.
―Why you little shit—―, the old man was about to hit him and he ducked. It was common for the
people in town to be so prejudiced and he was used to it. He knew people would judge him by
wealth and such and judging by the man‘s clothing, he was in the middle class. Hitting lower classed
people was an everyday thing in the town. That‘s why his grandmother took him out of it.

But then the awaited hit didn‘t come, because what came was a low, animalistic growl from his dog.
Luhan opened his eyes to see his dog baring his fangs on the man. The latter stepped back from fear
and before Luhan could react Hunnie leaped and pounced on the man, making the latter trip and fall
on his butt. Screams were heard in the town and Luhan saw Hunnie ready to eat the guy‘s head so
he pulled the leash. ―Hunnie stop! You know better than hurting people!‖ he grabbed the meat and
pulled the dog, who complied with his command. Sehun glared at the man one last time before he
followed Luhan. No one hurts Luhan especially in front of me. Lucky for you bastard that he pulled me away or
else you‟re a dead meat. He growled one last time before he was shushed by the human, and his head
bowed down as an apology.

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Three: I’ll Carry You with Me

Luhan placed the meat on the kitchen counter the moment they reached their home. He would be
lying if he said that he didn‘t get scared back there. Hunnie almost attacked someone in the town
square. Of all the things, he didn‘t want violence because he knew it will lead to worse situation. So
when he turned around to look at the dog, he was surprised to see him bowing like he was
apologizing for what happened.

―Hunnie…don‘t do that again okay? You shouldn‘t attack someone.‖ He said and knelt before the
dog, placing a hand on the dog‘s head as patted it. ―I know…you just want to protect me right? But
you must know that those people would get back to us when you hurt them. Do you understand
me?‖ he asked and didn‘t even wait for a response because he knew there would be none. He
hugged the dog and pecked its forehead before standing up.

―I‘m going to prepare our food, so go and play okay?‖ he smiled and continued to work on the meat.

Sehun went to the front door and laid himself there. Sometimes he‘s thinking if staying as a dog
would be the best. Because just like what he did back then, in attempt to protect Luhan, people
would take it in a wrong way and he could be branded as a menace in town. If he was in his human
form maybe he could‘ve told the man to back off and not pounce on him.

When Luhan finished the soup he called for him. The scent of the beef broth that mixed with diced
squash and cabbages brought him back to life. Luhan‘s soups are the best for him, simple but
delicious. As a wolf he did really prefer meat however Luhan taught him how to eat vegetables, so
he had really no complains with that.

The day was pulled into dusk, although there‘s no tint of purple and orange that would remind them,
the coldness of the wind was more than enough to tell them so. During autumn nights he was
always there with Luhan, to keep him warm and safe. And he was always more than willing to do so.
The smaller male was his mate, his life, his everything—he would do everything for him, be anything
for him.

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What they didn‘t know was the plan the town people were having. And by the clock strikes seven in
the evening, when he would lay on Luhan‘s lap while the human reads him book, he heard footsteps
coming to their direction. Because of the high sensitivity of his hearing, he could tell even though
they were still half a hundred meter away.

Sehun stood up and shook his fur. He headed towards the front door and began growling. No—
there‘s no more barking. Like the old times said, a dog who doesn‘t bark knows how to bite. And he
wasn‘t just an ordinary dog in this case.

Luhan panicked at the sudden change of behavior of the dog. He wasn‘t sure why he began growling
as he stared at the closed door of the house. It scares him because of all the times they‘ve been
together, today was the first day he saw this side of Hunnie. First he growled at the man in the town
square, and then now he was growling at something he shouldn‘t be growling at—which is their

―Hunnie, sit down! What‘s wrong with you today? You‘ve been acting strangely this morning!‖ he
hissed and tried to make the large dog down. But because he was an animal and Luhan was a little
scared that Hunnie would also snap at him, he failed to do so. The only thing he could do was to
watch him with worry—until he heard people coming when there were whispers and chatters
outside his house.

―Young lad, I know you‘re in there. This is the town‘s mayor. I‘d like to speak with you as the
representative of the public.‖ Confused, Luhan peeked at the window before he walked to the door,
unlocking it. He didn‘t forget to give one last warning to his dog to behave before stepping out.
There were almost twenty people waiting outside, wearing thick clothes and holding torches. They
were all looking at him like he did a crime to the town. When a man in middle class clothing walked
to him with a necklace that holds his title, he gave a polite bow. The man was somehow in his fifties,
beard and wrinkles and all. His intimidating look that laced with prejudice had Luhan wincing—he
didn‘t like being looked down.

―What is it mayor? Is there something wrong?‖ he asked quietly. Although he had a hint on why
they were here, he played safe. Just in time, he heard another low growl from the back. The way the
crowd stepped back made him realized how scared they were whenever they see his dog. A part of
him was glad that Hunnie was there, he definitely needed him right now or else, he wouldn‘t be able
to stand on his ground—as long as he wouldn‘t attack someone.

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―You see, young lad, many people saw you this morning together with your pet. And many
witnessed how untamed he was. People feared that he might suddenly attack someone just like what
he did with one of the civilians. A meeting was held this afternoon and the town people wanted him
to be disposed, for the safety of all.‖ He said. Luhan gaped at him, switching his gazes from the
mayor to the people before he found his voice again.

―Dispose of him? You‘re going to kill my dog? He didn‘t even do anything to the man! And he was
just trying to protect me. Hunnie won‘t do anything if nothing provokes him.‖ He defended. Warm
body brushed against his thigh and he looked down, seeing the dog already beside him, eyes planted
on the mayor, baring his teeth at the latter as if he could understand what they were talking about.
Luhan knew Hunnie is a special one, and he mostly understood what he‘s saying, or maybe, there‘s
just the ability of the dog in sensing their owner‘s feelings, just like what his grandmother told him

―You think his behaviour now convinces me that you‘re right?‖ he said, slightly wavering at the sight
of the canines that could attack him any minute from now. He watched the dog glare at him and he
stepped back. ―He‘s a wild dog, lad, and he could kill. He could kill you and the townspeople. We
only wanted what‘s best.‖

―I won‘t let you kill him! He‘s my dog and he‘s my responsibility. If you want, I won‘t take him to
the town square anymore if that would make you feel safe. But I won‘t let him be assassinated
because of your fear. He‘s my only companion, he‘s my best friend and I love him. I won‘t let you
lay your hands on him.‖

But all his protests fell on deaf ears. The mayor looked behind him and five figures stepped up in
town soldiers uniforms. They prepared nets and ropes to bind Hunnie. Luhan covered his dog when
the soldiers went closer. ―No, stand back! You‘re entering private property—―

―This is an order from the mayor. You stand back, kid.‖ One said and he harshly pushed him aside,
sending Luhan on the ground. With that in sight, Sehun snapped. All his self-control was washed
away. The biggest mistake a human could make was to hurt a wolf‘s mate, especially before their eyes.

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Before the soldier could tie a rope on his muzzle and before the other could wrap him in a net
blanket he let out a louder growl and made a biting gesture that had the others took another step
back. His canines were aching to rip their throats and send them to the river and let their bodies be
washed away from here. His bones were aching to shift into his original size; his anger was clicking
the switch that was long turned off for the sake of his mate.

And Sehun let it go. He leaped in front of Luhan, taking the human‘s previous place in covering him
from the people who wanted to hurt him. It was his time to do what he meant to do—what he
wanted to do. He could care less about Luhan‘s reaction, what‘s important right now was his safety.
His eyes remained on the soldiers who were telling commands on how to seize him. Oh how he
wanted to laugh right now because they could never outsmart a wolf.

His bones began cracking, taking all of the people‘s attention. His legs elongated, his body thickened,
and his head adjusted together with his muzzle and teeth. Nothing changed about his appearance
except now that he was a four feet tall wolf, fur was white as snow with patches of ash gray colors
on some parts of his body.

―It got larger! What‘s this, it‘s a monster!‖ someone yelled. The soldiers cowered and stood back but
the mayor got even frustrated and yelled at them to take care of him. When no one tried to, the
mayor pulled out a small revolver and inserted a bullet in it. ―You demon, disguising yourself as a
dog! I knew that you‘re a threat in this town!‖

―NO!‖ and before Sehun could even realize what just happened, Luhan had his body covering the
wolf when the mayor pulled the trigger. A soft gasp escaped the human‘s lips near his ear. Sehun
whimpered when Luhan‘s blood overtook the scent of the torches and the stench of the humans
around them. Luhan groaned and fell on the ground. Sehun felt the rage crawling in his veins. He
jumped over the human, to the mayor and pushed him on the ground with all force. Without mercy
he attacked him and didn‘t stop until he tore his heads off. Many screamed, and the way his blood
tainted the once pure snow added to their horror.

―Kill it! He‘ll kill us if we don‘t!‖ one of the soldiers said. Sehun had enough of this. Being called a
demon, a monster. Humans were really naïve today. None of them knew of their existence anymore
and so they created the greatest mistake in harming a wolf‘s mate. Thus he concluded to take
another shape. It was much easier than shifting to wolf. Taking human‘s form would shrink your

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size and it‘s a relief for them. And thus he did, despite of the fact he‘d be stark naked but he didn‘t

His strawberry blonde hair covered his face as he crouched on the snow before they could even
attack. There were gasps and murmurs in the background but all he could hear right now were
Luhan‘s groans. His bloody face and chest had yet to dry when he shifted. He looked up and glared
at them. ―Of all the things, hurting my mate should be the last thing you do. Because I won‘t hesitate
to kill you all!‖ he screamed. ―Ignorant humans, have you forgotten what happened when another
moon was born five hundred years ago?‖

―H-Hunnie…‖ Luhan whimpered, catching his attention. That‘s right. His priority was Luhan and
they couldn‘t stay here anymore. Not when these people tried to kill him, and hurt Luhan in the
process. He ran to his mate and turned him so he could see his face. ―Luhan, Luhan are you alright?
We‘ll leave here okay? I‘ll shift… and you climb on my back. You hear me?‖

Luhan looked into the handsome man talking to him. His eyes were silver, and he knew, the
moment Hunnie shifted in the larger size—everything made sense to him. How Hunnie seemed to
grow faster than normal dogs, how he understands him the best, how he was too protective of him.
―W-wolf…‖ he whispered and reached out a hand to touch the wolf‘s face. Sehun would‘ve rolled
on his back if they were in different situation but he just nodded and bit his lower lips before pulling
away. Taking a deep breath, he bent on all fours, started shifting on his wolf size, for there‘s no
point in hiding in a dog‘s size now.

Despite of his wound on the left shoulder, Luhan stood up and found himself lying on his stomach
on the wolf‘s back, which was made easy because Hunnie lowered himself. When the white wolf
stood up he gripped on his sides. Sehun growled one last time at the people before sprinting into the
forest, away from Black Sparrow, away from everyone who harmed his mate.

He sped up in the middle of the forest, hearing the sound of the nearby lake, slowly freezing in the
first night of the winter. Sehun could hear Luhan‘s heavy breaths as his legs worked its way in the
darkness. And the way he feel the human shivering because of the night breeze added to his worry.
Passing the lake means going out of the country‘s borders. So when he finally reached it, he sighed
in relief. A few minutes later he found a large tree where he could place the human and treat his
wounds. Good thing that Luhan was awake so when he crouched down, the human rolled out of his
back. Sehun shifted back on his human size so he could talk to him.

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―Luhan, I will take off your clothes and take out the bullet. I‘m sorry I have no herbs that could
numb the pain I need to take it out as soon as possible.‖ He whispered as he sat down. Luhan
crawled on the naked thighs, feeling the warmth of the body. If it‘s in different situation, he
would‘ve blushed being so close to the man‘s … crotch when he is naked. But right now he wanted
his heat, and he was cold. He lolled himself on his stomach when the man took his shirt off.

Sehun sat comfortably so Luhan could lie on his thighs. His head was turned on side, facing the rest
of his legs spread out on snow covered ground. The wound was terrible, and the only way to take it
out was to dig in the human‘s flesh. He did his best taking it out in a matter of fifteen seconds. But
within that time, he heard the anguish in his mates cry. It tore his heart into two honestly. Once
taken out, he leaned forward on the wound, and darted his tongues out to lick the blood and the
torn flesh.

Luhan gasped at the wet and warm muscle padding on his wound. It felt surprisingly good although
he doesn‘t know what was really happening. The only thing he knew was the pain fading away.
―Hunnie…‖ he whispered. Who knew that he‘s been raising a wolf? And it‘s a dream come true for
he really believed in them, he wanted to meet one. ―Sehun…‖ the voice from the back said. ―My real
name is Sehun,‖ it said.

When Luhan opened his eyes, it was probably morning for he didn‘t know what time was it. But the
sky was now lighter and snow is falling down. Snow. It‘s supposed to be cold, but why was he kept
warm—oh wait. Luhan turned his head and faced a furry neck of a wolf and one of its front legs on
top of his chest. He was surprised that his long white furred tail was wrapped on his legs like a

So this is Hunnie… A wolf that protected him—treated him and his injuries, warmed him up in cold.
Luhan remembered him saying that night his real name. ―Sehun…‖ he whispered. And the wolf‘s
ears twitched his eyes opened lazily. It made him smile. It was still Hunnie, but he‘s larger now
and—he can turn into human. Just like the other wolves. He snuggled on the warmth against the
cold, ―Thank you …‖ he whispered. ―C-Can I talk to you? Can I see you?‖ he whispered. Just then
the large furry body turned into a lean yet muscled body of a human.

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―What is it?‖ the gentleness of the voice had him curling. Luhan buried his face on Sehun‘s neck
while his arms were wrapped around the torso. ―Why didn‘t you tell me earlier? That you‘re a wolf?‖
Sehun pulled away to look at his mates eyes. ―I didn‘t want to scare you…‖ he whispered.

―You wouldn‘t, you knew I am not afraid of wolves. In fact I believe in them, I adore them.‖ He
smiled. ―I can‘t believe that Hunnie is a wolf, a beautiful one.‖ Luhan giggled when Sehun‘s ears
turned red against his white complexion. ―Don‘t say that,‖ he groaned in embarrassment, now
burying his own face on the human‘s shoulder.

―Aren‘t you cold? I- I mean you‘re all naked and—―

―I‘m not. But I will find some clothes soon. I‘m sorry Luhan, we left our home.‖ he whispered.
Luhan felt bad for it too. It had his memories with his grandmother. But he knew that it was
inevitable. If they didn‘t leave who knows what could‘ve happened. Luhan found comfort with
Hun—no…Sehun. Yes he found comfort whenever he‘s there. And he felt that the old house didn‘t
matter anymore. Home was Sehun. And he‘s home.

―I‘ll shift in my wolf form. We will go to the kingdom of Eldama for the next two hours.‖ Sehun
stated. Luhan lift up his head, ―Eldama? That‘s a long journey! W-Why are we going there?‖ Sehun
sighed and rested his forehead against Luhan‘s. Wolfs are needy for skinship, and for the wolf, it was
only natural for this to do. However for Luhan it was overwhelming. Having a naked man beside
you, and cuddling with you was more than enough to feel embarrassed.

―Unlike me, who can stay in cold for long, hunt for animals and eat them raw, you need warm
shelter other than my body heat, and need a decent food so we are going there. It might be a long
journey but with me, from here, we‘ll be there in two hours. Are you ready?‖ Luhan nodded and
smiled, sitting up and stretched his limbs. And then he noticed how his left shoulder doesn‘t feel any
more pain. ―H-how?‖

Sehun smiled sheepishly as he went in all fours, ―Licking it all night did the trick‖ he said before
shifting into wolf. With heated face and tomato ears, Luhan jumped on the back of the wolf, ―Don‘t
do that, it‘s embarrassing,‖ he complained but thanked him nonetheless before Sehun, his wolf,
began dashing in the forest.

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Four: The Prince of Eldama

It had been a mistake to think that the kingdom of Eldama would be a friendly place. However
Sehun only did the right thing, to bring Luhan back to civilization. Throughout their journey Luhan
told him to shift back in Hunnie‘s size to avoid further complications—which the wolf obeyed
because he thought the same. But even in the dog‘s size, the soldiers that they came across with in
one of the kingdom‘s forest which they entered an hour ago were still suspicious of Sehun. Luhan
muttered silent thanks that Sehun was not doing anything crazy.

The kingdom‘s soldiers accused them for trespassing, and they were escorted in the palace. Many
people were looking at him and Sehun. Thankfully Sehun didn‘t fight with the soldiers and went
with the flow. In the throne room, they met the king of Eldama. An old man in his fifties, in his blue
intricate designed robe and sapphire gemmed crown. Luhan noted that the flag of Eldama and most
of their clothes were in shade of royal blue.

One of the guards reported the ‗crimes‘ they did, and they were sent to dungeon without further
explanation. Luhan tried to reason out but they were dragged away from the throne room.
Thankfully he and Sehun were in the same cell. He heaved a sigh before leaning against the cold
walls of the prison.

―We need to convince him that we mean no harm Sehunnie. We will rot in here if we don‘t.‖ he
whispered. It just came out form his mouth—the junction of Sehun and Hunnie. So before he knew
it he was calling the wolf Sehunnie. But the wolf didn‘t mind though, he liked it. For the rest of the
day and through the night he cuddled with the wolf and let his tail be his blanket.

Loud clinging on the metal bar woke him up the next day, and he found one of the dungeon guards
crouching before the barred door. He knelt and placed a bottle of milk and fresh bread wrapped in
brown paper through the small space between the metals. ―I‘m sorry this is all I could sneak out
from the kitchen. My name is Oscar. Please eat this.‖ He said. Luhan crawled to the food and smiled
at the young guard. ―Thank you so much!‖

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Before he could eat though, he saw Sehun walking to him and lolled his tongue. Luhan chuckled and
split the bread in half handing the other the food. Sehun ate on his palm, licking it when the food
was gone. Luhan ate the bread and drank the milk, leaving half for Sehun as well. Oscar on the other
hand was amazed on the bond shared between the master and its pet. It made him smile as he
watched them. ―You two are cute.‖ He said.

Luhan laughed as he scratched the dog‘s back ears that had the other sighing in contentment.
―Sehunnie is my everything. He never left me even in my darkest times.‖ He said and looked at
Oscar. ―Why are you helping us? Aren‘t you supposed to be rude to me or something? It‘s not like I
preferred that I just… found it surprising.‖

Oscar who had sandy brown hair cropped short sighed. ―The king makes harsh decision sometimes.
I was there when you two were decided to be thrown here. You weren‘t even given a chance to
defend yourself.‖ Luhan nodded and ran his fingers in Sehun‘s fur. The latter was now lying on his
stomach, head on Luhan‘s crossed legs. ―Can you help me convince the king?‖

―No, I‘m sorry. No one can change the king‘s decision except…except the prince.‖ Oscar said. ―The
prince?‖ Luhan asked. This is great. If the prince would be his way to get out of this dungeon he‘d
be more than willing to talk to him. ―I—can I talk to him? I mean, I just want to tell them that we
didn‘t mean to cross the borders without passing the main entrance. We were in the forest and in
need of shelter because of the climate that‘s why we took a shortcut. We didn‘t mean to trespass.‖
He explained.

Oscar bit his lower lips before coming up with an idea he knew that could help the other. ―My sister
Odette is the prince‘s personal maid. She delivers his food and prepares his bath. I would take some
paper and ink for you, and I‘ll ask her to give the letter you‘ll make to the prince.‖ He suggested.
Luhan thought it was a bright idea. But he had a little doubt. ―What kind of a prince is he? Was he
rude just like his father?‖

The soldier laughed, ―No, he‘s not. Odette told me he‘s very kind and gentle. Although the prince
never left his chambers for some reason, he wasn‘t like his father. And because he rarely asked for
anything, the king always gives him what he wanted.‖

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Oscar did what he promised. He left and came back with a paper. It‘s a little crumpled and dusty but
writable nonetheless. He also handed him ink and feather so he could write. Luhan began
introducing himself before stating what happened to him and his pet Sehun. He couldn‘t say that he
was with a wolf, so he whispered to the dog a sorry that he wrote him as his pet. Although Sehun
didn‘t mind he wanted to give the other a heads up. At the end of the letter he wished for the
prince‘s consideration and hoped that could convince his father to release him.

Luhan rolled the paper into a scroll and tied it with a blue ribbon Oscar gave him. The guard took it
and smiled. ―I‘d take this to my sister. The prince would be able to have this by his dinner.‖ Luhan
nodded and waved at the disappearing figure. ―Thank you Oscar!‖

Whenever someone passes the hallway the leads to the prince‘s chamber‘s they would bow even
though they couldn‘t see the young man behind the double door at the end of the hallway. The
people of Eldama loved their prince so much for even without meeting him, they experienced his
kindness and good deeds especially to the poor people.

There were times that they would be given free meat before the winter with a scroll from the prince
saying to stay healthy and stay indoors most of the times and keep their children warm from the cold.
It happened three days ago and they were really blessed to have a prince like him. Whenever
someone was accused wrongly, people would gather together at night and recite a speech of plea
together for the prince outside the palace. But their voices were loud enough for the prince to hear
from his chambers. And the next day, they would be surprised that the accused man was now free.

Hence the prince might not be there always, but the mere acts behind the double doors of his
chambers were enough for the people to love him. In fact, they love him more than their king. If it
wasn‘t for the prince maybe the kingdom of Eldama would be long dead.

Thus Odette found herself blessed because she was the lucky one who could be with the prince‘s
close. Although the canopy and curtains of his bed prevented her from seeing his face, the mere
voice of the prince was enough for her. His everyday thank you and orders that she would only hear
was like a treasure no gold could buy. That‘s how she worshipped the prince. Once she took the
dinner to his quarters, she was also carrying the scroll in her robe. When she knocked thrice and
heard the voice of the prince she entered the chamber with silver tray in her hand.

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―Your Highness, dinner is served.‖ She said as he placed the tray on the small table where the prince
always ordered her to put his food. The lamp beside the gigantic bed gave her a way to see his
silhouette behind the thin translucent net like sky blue curtains of the bed. The prince was wearing
blue night dress and holding a book in his hand while his back was resting on the cushioned head

―Thank you Odette, you can go back to your duty.‖ He said turning his head to her. The female
servant bowed her head. ―I-I‘m sorry for taking your time your highness but someone requested me
to give you his letter. He was not an Eldamian and was accused for trespassing, and he was seeking
for your help, my prince.‖ There was a long pause that Odette found uncomfortable but she did not
dare to look up. A soft chuckle resonated the room, ―Don‘t be too nervous, Odette, give me the
letter.‖ The servant sighed in relief and took the letter from her robe and knelt before the bed. She
handed it with two hands, palm facing upwards. When the curtains parted as she peeked for a
second, she saw the flawless hands reaching out for the scroll.

―Wait here, Odette, until I finished reading this.‖ He ordered. The prince opened the scroll and
scanned his eyes on the letter.

To the Prince of Eldama,

My name is Luhan, your highness, a common citizen from the neighboring country who left my home with my pet
Sehun because of misunderstanding in our town. I was accused for trespassing in your territory which we didn‟t intend
to do. Sehun and I were in the forest taking the shortcut to your kingdom for we were in need of shelter against the

We mean no harm in your kingdom, your highness. I was told that maybe you could help me change the king‟s orders
and help me get out of the dungeon. I know this is a very selfish request for a mere stranger like me, but I hope you‟ll

With outmost respect,


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Written legibly, the prince smiled to himself for this Luhan was different from the people who asked
him for help. He was straightforward, polite nonetheless. ―Odette, he said here that he has a pet.
What kind of a pet he had? Did they take the animal in the dungeon with him as well?‖ he asked.
Odette noted the interest laced in the prince‘s voice and she smiled for maybe, her brother‘s friend
would get help from the prince.

―Yes, your highness. Oscar, my brother told me that the young lad was with a large dog with him.
He never saw such a large dog in his entire life and maybe because of it that they got in dungeon.
The king must have been terrified by its size.‖ She honestly said. The prince looked at her through
the curtains. ―A … dog? You say?‖

―Yes your highness. Although I haven‘t seen it myself, my brother told me that it goes up to the
young lad‘s hips.‖ There‘s a moment of silence before Odette hear the prince speak again. And what
he told her shocked her. ―First thing in the morning tomorrow, after my breakfast, prepare me a
bath and prepare my robe. Tell this young man I‘ll meet him in the dungeon.‖

―Y-Yes, your highness!‖ she stammered before bowing and left the chambers.

The appearance of the prince in the throne room shocked everyone—the royal advisors, the palace
guards and soldiers and the servants. He was clad in the prince robe and the hood was hiding his
face yet the sapphire pendant on his necklace that rested on his chest was enough for them to know
who he was. The prince stopped in front of his dumbfounded father. ―Son, you came out of your
room.‖ He said as the prince bowed before him.

―Yes I did father. Because I think that you‘ve done a pretty messy job yesterday, locking up a non
Eldamian in the dungeon with his pet. I know you‘re afraid of that pet father, so you locked him up
with it. I don‘t think it‘s a good act, so I‘m here to see the poor young man in the dungeon myself.‖

―No you can‘t, son—―

―I am going father. And I will show you and everyone in this kingdom what you didn‘t believe
before if my hunch was correct. And you know me father, I was never wrong.‖ He said and turned

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his heels, making a beeline towards the hallway that leads to the dungeon. His personal soldiers and
guards followed him, Odette by his right side. The doors that lead to the basement of the palace
were opened for him and he took the stairs down. Dust and cobwebs was everywhere, yet the prince
didn‘t mind. Who was this man that got the prince out of his chambers? And even make the prince
meet him in the dungeon himself?

Oscar was waiting at the gates of the dungeon and he opened it for the prince. The royal blood
entered as Oscar led the way to Luhan‘s cell. The latter was completely shocked when he met a
figure clad in royal blue robe. His face was hidden but a part of it was enlightened with the torches
hanging in between the cells. ―Are you Luhan?‖ the prince asked him. He scrambled to his feet and
stood up before bowing. ―I—I am your highness.‖

Sehun looked at his mate and he stood beside him, looking at the man in robe before bowing his
head as well. The prince didn‘t say anything for a moment until he turned to Oscar. ―Give me the
keys.‖ The guard gave him the rusty metal and the prince himself unlocked the door. Oscar and
Odette looked at each other. The prince went inside, in between the human and the dog. ―Your
highness it‘s dangerous to be close to that beast!‖ one of his personal guards said.

―You were lucky that this beast you‘re referring to didn‘t kill you the moment you seized them and
locked them up here.‖ He said before turning to Luhan and the dog. Odette, Oscar and the guards
gasped when the prince knelt down before the dog, head hung low before removing his hood.
Luhan gaped when he saw the light brown prince bowed before Sehun. ―Y-Your highness—―

―It‘s an honor to be at your presence. I am terribly sorry for the way my father treated you and
Luhan. I will take you out of here. My name is Baekhyun, the prince of Eldama.‖ The prince,
Baekhyun lifted his chin, meeting Sehun‘s silver eyes and exposing his neck. Sehun stepped back for
a while because he was surprised that the prince knew how to submit and give respect to a wolf. It
was very respectful, and he admired that. In exchange, Sehun shifted back into his original size,
earning gasps from the guards. But the prince didn‘t falter and without his command no one would
do anything.

Sehun, as a respect and acknowledgement bowed his head before the prince before standing proud
before him. ―Sehun…‖ Luhan went to the wolf‘s side and then looked down at the prince who
smiled at him. His eyes were defined with dark kohl, the sides of his face was painted with silver
curls as a make up for the prince. Luhan have never seen such beauty in his entire life. Baekhyun

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stood up and looked at the human beside the wolf. ―How tall is he? His built?‖ he asked him. Luhan
knew what he was talking about. ―A few inches taller than me, and he‘s lean yet well built.‖ He said.
Baekhyun nodded and asked Odette to prepare clothes that matches the description. Luhan wasn‘t
sure how the prince knew that Sehun was a wolf and what kind of gesture he made beforehand.

―I‘ll take you in my chambers. But for the meantime,‖ he looked at Sehun, ―Can I show you to my
father for a while? The reason would be heard by then.‖ Sehun gave a nod and Baekhyun led the
way out of the dungeon. Sehun, before leaving the basement lowered his back, a gesture that Luhan
knew so well so he jumped on the back of the wolf. Baekhyun smiled and shook his head at them,
―He‘s very protective of you, isn‘t he?‖ Luhan nodded shyly.

Once the wolf and the prince entered the throne room, spears and swords were pointed at them but
with Baekhyun‘s one glare they withdraw it and they walked to the king. ―Wolves do not exist, they
were only fruits of your imaginations that your mother put in your head—those were the exact
words you told me when I was twelve, when you take me from the kingdom Zambria away from my
mother. You said until I prove you that wolves weren‘t myths, you wouldn‘t let me visit mother.
Now I show you a real wolf, will you let me go?‖

The king‘s jaw tightened, ―I can‘t lose you, son.‖ The king whispered, Baekhyun sighed and went to
his father, before holding his hand. ―You won‘t. I am still the prince of this country, and I will come
back. You promised me father, please. I will be safe.‖ Just then Sehun shifted into his human form
while Luhan got off his back and Odette finally understood what the prepared clothes were for. She
handed it to Luhan who wrapped the white robe around Sehun‘s naked body.

―In return of the prince‘s kindness of letting us out of the dungeon, I would like to propose to help
him get in the kingdom of Zambria safely.‖ Luhan smiled and nodded to the shocked prince.
―Sehun‘s right. If you want to visit your mother, we will accompany you my prince. Take it as our
thank you gift for your kindness.‖

Baekhyun turned to his father, hoping and praying silently. When his father gave a weak nod, he
threw his arms around his father and gasped. ―Thank you, father thank you!‖ Luhan smiled and
looked at Sehun who was looking at him as well. Sehun held his hand with a smile. ―We‘re going
down the road again, Luhan.‖ The human laced their fingers, ―I don‘t mind though. You always
keep me warm anyway.‖ He said.

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Five: Red, Red Rose, Blood and Thorns

Luhan clutched on Sehun‘s sleeved arms as they entered the prince‘s chamber. Everything had some
shades of blue, and it looks so beautiful and expensive. Baekhyun told the servants except for
Odette and Oscar to leave. He then turned to them while he removed his robe, helped by his
Servant. ―Thank you for the offer, Luhan, and Sehun.‖ He smiled, ―Would it be bother if we leave
tomorrow morning? I would really like to leave today but I want you to have a proper rest.‖

―That would be nice,‖ Luhan heard Sehun said. He looked up at the taller male before tugging his
sleeves. Sehun looked at him and leaned down to listen to his whisper when the prince walked to the
other chamber, which was probably, where his clothes were. ―Sehunnie, what did the prince do back
in the dungeon?‖ The wolf made an ‗o‘ shape with his lips before smiling and taking a seat on one of
the chairs before pulling Luhan down on his lap.

―If humans bow to people as a sign of respect, exposing your neck and kneeling before a wolf was
also a sign of submission and respect to a wolf. It means you mean no harm to the wolf, and your
intentions were clean of deceit. The prince knew it, although I don‘t know how.‖

A soft chuckle was heard from behind, and Luhan found Baekhyun in much simple clothes. Long
sleeved laced shirt, simple trousers under combat boots that clad his legs up to below the knee—his
collarbone was exposed and all the jewelry he wore was gone. ―My mother used to tell me stories
about wolves, and she told me she met one. When I was a child she told me, if I ever see a wolf, the
first thing I should do was to show them that I won‘t hurt them, thus teaching me how to do it

―I was really shocked there, your highness…‖ Luhan mumbled and Baekhyun sat on the chair across
them, crossing his legs while resting his hands on top of the knee. ―Please just call me Baekhyun.
Let‘s have some snack together shall we? I want to know about you Luhan and Sehun.‖ He smiled.
A few minutes later, Odette came in with silver tray in hand filled with freshly baked cupcakes and
cookies with a pot of Jasmine tea.

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―Sehun, if you don‘t mind me asking is…Luhan your mate?‖ he asked. Luhan who was munching a
cupcake turned to the wolf he was sitting on, found him blank faced which was how he was most of
the time. Then Sehun gulped nervously before looking at him. ―Yes he is…‖

Baekhyun‘s lips tugged into a sweet smile. ―I knew it!‖ Luhan looked at the prince once he
swallowed the cupcake. ―W-What‘s a mate?‖ Luhan noticed Sehun‘s arms tightening around his
waist when Baekhyun shook his head. ―You should teach him some facts, Sehun.‖ Baekhyun
chuckled. ―I‘m not ready to tell him before,‖ Sehun mumbled, burying his face on the human‘s back.
Luhan pouted, ―Hey, I don‘t follow!‖

―A wolf‘s mate… is a wolf‘s other half. Wolf loves only once in their lives, and it happens
unexpectedly once a wolf was already mature. A mate could be a human or another wolf. As a mate,
you‘re the only one who could tame the wolf, who could make the wolf happy, and could kill the
wolf.‖ Baekhyun explained. Luhan lowered his hand that holds the cupcake. ―K-kill the wolf?‖
Baekhyun nodded, ―When the mate rejects the wolf, it would lead to the wolf‘s depression. When a
wolf is depressed two things can happen—the wolf would weaken and die, or the wolf would be
wild, triggering humans to kill them.‖

―I …‖ Luhan gripped Sehun‘s hands, ―I would never reject Sehun.‖ He whispered. Baekhyun
nodded. ―I know you won‘t. I‘m curious though, what kind of mark do you have? Can I see it
Sehun?‖ Luhan was once again confused but when Sehun smiled at him reassuringly he stood up
together with the prince. ―Where?‖ the prince asked the wolf. ―Lower back, above his tailbone…‖
Baekhyun lifted Luhan‘s shirt at the back and gasped. ―It‘s so beautiful…‖

He took the other near a huge mirror to show him. Luhan gaped and turned to Sehun, ―How did I
get this? It looks magical Sehunnie…‖ Baekhyun laughed, ―Yeah it is. You got it the moment Sehun
was imprinted on you; the moment he knew you‘re his mate.‖

A couple of conversation was held after that. Luhan found out that despite being a prince, Baekhyun
was down to earth. He loves helping people but the only thing Baekhyun wanted was to visit his
mother in Zambria. Thank goodness that time sped up and they were taken to a spare room. Luhan
and Sehun spent the night together cuddling under a very comfortable sheet.

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The time elapsed and even before the day breaks, they were already up. Servants have prepared the
things the prince would take and the horses they would use. They talked about Sehun taking the
human form on their way to Zambria so people won‘t suddenly attack him.

It turns out that the kingdom of Zambria wasn‘t as welcoming as Eldama. It is a place of violence
and chaos. The king was greedy and the people were mostly living as the poorest of the poor. That
was why Baekhyun was so worried of his mother. Luhan was anxious to travel again. He didn‘t
know why but when he and Sehun left Black Sparrow he had always wanted to travel. Like he
couldn‘t stop himself from staying in one place. As if feeling the breeze of the wind and smelling the
scent of the earth was calling him. He packed some clothes Baekhyun gave to him and some extra
for Sehun on the bag hanging on his back.

―We‘re going to leave now father,‖ Baekhyun said to the king and kissed the royalty ring on his
hands. The king smiled and patted his cheeks twice. ―Be careful my boy.‖ The king said before
giving Sehun and Luhan a nod. The three walked to the prepared stallions by the draw bridge of the
palace. The prince wore nothing but simple royal blue tunic under the hooded cape, combat boots
and trousers with a bow and arrow on his back.

Luhan was helped by Sehun to climb on a brown stallion before he climbed on the black one.
Baekhyun jumped flawlessly on the back of the white stallion as the guards yelled to open the
drawbridge of the palace. Slowly, they waited for it and as soon as it hit the grounds, Luhan gaped at
the number of people waiting for the prince.

He almost forgot that Baekhyun had never ever left his chambers since he was taken there when he
was twelve years old. Sehun kicked the horse followed by Luhan, leading the way first. Baekhyun
followed behind them. The moment the white stallion passed the drawbridge the people cheered.
―Prince Baekhyun please come back early!‖ ―Long live the Prince! May the gods bless your trip!‖

A young child was being carried by his father caught Baekhyun‘s attention. He noticed that the girl
was barely seven years old. Her father brought her closer. ―My prince, my daughter would like to
give you something…‖ Baekhyun smiled under the hood before removing it. The people gasped the
moment they saw the prince. His sheer beauty, his warm smile that reflected in his eyes… all of it
was now exposed to the people of Eldamian.

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―It would be a great honor to have her gift,‖ he said as he carried the girl in his arms. ―What is it that
you want to give to me, my lady?‖ he chuckled. The young girl smiled and touched his cheeks before
taking a handmade necklace from her neck. ―Prince, you might have forgotten me, but I am the
child that was sick a month ago whose mother was working in your palace. You helped me for
giving me free medicine that even thrice of my mother‘s monthly pay wouldn‘t be able to buy. I
made this as a thank you gift for saving my life.‖ The girl put the necklace on the prince‘s neck.
Baekhyun looked at it and saw that the pendant was of fire.

―You‘ll be the light and warmth of Eldama forever. We love you Prince Baekhyun, have a safe trip.‖
She giggled and kissed the prince on the cheek. Baekhyun smiled and kissed hers as well before
thanking and giving her back to her father. With a final wave to the citizens and a promise to come
back, he led the way to Zambria, followed by his friends running side by side.

Unlike the clean streets, green canopied forest, peaceful atmosphere and organized laws, Zambria
was the image of Eldama‘s other pole. Dumps everywhere, children holding sacks fighting for the
food they would get from it. The trees mostly was cut, but not after the invisible line drawn in the
middle of the forest. Soldiers and guards were gambling on one corner, some teenagers were fist
fighting on the other street. The guards didn‘t even bother checking them as they entered the
kingdom‘s property.

―This is so much a mess,‖ Luhan muttered, taking off the brown hood of the cape he was wearing.
Sehun didn‘t undo his hood for Baekhyun told them that Zambria was not as naïve as the other
kingdom. They knew about the existence of the wolves and even in human form they‘d be able to
tell if an individual was one—

Just by having Silver Eyes bright as the two moons above.

―Do you know the way to your mother Baekhyun?‖ Luhan asked the prince. He was told not to call
the prince as ‗Prince‘, ‗your highness‘ or whatever. The prince nodded and gave him a small smile.
―I‘m sorry about this place. It got worse than the last time I‘ve been here. Let‘s go.‖ Luhan followed
the prince as the stallions only walked to the direction Baekhyun leading. People were too busy to
acknowledge their presence.

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They passed a block and then Baekhyun turned to the right, coming out from the alley way into the
cobbled stone bridge above a river. They crossed it and found another rows of old houses and
Baekhyun stopped in front of a rundown house before a fountain. Even old, lacking of maintenance,
the small plants on the pots outside the house was enough for them to know that someone was
living inside.

Baekhyun tied the horse‘s rope on one of the grills. This was copied by the two as they jumped off
the stallions. Anxiously, yet nervously, Baekhyun fisted his hands before giving three soft knocks on
the door.

They heard faint rustles on the other side before the knob was twisted and the door opened. There,
a woman in her forties, hairs of light brown like the prince, Luhan noted, stood before them, gaping
when she realized who the boy was looking right back at her. ―Mother…‖ Baekhyun whimpered, on
the verge of crying.

―Baekhyun! My son!‖ the woman ran to the prince and threw her arms around him. Baekhyun
caught his mother and answered her with equal tightness of hug. ―I‘ve missed you so much mother‖
Baekhyun sniffed his mother‘s scent of garden and spearmint. ―Your hair is longer,‖ he chuckled as
he raked his fingers through the soft wavy locks of his mother that goes up to her waist.

―You‘ve grown into such a beautiful man, my boy.‖ She said as she peppered him with kisses. The
prince chuckled and turned around to his friends. ―Mother they are my friends who accompanied
me here, Luhan and Sehun.‖ The two bowed to the older woman. ―Luhan, Sehun this is my mother,

―Come in young men, oh I should‘ve prepared more food if I knew you‘re coming!‖ she said
excitedly and went to the kitchen stirring what Luhan smelled was chicken soup. Just then, from the
back door, a man just in Baekhyun‘s height entered. He was in red cape, face covered with hoods
and he was holding roses…

…with bare hands.

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Beatrice saw this and he dropped the saddle on the pot, startling the three. ―Kyungsoo! What are
you doing? I told you to wear your gloves whenever you‘re gardening!‖ She took the punch of roses
carefully and took this boy‘s hands. ―Look you‘ve got scratches and wounds from the thorns.‖

Baekhyun watched the two, curious, confused and jealous. Her mother seemed to care a lot about
this boy. Who was he and why was he here? He couldn‘t help but to bite his lips as he watched her
mother clean the wounds and wrap bandages mostly on his bare left hands. The blood was wiped
off and his mother told Kyungsoo to go upstairs and change clothes.

Beatrice saw the look in Baekhyun‘s eyes and smiled, handing the soup to each of them. ―Who was
that mother?‖ he tried hard not to choke on his soup as he asked. The worst thing he could hear was
his mother having child with other man. It‘s not like he doesn‘t want a brother but – it would just
broke his heart.

―Kyungsoo, darling. He‘s Kyungsoo. I found him two years ago, when he was eighteen. The poor
boy was lost in the forest and I decided to take him in. He‘s been living with me since then. Don‘t
be hard on him Baekhyun…‖

The prince somehow felt relieved and so he smiled, ―No why would I? Sure I am a little envious and
jealous but I thank him for being with you this whole time. Is he in my previous room? I‘d like to
talk to him.‖ he offered. When his mother nodded he excused himself and went up to the steep stair.
There are two rooms and he went to the right one, where his previous room was. It wasn‘t locked so
he knocked, before opening it a bit.

―Kyungsoo?‖ Baekhyun peeked inside. He saw the hooded man packing up and it alarmed him.
―Kyungsoo? What are you doing?‖ The said male didn‘t look up but answered him, ―I‘m going away,
since you‘re here now, I don‘t have a place in this house anymore, isn‘t that what you came here for
as well?‖

―No please.‖ Baekhyun invited himself in and stopped the other by grabbing his hands. ―I am not
kicking you out because I‘m back. I was going to thank you for being by my mother‘s side when I
was gone. Kyungsoo you are more than welcome to stay here.‖ He explained.

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There was a moment of pause, and they both stood still until Kyungsoo withdraw his right hand that
was clad with black fabric like a bandage, leaving only his fingers in sight. Baekhyun jumped from
the harsh action and quickly, his eyes landed on the other‘s when he took off his hood. ―Why? Why
are you like this? Why are you treating me so kind when I do nothing for you in return?‖

Baekhyun stared at the pair of hazelnut eyes, wide and expressive, glassy from the prickling tears
forming. Kyungsoo, just like Luhan had his different kind of beauty, his skin was paler than his, his
heart shaped lips were full and reddish. But his thick brows were furrowed, and he was trembling
like he was holding back. ―You did something for me and my mother. And even if you didn‘t, what‘s
wrong with being so kind to the others? What‘s wrong in letting a homeless man stay inside a cozy
house if there‘s a room? What‘s wrong with it Kyungsoo?‖

It doesn‟t feel right. Kyungsoo would like to answer but he failed to open his mouth. He wasn‘t used to
being treated gently, kindly. In his previous years all he knew was pain. All he felt was pain. Blood,
bruises, harsh words, violence, that was his world. He wanted to escape, and he did. He did escape.
He chose not to remember his life, he chose to live by himself, and by the age of seventeen, he
learned how to hunt. He lived in the forest, and he travelled and travelled for a year. He came across
this kingdom, and then Beatrice found him. Kyungsoo wouldn‘t want to go with her, but he felt bad
saying no to a kind hearted woman.

―Nothing…‖ he mumbled, dropping himself on the single sized bed and ran a hand on his hair.
―I‘m sorry…‖ he said. Baekhyun smiled and sat next to Kyungsoo before hugging the boy. ―It‘s
okay. You‘re my brother now Kyungsoo okay? Mother is your mother too, so don‘t think of leaving
again please? Mother would be broken hearted.‖ When Kyungsoo nodded, Baekhyun began singing
a lullaby to his new brother.

In the distance, after the invisible line in the forest that separated the dead one near the Zambria a
wolf lives. Dark brown and black in color, sleeping under a huge tree. The whistling wind brought
the music of the song in his ears from the voice that he wouldn‘t be able to forget…His ears
twitched and he snapped out of the sleep trance. He sniffed the air and there, he smelled it, very
faint yet it was there, near enough for him to follow, to trace.

He‟s back! The brown black wolf sprinted to the forest of Zambria.

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Six: Warmth in Winter Night

―Hey stop! You brat, give me that!‖ Kyungsoo yelled as he ran as fast as he could to catch the
snatcher of the food they just bought in the market. Baekhyun was left there gaping with his hand
awkwardly hanging in the air. He was the one who was holding the bag of vegetables and meat they
bought when somebody took it out of his grasp in a mere second. Before he knew it Kyungsoo was
already gone to chase the boy robbed them.

It‘s been a day since they stayed in Zambria. Somehow the atmosphere in the house wasn‘t as thick
as before thanks to Baekhyun‘s openness to his brother who lacked the social health in his body.
Kyungsoo was distant, he doesn‘t smile often, he doesn‘t open up and it worries his mother the
most but she said she couldn‘t do anything about the attitude of the boy. Baekhyun promised he
would try to change his brother.

―Sehunnie! Let‘s help Kyungsoo!‖ he heard Luhan said to his side but the hooded wolf shook his
head. ―It‘s dangerous Luhan. Let them handle this.‖ He firmly said. Luhan on the other hand didn‘t
listen and sprinted to the direction where Kyungsoo ran. ―Luhan! Tsk.‖ Sehun followed his mate. If
he could though he would have shifted already but doing that in public wouldn‘t be a good idea.

Baekhyun, given no choice, followed and called for his brother Kyungsoo. It was odd because when
he called his name, people would look at him and murmur to the people beside them. Is there
something wrong with him calling his brother? He found Luhan and Sehun in a street but he didn‘t
see Kyungsoo. ―Where is he?‖

―Baekhyun, please I need to take Luhan back home,‖ Sehun gestured on Luhan‘s bleeding right knee
and Baekhyun nodded before patting Luhan‘s back. He leaned closer and whispered, ―Luhan, you
should‘ve listened to Sehun, good luck. I feel you‘ll get a good scolding later.‖ The said man groaned
and bit his lower lips. He didn‘t mean to trip okay? There was a child that bumped on him so he lost
balance and fell. He wasn‘t lousy even if he looked skinny. When Sehun found him already kissing
the ground the wolf helped him to get up. He couldn‘t look in Sehun‘s eyes because of the hood but
he knew that he was glaring at him.

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Baekhyun left them to find Kyungsoo and he was carried bridal style (much to his embarrassment)
back in the house. Beatrice smiled at them but when she saw Luhan bleeding, she offered to take
some herbal medicine despite of Sehun‘s protests. The wolf carried his mate in Kyungsoo‘s room
and placed him on the edge of the bed. Sehun removed his hood and Luhan shrunk at the look
Sehun gave him.

―If you listened to me, you wouldn‘t get hurt Luhan. You know I hate seeing blood oozing from
your skin! Why did you run after Kyungsoo?‖ Sehun ripped the trousers from above the knee
downwards and removed the stash of fabric, exposing Luhan‘s legs. The latter bit his lower lips,
feeling guilty but he tried to reason. ―I just want to help!‖ he said. Sehun glared at him, ―And you‘ll
risk your safety with it? There‘s no way I‘m going to let you do that.‖

―It wasn‘t like you‘re my father or anything you don‘t have the right to tell me what I should do or
not do!‖ Luhan snapped, feeling the tears on his eyes. Sehun paused, completely taken a back from
what Luhan said. He nodded, before hanging his head low, ―You‘re right… I wasn‘t anyone to
you…‖ he mumbled. ―I‘ll ask Beatrice to treat your wounds.‖

And then Sehun left the room. The moment it happen Luhan wanted to take back the words he said.
He didn‘t mean that, it just came out like that. Sehun was hurt, and Luhan felt like the biggest jerk of
all. Beatrice went in and started cleaning his wounds. She was afraid when she saw Luhan crying.
―A-Are you okay, honey?‖ Luhan wiped his tears and nodded, swallowing the lump on his throat.
Beatrice sighed and took some leaves to wrap his wounds, putting some oil in it before heating it
with lit candle. ―You and Sehun fought?‖ she said as she placed the heated leaves on his wound.
Luhan hissed but relaxed after five seconds. He nodded once again when Beatrice started wrapping
his wound with bandage.

―I said things I didn‘t mean to say. I- I hurt him…‖ he whispered. Beatrice nodded and cut the
bandage. ―Things are better fixed as soon as possible. I think he‘s by bridge. Go to him okay? Can
you walk?‖ Luhan tried to get up, feeling a little sting when the skin around the wound was stretched
but nothing unbearable. ―I can manage.‖ He smiled. ―Thank you so much.‖

As Beatrice said, Luhan found Sehun watching the river, back hunched as he leaned over edge of the
bridge, still wearing his hood. He went closer, slowly, quietly. ―Sehunnie…‖ he whispered, but the
wolf remained quiet. Luhan bowed his head. ―I‘m sorry… I didn‘t mean to say that. O-Of course
you are someone to me. Someone whom I can‘t live without…‖

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Sehun turned around and reached for Luhan‘s tear stained cheeks. ―Don‘t cry… it‘s okay...‖ He said.
Luhan took the wolf‘s hands and rubbed a thumb on the back of it before pressing his cheeks
against it. ―I‘m sorry…‖ he repeated, crying on the palm. Sehun pulled him into hug, nose pressing
on the human‘s head, inhaling his natural fragrance before sighing. ―I am not mad, I was just afraid
that you‘d…reject me, that‘s all.‖ He admitted.

Luhan thought what would happen if he rejected Sehun. The latter would weaken and die, or get
wild, just like what Baekhyun said. He didn‘t want that. Sehun is important to him… he doesn‘t
know what this feelings yet but when he knew Sehun was a wolf, he was happy. But when he saw
Sehun mostly in his human form, his silver eyes, his thin lips, his nose…his sharp jaws, he
momentarily forgets that the other was a wolf, and he only see him as a man. He feels giddy, he felt
nervous in a single glance from the taller male. ―I won‘t reject you Sehunnie…you mean so much to
me more than you think…‖

With this, the wolf smiled under the hood and pulled away slightly to look at Luhan, ―Did Beatrice
treat your wound?‖ Luhan nodded, ―Although it still stings.‖ He pouted and suddenly Sehun‘s
fingers pushed his puckered lips. ―Don‘t do that, I might kiss you. Let‘s go, I‘ll treat it better.‖
Luhan felt all his blood rushed to his cheeks. Kiss him… Sehun…will kiss him? Luhan stop
fantasizing! He slapped himself mentally as Sehun dragged him back to the house.

Meanwhile on the other side of the street, Kyungsoo managed to grab the boy‘s shirt and pull him
before he could run away. He pinned him to the ground before punching his face repeatedly. No
one dared to stop the fight, they all just watched. Baekhyun heard his brother cursing and followed
the voice, only to see a teenager being beaten up by his brother. ―Kyungsoo stop!‖ he yelled and
went to the other, holding his wrist as he swung back his arm, in attempt to put another bruising
punch against the poor lad‘s face. ―If you want to feed then work for yourself! Piece of shit!‖
Kyungsoo cursed and spat at the boy, taking the bag the other snatched back.

Baekhyun watched his retreating brother but before he followed he helped the boy stand up and
gave him a hanky to wipe the blood on his busted lip. ―Here, I‘m sorry about that. Take this too and
buy your food. You don‘t have to steal…‖ he smiled and left enough money for the boy to buy food

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for a week. With this the boy thanked him and cried, saying sorry. Baekhyun smiled and ran after his
brother—who was watching him the whole time. ―You didn‘t have to beat the boy up, Soo.‖ The
other rolled his eyes. ―Please, he shouldn‘t have stolen the food in the first place.‖

Baekhyun wondered why Kyungsoo was like this. What could‘ve happen in his past? Why was so
many people liked to resolve things with violence?

The night approached almost quickly and they were having a peaceful dinner, talking about what
happened that morning. Beatrice told them that Kyungsoo‘s quite popular for making troubles like
that. Kids and others don‘t usually pick on him and mess with him because the said man was
stronger that how he looked. Baekhyun nodded and eyed Kyungsoo. ―As your brother, I wouldn‘t
allow you to do that again.‖ He said with a sigh. Kyungsoo answered with a roll of eyes but didn‘t
talk back. He wondered why it felt good to be scolded by someone who finally cared.

Luhan volunteered to wash the dishes, and of course Sehun was there like a dog attached to his
master‘s hip and helped the smaller male. Beatrice found it amusing though. ―Sehun‘s quite fond of
Luhan isn‘t he?‖ Baekhyun was sitting on the edge of the sofa while his mother was sitting on the
single couch as they watched the two. Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head, ―You wouldn‘t
believe it mother…‖ he said. ―What?‖ the lady asked.

Just then Kyungsoo went downstairs rubbing his wet hair with a cotton towel. ―That they already
got in each other‘s pants?‖ he said. Baekhyun shot him a look and Kyungsoo shrugged, going near
the fireplace in front of the sofa where Baekhyun was sitting. Even it was winter, Kyungsoo has
always wanted warm bath if he wanted. ―Kyungsoo…come here…‖ Baekhyun asked the other who
scooted closer to him. Baekhyun spread his legs so Kyungsoo could settle in between. He took the
towel from the younger and he started drying his hair instead. This made Beatrice smile. ―You look
cute together. I didn‘t know you‘d be a good elder brother Baekhyun.‖

Kyungsoo closed his eyes as Baekhyun‘s gentle hands worked on his head, gently combing the hair.
―You should come with us back in Eldama, mother, it‘s much better there.‖ He offered. The woman
shook his head. ―Just take Kyungsoo, I can‘t leave this place. This is where I grew up, Baekhyun.‖
The prince sighed, ―Mother, I worry about your safety here. At least in Eldama you and Kyungsoo
would have a better place to live.‖

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―Eldama? That flashy kingdom?‖ Kyungsoo commented, earning a laugh from the elder. ―Does it
really leave an image like that?‖ Kyungsoo shrugged and stood up, sitting beside Baekhyun before
lying on the prince‘s lap. ―It gives the vibes, with all the royal blues and flags.‖ Baekhyun nodded
with a smile then his mother broke into laughter. Suddenly Luhan and Sehun came back from the
kitchen. ―It‘s good that Baekhyun‘s okay with that, I thought he would flick his head for insulting his
kingdom.‖ Luhan said with a smile.

―His kingdom?‖ Kyungsoo asked with a cocked brow. ―Apparently you‘re lying on Eldama‘s
Prince‘s lap.‖ Sehun said. Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun before sitting up. ―Seriously?!‖ he half
screamed. Baekhyun pulled him back and laughed, ―Don‘t mind them, please.‖ Kyungsoo wanted to
smack himself but shrugged the thought away when Baekhyun massaged his scalp again.

A few stories here and there were exchanged, when a scream was heard outside. They shared
concerned and confused look before Sehun rushed to the door and peeked outside. ―There‘s a
commotion somewhere, and I smell fire and…wolf…‖

It has been a day since he heard the song but he couldn‘t get close to the kingdom. If he shifted,
he‘d be naked and his silver eyes would be exposed. If he went in his wolf form they‘d freak out and
seize him. However tonight, he just couldn‘t stand at the edge of the forest. He wanted to see him.
Oh how he wished that he would be his mate. When he was only a cub, a mere twelve year old kid
when he shifted, he always prayed that he would be his mate when he reached eighteen. Wolves
won‘t be able to imprint until they reached their 18th birthday. And they would be able to find their
imprints, their mates, the moment their eyes meets.

And the idea of seeing him again after so many years made him excited, he wanted to see and
wanted to be imprinted to him, if the two moons would grant his wish. It‟s now or never. He thought
and ran to the gates of Zambria.

Baekhyun and the others, even his mom went out of the house to see what was happening. They
crossed the bridge and found most of the citizens forming circle on the main square. Against the

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night sky, the shade of orange danced as the fire licked one of the old wooden houses. Some were
already working on them, shouting to pass some pails of water. Then they heard growls in the
middle of the crowd. ―Tie his mouth! Then his legs!‖ said one man. Sehun felt Luhan held his hand
tighter. If they were talking about the wolf, then if they knew Sehun was also one they would treat
him like that? ―What did the wolves do to humans for them to treat them like that…‖ he whispered.
Sehun wrapped his arms around the human and kissed his head.

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun passed through the crowd until they reached the front. They saw five men
holding ropes that ties up a struggling brown black wolf. There‘s an injured man on the side yelling,
―Kill it! It almost ripped my legs!‖ Baekhyun‘s eyes travelled on the man‘s wounded leg. The wolf
growled louder and managed to rip the rope off his muzzle. With its strength he yanked the man
holding the rope on his legs and pounced on him, biting his shoulder. Another painful scream
resonated in the kingdom. The wolf turned to the other men and had his eyes glowing silver before
he scratched his claws on the ground. There, ignited some fire that crawled to the man.

Sehun stiffened and gasped. ―They made a great mistake provoking the wolf of fire!‖ Kyungsoo
eyed him as he said this. How did Sehun knew a lot from wolves? But then he heard Beatrice yelled.
―Baekhyun no!‖

Kyungsoo looked at the direction Beatrice was looking at and saw Baekhyun running in the middle
of the circle. ―Stop! Stop this!!‖ Baekhyun yelled. He sprinted to the wolf that was going to burn one
of the people alive. Once close, he hesitantly reached out a hand but then he gathered all his courage
and brushed his hand against the fur gently. The wolf‘s head snapped at him, startling the prince.
But thankfully his concentration was now on him that the fire crawling to the man was put out. The
wolf initially growled at him but then their eyes met. Baekhyun stared at those silver eyes against the
brown and black shade of color of his furs. The wolf stopped growling as if he was staring only at

―Don‘t hurt anyone…please…‖ he whispered and touched the huge muzzle. It was so familiar for
him, this color and this warmth. The eyes of the wolf were so familiar that he wanted to cry. And he
did, out of joy. ―You don‘t hurt anyone anymore right?‖ he bent his neck to plant a kiss on the
wolf‘s forehead. Its height was taller than Sehun, if you count the perky ears it would go up to his
neck. The wolf released a low growl, ―Shh… it‘s okay…it‘s okay no one will hurt you.‖

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The growls died, and the panting of the wolf subsided down. People of Zambria watched. Who was
this man who calmed the vicious wolf? How did he do it? He wasn‘t from Zambria and yet he saved
the men from the wolf. ―It‘s tamed now kill it!‖ the man with injured leg yelled. Baekhyun‘s patience
snapped. ―NO! No one is going to kill anyone tonight!‖ he yelled holding the wolf close. Its muzzle
snuggled on his side.

―Why are you defending that wolf he almost killed us!‖ the man yelled. ―He wouldn‘t attack you if
you didn‘t attack him first! I know him!‖ Baekhyun said and the man laughed. ―Him? Him?! How
could you refer that thing with ‗him‘? Baekhyun gritted his teeth, ―Yes, him! Because apparently,
you‘re much of an animal than Chanyeol!!‖

This was the first time Luhan, Beatrice Sehun and Kyungsoo ever saw Baekhyun got angry. To think
that he would defend a wolf, to think that he knew the wolf. The latter raised his head and his body
began to shift, the bones moving into place, shrinking into an image of a sitting naked man with
wavy orange blonde hair, long legs and firm biceps, head hung low. His hand held Baekhyun‘s and
pulled the human down before embracing the prince.

―You came back…you came back…‖ the wolf chanted on the prince‘s ear. Baekhyun wrapped an
arm around the other and interlocked his fingers in the curly locks. ―I promised you didn‘t I?‖ the
prince whispered against the ear and the wolf nodded. He only pulled away to remove the blue cape
he was wearing, draping it around the wolf. Baekhyun stood up while holding Chanyeol‘s hand.

―People should accept the wolves. They meant no harm unless you provoke them…‖ he said and
pulled Chanyeol up. They were walking out when Chanyeol sensed an arrow coming to Baekhyun‘s
direction. He pulled the prince and caught the arrow in his hands before it burst into flames and
turned into ashes. Baekhyun was too shock to comprehend the things and the next thing he knew
Chanyeol‘s long arms possessively wrapped around him.

―Try killing him once again and I‘ll burn you to death.‖ He hissed and pulled Baekhyun out of the
crowd, followed by the other four. Chanyeol felt the tingling sensation on his chest, and he smiled to
himself. He looked down and peeked inside the cape. In the middle of his chest there was the mark
that he had imprinted on Baekhyun‘s chest as well. When their eyes met earlier, he was imprinted on
Baekhyun. His wish was granted.

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Seven: The Return of the Abandoned

Baekhyun in the end lead the way back to the house. With the other four following he waited for
them to come in before mouthing that he‘ll stay in the living room with Chanyeol for tonight. All of
them knew that they needed privacy, and they knew Baekhyun would give them the explanation they
deserve the next morning. In front of the fireplace he sat and pulled Chanyeol with him. ―Are you
tired?‖ he asked.

However instead of sitting beside the prince the wolf pinned him down, much to the prince‘s
surprise. And as if the proximity wasn‘t enough, Chanyeol removed the piece of clothing wrapping
his bareness to feel his skin brushing against his long lost love. ―Baekhyun…‖ he groaned and
leaned down, sniffing the prince‘s perfume on the neck before attacking it with his lips. Baekhyun
was so shocked that he wasn‘t able to move at first, but when he noticed how the wolf was rocking
his hips against his he panicked. ―Chanyeol…Chanyeol!‖ he hissed and pushed the wolf with all his
strength to stop him from kissing his neck.

―What?‖ the wolf whined and Baekhyun glared at him, ―What? What do you mean by what?
Chanyeol calm your libido down!‖ he hissed, pinching the taller male on his side. ―OW! Baek I just
missed you!‖ he retorted back. ―And humping me was your way to show that?! Seriously?‖
Baekhyun huffed sat up but then he saw the mark on the wolf‘s chest. He stopped and looked at
Chanyeol. ―You‘re…imprinted…‖

―To you.‖ Chanyeol finished with a grin and pinned him down once again on the floor, making his
head bump against the hard wood. Chanyeol, completely driven by his desire to claim his mate,
ripped the prince‘s shirt, began licking Baekhyun‘s neck like tasting the sweetest candy he‘d ever
tasted. Baekhyun gasped when the cold air hit his skin but it was immediately covered by Chanyeol‘s
hot breath and kisses on his chest. Of all the people he met, he never lost his patience and cool. He‘s
always calm, able to make the right decisions even at the toughest times. He forgot that Chanyeol
was the only one who could drain his patience meter.

―Chanyeol stop….stop mmh…‖ he covered his mouth before locking his fingers on the wolf‘s locks,
pulling it up to make the wolf stop. Chanyeol looked at him with hooded eyes, nose scrunched in a
snarl. He pushed himself up and cupped the wolf‘s face. ―Not now…okay? I haven‘t explained
everything to my mom about you…about us.‖

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The wolf‘s silver eyes stared into him and Baekhyun didn‘t look away. ―Fine…let‘s just sleep for
now.‖ The wolf sighed. It didn‘t occur to Baekhyun that Chanyeol would be this eager and lust
driven wolf back when they were just kids. It would be really tough for him as his mate. Mate. He
looked at his chest, looking at the matched imprint mark of the wolf on him. Chanyeol has always
been praying to be imprinted to him, and he thought it was crazy. But then Chanyeol did manage in
the end. He watched the other shift into its wolf form before lying down near the fireplace. ―Good
night Chanyeol…‖ Baekhyun sneaked in between the wolf‘s curled body, and the latter wrapped its
long tail on him.

The whole table was staring at the new guest the whole time that breakfast. Luhan noted that this
wolf was very different from Sehun. Well, Sehun is a little bit ‗sophisticated‘, well-mannered and of
course more handsome (for his opinion) because this wolf in front of them right now was slurping
the soup loudly, not bothering the stain on the corners of his lips and cheeks. And not to mention
how big his appetite was.

―So…‖ Beatrice cleared her throat, tearing her gaze away from the young man, err, wolf in fact, to
look at her son. ―How did the two of you know each other? I mean I know I told you I met a wolf
before but that was when I was a young lady and that was a long time ago. I almost believe that
wolves are … extinct.‖ This time Luhan choked on his soup. Before Baekhyun could say anything,
Chanyeol spoke. ―Really? You didn‘t know you have another wolf in the house before me?‖
Kyungsoo and Beatrice looked at each other, then to Luhan. The latter shook his head, ―I-I‘m
not…S-Sehun is.‖ He stuttered. The said man put down the spoon he was using. From the first day
he arrived he never let his hood down and thankfully the others didn‘t ask him to. But now he knew
this would happen and he took the hood off and looked up with his silver eyes.

―It‘s not my intention to hide myself, but judging by the Zambrian‘s reaction when they saw a wolf
last night, I think it‘s not a very good idea to expose my true form.‖ Beatrice seemed frozen on the
spot. As for Kyungsoo he closed his gaping mouth after seconds and snorted, ―So that‘s why you
knew a lot about wolves.‖ He muttered. Baekhyun cleared his throat. ―Back to the topic.‖ He said
and shifted on his seat.

―Chanyeol and I met when we were ten.‖ He started. ―I was lost back then. Dumb because I saw a
‗dog‘ and I ran to find him. I should‘ve known that it wasn‘t a dog but a wolf. Well he showed up
when I was crying. He was in his wolf form, dog sized, and it looked like he doesn‘t know what to

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―Of course I wouldn‘t know. You just showed up and chased me, then you started crying. I didn‘t
even know if you would hate me if I shifted. But I ended up shifting and you stopped crying, so it
was worth the try.‖ Chanyeol tore the chicken meat on the legs and chewed it in not so appropriate

―We talked, and eventually met up almost every day. Before we knew it, we‘re attached to each
other‘s hips. You could say he‘s my childhood friend. Until father came and he took me, I almost
didn‘t manage to tell him, lucky I sneaked out one night and ran to the forest to say I‘m leaving.‖
Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and dropped the chicken. ―Your father took you away?‖ he snarled.
Baekhyun gave him a pointed look. ―Stop overreacting and finish your food will you.‖ Chanyeol
rolled his eyes and slurped the soup once more. ―All this time you didn‘t tell me you have a wolf
friend?‖ Beatrice told her son.

―Mom, I don‘t want you to freak out.‖ The prince sighed. ―Anyway, have you and Kyungsoo
thought about my offer?‖ Kyungsoo wiped his lips and sighed. ―I want to go to Eldama. I am tired
of this place, and mother said she‘ll just arrange some things that she‘ll pack so we can leave
tomorrow if you want.‖ Baekhyun grinned. ―That‘s great! Well then tomorrow morning we will go
back to Eldama.‖

Kyungsoo watched how Baekhyun and Chanyeol interact most of the time. Chanyeol, the noodle
head wolf was just different. He concluded that this wolf has two sides. The first one was the
childish and sweet side which of course, only there when Baekhyun‘s in the picture. The other one
was the intimidating and dangerous Chanyeol that they saw last night. It didn‘t go unnoticed to him
that Baekhyun was different too when Chanyeol was around. He looked, carefree and truer to
himself. Because the more he watch, the more he knew and realized that there‘s also a part of his
new proclaimed brother that they didn‘t know.

Chanyeol was running around chasing the birds that Baekhyun knew was getting irritated by the
former. ―Chanyeol stop chasing them!‖ he called and the said man stopped and tried to catch his
breath. Then he looked at his mate who was sitting under a tree three meters away from the side of
their house that was facing the fountain. He ran to Baekhyun before crouching before the said man.
―I‘m a little disappointed that you didn‘t say to your mother what our relationship was.‖ he pouted.
Kyungsoo‘s ears perked up from the window of the room where he was eavesdropping. Chanyeol‘s
voice was loud enough for him to hear.

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Baekhyun tilted his head and smiled, ―What relationship are you talking about?‖ he teased the other.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes before sitting beside the prince. His head rested on Baekhyun‘s shoulder.
―That at the age of twelve, three months before you disappeared, we are already together? As in…‖
Chanyeol took the princes hands and interlaced their fingers… ―Lovers‖ they both said.

Baekhyun sighed and let his head fall on Chanyeol‘s. ―It‘s not really time for me to tell that, and now
they would know it without us telling them.‖ Chanyeol nodded and sighed. ―It‘s so lonely, back then
when you‘re not here.‖ The prince smiled and placed a kiss on the wolf‘s head, ―I won‘t leave again.‖

Kyungsoo closed the window a little louder than usual and locked it. It‘s not like he was jealous or
what but looking at Sehun and Luhan on the first days was pissing him off already, and now that
Chanyeol came he was even more disturbed and… stressed. He was always wondering why everyone,
every people around him has better life than him. And it mocks him everytime it happens. He was
surprised himself that he hasn‘t snapped yet. It could be that his life was just unfortunate unlike
these young men. It wouldn‘t be right if he would get angry at them for a reason he himself couldn‘t

As he looked around the small room, he chose to sit on the edge of the bed and fold the clothes he
would take tomorrow. Maybe in Eldama, he‘d find himself a thing to preoccupy himself. He
wouldn‘t take much, just a couple of simple tunic and trousers. When he reached out to the drawer,
he caught the sight of his right hand covered with black fabric. Frozen, he stared at it for a while
before slowly, withdrawing the stretched limb. His fingers played with the edges of it.

A cover, a curtain that he closed three years ago, it was what this black cloth represents. For he
doesn‘t want to remember how his life before, how he was so weak before, how pathetic he was
before—he built a wall, a wall that even Baekhyun—one of the few people he considered as closest
to him—wouldn‘t be able to break. Because behind that wall, behind his armor, there‘s a vulnerable
him that he wanted to kill but he couldn‘t. That vulnerable him who was broken into pieces, beaten
up so bad he wouldn‘t be able to stand, battered and bruised, stabbed and tortured.

Oh how much he wanted to erase what this fabric hides.

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Because there were only three horses, they paired up. Sehun and Luhan of course, Baekhyun and
Chanyeol then Kyungsoo would be with Beatrice. They looked at the old house before glancing at
the snow field streets. The snow kept falling and they need to travel as fast as they can if not, they
would be freezing to death. ―Let‘s go…‖ Baekhyun kicked the horse and they left the dead

―How much longer before we arrive?‖ Chanyeol kept his hands around his mate‘s waist as they
passed the forest. ―It wouldn‘t be long. We‘ve taken this route before as a shortcut.‖ Baekhyun said.
Chanyeol glanced at their back, seeing Sehun in charge of the black horse as his limbs locking Luhan
in embrace as the horse sped up. Beatrice, Baekhyun‘s mom, he noted, was holding on Kyungsoo
tight. And when Chanyeol looked on the road before them he saw the end of the forest. When they
passed the leafless trees Baekhyun suddenly halted, startling them. ―The flag…‖ he murmured.

They all looked at what he was looking and found the largest flag of Eldama located at the highest
point of the castle was in the middle of the pole. It only meant one thing—the kingdom is under
attack. Baekhyun‘s blood boiled as he kicked the horse hard.

There were dead bodies lying on the ground, mostly men and soldiers. The prince knew that they
did well in protecting the children and the women because there were only few women were dead.
What they didn‘t understand is why the kingdom was so quiet. They expected some enemies
patrolling but there‘s none. ―Who did this…?‖ Baekhyun looked around, feeling down that he
wasn‘t there when the kingdom was attacked. Chanyeol on the other hand caught a scent. Then his
eyes looked at Sehun looking at him with the same message.

They hopped out of the horse. ―Stay in your horses! If anything gets out of hand run to the palace.
Baekhyun, I think the culprit of this mess was a wolf.‖ He said before he shifted, followed by Sehun.
―Sehun be careful!‖ Luhan yelled when they saw the wolves run. They haven‘t gotten far when a
black wolf appeared before them. Built and size challenged the white gray and brown black wolves.
The blood on his mouth and canines proved that Chanyeol was right. They watched as the wolves
attacked the black one. There were times when they hit the black wolf hard and bit some part of his
body. But this wolf was strong—

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It wasn‘t long when Chanyeol managed to pin down the black wolf on the ground, paw on its neck
while he bared his teeth on the latter. It‘s not a surprise because Chanyeol was a little bigger than it
and Sehun. The latter however approached them, now in human form, naked and holding chains in
his hand. They wrapped it around the wolf securely before Chanyeol let him go and shifted back.
Baekhyun ran to them followed by a worried sick Luhan when he saw Sehun was bitten on his arm.
―Are you okay?‖ Sehun smiled and nodded. ―This is nothing serious Luhan…thank you for the
clothes.‖ He said when Luhan wrapped him with a long robe. Same goes with Baekhyun. He saw
Chanyeol has scratch on his ribs. ―It‘s deep Chanyeol…‖ The wolf shook his head, ―It will heal…‖

Baekhyun knew wolves heal faster than humans so he shouldn‘t worry. But he couldn‘t help it. He
looked at the attacker of his kingdom and sighed. ―Let‘s take him in the palace‘s dungeon.‖

And yes they did. They found out that the people seek shelter in the palace. He was welcomed
warmly but they were shocked to see the now unconscious black wolf. All of them were scared and
the king wasn‘t an exception. He himself fought with it but ended up losing most of his soldiers so
they took the citizens in the palace as they retreated. Baekhyun said he would take care about it
much to the Eldamians‘ relief.

Oscar was shocked to see the prince back but even more shocked when he saw the wolf thrown in
one of the cellar by a tall orange head man in robe. ―We need him to shift so he could start talking.‖
Baekhyun murmured as he went inside the cellar. Kyungsoo and Beatrice were escorted in their
rooms so it was only him, Luhan, Chanyeol and Sehun in the dungeon. It was Oscar who was
ordered to get a pail of cold water and splash it on the chained wolf. Trick worked because they saw
him opened his eyes with a snarl. The black wolf struggled in its restraints and Baekhyun saw how it
salivates. Its cries and growls weren‘t normal. Chanyeol and Sehun exchanged another knowing look
before Baekhyun realized the dreadful truth. ―Oh my god…‖ he said looking away in a grimace.
Luhan went to the prince and wrap an arm around his shoulder when he saw how his eyes watered.
―Baekhyun? What is it?‖ he asked, looking for answer from Sehun and Chanyeol as he rubbed the
prince‘s back.

However the wolves only looked away, Sehun biting his lips and Chanyeol hung his head low. The
howls of the wolf echoed in the dungeon. Luhan looked at it, horrified because the wolf sounded
like he was being skinned alive. ―What‘s happening to him? Why is he like that?‖ Chanyeol sighed
and shook his head, he couldn‘t even look at the wolf before him.

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Baekhyun sniffed and looked up, fighting the tears on his eyes as well. This was his first time seeing
a wolf like that and he knew the reason. He just didn‘t expect to see it before his eyes. ―Lu,
remember when I told you, when a wolf was rejected it leads to depression? They will be weak and
die? Well… the other side effect of it… being wild… is like this… wild as in like a rabbied dog,
almost insane.‖

Luhan gaped and stared at the pitiful wolf. It was…heartbreaking. How a mate could do this to a
wolf. This wolf was suffering from losing his mate, and the other two couldn‘t look because they
couldn‘t bear to see one of their kinds like this. And as if the wolf grew tired, it slowly shifted back
into its human form, curled up, naked on the floor. His body was full of scars, especially on the back.
Body was bleeding from the new wounds he got from the wolves before. Skin a little tan compared
to theirs, hair was dark brown. ―What are you staring at…‖ he snarled when he met Luhan‘s eyes,
voice hoarse and poisonous. Baekhyun looked at him, ―As much as I hate you for killing some of
my people, I understand your situation… so please don‘t be rude.‖

The wolf laughed. He laughed like a madman as he looked at them. ―YOU DON‘T
continuously laughing while he let the chains blanket him. The tears that left his eyes didn‘t go
unnoticed by them. And those laughs began breaking into cries and sobs. The man looked at his
right arm, where a mark of single rose and thorn vines was. So that was his imprint mark, Baekhyun

Kyungsoo opened the door to the dungeon after he asked for the servants and guards the direction
of the place. As he went inside, he caught the familiar cry and voice. Seeing him in that situation
earlier, knowing it was his fault why he turned into this, Kyungsoo‘s walls were destroyed. How
Chanyeol bit some of his legs, his neck scratched by Sehun, all of it was like a wrecking ball
destroying his armor. He quietly stepped inside but they still heard him. Baekhyun looked at him,
startled. ―What are you doing here Kyungsoo?‖ And then the wolves noticed how the black wolf
stopped crying. Kyungsoo slowly approached the cellar, hesitantly entered it and looked at the naked
man on the floor. His bare back was facing him but he knew him too well not to recognize him. He
walked further, and he stopped by the wolf‘s head, kneeling as he reached out his hand to touch the
soft brown locks. The wolf looked up when something touched his hair, and then his eyes locked
with the familiar round pair of a certain someone. He reached out his trembling hands to touch his
face. He wanted to make sure he wasn‘t dreaming and that this was real. And when his fingertips
brushed the smooth skin of the other‘s face, he broke down into sobs. Kyungsoo held the hand,
letting his own tears fall. ―I‘m sorry…Jongin-ah…‖ he whispered. The wolf intertwined their
fingers… ―Don‘t abandon me again…I beg you.‖ The wolf cried, before fainting in exhaustion.

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Eight: New Beginnings

As requested, the black wolf was transferred in a room with a promise from Kyungsoo that he won‘t
let him hurt anyone. Questions were left hanging in the air, and the only thing they could do was
watch. In the room, on a canopied bed lies a young man, whom they heard was named Jongin
yesterday from Kyungsoo. The latter didn‘t leave the place until now. Baekhyun cleared his throat
before knocking. ―Kyungsoo, may we come in?‖ he asked.

Luhan and the two wolves were right behind him when they entered the room upon hearing the
approval of the other. They found him on the edge of the bed, quietly watching the wolf‘s slumber.
They approached him, Luhan remained on Sehun‘s side beside the bed post, and Chanyeol sat
beside the prince, on the opposite side of the bed. There was silence that lingered for a while before
Kyungsoo decided to speak. ―There‘s no such thing as sweets and rainbows in our history, unlike
yours, Baekhyun, Luhan. Jongin and I started in wrong foot. Everything was a mess.‖ He started.

Kyungsoo scooted closer, touching the imprint mark on Jongin‘s right arm. ―I was a slave, sold in
Nazael when I was fifteen. I‘m sure you know that kingdom, the center of all types of crimes. Before
I could even start my job as a slave I ran away. I ran away and found myself surrounded by wolves. I
thought I was going to die but someone saved me. He fought those wolves for me, and took me
under his wing. A rogue wolf, he described himself, his name was Jongin. He‘s merciless, he kills
people if he thinks they deserved it, he always order me around. I didn‘t complain, for me he was my
savior. A year has passed of same routines, and then I saw him being confronted by another wolf.
They want him back in their pack, but Jongin didn‘t want to. He told them he‘s tired of being the
punching bag for being weak. So he left and decided to be stronger.‖

He held Jongin‘s hand and sighed. ―I heard everything. I found out that not all wolves were good.
There was some abusing their power, some wolves oppressing their own kind to climb the ladder.
Jongin was also a victim, if you saw his scars. I wanted to be someone who takes care of him. At
least it would be the only thing I could give as a thank you for saving my life. But when he knew I
heard their conversation, he was furious. He thought I think of him as a weak one, he thought I was
laughing inside—that was the start of his abuse. He hit me, he rapes me, and he made me dance in
his palm. Nonetheless I obeyed; I obeyed because…I was a fool. I was naïve. When I finally had
enough one night, I decided to run away, but he caught me, and I got my fair share of beatings from
him, but he suddenly stopped. When I looked up, I saw him staring wide eyed at me, and then I saw

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Kyungsoo traced the thorn vines on Jongin‘s skin. ―…The mark of imprint in his arm. It was too
late to realize that it was already midnight, and that day was Jongin‘s 18th birthday. I was seventeen.
He imprinted on me, and I got scared. I thought I have no way out, so I told him I don‘t want him,
I don‘t want him in my life, all he did was hurting me.‖ Baekhyun held his brother‘s shoulder when
he saw the tears in his eyes. ―Kyungsoo…‖

―I didn‘t know that my disappearance would make him like this. I might hate him for hurting me but
I never wished for him to be like this. This is all my fault…‖ he sobbed on the wolf‘s chest.

Luhan realized that maybe they should leave first, so he took Sehun out of the room. There‘s a
heavy weight on his chest that he couldn‘t take off. It‘s the weight of realization, the weight of
knowing the real world after leaving the cottage in Black Sparrow. Sehun of course, felt it and they
decided to go in their chamber to talk. Luhan threw himself on the mattress, lying on his stomach.
―I feel bad… I feel bad but I don‘t know why.‖ He mumbled.

Sehun sat beside him and combed his hair, ―Lu, it‘s okay. I know it‘s not for you to see but that is
reality. Maybe it‘s too much for you but we just have to be thankful that it‘s in the past. They can
start over.‖ Luhan sat up and looked at the other, pout prominent on his face. Sehun looked away
immediately. The human though, saw how his ears turned red in instant. ―Sehunnie? Why are
you…blushing?‖ his lips tugged into a teasing smile.

―I‘m not blushing.‖ The wolf denied but Luhan kept insisting. He tugged his sleeves to make him
look at him but Sehun remained looking away. ―Fine! I will leave this room and sleep with Baekhyun
tonight if you don‘t look at me.‖ And that was the last straw. Sehun turned his head hesitantly and
looked at him. Indeed, the wolf was blushing. ―Didn‘t I tell you not to pout? I told you I will kiss
you if you keep doing that.‖ He said. Luhan‘s laughter died, and who knows why he felt nervous but
thinking of kissing Sehun…

―Then kiss me…‖ he whispered. He didn‘t know where it came from it just came out like that. It
seems like he both shocked Sehun and himself. However it was too late to take it back. Sehun‘s
intense stare was boring into his and he couldn‘t look away.

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As Sehun‘s face came closer to his, he thought his chest would explode from the fast and hard
beating of his heart. Not a muscle moved because deep inside, Luhan thought that maybe, he was
also asking for this.

A soft brush, tender and caring, a kiss that promised to protect and cradle him—Sehun‘s lips finally
met his moistened, sweet and soft pair. The touch ignites fire in their nerves, and brought butterflies
in his stomach. When Sehun pulled away, Luhan was left in dazed. The wolf pressed their foreheads
together. ―I can get used to that, for now.‖ He said with stifled laugh. Luhan‘s ears turned red and
slapped the wolf‘s arm playfully. ―Don‘t even think about doing anything further.‖ Sehun laughed
and pecked his lips one more time. ―I am surprised myself that I haven‘t claimed you yet.‖ He
muttered before tucking his mate on the bed. ―Go sleep for a couple of hours, I know you‘re tired.‖
Luhan didn‘t argue for Sehun was right.

Meanwhile, in the midst of everything inside the separated chamber, Kyungsoo was accompanied by
the prince and Chanyeol to the study room connected to the chamber where Jongin was. They were
talking about Jongin when they heard someone calling the formers name. ―Kyungsoo…Kyungsoo!
Kyungsoo where are you…Kyungsoo!!‖ The said boy jumped from his seat and rushed to the wolf
on the mattress.

Jongin‘s silver eyes were dilated, looking frantic everywhere as he knelt and crawled on the bed.
Baekhyun and Chanyeol trailed behind, looking at how Kyungsoo was pulled in a tight hug when
Jongin noticed him. Kyungsoo fell on top of Jongin whose face was buried on his neck and
trembled in his cries. ―I thought you left…I thought you left me again…‖ he said. Kyungsoo
brushed his fingertips on the wolf‘s locks. Jongin seemed to calm down until Chanyeol broke the
silence. ―Kyungsoo…?‖

Alarmed, Jongin sat up yet kept his arms around the startled human, locking him on against his body.
Jongin let out a low growl and his silver eyes piercing on him. Chanyeol, who was not as passive as
Sehun growled as well as if challenging the other. Baekhyun pulled his arm and covered the wolf
from the other which was a fail because Chanyeol was a foot taller than him. ―Please don‘t fight here.
Jongin, we don‘t mean harm, we‘re going to leave you guys in privacy. Come on Chanyeol.‖ He
tugged the wolf‘s wrist but the other won‘t comply. ―Chanyeol let‘s go…‖

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This time Chanyeol tore his gaze away from the wolf and let himself be dragged out of the room.
Kyungsoo sat awkwardly on Jongin‘s lap; head resting on his shoulders while his legs rested on both
sides of Jongin‘s seated thighs. ―J-Jongin?‖ he called. The said man‘s heavy breathes tickled his neck
but Kyungsoo was more concerned on his condition right now.

Jongin set a small space between them, he looked at him and Kyungsoo felt like drowning in the
same ocean again. Jongin would always be his torture yet his salvation. ―I‘m so sorry…‖ he said.
―Sorry for hurting you…for everything…I‘m sorry.‖ Warm, salty liquid lapped the wolf‘s cheeks. ―I
deserved what you did, I was horrible to you. And the moons punished me the hard way when I was
imprinted on you… at the time you decided to leave.‖ He said.

―I have…always looked up to you. You saved me, and everything you did to me I accepted it all. But
when I saw the imprint mark, I thought you‘d use it to bind me in endless torture forever. So I
ran…I … I didn‘t mean to do this to you, I didn‘t know this would happen until a while ago when
Baekhyun explained to me that this happened because I …rejected you.‖ Kyungsoo whispered.

Jongin nodded, completely understanding what Kyungsoo was saying. ―I would understand if you
don‘t want me in your life—―

―I never said that.‖ Kyungsoo wiped his damped cheeks with kisses. ―I didn‘t say that…‖ Jongin
whimpered at the touch. Somehow the sting in his chest that started when Kyungsoo left, the
burning feeling and the emptiness was removed and filled with warmth, sweetness and acceptance.
―Let‘s start over… Let‘s give each other a chance.‖ Kyungsoo said and pulled away.

There‘s no need to run away. One has claimed him already but if they didn‘t turn in the wrong way,
their love story must have started a long time ago. But nonetheless, the traces of their footprints in
the wrong way were finally turning back to their starting point where they could redraw their fates.
And maybe this was only a part of their lives where they could learn from their mistakes. Kyungsoo
looked at his right arm and the other mimicked his gesture. His left hand undid the locks and the
stash of cloth loosened, revealing the same imprint mark. Kyungsoo smiled at the wolf, ―I guess I
have a reason not to hide this now…‖

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It seems like everyone was getting over what happened a few days ago. The brave heroes of Eldama
were given honors even in their deaths. However the people weren‘t satisfied at the lack of justice.
They wanted the wolf to be killed so they could sleep in peace without the fear of being attacked
again. As always they plead to their prince, knowing that he would grant their wish.

They should‘ve known that everything has its own limits.

Baekhyun was standing in front of them, all in his simple clothes while Kyungsoo kept Jongin close.
The scrutinizing glances of the people on the wolves didn‘t go unnoticed. Luhan whose personality
was rubbed with Kyungsoo‘s daily bitchiness (based on Sehun‘s observation) was glaring at the
Eldamian people as the prince tried to control their protests. He placed a reassuring hand on his
mate‘s shoulder who sighed. ―I don‘t like it Sehun. Baekhyun literally did everything to help them
get back on their feet and now here they are demanding things from him again.‖ He complained.

―I know, but this is something that Baekhyun should handle himself.‖ Sehun said and focused on
the gathering. They were in the front stairs of the palace, people looking up at them. Guards lined
up beside them, by the stairs railings. People kept shouting that they should kill those wolves in
public. Baekhyun couldn‘t blame them because they lost their love ones. But this… this request
might be the first and maybe last rejection he‘d do for the sake of the wolves.

―Listen! Please!‖ he started. ―The incident two days ago as a matter of fact caused the lives of our
fellow Eldamians. I know that you longed for justice and wanted to see it with your eyes.‖ Baekhyun
looked at everyone‘s before glancing at the back. He saw Luhan whose shoulders were being
massaged by Sehun. Luhan has been adapting some new character just by hanging out with
Kyungsoo when Baekhyun was busy these past few days. Then his brother, whose arm was linked
with Jongin‘s, was glaring at the crowd. His eyes travelled to Chanyeol in the middle of the four who
was looking worriedly at him.

These are the people, whom he considered as family more than anyone else, more than his father
and mother (because they were the people who knew his place, who understands the life where

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wolves exists especially Kyungsoo and Luhan). Then there were those wolves he knew and he
trusted. Then there‘s Jongin whom he knew was only a victim of playful fate. How could he just
turn his back on them?

But he was also a prince of Eldamian. Baekhyun abused his lower lips with his teeth as he looked
between the two. He was being challenged today. Would he choose a decision a prince should? Or
would he choose a decision a human should?

A couple of minutes passed, he looked up to the people of Eldama. ―I‘m sorry.‖ He said, silencing
the buzzing. ―I may be your prince but I am also a human. A human who has friends and a human
who cares about them. The wolves you wanted to kill were one of them. And I am choosing them
over my pride as a prince.‖ The people gasped before a series of profanities were thrown at him for
being such an unfair royalty. Baekhyun held his head high, and removed the crown on his head.
―Today, I‘m not a prince of Eldama anymore.‖ He announced.

―But there‘s something I wanted to tell you all. There are things better than wealth and power.
Things better than anger and revenge. It‘s the simplicity of life, learn to accept, forgive and start a
new beginning. I am stripping myself of royalty, since I know I don‘t deserve to be one. I was never
selfish but I think I‘ve done enough for you all. I want to live a simple life with them… with the
people I consider as family, with the wolves who protects my family.‖

―The wolves are dangerous creatures!‖ ―They should die!‖ ―Why are you siding with them?!‖ This
was when Baekhyun snapped. ―Because I am a wolf‘s mate! And I am not ashamed of it.‖

Baekhyun turned to his hurt father and shocked mother, bowing in apology because of his harsh
decision. He couldn‘t stay in a place where Chanyeol, Sehun and Jongin can‘t be accepted. He knew
Luhan and Kyungsoo wouldn‘t want it too. So last night before all these happened they talked. Only
the six of them…

“Are you crazy? Why are you going to give up your crown?!” Kyungsoo hissed but Baekhyun found it as half scream.
“People won‟t stop until they get what they want. I don‟t know Kyungsoo. I want to live with Chanyeol as much as
you want to live with Jongin and Luhan with Sehun. A wolf‟s mate‟s life has its own consequences since we‟re not
wolves. People would misunderstand us, and the only thing we could do was to leave.”

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The wolves were around them and agreed to their decision. When Baekhyun put down a map, he asked them all where
they think they could go. Jongin pointed a forest across the Eldama, on the far west. “This place is a little deserted. We
can stay here.”

The people stopped murmuring; they stopped talking at the sudden announcement. They watched
their prince walked up to the stairs, beside the tall guy they haven‘t seen before. Baekhyun nodded at
Chanyeol who gave knowing glances at the other wolves on his side. From their position they leaped
and shifted in the air, landing on all fours with their paws on the ground. Growls erupted from their
muzzles, screams of fright from the humans‘ mouths when they saw their attacker two days ago.
The black wolf.

Baekhyun walked to Chanyeol‘s side as Luhan and Kyungsoo went to the other two. Wolves
lowered their backs and the humans hopped on it. Baekhyun placed his hands on either side of
Chanyeol‘s neck and caressed it. Luhan nodded at him, Kyungsoo leaned down and whispered on
Jongin‘s ear to go.

Three wolves sliced their way out of the crowd, making a beeline to the gates of Eldama. The king
was left shouting for his son‘s name, but the once prince only looked back, with a tear falling from
his left eye.

I don‟t need power, wealth, and title. For the first time in my life I am doing what I wanted. To be free from the
suffocating walls of the castle.

―Baekhyun! Are you okay? Are you sure you want this? I know this is a great sacrifice. You have it
all, and you threw it away.‖ Kyungsoo yelled at him. Baekhyun smiled at his brother, wiping the tears
on his cheek. ―I‘d rather live with you guys, with Chanyeol knowing that I won‘t regret it in the end.
Humans will never accept wolves no matter how much I tried to make them. And I won‘t live in the
same circle as those humans. Even if I am not a wolf‘s mate, I will never ever bring harm to the

Chanyeol, Jongin and Sehun stopped at the boundary of Eldama. Luhan looked at the expanse of
the land from the hill they were at. He smiled at the snow covered field, knowing that when the
spring comes, they would see the greens grow with the freshly bloomed flowers.

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Nine: Won’t You Stop Teasing?

Finding a new place to stay in the middle of blizzards and snowstorms wasn‘t the wisest thing to do,
especially when that place you‘re aiming to go to was on the opposite side of the your starting point,
miles in distance. If it weren‘t for the wolves‘ body heat they would be freezing by now.

A few days and nights they finally found a cave to stay for the moment. Luhan refused to leave
Sehun‘s side as they entered. It seems like he‘s the very sensitive one in cold. Kyungsoo on the other
hand looked around the cave, through the ambient light from the mouth to find something to put
fire on. ―I‘ve found some dried twigs, although I don‘t know if this would be enough to last through
the night. The sky is getting darker and it‘s too risky to leave the cave at this hour.‖

Baekhyun helped him settle the twigs in the middle of their circle. Sehun, still in his wolf form,
served as Luhan‘s heater was the latter curled against his tummy and even took the other‘s tail as his
blanket. Jongin on the other hand was looking outside the cave as the snowstorm passes them by,
also in his wolf form. Chanyeol was resting by the wall of the cave across Sehun and Luhan. Three
days of nonstop running, without food and water took a lot from them. Luhan, Kyungsoo and
Baekhyun parted some bread through the journey to get by.

―This would not be enough, I‘m going to get some woods.‖ Baekhyun announced. ―Are you crazy,
you wanna die out there?‖ Kyungsoo glared at the elder. Baekhyun somehow got used to his not so
polite attitude. ―If we won‘t the storm would only get worse through the night and we will freeze to

Chanyeol stood up as well when he did, and Baekhyun pet his nose. ―You wanna come with me?‖
The wolf grunted and Baekhyun smiled. ―We will be back in a few minutes.‖ He said and hopped on
the wolf‘s back, leaving the cave to find some logs and twigs.

―If Baekhyun wanted something, he won‘t stop until he gets it.‖ Luhan laughed as Kyungsoo shook
his head. ―Royalties are such a pain in the ass.‖ The raven haired guy shifted his position into sitting
but kept himself snuggled close to the sleeping wolf beside him. ―But he‘s a brave prince don‘t you
think? Chanyeol must have felt a little overwhelmed when Baek chose him over his crown.‖

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―You‘re right,‖ the other said with a smile. Luhan noticed the mark on his right arm and smiled
again. ―Your mark is beautiful. I wonder why do marks looked different. Is there some kind of
meaning in there?‖ he asked.

Jongin, who was still by the mouth of the cave turned around and walked to his mate, then licked his
cheeks. ―What—Jongin, stop that, it‘s disgusting,‖ Kyungsoo frowned rubbing the slicked part of
his cheek with his sleeves. The black wolf shifted, crouching before his mate with an unreadable
expression. The latter however, froze from arranging the stones around the twigs and stared at
Jongin. ―W-What?‖

Jongin reached out, his index finger traced his forehead, down to his nose, then lips. Kyungsoo‘s
frown deepened, Jongin was acting strange today. What is his problem? ―Do you need anything
Jongin?‖ Luhan watched the two and chuckled softly. ―He wants your attention Soo. You don‘t pet
him or snuggling him.‖ the said man flushed and gaped. ―Was that really necessary?‖

It was Jongin‘s turn to frown, a slight pout visible on his lips. ―You don‘t want to snuggle with me?‖
Kyungsoo looked away and gulped. This was his fist time seeing Jongin with such expression—like
he was a kicked puppy. ―I-It‘s not what I meant. I- I mean—whoa!‖

The naked wolf suddenly pounced on him tackling him on the ground. They rolled on the cold cave
floor and end up in the edge, Jongin on top of Kyungsoo. The wolf was so fond of his mate. Back
when they were together, before he got imprinted on the human, he didn‘t pay attention to him. He
only asked him whenever he needs anything. He didn‘t know Kyungsoo was so beautiful, especially
up close. His wide eyes, his sharp gazes, his sharp tongue caved in those rosy red lips. A part of him
was craving to claim his mate, to sink his teeth in his neck, rub his scent on the other so rogue
wolves; especially the alphas and betas would know that he already belong to someone.

Imprinting was the first step, finding your mate. The challenge was how to make him accept you. It
seemed like he‘s passed that stage already. Second stage was claiming your mate. Once he accepted
you, you need to claim him and claim by means take him sexually, mark him as yours. It works for
both human and omega wolves, the only difference was if you imprinted yourself in an omega wolf,
the wolf would automatically submit to you, and there would be no problem. In their case, they‘ve
taken the zigzag road.

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Being with a human was a risk. They can leave you, and claiming would be another challenge.

―Jongin get off! What are you doing—ah!‖ Kyungsoo gasped when he felt pressure on his crotch. It
was Jongin—dry humping him. Luhan groaned and turned around. ―Oh come on not in front of
me!‖ he whined burying his face on Sehun‘s neck. The wolf stirred from his sleep but didn‘t wake up.
The human covered his ears and tried to sleep.

Jongin continued his ministrations while Kyungsoo slowly drifted into the feeling. His eyes slowly
closing and his senses only focused on the wolf‘s breath against his neck, his open mouthed kisses
and his tongue tracing the outline of his collarbones. Jongin‘s scent was passing his nostrils, and
everything was in haze.

On the other part, Jongin feasted on his mate‘s neck, lapping the milky skin while his hands rubbed
circles on the human‘s waist before it travelled underneath. He crawled upwards, lips finding another
pair of plump ones. He massaged it softly as Kyungsoo‘s mewls echoed in the cave. ―Kyungsoo…‖
he whispered. ―W-What…?‖ the other was obviously not in his right mind right now. He couldn‘t
help but smirk at the submissive look of the other.

―You‘re so cute…‖ Kyungsoo covered his face with his hands, ―Stop saying things like that.‖ Jongin
chuckled. ―Are we being shy? Don‘t worry I‘m not going to force you. Forgive my intrusion; you
know that wolves have urges.‖ He explained. Kyungsoo peeked through his fingers. ―Get off me
and take care of your boner! I‘m not going to help you, perverted bastard.‖

Jongin shifted to his wolf form after he got off, walking to the deeper part of the cave not before
giving the other another lick on cheek, much to Kyungsoo‘s irritation, but nonetheless, the latter felt
lighter and happier, to see a part of Jongin he longed to know.

In the forest, where Baekhyun was finally tying the rope around the collected woods, Chanyeol
watched his mate working hard for them. Well that‘s one of the things he loved about the former
prince. Baekhyun always looks after other people than himself. But that wasn‘t the problem right
now. Chanyeol admits to himself that he‘s a wild wolf and he easily gives in. Baekhyun is a mate who
unknowingly drove his sexual urges to the edge.

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He shifted back to his human form, completely unaffected by the coldness of snow against his bare
feet, the chilly breeze of the wind and the constant touches of the snow against his skin. He‘s a wolf
after all and such things don‘t bother him. He slowly sat behind his crouching mate before wrapping
an arm around his waist, startling the latter.

―Oh, Chanyeol…what is it?‖ Baekhyun spared him a glance and continued tying the woods. The
wolf didn‘t reply though, he just leaned closer and brushed his lips lightly on the column of his
mate‘s neck. Baekhyun halted what he was doing when he was certain that the wolf was once again
having the urges. With a sigh he turned around to say that they shouldn‘t be thinking about that
especially right now, in the middle of the snowstorm, in the middle of the forest, when their friends
were waiting for them to come back.

However his intentions were instantly wiped off when Chanyeol cupped his face with his large
hands and pulled him in a deep, languid kiss. Baekhyun‘s hands awkwardly hung in the air before it
slowly dropped on Chanyeol‘s firm and toned arms. Slowly he began kissing the wolf back. The heat
coming off the wolf‘s body was shielding all the chills coming from their surroundings. He tilted his
head and gave the other the access to his mouth when he prodded his tongue against his lips.

―C-Chanyeol…stop…now…‖ he whispered to the wolf whose lips crawled from his mouth to his
jaws, continuously giving him wet kisses and marks. Baekhyun was suddenly pinned on the thick
layer of snow with the wolf hovering over him. He felt his clothes getting wet on the back, but
Chanyeol‘s ministrations were much more distracting than it.

Large hands slipped inside his thick upper clothes, calloused palms caressing the soft, silky skin of
the former prince. Baekhyun gasped when Chanyeol pinched his perky nubs while he licked the lobe
of his ear. ―Chanyeol—hah…ah stop now!‖ he ordered, prying the naughty hands off of him.
Chanyeol on the other hand growled lowly and snarled at him, taking Baekhyun by surprise.

―Why is it that you always stop me when I touch you, Baek? You‘re my mate, and we‘re lovers.
What‘s wrong with me touching you?‖ he spat. Baekhyun‘s eyes widened at the sudden wildness of
the other. ―No, what is wrong with you? You always pounce on me whenever you have a chance
Chanyeol it‘s not very nice.‖

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―Baekhyun you‘re my mate and it‘s natural for me to feel like this whenever I‘m around you.‖
Chanyeol argued, still caging the human with his limbs on either side of the former prince. Before
the latter could say anything back, Chanyeol‘s ears suddenly perked up when he heard faint sounds
of footsteps in the forest. He suddenly shifted into his wolf form and growled.

―What‘s wrong?‖ Baekhyun whispered as he sat up, putting the tied wood on his back like a
knapsack. The wolf lowered his back and instinctively, Baekhyun jumped on it and gripped the fur
as he lowered himself. Chanyeol was sensing something that‘s why he went back into his wolf
form—that‘s the only thing Baekhyun knows right now.

Just as expected, three wolves suddenly came into view a minute later and Chanyeol bared his teeth
on the three. Baekhyun noticed that the three wolves whined and lowered their heads before they
shifted. ―We finally found you, Young Master Chanyeol,‖ said one of the three wolves. They were
kneeling on the ground, bare as they were born. Young Master Chanyeol? Baekhyun thought and he
heard the wolf growl lowly. He shifted in human form, keeping Baekhyun behind him.

―Stop calling me Young Master! What are you doing here? Go back and leave me alone. I am no
longer a member of the pack, stop bowing at me!‖ he growled at them.

―But Young Master, Alpha, your father was seeking for you, his only son, since you left the pack
when you were ten. He was seeking an heir to the position in the pack and he only wants you to be
the next Alpha.‖

―There are many Betas to choose from. Why doesn‘t he appoint his other son to be his heir? Isn‘t
that his intention when he impregnated another woman aside from my mother?! Enough of this I
am not coming back.‖ One of the wolves dared to lift his head and saw the imprint mark on the
wolf‘s chest. His eyes went wide and gaped. ―Y-young master… you‘re imprinted?‖

―Yeah hell I am. One of the things I hate in the pack is that father would pick someone for me to
marry in order to have alpha or beta pups with another alpha or beta female. I don‘t want that. I
already told him loud and clear that all of the pack members heard me—I will wait and look for my
mate that the two moons would give me—not someone dictated by my father.‖

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Baekhyun had never seen Chanyeol this angry. He could feel the increase of his body temperature as
he yelled for the three to leave. Thankfully they did and scampered out of his sight. He gave a
reassuring rub on the male‘s back to calm him down. Chanyeol turned to him and slowly, his ragged
breathing became even. He let his head fell against the other‘s forehead.

―What was that?‖ Baekhyun whispered as he continued rubbing the wolf‘s back. ―My previous
pack…wants me back.‖ He whispered. Baekhyun hummed, ―Figures…but what I don‘t understand
was why did you…leave?‖

Chanyeol sighed and pulled away a bit, just to get a good look on Baekhyun‘s eyes. ―I am the son of
the Alpha, intended to inherit his position in the pack, but when I knew that he doesn‘t really love
my mother, because mom is only a beta wolf grandfather picked for my father, I told myself I don‘t
want to be like that. I want to find the one and only half of my being and spend the rest of my life
with him or her. When we met, I knew that you are that person, but I still prayed. And I am right.
Baekhyun I don‘t want to be tied with family tradition. I am a wolf, a wolf that only loves once in
my life. It‘s not only me, but Sehun and Jongin were the same…‖

―The same?‖ Baekhyun asked.

―Sehun is from a noble pack, judging by the mark he had. The blue butterfly is a mark from the
northern pack named Aquilus. Judging by his manner and etiquette his family was all alpha‘s and
beta‘s. He was like a prince, isn‘t he?‖ Chanyeol said, and Baekhyun nodded. ―Jongin is from the
warrior pack named Verion from the south. That pack trained their pups hard to be great warriors.
The mark of rose was the pack‘s symbol.‖

―What about you?‖ Baekhyun traced the mark of a phoenix on the wolf‘s chest. ―I came from
Phylla; also from North. Many said that we‘re a pack meant to lead. Aquilus and Verion were only a
few of the packs that treat ours as the head pack. True, father is a good leader—but I‘m not really
taking after him. Even with difference with upbringing, I know that our reasons why we left our
packs have something to do with the way the packs rules over. Sehun and Jongin also didn‘t like it
and they left.‖

―How did you know all of this?‖ Baekhyun raised a brow at him.

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―You three were not the only one talking while we‘re on the road. We talked in our heads while
we‘re running.‖ Chanyeol chuckled. ―You humans wouldn‘t be able to hear it though…‖

―Unfair.‖ Baekhyun pouted. The snowstorm started getting stronger so they went back as fast as
possible. Chanyeol provided the fire for them to stay warm. Sehun has just waked up by then and
yawned. Luhan was still asleep, snuggling close to the wolf. Sehun volunteered to guard that night
and stayed awake.

It wasn‘t long when Luhan woke up too and felt that the source of heat was not enough. When he
opened his eyes, Sehun was not beside him. He quickly got up and looked around, finding Sehun in
his wolf form looking outside. ―Sehun?‖ The white grayish wolf turned his head to look at him.
Luhan walked towards his side before sitting beside him. ―You‘re the guard tonight?‖ with that,
Sehun nodded. Luhan rested his head on the wolf‘s side.

―You know Sehun, I really don‘t know anything about you.‖ He whispered. Sehun inwardly
chuckled before shifting. Luhan quickly gave him a robe which he accepted. ―What do you want to
know about me?‖ Luhan shrugged as Sehun sat behind him, legs on either side of his own, chest
pressing against the human‘s back. ―Anything…anything about wolves, about you, about your life
before you met me…‖

―Hm…Nothing much…I… I ran away from home, I was the one the Alpha of the pack chose to
marry his daughter and gave him grandsons in the future. Well, my family was overjoyed, but I am
not. I don‘t want commitment. I want adventure, I want to be free. I know that wolves of ancient
times find their mates and be imprinted with them but I thought that it doesn‘t happen anymore. I
haven‘t seen anyone get imprinted in our packs. All were arranged marriage.‖

―Is that why you left?‖ Luhan asked and felt Sehun nodded against his shoulder. The wolf‘s chin was
resting on it, while his arms were around him. ―And when I was imprinted on you, I was… so happy
I couldn‘t contain it. I got imprinted, and it was very rare for the wolves nowadays.‖ Sehun placed a
chaste kiss on the human‘s shoulder. ―I got imprinted to a very beautiful, kind hearted human who
wouldn‘t think twice in helping an injured animal. Someone who would risk his life to protect his
pet…you care not only with your own kind, but also respects other races and nature.‖

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―Don‘t be too mushy on me, Sehun. That‘s how I was raised. Don‘t make it sound like I‘m a saint or
something because I am not.‖ Luhan chuckled. Sehun hummed but his arms around the human got
tighter. Luhan suddenly felt the wolf‘s soft lips tracing his neck. The soft sound of skin sucking
made his breathing labored. Sehun‘s gentle voice was replaced with another laced with sheer desire,
passion and lust. ―Luhan, you know I‘m…‖ Sehun trailed off and began sliding his hands under the
human‘s shirt. When his skin touched the human‘s tummy, he moaned in delight. ―…I‘m still a
wolf…and an imprinted wolf seeks his mate‘s touches, kisses, embraces…Luhan help me…‖ he
growled, lapping the expanse of skin on the jawline of the human. He pulled Luhan‘s sleeves a bit
hard to expose his shoulder and peppered it with kisses.

―W-What?‖ Luhan managed to whisper out. ―Help me stop myself from claiming you…‖ Sehun bit
his ear. ―Why should I stop you…?‖ Luhan breathed out.

Sehun closed his eyes and controlled himself, removing his hands under the human‘s shirt and fixing
it. However he kept himself close and hugged the flushed human. ―I shouldn‘t claim you. Not yet.
Humans imprints would…uh…go to a certain change before we wolves could claim you.‖

―What change?‖ Luhan turned around to look at Sehun.

―Every season, female wolves and submissive male wolves go into a week of heat. Their mates
would be the one to claim them, and by claim means, mount them, make love with them. As for the
dominant wolves in this season of heats, our urges became active and seek for our mates. If our
mates are wolves, then there‘s no problem. However…you are a human and in the heat season this
winter is coming. You…Baekhyun and Kyungsoo would go under…a change…‖ Sehun paused and
looked at the human‘s eyes.

―It‘s inevitable because we‘ve imprinted on you…It would hurt so much but please bear with it
Luhan…‖ Luhan creased his brows in confusion. ―What are you talking about Sehunnie?‖ he asked.

Sehun sighed and kissed the human before saying, ―You‘re going to be a wolf Luhan. The three of
you will shift in the next full moon, before the heat season.‖

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Ten: I’m sorry for loving you…

Sehun was awakened from another scream of his mate. This was the second night already. Second
night of Luhan‘s sleepless nights, second night of his endless cries—yet not a single word came from
his mouth when he tried to ask him why he was crying. Luhan, instead, would only wrap his arms
around him and sob like a child until he fell asleep again.

But during the days, Sehun would always get cold shoulder from the human. He doesn‘t know
what‘s going on. Did he do something wrong? Did he upset Luhan? Is Luhan…rejecting him
already? Is he?

Maybe…Maybe he was. This all started when Sehun told him the truth about him imprinting on
Luhan would turn him into a wolf. Luhan doesn‘t want to be a wolf then, Sehun thought. It‘s a stab
in his heart but he just couldn‘t let his mate cry alone.

He wrapped his protective arms around his mate as the latter wailed. They were still staying in the
cave because of the snow storm. Luhan buried his face on the column of the wolf‘s neck.
―Shh…Luhan…Luhan what‘s wrong why are you crying? Tell me, please?‖ he softly whispered on
the human‘s ears. As expected, Luhan only shook his head and cried himself to sleep.

The next day, the third day of this…whatever you call this thing, Sehun was once again ignored by
his mate. He mostly spends his time together with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, talking about things
and sharing stories. They look happy together, and he wouldn‘t want to drag his mate out of their
conversation just like that.

―Something bothering you?‖ Sehun jumped in surprise when he saw Jongin beside him. Both of
them were in human form and clad in robe. Sehun looked at the three humans in the deeper side of
the cave. Chanyeol was asleep on the other side in his wolf form. He sighed and looked at the wolf
beside him.

―I think…Luhan doesn‘t want to be with me.‖

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Jongin‘s brows furrowed and looked at the three humans. ―What makes you say so?‖ Sehun rubbed
his temples with his thumb and middle finger. ―He kept on ignoring me, and he was avoiding any of
my questions. He kept on having nightmares and I—I couldn‘t do anything for him since he doesn‘t
want to tell me what he was dreaming about.‖

―When did it start?‖ the other placed a reassuring pat on his shoulder. ―T-The night that I told him
that he would become a wolf next full moon.‖ The elder wolf‘s eyes widened and his mouth fell, ―Y-
you told him…?‖ With Sehun‘s nod, Jongin stole a glance on the three. ―Do you think he told the
other already?‖

―I don‘t know…‖ Sehun sniffed and tilted his head up, fighting back the tears threatening to fall.
Just then they heard Chanyeol said, He did in their heads. The other wolf shifted but his back facing
the two. ―Luhan told them.‖ Jongin got even more confused.

―Then why did not Kyungsoo tell me? He didn‘t confront me…‖ Jongin whispered and stole a
glance on his laughing mate. Chanyeol lied on his back and covered his middle part with a piece of
clothing. ―Baekhyun told me that Luhan told him.‖ Sehun sat straight and looked at the elder wolf.
―What did he say?‖

Chanyeol smiled a bit before exhaling. ―Baekhyun didn‘t say anything… he just… dropped the topic.
He didn‘t even show if he‘s happy, or scared or confused. He didn‘t ask any question. I don‘t know
what‘s going on in his head. He wasn‘t like this before. He always stared at things like it was the
most interesting thing in the world. Baekhyun was often…dazed. He‘s not himself.‖

Jongin glanced at the three humans. Something was wrong and he wanted to know why Kyungsoo
didn‘t tell him anything. Of the three, Kyungsoo was the unreadable one if he outs on his stoic face.
Why are they acting like this? Why are they distancing themselves? Why won‘t they say anything?


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Kyungsoo walked in the snow covered ground. The cold breeze of the wind numbing the skin of his
face but he didn‘t mind it, he kept on searching for woods to make a bone fire tonight. It was his
and Jongin‘s turn to look for it and they were doing a good job.

―Soo…‖ he heard him call. Kyungsoo turned around to find the wolf shifted on his human form,
stark naked looked at him. Flustered, he turned around continued his task. ―Jongin go take a robe if
you want to be in human form.‖ He sighed and started tying the woods.

―I heard that Luhan told you already.‖ With this, Kyungsoo stopped his work, frozen at the opening
of such topic. ―I … I don‘t know what you‘re thinking. Don‘t you… want to be a wolf? What is
your reaction Soo…I want to know.‖ Jongin walked behind the elder and hugged him from behind.
―Tell me, I want to hear what you think.‖

Kyungsoo took a deep breath visibly before looking at Jongin. The wolf couldn‘t see emotion in his
eyes. He was scared that he‘d be rejected one more time but Kyungsoo suddenly placed a hand on
his cheeks. His naturally cold eyes softened as they lingered on his. Jongin pressed his forehead
against the smaller male and sighed, closing his eyes in preparation of the pain he thought he
wouldn‘t feel again.

He would be rejected, once again.

―It‘s fine…‖ he heard the human whispered. ―It‘s fine…‖ Jongin let out a breath he didn‘t know he
was holding. Relief washed his negative thoughts for a moment before he opened his eyes and met
Kyungsoo‘s tear filled pair.

Kyungsoo rarely cried and he rarely shows emotions. Jongin knew him like the back of his hand. He
may not hear his thoughts but he could read his eyes. Right now, he could only sense one thing.


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You can‟t. It‟s the rule. You can‟t be with them. You have to come back.

―I beg you… please, don‘t…don‘t…‖ Sehun heard whimpers once again and he woke up in the
middle of the night, finding Luhan sweating all over. He was pale and his face was contorted in pain,
tears streaming down on his eyes. ―Luhan?‖ he shook the human but he kept on chanting
incoherent words. ―Luhan wake up!‖ he yelled, now shaking the other. The others woke up from the
commotion. Luhan still won‘t open his eyes.

―Luhan listen to me, wake up!‖ he yelled. But Luhan kept on mumbling. ―Please…please I can‘t. I
don‘t want to …‖ Sehun knew it, Luhan doesn‘t want to be a wolf. ―Don‘t please…I don‘t want to!!‖
he screamed. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo ushered to his side, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

―Luhan, wake up please.‖ Kyungsoo‘s voice rang in the cave. Luhan seemed to hear him and started
calming down. Just as they thought it was finally over Luhan screamed and sat up, ―NOOO!!!‖

Startled, Sehun rushed to the human and hugged him. ―Luhan! Luhan you‘re fine! You‘re fine…‖ he
rubbed his hands on the smaller male‘s back but the latter stiffened and pushed him away. ―GET
AWAY FROM ME!‖ he screamed and ran outside.

Sehun tried to go after him, but Baekhyun and Kyungsoo stopped him. ―We‘ll follow him, we‘ll be

When the humans were out of sight, Sehun let his walls crumble. He let his tears fall and sobbed like
a child. Chanyeol pitied the younger wolf and offered a brotherly hugged on him. He too felt
something was off. And this was the consequence of imprinting on humans. There‘s no certainty.
And many wolves died in pain.

Is imprinting such a cruel thing that‘s why the wolves started arranging marriage with other wolves
to prevent these things to happen? Is this the reason why, Chanyeol asked himself.

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They found Luhan screaming at the open space in the forest. He was standing near a lake and
looking up at the clearer sky, at the moons which would turn full in the next few nights. Luhan
grabbed a fistful of his hair before falling in his knees. ―Why?! Why are you doing this?! Why are you
tormenting us?!‖

―Luhan, that‘s enough.‖ Baekhyun walked nearer. ―No! Don‘t come closer to me, hypocrites! Why
are you acting like you‘re not affected huh? Why?!!‖ he screamed. Kyungsoo flinched at the harsh
words. Luhan was a mess and he knew, he was reflecting the pain in his heart and Baekhyun‘s heart
as well. The raven haired turned to the moons and screamed.

―Lady Luna!‖ he cried.

Just as he called, the three of them watched a silhouette came down from the sky. Of a woman with
hair up to her feet, silver and wavy, eyes pure white and wearing a silver crown. She was wearing
finest silk, blue and white. Her feet landed on the iced lake. Baekhyun‘s eyes watered and he fell on
his knees, bowing low and it was mirrored by Kyungsoo.

Luhan bowed his head, before lifting it again. The woman walked to the three and one by one patted
their heads. ―I‘m so sorry…‖ her bell-like voice echoed in the night air. ―You chose to be humans,
despite of my warning… I told you…when a wolf was imprinted on you, it wasn‘t on your body
where the mark was sealed, but on your spirit. You may have a body of a human, but your spirits
would remain the same.‖

―Lady Luna—please don‘t make us go…‖ Luhan rubbed his palms together. ―I don‘t want to leave
Sehun, I don‘t want to go back, I want to be with him…please Lady Luna…‖

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―You three were supposed to stand in between the humans and the wolves, not siding in one race
only. You know that, my dear.‖ Luhan sobbed louder. Kyungsoo raised his head, jaws clenching and
eyes teary. ―I rejected Jongin once. I don‘t want to hurt him more…‖

―I can‘t leave Chanyeol… He‘s my everything…‖ Baekhyun voiced out. The woman‘s mouth fell
when she noticed what has happened to the three. ―You‘ve fallen for the wolves, aren‘t you? Oh
no…‖ she gasped, covering her mouth with his hand. The three looked at them, confused. ―W-
What‘s wrong Lady Luna…‖

―Yue…Yue would not like this…‖ she whispered. A tear escaped her eyes as she knelt before the
three. ―Yue would punish you…and I don‘t have the power over him, you know that. You three are
precious to me, that was why I couldn‘t say no to your wishes, but Yue was against this. He was very
protective of you three…‖

―Lady Luna…‖ the woman pulled the three into a tight hug. ―I am sorry my dear boys. I can‘t help
you right now. Please…say goodbye to them before the full moon approaches. It‘s for your own

And the woman vanished into thin air, leaving the three in deep agony.


In the ancient times, there was a myth that many had passed on from generations to generations. It
was the Tale of the Two Moons. It was said that those moons were once enchanted beings that lived
in peace, hidden away from the humans. Those beings were named Luna and Yue.

Luna and Yue were childhood friends and grew up together. They didn‘t know where they came
from, or who their parents were. They just woke up one day under an oak tree knowing their names
in a body that could compare to pre-teens. Both lived in the forest, none of them have to eat. They
only played with their gifts.

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Luna‘s fingers could form white light. She started manipulating it until she even mastered using the
light as bow and arrow. She could easily grow plants, plus her cries creates massive earthquake. She
freaked out when one time she almost split a mountain into two in anger when Yue played tricks on
her milk blonde hair. The third gift she discovered from herself was learning how to stop time. It
was fun, especially when she would do it to stare at Yue‘s epic facial expressions. Luna could also
read minds and do things using only her mind. Then when the winter came, she discovered a very
special gift—to manipulate water and to freeze it.

It‘s not only that. Yue was gifted too. He found himself calling out fires—the blue fire and the red
fire. The red fire was destructive, aggressive and hard to tame. Then there‘s the blue fire which was
calmer than the red fire. The only difference between them is that the blue fire instantly kills, while
the red fire tortures. Then there‘s the calling of lightning. Luna once rolled her eyes when he showed
this off. Yue could also command wind. But he his favorite power was being able to heal, and to
disappear in one place in a second and be in another place the next second.

Then there came a time when they fall in love with each other as they grew up. But that was also the
time when they encountered humans who found them in the forest. It seems like they have the
power of the world and nothing can ever destroy them. But they were wrong. They could still be
killed, even they were enchanted. And mortals, the humans were the disrespectful ones who did it.

They fought them when they tried to invade their home; however it was Luna who died because she
took a blow that was for Yue. The latter was furious; he was so angry and killed the humans. But
Luna didn‘t leave completely. She became the moon that lightens up the darkness on the once lonely
star studded sky. Yue was left on the earth, always looking up to the moon during the night. Day by
day he cried for Luna, and during the night he sleeps while basking in the moonlight.

Yue was by the lake one night when he heard humans trying to disturb his home again. He fought
them, but then even with his powers, he was only one, and they were hundreds, with weapons and
poisons. He screamed and cried for Luna.

The latter heard him from the skies and called for anyone to help. None wanted to. All the animals
were afraid of humans. But only one answered Luna‘s pleas. A dire wolf. The said wolf ran to Yue
and fought alongside him. They took down the humans but Yue was worn out and barely holding
on. He fell on the ground, panting.

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He was finally going to be with Luna. The dire wolf snuggled his neck. Luna looked down at the
injured animal with a smile before her spirit came down and take Yue with him in the heavens. Yue
died, and his spirit went out of his body, the two held hands and looked at the wolf.

―Thank you for risking your life to help us, to help Yue. Of all the creatures, you were the one who
answered my call. Let us bless you dear wolf, give you some of what‘s ours.‖ Luna said.

Yue nodded. The lovers placed their hands on the wolf‘s head and said. ―You shall be our knight,
wolf. The knight of the moons you‘ve saved from the humans. You shall be given long life. Your
race would be the king of the forest, powerful and mighty.‖ Yue said.

―But power comes with evil. Soon your generation would bear some greedy and power-hungry
wolves and we couldn‘t let them carry the power that you would have. So only wolves with kind
hearts, strong and loyal as yours would inherit the gift of the two moons,‖ Luna finished.

―That‘s a good condition.‖ Yue said at her. They removed their hands and the wolf bowed at them.
The spirits went back to heavens, and the lone moon was now with her lover in the skies.

The wolf howled in the forest and the two moon spirits adored how the wolf shifted into a shape of
human only that his eyes were as bright as the moons above.

Luna and Yue were once again together, and yet they‘ve became bored and lonely. It didn‘t help the
fact that the humans have learned the existence of the wolves. Humans were very territorial, but so
were the latter. They have the power to change shapes and mingle with humans, thus adapting into
their nature. They couldn‘t help the wolves even if they wanted to. So they made the moon spirits
who would be their right hand in keeping peace in earth.

The first moon spirit was named Aures. He was the spirit of intelligence, of justice and of wisdom.
He guides the higher alphas in every decision they made, whispers thoughts of wisdom to human
kings and leaders. Aures was reserved and calm however it cracks whenever Yuan was there.

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Yuan was the second moon spirit. A very mischievous, adventurous one in fact. He was the spirit of
love, affection, care and loyalty. Yuan whispers to children to befriend each other, teaches the
parents to love their kids, for the people to care to one another, for the wolves to remain loyal to
their loves and their pack, their family.

The last one was Shia. He was the spirit of strength, of willpower, determination and inspiration. He
was the one who motivates the soldiers to protect their countries, the one who guides every warrior
wolf to defend their pack. Although Shia could be stubborn sometimes, only Aures could tame the
youngest spirit.

All three did their best to influence both races with their grace however they still fight. They couldn‘t
reach them for the three moon spirits can‘t be seen. Aures then asked their Lord and Lady if they
could be humans. They were tired and they wanted to live at least one lifetime with them, to be able
to touch the nature, to have families, to have different lives.

„Living as humans is a very dangerous thing. Once you become one, you‟d be forced to take their side and forced to hate
the wolves in which you can‟t. You stand in between. There‟s also a chance that some wolves could be imprinted on
you…but you can never be with the wolves…you have duty here in sanctum. When the wolves imprints on you, you‟d
feel the pull to them, and you would eventually fall in love with them.‟

„Was that such a bad thing?‟ Yuan asked.

„Yes‟ Luna said. „Yue treats you three as his precious sons, more than the love I give you. He‟s very protective of you
and he doesn‟t want you to mingle with the humans he hated the most. He would not allow you to go into the mortal

„And the wolves would die when they imprint on you.‟ Yue‟s voice boomed.

„Lord Yue!‟ they greeted.

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„Because if you insist on going, and if some wolf would imprint on you, you who was in human body, would not turn to
wolf, but I, personally would drag you back in sanctum‟

They didn‘t listen, and Luna granted their wish, sending him and the others who wanted to join to in
the mortal world, in earth and let them grow into humans. Even in different lives, even with new
names, new family, they still know who they were, whom they worshipped.

Aures fell in love with a wolf at the age of twelve. He knew by then, when the wolf imprints on him,
he had done a very huge mistake. He shouldn‘t have let himself be turn into a human. It would only
hurt the wolf, because even imprinted, a moon spirit was not allowed to commit with any living—be
a human or a wolf. Once it happens they‘d be force to go back to the heavens with Luna and Yue.
The wolf whose heart would be broken would die in pain either way…

Yuan played innocent; he thought like a human should, he acted like a human should. But at the
back of his head he was dreading for the day when the wolf he had fallen in love with would tell him
how he should be a wolf to be with him forever. Without the wolf knowing, that night when Yuan‘s
grandmother died, also the night when the wolf was imprinted on him, he cried softly, muttering
sorry‘s to the wolf. I‟m sorry that it has to be me.

Shia ran away when his beloved wolf got imprinted on him. He thought that he‘d hurt him endlessly
because of the bind that connects them. However, what really drove him away was the fear of seeing
the wolf‘s pain. He‘d see it in the future, he‘d hurt the wolf. He should end it now before it was too
late. But Shia failed to do so, when the wolf came back in his life, he told himself he‘d cherish the
wolf…he won‘t leave again.


Baekhyun rose to his feet, helped Luhan up. Kyungsoo refused to take his hand and marched back
to the cave. Luhan smiled bitterly. ―In the end, Baekhyun, Luhan and Kyungsoo, our identities here
in mortal world were just a lie and would soon end. Chanyeol, Sehun and Jongin would be left alone
and die. We‘re murderers, we‘re fucking murderers.‖ Luhan hissed as the tears fell from his eyes
again. Baekhyun looked at the skies, full of resentment, sadness and the pain of betrayal.

―Why, Lord Yue…Why?‖

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Eleven: It’s Alright, I don’t hate you

The night before Sehun‟s, Luhan‟s and Prince Baekhyun‟s departure to the kingdom of Zambria—chapter five:

Luhan slowly slid the duvet off of his body, careful not to wake the wolf up. He caressed his face
with a sad smile and pecked his forehead. ―Sehunnie, I‘ll be back okay? Sweet dreams.‖ He
whispered and got off the bed. He was nervous to hell when he met the prince earlier. He felt it, he
felt him inside the prince. Was it … really Aures?

As he walked out of the chamber into the hallways, he found the doorway to the palace‘s garden. He
had no idea why he suddenly thought of going out but there he was, basking in the moonlight and
the cold breeze of the night. He looked up at the two moons and couldn‘t help himself but shed a
tear. He saw the mark—the mark that binds his spirit with the wolf. One day when the two moons
would reach its full shape which happens only four times a year, he‘d be forced to go back.

―I didn‘t know that I would meet you in this lifetime,‖ said a voice from behind. Luhan turned
around and found the prince in his robe. He was smiling at him before looking up at the moon.
―Aures…‖ he whispered. Baekhyun nodded and walked closer to him, arms bracing his body.
―Sehun is imprinted on you right?‖

―I know. And… And I am trying not to break down everytime I‘m reminded of that fact.‖ He
whispered. Baekhyun placed a hand on his shoulder. ―Yuan… Lord Yue said that after the imprint,
he‘d take us back in the next full moon. I know it‘s far from now but we‘ll go there eventually.‖ The
raven haired male shook his head, ―No…I don‘t want to go back. I will stay here and be Sehun‘s

―Yuan—― Luhan wiped his tears roughly and glared at the sky. ―And if Lord Yue would still insist
then, I might as well forget my responsibility in this world.‖ He walked out of the garden, but
Baekhyun called out to him.

―I hope you can still act like we don‘t know each other, Yuan.‖ Luhan nodded, and went back to the
chambers and slept beside Sehun.

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The time when Baekhyun went to Kyungsoo, in his room—chapter 5

―Kyungsoo?‖ Baekhyun peeked inside. He saw the hooded man packing up and it alarmed him.
―Kyungsoo? What are you doing?‖ The said male didn‘t look up but answered him, ―I‘m going away,
since you‘re here now, I don‘t have a place in this house anymore, isn‘t that what you came here for
as well?‖

―No please.‖ Baekhyun invited himself in and stopped the other by grabbing his hands. ―I am not
kicking you out because I‘m back. I was going to thank you for being by my mother‘s side when I
was gone. Kyungsoo you are more than welcome to stay here.‖ He explained.

There was a moment of pause, and they both stood still until Kyungsoo withdraw his right hand that
was clad with black fabric like a bandage, leaving only his fingers in sight. Baekhyun jumped from
the harsh action and quickly, his eyes landed on the other‘s when he took off his hood. ―Why? Why
are you like this? Why are you treating me so kind when I do nothing for you in return?‖

Baekhyun stared at the pair of hazelnut eyes, wide and expressive, glassy from the prickling tears
forming. Kyungsoo, just like Luhan had his different kind of beauty, his skin was paler than his, his
heart shaped lips were full and reddish. But his thick brows were furrowed, and he was trembling
like he was holding back. ―You did something for me and my mother. And even if you didn‘t, what‘s
wrong with being so kind to the others? What‘s wrong in letting a homeless man stay inside a cozy
house if there‘s a room? What‘s wrong with it Kyungsoo?‖

―Nothing…‖ he mumbled, dropping himself on the single sized bed and ran a hand on his hair.
―I‘m sorry…‖ he said. Baekhyun smiled and sat next to Kyungsoo before hugging the boy. ―It‘s
okay. You‘re my brother now Kyungsoo okay? Mother is your mother too, so don‘t think of leaving
again please? Mother would be broken hearted.‖ When Kyungsoo nodded, Baekhyun began singing
a lullaby to his new brother.

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Beatrice was listening all the time and she smiled that Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were now in good
terms. She left with a sigh of relief. But the moment she did, Kyungsoo sat up and peeked from the
slightly opened door, confirming if Beatrice has left already before locking it and turning back to
other on the bed. ―Aures! What are you doing here?‖ he hissed.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, ―Yeah, right nice to meet you too.‖ Kyungsoo sat, crossed legged in front
of the elder and sighed. ―Seriously Aures, you don‘t know how I panicked when I saw you—you
with Yuan. I—I thought you two were looking for me and taking me back—―

―Shh…no we‘re not. We‘re here to visit my mother. And we didn‘t expect you to be here, Shia.‖
Baekhyun eyed the fabric on his arm. ―Was that…‖ Kyungsoo looked at it and nodded. ―I—I ran
away from the wolf, I loved him Aures. Yet it‘s better this way…‖ Baekhyun felt pity on the other,
who would have thought that his brother in heavens would be his brother in mortal world?

There was a knock on the door and they felt Yuan, so they opened it. The latter hugged Kyungsoo
so tight with teary eyes. ―I missed you, it‘s good to see you here.‖ Kyungsoo nodded and ruffled his
hair. ―But I am going to pretend that you‘re not that annoying brat in Sanctum.‖


The time when Chanyeol made his appearance, the night when Baekhyun and Chanyeol slept in the living room—
chapter six

Baekhyun woke up at the sound of footsteps, and the moment he opened his eyes, Kyungsoo and
Luhan was by the stairs, gesturing him to come closer. He was snuggling with Chanyeol previously
so he carefully sat up and went to the two quietly. It was Kyungsoo who slapped his arm. ―I saw him
imprint on you!‖ he hissed. Luhan made a ‗shh‘ gesture to shush him up. Baekhyun bit his lips and
nodded. Then Shia glared at Luhan, ―And that Sehun. He‘s a wolf isn‘t he? And you‘re his imprint?‖

Luhan nodded, rubbing his neck with his palm. Kyungsoo rested his head on the old banister and let
out an exasperated sigh. ―This is going out of hand.‖

―But let‘s admit it, we love our wolves.‖ Yuan concluded, earning a glare from the two.

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Present time

Jongin woke up the next day, finding the three humans cuddling with each other on the other side
of the cave. Kyungsoo was lying on his back, with an arm on his eyes. When did they come back last
night? All he remembered was comforting Sehun and it seemed like they fell asleep waiting for the
three. He shook his furs and walked to mate. Jongin licked his face and thankfully, Kyungsoo woke
up right away.

He expected the distant treatment he received most of the time for the past days like he used to. But
it surprised him when Kyungsoo smiled at him and pet his muzzle. ―Jongin,‖ he said and patted the
space beside him, since he was on the side, sandwiching Luhan with Baekhyun. He complied and
rested his head on his paws, lying beside the human. Kyungsoo on the other hand turned to his side,
propping his head with his hand.

―Luhan‘s okay now, he‘s… been suffering from nightmares so when he wakes up, he‘d be able to
talk to Sehun.‖ Jongin listened and nodded his head. Kyungsoo‘s eyes were red and his face was
swollen. He longed to touch him. He longed to be Kyungsoo‘s crying shoulder. Why won‘t he let his
walls down for him?

He suddenly shifted into his human form, much to Kyungsoo‘s surprise. Not minding if Kyungsoo
would also walk away, he pulled the human closer, now their bodies were pressed against each other.
His toned, muscled arms wrapping around the human‘s body, and his limbs locking Kyungsoo‘s
lower legs in place. ―What‘s wrong Kyungsoo? You don‘t look fine to me…‖ he asked, head dipping
on the other‘s neck. Kyungsoo frowned, hating it when he‘s like an open book for Jongin to read.
But he didn‘t move away, he didn‘t push him, he didn‘t reject it when Jongin started placing open
mouthed kisses on his neck.

―N-Nothing‘s wrong…Jongin. Don‘t worry.‖ He whispered, now his hands tangling on the wolf‘s
locks. Jongin moaned though, when Kyungsoo‘s nimble fingers brushed against the back of his ear.
―Why won‘t you answer me when I asked your reaction about turning into wolf? Don‘t you want to
be with me? Are you…going to leave me again?‖

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Kyungsoo fought back the tears and remained calm. It‘s hard to pretend everything‘s alright when
it‘s not. Should he tell him now? But Jongin would hurt and he doesn‘t want that, he doesn‘t want to
see his crying face, to hear his cries. ―Jongin…?‖ he called, instead of answering his question. The
wolf hummed, face still buried on Kyungsoo‘s neck, while busying himself in placing light kisses,
licks and hickeys on it.

―Can we…go out and be alone for a while?‖ Jongin looked around and found that Chanyeol and
Baekhyun weren‘t in the cave as well. They must have woken up earlier and the clearer skies had
invited them to go out for a walk. With a smile, Jongin nodded and shifted, taking the human out of
the cave.


Baekhyun was riding Chanyeol‘s back on the way in this secret place Chanyeol found the other day.
Even though full of snow, the place was still a beauty. It‘s a large tree, and the coating of snow on its
branch and roots were thick that it glistened in the light. He could only imagine how beautiful it was
if it‘s spring.

―This is the spot you found the other day?‖ Baekhyun sat in between large roots, resting his back
against the huge trunk. Chanyeol nodded, snuggling his muzzle on the human. Baekhyun smiled and
rubbed his palm against the fur. ―Chanyeol…can you shift for me?‖ The brown black wolf blinked
before shifting. ―Are you okay Baekhyun?‖ he asked. The human smiled and nodded. ―Come here…‖
he told the wolf.

Chanyeol didn‘t waste time and went closer to Baekhyun, and the human scooted aside to make a
room for him. ―Tell me, Chanyeol, why would you want to claim me if Sehun said to Luhan you
can‘t claim me until we turned?‖ Chanyeol cleared his throat and looked away. ―Sehun was right, I
just…I just can‘t control myself.‖

With this, the human laughed and nodded. ―Why? Why isn‘t it allowed?‖ he asked again. ―It‘s not
‗not allowed‘. We could claim you even you‘re still humans but…but it will be painful on your side.

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Your body would be in pain and wouldn‘t be able to adjust properly unlike when you‘re a wolf
when…when the knot was formed.‖

―So…‖ Baekhyun looked at the wolf in the eyes, taking his hand and placing a kiss on his knuckles.
―If I say it‘s okay, and you can claim me, would you?‖ Baekhyun wanted the wolf to know that he
loves him. If taking in the pain for a minute or more would mean that he and Chanyeol could be
one, then he‘s willing to face it. Chanyeol on the other hand, was frozen on the spot. Baekhyun just
gave him a yes.

―Baek…‖ The human looked at him and he doesn‘t look like he‘s joking. Baekhyun was sincere. He
wanted Chanyeol to claim him. ―Chanyeol… I want you to claim me…‖ Baekhyun sat on the wolf‘s
lap and hugged him, ―Please…‖

The wolf thought it was a dream if it wasn‘t for Baekhyun‘s first move. He suddenly placed light
kisses on his neck, breathing against his ear. He was too weak for this, too weak if Baekhyun would
continue this. And soon he gave in, suddenly pinning the human on the snowy ground, hovering
over him and locking their lips together. Chanyeol‘s chest was about to explode and he kept asking
himself, why the sudden invitation? Why? When the other day, Baekhyun seemed to avoid him?

However those questions dissolved when Baekhyun‘s tongue swiftly invaded his mouth and gave a
kitten lick against the roof of his mouth. He moaned and tightened his grip on the human. His arms
instinctively did its own work and got rid of the human‘s clothes. However he placed it on his back,
so Baekhyun wouldn‘t be cold as they lay on the snow.

His eyes travelled on the soft and pale skin that could be compared to the snow if it wasn‘t for the
light tint of red on some parts that he had marked nights ago. Baekhyun was so flustered at the way
the wolf was looking at his bareness that he looked away, covering his face. Chanyeol noticed this
and he placed a soft, reassuring kiss on the other male‘s lips and whispered, ―Don‘t be shy…‖

In every part that Chanyeol touches lingered the warmth radiating from the wolf‘s body. In every
part Chanyeol kissed sucked the breath out of him, leaving him panting and wanting for more. And
right after Chanyeol worshipped his body, he mends it with bone melting pleasure on the way he
stroke his intimate part. Baekhyun whimpered as the hot breath of the wolf tickled his manhood. A
stripe of lick left him moaning, trembling. ―C-Chanyeol…p-please…ah—I need you…‖

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Chanyeol settled himself in between his legs, peppering his inner thighs with kisses. ―Baekhyun…‖
he whispered in every kiss, ―Baekhyun…‖ The human‘s chest constricted, the pain was too much.
He wanted to cry, loud and hard. But right he wouldn‘t even let a tear escape from his eyes.
Chanyeol was loving him, right now, right in this place. But in a few days—in a few nights…

Baekhyun was pulled out of his trance when he met Chanyeol‘s loving gaze. They shared another
passionate kiss. ―This would be painful Baekhyun…‖ he whispered. Baekhyun cupped his face and
looked intently in those pair of silver eyes. ―I need you…please Chanyeol please…‖ he cried,
breaking down. Chanyeol was so worried why he was crying, but Baekhyun was pleading him. ―I
need you…‖ Baekhyun told the wolf one more time… If I was going to be punished in the end, I wouldn‟t
want any regret.

Chanyeol kissed those salty liquid before lowering his hips, slowly taking the purity of the human.
Baekhyun‘s back arched, mouth left hanging open with a muted scream. Chanyeol buried his face on
the junction of the human‘s neck and shoulder, failing to see how Baekhyun‘s irises flickered with
white light and his pupils turning darkened ash before turning back into normal.

Baekhyun wrapped his arms around the wolf as the latter began sliding in and out of his tightness.
Chanyeol growled and picked up his pace, lust driving him insane. His wolf was leaping in joy, his
heart doing exhibitions and pounding against his ribcage. He straightened his back, looking down at
Baekhyun‘s flustered face. Their eyes met and Baekhyun was shedding tears yet smiling at him. Even
in coldness, Chanyeol‘s sweat dripped on his temples which Baekhyun wiped.

Labored breaths, moans and grunts against the silent forest was definitely something that the other
two wolves not so far could hear. Jongin who was not so far from them with Kyungsoo sitting on
his back was watching. The black wolf couldn‘t help but to feel envious, since Baekhyun was
claimed already. This didn‘t go unnoticed by his mate, who bent down and rubbed his ears. ―Jongin,
let‘s leave them.‖ The wolf huffed and ran away.

Chanyeol quickened his movements before Baekhyun let out a shrill cry. The knot, it was forming.
Baekhyun shoot his seeds on his stomach and Chanyeol‘s chest, when the knot stretched him,
splitting him in half. His nails dug on the snow while Chanyeol slowed down and he himself released
his load with a grunt.

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Baekhyun pulled the wolf with shaking hands and captured his lips with his own. Chanyeol
answered him, fully, sincerely, and the human let the other crushed his body with his weight, locking
him up even more aside from the knot tying the two of them.

―Baekhyun…‖ The human made a shush sound that shut the wolf up. Baekhyun traced his fingers
on the wolf‘s scalp, slowly massaging it. The wolf felt the tender love, and he smiled to himself. He
relaxed, enjoying the warmth of his mate.

―Chanyeol, thank you for claiming me…‖ he whispered. The wolf kissed his cheeks and nuzzled
closer, ―No…thank you…for accepting me.‖ He whispered back. Baekhyun‘s smile stretched in his
perfect lips and the wolf cooed at how beautiful his mate was.

―What happened last night?‖ he asked the human. Baekhyun shook his head, ―Luhan would be fine,
you don‘t need to worry. We told him to settle things up with Sehun.‖

The wolf nodded and rested his head on the human‘s shoulder. Completely unaware of the new
batch of tears escaping the other‘s eyes. Baekhyun breathes deeply, When the time comes that I would
come and tell you the truth, I wished you would not regret meeting me. Because I don‟t regret meeting you…


Sehun in his human form, bare as he was born, was watching his mate sleep soundly on his lap. He
had adjusted his position so he could be his pillow. He wished the other would accept him too, just
how Baekhyun accepted Chanyeol. He wanted to know what bothered him these past few days. He
wanted Luhan to open up.

―Sehunnie…‖ the wolf smiled as he heard the endearing name Luhan gave him. ―Luhan…‖ the
human smiled at him, and he wanted to cry. Luhan was smiling at him again. ―I am sorry…don‘t
hate me please‖ he said to him. Sehun shook his head and took the human‘s hand, pressing the palm
on his cheeks. ―It‘s okay…It‘s alright, I don‘t hate you…‖ Luhan nodded and cried childishly, sitting
up and hugging his Sehunnie. Don‟t hate me when I leave you…because if I have a choice I wouldn‟t.

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Twelve: Counting the Remaining Seconds

Jongin and Kyungsoo found the lake where they found Luhan last night. They kept the silence in
between the two of them that started when they saw Chanyeol claiming Baekhyun in the woods.
Kyungsoo knew that Jongin wanted to claim him too. However he doesn‘t know what to say to this
so kept his mouth shut.

As he hopped off the wolf, Jongin shifted to his human shape, eyes glued on the human‘s back.
Kyungsoo looked at the lake as if it was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. However
Jongin was looking at the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He had thick brows, porcelain
skin, full plump reddish lips, expressive glass-like eyes, petite figure and very loving voice.

He came up from behind, snaking his arms around the human. Tilting his neck, he leaned forward,
pressing his lips on the other‘s neck. Kyungsoo closed his eyes, sucking a sharp inhale and he leaned
his weight against the wolf. Jongin felt this, and the mute conversation was enough for him to
understand the human. Kyungsoo would let him—he would let him take him.

The light kiss on the unmarked flesh became hungry, needy, wanting. Kyungsoo felt the sinful hands
slid inside the fabric he‘s wearing, fingers tracing shapes and rubbing against his sensitive parts,
tickling him, arousing him. Jongin‘s other hand went out to tilt his head to the side, so that their lips
could meet half way in a deep passionate kiss.

It wasn‘t long before Kyungsoo was pinned against the snowy ground, naked and squirming in
pleasure as Jongin adored his body with kisses, with touches. His fingers tangling with the wolf‘s
dark brown locks and he moaned whenever Jongin brought pleasure to his body.

Jongin spread the human‘s legs, his head dipping down to give the tight rim a lick before looking at
the human. ―Do you really agree to this?‖ Kyungsoo could only nod as he bit his lips when Jongin
entered him. His strangled moan drove the wolf to the edge but Jongin kept himself steady. He had
taken Kyungsoo forcibly before he got imprinted on him. However those were the times when he
only sought for his own pleasure. Now would be different. He‘d love Kyungsoo in every way
possible, without hurting him.

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Kyungsoo closed his eyes and let himself be drowned in ecstasy while Jongin was thrusting in and
out of him. He thought of the night Jongin imprints on him, and it was years ago. He wondered why
Yue didn‘t take him the next full moon it happened. He should be the first to leave.

Jongin‘s labored breath tickled him. Their slow, quiet love making was something new to Kyungsoo.
Before, he had been used to screaming whenever Jongin would penetrate him. But right now, he was
being silenced by Jongin‘s soft kisses, his gentle caress, and his loving gaze. ―S-Soo… I- I can‘t hold
it…back nh…‖ Jongin groaned as the knot started forming.

The human let his tears fall as he felt himself being stretched out and the pain shooting from his
lower part to all nerves of his body. Jongin cupped his face with a hand and dipped down to share
another kiss in which Kyungsoo answered. The wolf moved more precisely, hitting Kyungsoo‘s
sweet spot. When the human felt the heat coiling in his stomach he let go. Ribbons of white painted
their bodies while Jongin looked for his own release.

Kyungsoo watched the wolf‘s eyes bore into his. Jongin smiled at him before knitting his brows,
closing his eyes and came inside him. The human never felt so full before and he hasn‘t seen Jongin
so satisfied before. A soft laugh escaped his lips, taking the wolf‘s attention. By then, Jongin saw
how beautiful his mate was. ―Soo…‖ he whispered.

―Jongin you‘re the most beautiful wolf… I consider myself lucky to have you.‖ He whispered,
brushing his fingertips on every contour of the wolf‘s face. Jongin chuckled, settling himself on top
of the human. ―Am I crushing you?‖ Kyungsoo shook his head, letting the wolf settle down. ―I‘m
fine, let‘s just stay like this for a while.

Jongin nodded, feeling so content and happy in his mate‘s arms.


Luhan thought about his conversation with the other two last night. They decided to completely
break the rule by letting the wolves claim them. It wasn‘t because they have to but it was because
they also want to. Whatever punishment they would get when they get back to sanctum, they would

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accept it. If they wouldn‘t be able to stay with the wolves when they get back, at least they have let
themselves be owned by them. And it was something they‘ve been wishing too.

So he wasn‘t surprised when the words that escaped his mouth after he calmed down from crying
shocked the wolf. But for Luhan, it would be the boldest thing he‘d request from his love. As he
cupped the wolf‘s face, he planted a kiss on his thin, kissable lips. ―Make love to me…‖ he said. The
glint of happiness in Sehun‘s eyes brought fireworks at the back of Luhan‘s vision.

Make me yours Sehun… he thought.

And so he was right now locked in Sehun‘s arms, while the wolf was sucking air out of his lungs. He
couldn‘t remember how long he has been kissing the wolf. But his lips were deliciously numb from
the intense kiss they‘ve shared. Luhan felt the wolf‘s hands almost rip the clothes he was wearing.
Both of them were a mess. Hands grasping for anything to support themselves, limbs locked with
each other‘s sweating despite of the cold weather.

It was when Sehun showered his neck and shoulders with kisses and his hands roamed in his body,
groping and kneading, that Luhan squirmed to get more of it. Sehun placed light kisses on his inner
thighs. ―Luhan…‖ the human opened his eyes to look at the wolf. Sehun was looking so intensely at
him yet he could see it, the affection, the love that Luhan thought he didn‘t deserve.

He sat up, pinning the wolf on the ground instead. Sehun scooted closer to the walls of the cave and
sat instead. He crawled on his lap, welcomed by another kiss. ―Sehunnie, take me now…‖ he
whispered. The wolf breathed heavily against his skin before helping the human dipped down on his

Luhan opened his mouth for a silent scream. Salty tears beaded on the corners of his eyes but he
thought it was worth it. The wolf kissed his shoulders and neck before thrusting up. Luhan moaned
softly at the new feeling. Sehun rubbed circles on his hips, whispering sweet nothings in his ears.
The human buried his face on the wolf‘s neck, whimpering at the pain of being stretched.


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The wolf hummed, but couldn‘t utter a word in pleasure. Luhan kept his arms around the wolf,
although he couldn‘t see his face right now, he knows that he‘s brining pleasure to Sehun. And soon
he felt it too, when Sehun rammed into his sensitive prostrate. ―Ah!‖ he cried. ―Luhan…I‘m close…‖
the wolf panted in his ear.

Luhan nodded but didn‘t answer, because he himself was on the brink. Three or more thrusts he
shot ribbons of white on Sehun‘s body. Followed the stretching pain worse than the penetration
earlier. He trembled, nails digging on the wolf‘s back. ―S-Sehun! It hurts…‖ he cried out, tears
streamed down his face.

The wolf ran down his palm up and down his spine to comfort him. It wasn‘t long before Sehun
release. Luhan smiled contently despite of the pain on his lower half. ―Luhan are you okay?‖ the
wolf asked worriedly. He nodded and rested his head on the wolf‘s shoulders. ―J-Just tired…let me
rest for a while.‖

Sehun chuckled but nodded anyway.


―Yah you brat, catch this!‖ Kyungsoo screamed as he threw his newly formed snowball at Luhan.
The raven haired man laughed as the snow hit his head. ―Unfair! That was cold you know? I hit you
on the clothes not on the skin!‖

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him but ran anyway when he saw Luhan forming another snowball.
However his escape didn‘t succeed when he came face to face with Baekhyun, grinning at him. ―Not
you too…‖ the former prince shrugged, ―Why not? I‘m bored as hell…‖ he snickered before
chasing him. Kyungsoo ran faster and shielding himself with the trees. ―Stop it!‖ he cried. But
Baekhyun and Luhan did join forces in hitting him.

Lucky for Kyungsoo, he found the three wolves right outside their cave. He quickly jumped on
Jongin‘s back and ducked. ―Jongin they‘re chasing me!‖

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Luhan huffed, dropping the snowball and putting his hands on his hips. ―Aw come on don‘t use
Jongin in this Kyungsoo! We‘re playing don‘t be a killjoy.‖ The human on the wolf‘s back glared at
him. ―Well I don‘t remember saying yes! I was trying to make a spear to hunt some food while you
decided to hit my back! Is that a yes?!‖

Baekhyun laughed at Kyungsoo‘s reaction before sitting beside Chanyeol who clearly was awakened
by their noise. Luhan and Kyungsoo kept fighting and Sehun in his wolf form just huffed and let the
two argue. ―Hey there Channie…‖ he pets the wolf‘s head. Chanyeol shifted his position, putting his
head on his mate‘s lap. Baekhyun ran his hand on the soft furs of his mate, with his back leaning
against the trunk of the tree behind them.

Sehun stepped in front of the two bickering humans and turned to Jongin. Calm your mate will you? He
heard Jongin laughed. You‟re the one who to speak. But nonetheless he shifted and blocked Kyungsoo
from Luhan. ―Now, now, stop our childish fights.‖

―This is not a childish fig—nh!‖ Kyungsoo shut up when Kai sealed his mouth with his. This caused
a giggle from Luhan. ―Way to go Jongin!‖ he cheered. Sehun nuzzled his snout on the human‘s belly
before the latter pecked his forehead. ―And you Sehunnie, let‘s settle down for the sun is setting.
After our delicious dinner, courtesy of our hunter, Prince Baekhyun whose archery skills has gotten
better, we would go for a run in the woods!‖

Sehun‘s wolf ears perked up. A run in the woods—what a nice gig. Chanyeol shook his head at the
two and shifted into his naked form. It was like a natural thing now, you see, seeing wolf shift from
human to wolf and vice versa and seeing their … But the times they spent as family in this place for
almost two weeks right after a major misunderstanding between both parties strengthened their
friendship together.

Chanyeol holds a part of the dried woods they intend to burn before letting the fire lick the matter
and lit it up. Soon they were roasting hunted animals such as foxes and rabbits. They shared stories
and stuff, laughed at the most craziest anecdote they had told the group and none of them really
cared how time flew by so fast—except for the moon spirits whose smiles were the complete
opposite of their bleeding heart.

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Luna paced around in circles. The excess fabric of her long silk robe, tied intricately at the back,
tracing her spine was like her tail dragging along the invisible lines she made as she strides. Her
whitish, silver milk hair formed two buns just above her ears and the rest were hanging loosely on
her back. Tonight would be the night that her lover would take back their ‗sons‘.

Sanctum was a place beyond the moons; it was the place where she and Yue reside. This was their
home. The throne room was like a roofless place, only with pillars towering, floors made with
glasses and marbles. The whole structure was like a floating in the midst of the clouds. Light and
small fragments of the floor floats before the entrance served as the stepping stone to the majestic

Before, three annoying, persistent moon spirits filled the sanctum with laughter and joy. They would
jump from cloud to cloud, making the fluffy and wet matter as their playground during days and bed
during nights. It was always Yuan who would start the childish quarrel with Shia. And the result was
a chase—Aures being trapped in between. Those were the times filled with joy. And there, they
watch, mostly Yue who was fond of the moon spirits the most. Luna had joked one time telling the
other that he loved them more that he loved her. Yue‘s response was unexpected.

―I don‘t love them more than I love you. I just love them more than you do.‖ Luna laughed at the
statement but nonetheless rested her head on her lover‘s shoulder. They were like a family. But it
was all before Aures had opened up his desire to be a human. The other two had the same request,
and they were just only asking for one lifetime with the mortals and the wolves in flesh and blood
and they would come back.

Luna of course, as their ‗mother figure‘ wanted only to grant her children‘s wish. It wouldn‘t be so
bad but there‘s a catch there. When the moon spirits became humans, they might be tarnished with
the human‘s hatred with the wolves which shouldn‘t happen because they were made to be the
bridge between the two. They were made so that they could guide both races into right paths, some
if not all, so there would be at least a number of people and wolves who would give helping hands
to each other.

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This was against Yue‘s idea at first, because Yue hated humans. Luna only convinced him before so
he agreed. But for Yue, he favored the wolves more.

Yet everything changes when it comes with the three moon spirits. Yue favored the three over the
wolves and the humans. They were his joy, his precious angels. The moment he knew of their wish
he quickly disagreed. Why would they want to be humans? They were vicious beasts who don‘t
respect other races, who think so highly of themselves. If they knew that they were different, they‘d
try to kill them—just like how they killed Luna in front of him years ago. He‘d never let that happen

It also added the fact that as a human, the three could be any wolf‘s imprint. Now this was Luna‘s
problem. It was her idea to mend the wound in between races, to break the wall and let them live in
peace together. If the moon spirits who were the bridge to do this would side to the wolves, the
humans who worshipped the three of them would sow hatred. Why the moon spirits would favor
the wolf more than humans when it was the humans who worshipped them more, they‘d thought.

While the wolves worshipped the two moons, Luna and Yue, the humans worshipped the Tres
Virgos, meaning three maiden moon spirits. They really thought the spirits were three young ladies.
But nonetheless they believe that these three protects them from the vicious wolf. Luna shook her
head, humans and their fairytales.

She heard her lover walked towards her. Yue could be compared to a young emperor of ancient
dynasty. His silver hair was up to the half of his back, upper half tied up, his bangs falling on the
sides. His long white robe covering the trousers beneath was dragging behind him. Luna sighed as
she watched his scowling face. ―Yue, you don‘t have to do this. You‘d break their heart.‖

―Luna this is favored for you too. If they come back as soon as possible they could continue their
duty. As for me, they‘d be safe from the human‘s schemes.‖

―What about the wolves? What about their bond? You‘d be forcing them away from each other.
They‘d already mated and the wolves claimed them! I thought you favored the wolves? They‘d die if
the three would leave! You know that.‖

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―I hold power over the wolves too Luna. We do. And I can let them live if that‘s your concern. I
needed my boys back here in sanctum. They are not safe in the mortal world and you shouldn‘t have
let them go in the first place. This is what‘s best for them.‖ He said with his hands on his back.

―Yue,‖ Luna side and looked at her lover. ―What makes you think that they‘d be grateful? You didn‘t
see the pain in their eyes when I came down. They‘re so broken.‖ Yue placed his hands on her
cheeks, sighing.

―This is the place where they belong, Luna. They are neither wolves nor humans. You know the
mortal world. Once you‘re not one of them, they‘d get rid of you. Hear me out, Luna. I love the
wolves. I love my boys. If they live together, okay they‘d be happy, just like you and I back then five
hundred years ago. And then when the humans found out about the wolves ‗stealing‘ their precious
‗maidens‘ that they worshipped they‘d kill the wolves! If the wolves knew that one of their kind
associated with ‗humans‘ in which what those three were right now, they‘d kill my boys. Either of
the two, one party would be hurt, one party would die. This would cause a greater war between the

―They‘d be hurt either way…‖ Luna said, concluding Yue‘s statements. ―Yes, and it‘s better to
separate them while it‘s early.‖

Luna hugged her lover, burying her face on his chest while she cried. Her poor boys, the poor
wolves…They loved someone they shouldn‘t fall for. Tied fates, hearts and souls by the bond they
couldn‘t even control, why must they be separated for a greater cause? Why must they hurt for the
sake of peace?

Yue placed a chaste kiss on Luna‘s forehead. ―Stop crying now… It will be alright. Let‘s go and take
them back.‖

―If they hate us Yue, I wouldn‘t be able to take it…‖ cried Luna.

―It‘s our sacrifice to make.‖ Yue said and held her hand before coming down on Earth.

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Thirteen: A Story Two Decades Ago

Shining like a precious pearl in the midst of darkness, Chanyeol watch the two moons with a smile.
He was very thankful of them for giving such an opportunity to meet and be with the dearest person.
He was right there, sitting before him with their bodies pressed together. They were under that huge
tree where he claimed Baekhyun for the first time. Chanyeol was leaning against the tree, Baekhyun‘s
back on his chest, their limbs folded and tangled together.

―When you left me in Eldama, I thought I would never see you again.‖ Chanyeol whispered against
the human‘s ear. Baekhyun smiled and rested his head on the wolf‘s shoulder. ―I remember telling
you that I would be back right?‖ he told him. He felt the bobbing of his head. Baekhyun tightened
his grip on the arms of the wolf, this is it. This would be the night where everything would come to

―Chanyeol, would you like to hear a story?‖ he said after a couple of minutes of silence. The wolf
chuckled, dipping down his head to place chaste kisses on the human‘s neck and jaw. ―Sure…‖
Baekhyun let the wolf feast on him and he started the so called story.


Jongin combed the human‘s hair as he kept his gaze on him. He and his mate were the ones left near
their cave for the other four went to their own hideout. Kyungsoo was lying on his lap, while Jongin
was sitting-- one leg for the human‘s pillow and one was bent in half, knees to his chest with the
robe cladding his body.

They haven‘t looked at anything else since they went to this position. Both pair of eyes was locked
on each other‘s. It was Kyungsoo who broke the silence between the two. ―You‘re so beautiful
Jongin…‖ the wolf smiled and his fingers traced Kyungsoo‘s forehead, down to his cheeks and chin.
―So are you…‖ he whispered. ―Anytime now, when the moons reach its apex, you‘d feel different,
your body would change…‖

Kyungsoo frowned, taking the wolf by surprise. But he didn‘t let Jongin say anything and he took his
hands, peppered it with kisses while keeping his gaze at the wolf. ―I want to share something to

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―What is it?‖ Jongin asked tenderly, and started listening to what Kyungsoo have to say.


―Run faster!‖ Luhan giggled as they dashed through the woods in the speed of light. Sehun was in
his wolf form and was chuckling inside on how Luhan liked this activity as much as he does. The
human was holding onto him and like he doesn‘t want to let go. He slowed down though when the
lake was getting nearer. As he stopped at their destination, Luhan hopped off of him and ran closer
to the lake, inhaling the fresh air.

―Sehunnie, the night sky is clear today isn‘t it? The moons are reaching its apex.‖ He pointed at the
celestial beings. ―When it does, everything would change forever.‖ The human added. The wolf who
was a meter away from the human to the right heard the sadness laced in the sentence. He looked at
Luhan who was currently looking up. He didn‘t miss the tears welling on the corner of his eyes.

Luhan…why are you crying? The wolf asked. Luhan heard it, because right after they claimed them,
their bond strengthened. The mates would be able to hear their thoughts when they were in wolf
form. The raven haired boy smiled at him before looking back at the sky. ―Because I remember a
story…it was so sad that I am crying right now.‖

A story? The wolf asked and the human nodded. Luhan inhaled deeply before starting the story. ―It‘s
about the spirit of the moons.‖ Sehun tilted his head, still watching his mate. ―A long, long time ago,
unknown to the wolves and humans, Luna and Yue, the two moons, created three moon spirits to
be the bridge in between two races, to bring peace and to break the walls separating them.‖


Baekhyun lifted his hands to touch the wolf‘s cheeks by his side. ―There were three moon spirits,
one named Aures, other one was named Yuan, and the last one was Shia. They were the moons‘ joy
and pride. They were worshipped by humans in belief that they protect them from the wolves. But
they didn‘t know that the moon spirits doesn‘t protect them from the wolves, they were slowly
bringing them closer to the wolves, slowly making them understand each other so they won‘t fight,
they won‘t hurt each other. Because even when Luna was killed by the humans, she doesn‘t harbor
hatred, she loved the humans.‖

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―But then the moon spirits envied the humans because they could interact with each other. They
have the chance to be friends with the wolves, but them? They can‘t be seen, they can‘t be heard,
and they could only transfer thoughts in their heads, as if they don‘t exist.‖ Kyungsoo took a breath,
caressing Jongin‘s face. ―The moon spirits wanted to interact, they wanted to at least feel that they
are alive, they wanted to play with the wolves, and they wanted to be friends with humans. They
asked Luna to be humans. Why humans, not wolves? It‘s because humans have shorter lives than
wolves, they could get back in the heavens when they die in a short time to continue their duty.

However Yue didn‘t want them to go, the moon spirits didn‘t understand why so they insisted. Luna
granted their wish and they were sent in mortal world as humans, taking Yue‘s warning; If you ever fall
in love with a wolf, be his imprint and vow to be with him or her forever in this lifetime, I will drag you back here in
sanctum the next full moon after you got imprinted. You can‟t be with them, you belong here. You have to go back.”


Luhan giggled, ―They didn‘t mind. They thought they wouldn‘t fall in love. However they were
wrong because, they did fall in love. I have a favorite story from those three. The story of Yuan.‖
Sehun kept listening to him, still wondering what the story tells him. ―Yuan was born in Black
Sparrow Village.‖ The human said, turning his head to the wolf. Sehun‘s breath hitched, as if sensing
what was coming. ―He grew up with his grandmother, away from the civilization. There, he met a
wolf in a disguise, he named him Hunnie.

He took care of him, sensing that he‘s a wolf. And he was right. But Hunnie got imprinted on him
and Yuan felt so guilty, he cried every night after the wolf imprinted on him.‖ Luhan let the tears fell
from his eyes. ―He told him, I am sorry, that it has to be me. If I didn‟t pick you up, you wouldn‟t have to suffer
in the future. I am sorry…Hunnie. Yuan kept his smile, his naivety, but inside he was so scared, because
one day, when the full moon arrives, he wouldn‘t turn into wolf, but Yue would take him back... for

Sehun‘s ears went flat on his head as the words slowly and painfully made sense. He whimpered as
the tears brimmed in his silver eyes. Does that mean…that Luhan was not human? Does the story
meant, Luhan was Yuan? He—he can‘t be with him? He‘ll leave?

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―Aures met the wolf when he was just a kid. They became friends and they were attached to each
other‘s hip right after they knew each other. Aures was then asked to leave and be the prince in a
faraway kingdom, to his father, to his people.‖ Baekhyun trembled, his voice cracking. Chanyeol
stopped kissing him, and sat still as he found the story so familiar.

―He left, leaving a promise to the wolf he grew to love that he‘d come back. He did though, and the
wolf‘s wish came true. He got imprinted to his best friend, to Aures, not knowing he‘d be miserable
if he did. Aures was so guilty, he can‘t even tell the wolf who he really was—―

―Stop…‖ Chanyeol interrupted him. Baekhyun heard the pain, he heard the denial, but no. There‘s
no escaping the reality. ―Aures was so sorry to the wolf, but he love him so much he gave himself to
him.‖ Chanyeol tightened his grip on his mate, turning him around so they would face each other.
―That‘s enough!‖ he cried.


Jongin trembled as he saw Kyungsoo‘s eyes glistened with warm and salty liquid. ―Shia told himself,
it‘s better this way, he‘d be able to be by the wolf‘s side even if he hurts him so bad. At least if the
wolf didn‘t love him, if the wolf kept hurting him, the possibility that the wolf would imprint on him
is low. But he was so…so wrong. The night when he finally gave up, when Shia told himself he
doesn‘t want to get hurt anymore, he tried to leave but the wolf caught him.‖

―N-no…‖ Jongin shook his head, tears falling from his eyes, but Kyungsoo continued. ―Then the
wolf was imprinted on him. Shia almost screamed in fear. He thought—he thought that this
shouldn‘t happen, he loved the wolf, and he was ready to leave and give up, but why was the wolf
had to imprint him? Shia ran away, he couldn‘t bear to be by the wolf‘s side without feeling guilty.
H-he was so angry, a-angry that he didn‘t leave earlier, and that had to happen—―

―K-Kyungsoo…no stop…this isn‘t true. Please.‖ Jongin begged and leaned closer, closing his eyes.


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Sehun shifted in his human form, and slowly, he walked towards Luhan. The latter broke into sobs
when he saw the tears streaming down in Sehun‘s cheeks. He saw how broken those silver eyes,
digging into his, ―Forgive me…‖ Luhan cried as the wolf reached out to him, cupping his face with
trembling hands. Sehun broke into cries as he pulled the wolf into his arms.

―N-no you—you‘re not leaving me… you‘re not leaving. Please…you‘re L-Luhan…the h-human I
met a-and my… m-my mate!‖ the wolf cried. Luhan pulled away and cupped the wolf‘s cheeks. ―S-
Sehun, don‘t cry okay? Please…Please I don‘t want to see you cry…‖


Baekhyun buried his face on the wolf‘s neck while Chanyeol dug his fingers on his flesh in a failed
attempt to stop the human from saying sorry. Baekhyun took a deep breath, ―Chanyeol I‘m so
sorry… I didn‘t mean—I am sorry—―

―No Baekhyun…you‘re not leaving…you‘ll stay please tell me you‘ll stay!‖ the wolf cried. The
human pulled away only to press his moistened lips on the wolf. Chanyeol cupped his face,
answered the kiss with utmost candor, his fears doubled when he opened his eyes, seeing his mate
suddenly emits a white light from his body.

―B-Baekhyun…‖ the said man, wiped his tears, as his iris turned silver, his pupils in color of
darkened ash. His light brown hair slowly darkened, turning into shiny and silky ebony. ―N-No…no
don‘t go!‖


Jongin combed the other‘s now wine red locks, clutching on his hand, afraid to let go of his mate.
Kyungsoo shed tears silently, yet his eyes were full of unspeakable guilt and pain. ―When I leave,
Jongin… please live a happy life…‖

―I—I‘d rather die!‖ the wolf screamed. ―Jongin, I will always be here, watching over you even if you
can‘t see me, even if you can‘t hear me.‖ The said man shook his head. Kyungsoo suddenly heard
the chimes of heavens and he knew Jongin heard it too. They both looked at the moons.

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“Shia…” said a melodious voice of a woman. Kyungsoo‘s body glowed brighter, the evidence of
being human mystically faded into white smoke, and all Jongin saw was his translucent spirit, his
mortal clothes long gone, replaced by a simple plain silk sleeved white dress up to the half of his legs.
Kyungsoo‘s brown eyes turned white.

With a painful smile, Kyungsoo pulled him closer and Jongin didn‘t let his eyes blink the moment
Kyungsoo whispered ―I love you‖. His lips met his, and Kyungsoo disappeared into rays and beads
of silver light at the same time his heart cracked and bled. Jongin cried, clutching the air where
Kyungsoo‘s hands were, feeling the lingering warmth of his head on his lap.


―Sehun…‖ the wolf looked at the Luhan, seeing how his raven hair turned into lighter shade of
honey blonde. His silk dress and his translucent body, reminding him that Luhan wasn‘t a human.
That their love was forbidden, that anytime soon, he would disappear. ―I—I love you… I meant
that…I love you so much…‖ the moon spirit cried.

“Yuan…” the moon spirit heaved a sigh, and looked at Sehun. ―Sehunnie…‖ The wolf held on to
him, but Luhan slowly glowed brighter, ―Luhan! Luhan don‘t go!‖ cried the wolf, Luhan smiled at
him and wiped his tears, ―I‘ll…always…‖ be there… the last words faded together with his love, into
bright beads of light like thousands of fireflies. It was beautiful, but Luhan wasn‘t there anymore…


Chanyeol tightened his grip on his mate, ―You can‘t leave me…you have to stay Baek…‖ the moon
spirit relaxed on the wolf‘s embrace, completely savoring the last seconds he had with him. His arms
wrapped around his petite figure, while Baekhyun‘s body was trapped inside those warm arms. He
buried his face on the wolf‘s neck, placing light kisses on it. ―Chanyeol, you‘re a great wolf, please
don‘t hate the moons, please don‘t hate me… live a happy life, marry a beautiful wolf, have
pups…be the alpha of your pack. I‘ll guide you in your journey…‖ The wolf didn‘t say anything
anymore when he saw how Baekhyun glowed brighter.

“Aures. It‟s time to go.” Said a man‘s voice. Baekhyun tightened his grip on the wolf before the latter
saw how the moon spirit burst into light. In the midst of denial and pain, he reached out for those
lights, as if taking those would bring the man he loved the most back. ―Baekhyun…no—no … no
Baekhyun no!! BAEKHYUN!!!!‖

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―Chanyeol shifted into wolf form, and ran in the forest, he kept chanting in his head the name of his
love. He ran and ran, without a certain path, he just wanted to cry his heart, he wanted to relieve the
pain. Sehun turned also and howled by the lake, not knowing that it was the lake where Yue also
cried for Luna everynight and Jongin cried silently, still on the spot and failed to move a finger.

None of them heard of the moon spirits, and Yue‘s promise not to take the wolves‘ life remained.
No one knew where the three wolves were, no one heard of them, no one ever met the wolves
named Chanyeol, Sehun and Jongin. And so the Tales of the Two Moons remained unfinished…‖

―I thought you said this was a good story Xing!‖ said his brother. Yixing shook his head as he closed
the book. ―It IS a good story, hyung. I cried the first time I read this. Look at you hyung, you‘re
crying too.‖ He chuckled. ―I am not!‖ protested the elder.

―Aw…Xiumin is crying? Let me snuggle you, do you want me to lick your ears until you fall asleep?‖
the said man glared at him. ―Don‘t you Xiumin me, Chen I am older than you.‖ He growled. Yixing
watch the two fight again. It was like a daily activity for those two. Chen was a very stubborn wolf
who kept annoying their Xiumin hyung because of course he liked him—he just doesn‘t want to
admit. His younger brother, Zitao, was fast asleep beside him. He may have fallen asleep in the
middle of his story telling. Suho, Chen‘s elder brother, sighed as he rubbed his temples in annoyance.

―Instead of bickering like a kid, hyung, you better get your ass off there and start training. Father
would get mad at us slacking around.‖ A tall blonde male passed by with a scowl. It was Kris,
Xiumin‘s younger brother.

―I am not slacking around Kris. I know that father wants us to train as the elders so we could hunt
but I am not really feeling well today so we asked Yixing to tell us a story.‖ Xiumin glared at his
brother. ―Yeah right, telling stories about nonsense things.‖

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What‟s happening here?! They heard. Just then a black wolf went out of their burrow, silver eyes glaring
at them. He growled as he walked towards them who were sitting under a tree. Tao woke up from
the sudden call and everyone stiffened. They were all scared of the newcomer, after all it was none
other than Levi, Kris‘ and Xiumin‘s father.

―F-Father…‖ Kris bowed to the wolf, and everyone did the same gesture.

They were all from the same pack, a pack larger than any other. They said it was the merging pack of
three small ones and now three Alphas ruled. The first Alpha was Levi. He‘s in charge of the
hunting and training of the male wolves in order to be stronger. Levi was a short tempered alpha
and no one ever dares to anger him. Second Alpha was Nell, Yixing and Tao‘s father. Nell was a
quiet one, but he‘s cold and detached. Even his sons never got any affection from him the moment
they were born. Nell educates the wolves, the great advisor of the two other alphas. The last one was
Idris, the one who makes laws. He leads the pack together with the other two. He was good in
making decisions and Nell‘s brains plus Levi‘s strength made their pack invincible.

If you have time to spare in useless quarrel then you can be the hunters for tonight. Kris, go lead them in the forest
tonight and hunt for three mountain lions. You can‟t come back until you have them. Levi growled, walking to
the larger den where the alphas reside.

The six groaned. Great, mountain lions, the hardest prey to catch. Trust them, they were fast and
strong, catching one with the six of them would take hours. Yixing wrapped his book and glared at
Xiumin and Chen, ―Well thank you for fighting, let‘s get out of here and start hunting, if you don‘t
want to anger uncle Levi some more.‖

The six wolves shifted and left, ran to the forest of their territory in the west of the map, miles away
from the kingdom of Eldama. And as they run in the forest, they failed to see the three spirits flying
just above them, with smile on their faces. The spirits were so proud of the six wolves. “Are you sure
Lady Luna and Lord Yue told you that Yuan?” “Yup Aures, besides, they are their sons, so why not give them the
two moons‟ gifts? Let‟s see how they hunt those lions, you‟re the judge Shia!”

The youngest smirked and eyed their mates‘ sons. “That, I am.”

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Fourteen: Crevice of Kinfolk

Far from civilization, in the heart of the deepest, largest forest to the west of the map, there resides a
pack with no distinct title. According to the other packs who crossed the forest, unlike any other,
this one was ruled with three Alphas. It was impossible, considering that an Alpha‘s dominance,
their wolves, would be very competitive over the throne. If a pack was ruled with more than one
Alpha then it could be considered as a powerful one.

Their territory spreads around that forest, to the mountains behind it. It was large and previously
owned by other packs, but they conquered those lands. Despite of the evidence of this pack‘s power,
there were still a lot who wanted to destroy them. Thus they didn‘t let their guard down—and they
kept their pack strong.

Levi passed the hanging vines of the concaved root of a giant tree, the center of their territory, the
den of the alphas. As he went inside, he saw the other two figures lying on layered animal pelts they
have skinned from different animals they hunted before. They got the finest and the softest. Inside
the burrow was enough space for them to stand in all fours, with two feet allowance above their

The one in the middle lifted his head from his paws. You didn‟t have to growl at them, Levi. The black
wolf growled in annoyance before stepping on his pelt to the right of the wolf in the middle and
rested there. You didn‟t have to pretend you didn‟t get annoyed at their loud voices, Idris. The black brown wolf
snorts. It‟s your sons who have the loudest voice. The black wolf glared at the passive grayish white wolf in
front of him, to the left of Idris. It‟s Nell‟s fault, he wrote that annoying book and his bookworm son, Yixing
got a hold of it and now acting like a freaking grandmother, telling fairytales to her grandchildren.

The last wolf inwardly scoffed, It‟s not a fairytale.

Idris shifted into his human form, stretching his long legs and arms to tend the aching muscles. He
rotated his neck and laid back on the pelt, dragging a pelt to cover his middle part and placed a
toned arm on his eyes, his curly auburn hair falling on his forehead. ―Let‘s not talk about this,‖ his
deep voice rang in the narrow space.

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Anyway, the roving wolves last night reported that they haven‟t seen any suspicious movements outside the territory.
And if they will be, they would give us a warning immediately. Levi said. Nell lazed on his side and sighed, If
any of those humans or ambitious packs stepped in our boundary once again, I‟d personally take them in the eye of a


Whenever the moons shine so bright during the night, Nell would leave the den and watch it as he
sat on a stone by a clearing in the forest, near a river from the mountain‘s waterfall. That beautiful
silver light used to bring warmth in his chest, a feeling of home and belongingness. Now, whenever
he gazes at the celestial beings, he would always feel the unsealing wound in his heart, he would
always feel the gaping hole it left him.

There he was right now, thinking what it would be like when things in the past changed. Would it be
like how it was right now? If he didn‘t marry and have two sons, if their pack wasn‘t chased down
and massacred by stronger wolves, if the same thing didn‘t happen in Levi‘s pack, if they didn‘t
travel to the west where Idris‘ pack where, would he be the same person he was right now? Cold,
uncaring, detached, lifeless…

Would he be Nell if he didn‘t come back in his pack, feeling like he couldn‘t breathe? Would he be
Nell if his tears hadn‘t dried up, would he be Nell if he died, instead of living?

Because that was what supposed to happen. He was supposed to die—him, Idris and Levi were
supposed to die. Why did they not? Why did they have to suffer such a great loss? Why would he see
such a huge claw wound on Idris‘ chest across a fiery figure on it? As if Idris wanted it off his sight,
as if he wanted to erase it? Why would he have to notice how Levi wrapped his both arms with
black stash of cloth like a bandage? As if he‘s hiding something he didn‘t want to see? As if
pretending it wasn‘t there?

Nell, a name he had used for over two decades, a name that he had accustomed to. This was him—a
new wolf, and yet a corrupted one, broken, alone and sorrowful.

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The grayish white wolf shifted into his human form, slowly walked his way to the river, dipping half
of his lower body in the water. His silver eyes long gone of light, but he gazed up to the moon,
vision curtained by his copper hued locks, the sharp jawlines of his features shadowed. He closed his
lids, parting his mouth in a whisper…

―I miss you so much…‖


―Tao! Tao are you okay?!‖ Kris crouched near the dark gray wolf, not really minding his nakedness
and the blood on his chest and face. They were on the run to hunt the last mountain lion and all
them got riled up and didn‘t notice that they‘re nearing the boundary of their territory. That was
until they got the scent of humans by the time Kris had pounced on the cornered lion, his canines
sinking on its jugular.

Just then the youngest of the six was shot by a poisonous arrow from a hunter. They acted fast,
Xiumin, Chen and Suho killed the forest hunters as Yixing carried his brother on his back. They
were in the safe place now and all them encircled the youngest, the three lions by their side which
were dragged by the first three. Tao was hit on his shoulder, Kris was the first one to act and pulled
the arrow out. Since all of them left in wolf form already, they didn‘t bring any clothes for them to
wrap the young wolf‘s wound.

―It‘s getting worse, Kris. The skin around the wound is turning purple and green.‖ Yixing said after
Tao involuntarily shifted into his human form. ―Let‘s go back to the den. Can you carry him?‖
Yixing nodded. ―Put him on my back, then help the others to take the hunt with us.‖

They arrived in the den an hour later. Tao was sweating so much, half conscious already. ―Omegas!
Go call the Alphas, please, especially Uncle Nell. Tao is injured and poisoned, half of you, get the
herbs and some bandage, quick!‖ Xiumin ordered right away as he dropped the hunt aside and
shifted into human form.

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Yixing carefully laid his brother on a pelt not too far from the Alphas‘ den. He wiped the younger‘s
forehead of sweat. His eyes prickled with tears but he needed to stay strong. ―Tao…hang on
please…you can do this. You can, you‘re a strong wolf.‖ He whispered.

―He‘ll be okay, hyung…‖ Chen squeezed his shoulders, trying to calm him down. Yixing nodded,
but still not convinced though. The female omegas started cleaning the wound, applying the herbs
and leaves before wrapping it with bandages. Just then Nell went out of the den much to their
surprise, followed by the other two Alphas.

―What‘s this commotion about?‖ his icy voice annoyed Chen. How could he act like Tao wasn‘t his
son and not even show a concern on the wolf. They hunted for the pack—three mountain lions!
And when he was informed he would just ask what‟s this commotion about?!

He scoffed, earning a glare from his father, Idris. ―What? Uncle you ask what? For goodness‘ sakes
your son was poisoned and all you do is to stand there and ask what was happening. I believe Xiumin
hyung told the omegas to tell you that your son is poisoned! How could you react like—like he‘s
some other wolf and not related to you!?‖

―Chen, that‘s enough!‖ his father warned him. He was planning to shut his mouth though, but then
Nell spoke, ―First, I am not the one who ordered to hunt for mountain lion and second, it‘s not my
fault that he‘s pathetic enough to let himself be poisoned. Levi was training you all and this is the
result? How disappointing.‖

Yixing clenched his fists in anger, he wanted to explode. How dare he say Tao was pathetic? How
dare he say his brother was weak? How can he be so insensitive? Yixing wanted to scream, but he
didn‘t, because Chen beat him to it. ―What the hell is wrong with you?! Aren‘t we your sons?! Why
are you like this to us?! We—we don‘t ask much from you…all we wanted were acknowledgement, a
simple compliment that would make us feel at least accepted. We may not all be brothers, the six of
us, but we grew up together and we feel the same! The same pain of being set aside by our fathers!
Why can‘t you love us? Why can‘t you accept us?! Was it because of our mothers?‖ Chen let the
angry tears fall from his eyes.

―I think I now understand why mother poisoned herself,‖ he whispered and looked at Idris.
―Because you‘re so heartless! Maybe that was the reason why Yixing and Tao‘s mother ran away and

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didn‘t come back, and why Kris hyung and Xiumin hyung‘s mother chose to die than to escape with
Uncle Levi‘s pack when they were attacked because of you! You are all fucking cold-blooded

―SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH JONGDAE!‖ Idris‘ voice boomed in the quiet night, as his
hand flared with angry fire hit his son‘s face. The calling of Chen‘s real name plus the burning on his
right cheek stunned the younger wolf. The rest of the boys gasped, Xiumin ran to the younger‘s side
to pull him in an embrace when Chen broke into pitiful cries, ignoring the dagger looks from his

All of them were afraid of the Alphas. It was long known that these three had the two moons gifts.
Idris was a wolf of fire, Nell controls the wind and Levi has the power of strength. They‘ve seen
them use those gifts in battle, but this was the first time they saw they used it against their own son.
Idris glared at the young wolves. ―That poison was nothing, the herbs would heal him, it may take
time but he‘ll not die so don‘t overreact. It‘s getting late all of you go to rest and never ever disturb
our meeting once again. Are we clear?!‖

―Yes alpha!‘ the pack members chorused, but not the six wolves. Nell spared them a cold glance
before turning around and walking back to their den.


Xiumin padded some eucalyptus extract on Chen‘s right cheeks to cool the burn. It marked on the
younger‘s face. The latter was still crying and he couldn‘t blame him, Chen just voiced out all of their
questions, all of their feelings. They might fight most of the time over silly things, they might act like
kids but all of them knew each other better. They grew up together, and it was him who took care of
them the moment they started walking since he‘s the eldest.

―Chen,‖ the said male looked at his brother who was holding out a bamboo cup of water. He
accepted it and drink it in one go. ―T-Thank you hyung…‖ Suho nodded and sat beside him,
looking at the bone fire two feet away from them. To its right was Yixing with Tao and Kris‘ head
on his lap, both asleep.

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Suho smiled, looking at Yixing. He may not be the eldest, or the youngest but he‘s the circle‘s
favorite. Yixing has this air of gentleness around him, the warmth and the love that he‘d always want
to share with everyone. Even he, was fascinated with the younger. But of course, the one who was
attached the most to Yixing was Kris and Tao. Was he too?

―Let‘s join them and call it a night.‖ Xiumin said, taking him back to reality. Chen was dragged by
the elder and Xiumin lied on Kris‘ lap while Chen had his head on his chest, an arm around the elder.
Yixing smiled at their chain position and Suho chuckled with him. He moved behind the younger
and shifted into his light brown wolf form. Yixing lied down on the wolf‘s back, comfortable on its
softness and warmth.


Yuan walked carefully towards the sleeping young wolves. He waited until they have fallen asleep
completely. Some of them moved away from the position and turned to get more comfortable.
Xiumin and Chen had their limbs tangled together. Kris curled beside the two in wolf from. Tao,
Suho and Yixing were still in the same position.

He crouched before Tao, who was wearing a frown on his face in discomfort of the wound. Then
he looked at Yixing and smiled, “You take care of everyone so much…” he reached out his hand caressed
the wolf‘s cheeks, arranging the fringes off of his eyes. His nimble fingers traced his cheeks before
stopping on his chin. Slowly, Luhan opened his mouth and he took a white stone from his pocket.
He put it in the wolf‘s mouth before closing it. “Take care of yourself too…” he whispered, pecking the
young wolf‘s forehead. He then looked at Tao, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. He took the
other white stone and made the wolf swallow it, “You‟ll be fine Tao…” and he gave him a kiss on his
eyes. “No more crying…”

He looked up catching Aures put the white stone in Chen‘s mouth. Aures kissed the wolf‘s burned
cheeks. “Don‟t worry, Chennie, everything would be alright…be strong okay?” he said. As Aures walked to
Suho, he sighed, “This guy,” Yuan laughed at him. “Troublesome? Just slide it in the side of his mouth it will
go in.” Aures nodded and did what was told, and then he kissed Suho‘s forehead, ruffling it gently.
“He‟s a good hyung isn‟t he?”

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“Xiumin and Kris are the best hyungs.” They heard Shia who was combing the two wolves‘ hair. “Have
you given them the gifts? Do you know what they would give them?” Yuan asked while Shia shrugged. Aures
looked at the sky and sighed, “Let‟s go, the dawn is breaking.”

Shia gave Kris and Xiumin a kiss on cheeks before standing up, walking away from the wolves. The
three floated in the air, flying back to the moons.


It wasn‘t long after the moon spirits left when Yixing opened his eyes, feeling a particular part of his
face and forehead cold. He sat up from Suho, and he found his brother still asleep. Orange hue
started painting the dark blue sky from the east, he noted. Tao looked so much peaceful now, but
the wound was still there.

Yixing ran his hands on his younger brother‘s locks, eyes blurred from the threatening tears. ―I‘m so
sorry, hyung failed to protect you…‖ he whispered. The younger was awakened though, and heard
him. His lazy eyes blinked slowly, raspy voice came out from his dried lips. ―I-It‘s not…your fault
hyung…‖ the younger smiled, taking Yixing‘s hand into his lips and kissed his palms.

―But still…‖ the elder wiped his stubborn tears. ―If I could only take that poison from you, the
herbs are not enough. We should suck the poison out before it spreads…‖ Yixing placed a hand on
the bandaged wound, ―Tao please let me suck it out…‖

―No hyung, you could get poisoned too…‖ the younger meekly whispered. ―I‘ll be fine…‖ Yixing
shook his head, not convinced of the younger‘s reassurance. He didn‘t expect though to feel the
palm on the wound warming up. He thought the blood seeped out but when he looked at it, his
hand was glowing with white light. Tao gasped softly, looking at him with wide eyes. ―H-Hyung…
your eyes are glowing too...‖

Yixing noticed that the surrounding skin that used to be purplish slowly turned into normal. He
unsurely put the lit hands on the wounds again, seeing Tao gained some color, and the younger
surprisingly jerked away from the light. Kris was awakened and he caught Tao removing the

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bandages. ―What are you doing?!‖ he hissed, but Tao removed it completely, together with the

The wound was not there anymore. As if he wasn‘t shot in the first place. They stared at it for a
while, when Kris muttered the only possible reason of what just happened. ―Gift of healing. Yixing
you‘re gifted… just like our fathers.‖

If it was from healing Tao, or having the gift from the moons, Yixing didn‘t know why he was
crying and laughing at the same time. Tao hugged him tight, thanking him over and over for healing
him. Suho, Xiumin and Chen woke up too, and Kris told him what just happened. They hugged him
too and Yixing saw the pleading look on Chen‘s face. ―Do you heal burn wounds too?‖ he pouted.
Yixing laughed and placed a hand on Chen‘s right cheek. Just like before, he saw his hands glowed
and when it uncovered the skin, it was good as new.

They were so happy celebrating that one of them was blessed by the moons but Yixing wondered,
why was he given such a huge blessing? He hasn‘t done anything significant, he thought he doesn‘t
deserve it but he was thankful, thankful that he saved his brother. He turned around, back facing the
five who were taking a look at the healed wounds when at the far distance; he caught a glimpse of
something white passed by.

He looked around, eyes squinting from the dim light of the sky. There, he saw it again, but now it
wasn‘t only ‗something white‘ but he saw a man, dressed in white silk, sleeves covering his arms, and
the plain fabric drops at the half of his legs. He was barefooted, and his white eyes were looking
back at him. Yixing noticed the curly silver lines tattooed on his right face, from his right temple to
his right jaw. What‘s more, the man was translucent; he could see the tree behind him, through his
body. ―W-Who are you…‖ he stuttered.

The man smiled at him, his doe eyes forming an eye smile, “I knew that Healing gift was packaged with the
„sight‟.” Yixing frowned. ―Sight? What sight?‖ The man giggled and floated in the air. “When the day
comes you will know about me. Thank you for healing your brother, Yixing. I‟m so glad.” The man said before
flying to him and giving him a kiss on the forehead. For the first time, Yixing felt warm, loved and
cared for, just like how he should feel from a parent. Who was that man? Why was he feeling so
light around him? The wolf shed a tear once again, and he didn‘t know why he muttered “mom…”
under his breath. Was he longing for his lost mother and feeling the motherly love from the
mysterious man? He couldn‘t understand anything anymore…

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Fifteen: Seeing the Unseen, Hearing the Unheard—Behind the Facade

Kris stumbled back and groaned at the strong impact that he received when he met the hard ground.
The golden brown wolf whimpered earning a low growl from his opponent—his father. Every
training they go by one by one test and it was his turn now. Levi was in front of him, baring his
teeth at him. Stand up and stop being a wimp. Aren‟t you ashamed that you‟re lying there on the ground while they
are watching you?

Also, everytime they spar with their father, they would get these kinds of insults from him. Instead
of encouragement, they degrade them more. It wasn‘t really surprising that they don‘t have the
strength to pursue and be the best because even if they do a good thing or not, none of it were
appreciated. But right now, he was so angry, angry that despite of everything he did for the pack, for
his father to acknowledge him he was still treated like shit.

He stood up, ignoring the muscle pains of his back. He growled and pounced on his father but Levi
was so agile he escaped the attack and tackled him from the behind. Levi‘s paw was on his neck, and
if it was a real battle, the opponent could bite his neck and kill him—defeated again. Weakling, if Levi
could smirk, he would by now. Kris denied it—he wasn‘t defeated, the fight isn‘t over.

And every one encircling them, including the other five and their father witnessed how Kris rolled
out of Levi‘s grasp and his paws flared with blue light. Nell straightened up from lying lazily on the
ground, Idris narrowed his eyes—they shared knowing looks in their wolf form before watching the
fight. Levi on the other hand stood on his ground, recovering from the initial shock. Meanwhile
though, Xiumin gaped when he saw this. His brother was also gifted.

―I can‘t believe it…‖ he muttered. He was proud of Kris though because now Levi was being more
extra careful. They knew the blue fire is deadly, just like the red fire. When will you stop stepping on us? If
you can‟t love us as your sons at least respect us. Levi snorted, I am an alpha, I don‟t need to respect anyone. Then
they attacked each other again.

Yixing watched carefully, and in the corner of his eyes he saw three figures in white. No, not
figures… three young men, watching the fight. One of them was sitting on a tree branch on the left,
on the right was the man he met before, lying on the length of the branch on his side, elbow

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propping his head. The one in the middle was standing on the ground, back leaning against the

He sneaked out of Tao‘s side then unnoticeably went closer to the three. At first they didn‘t notice
him looking but his eyes caught the man‘s yesterday and the latter smiled. “Yixing!” The other two
looked at his direction. One of them, who was standing before him had ebony black hair, the other
one with wide eyes had red wine hair. The man yesterday jumped from the branch and slowly landed
on the ground soundlessly.

―A-Am I the only one who can see you?‖ He asked because the other wolves, omegas and deltas in
front of him didn‘t seem to notice the voice of the man. The blonde one nodded and looked at the
fighting scene. “It‟s sad isn‟t it, father and son hating each other…” He couldn‘t answer, he just looked at
his uncle and his friend Kris. The fight ended with Kris being defeated again, despite of his gift. Levi
told them to disperse and the three Alphas went back to business.

“Shia, you should go aid him…” the one with black hair said. Yixing watched the redhead flew into the
Alpha‘s den. He faced the blonde, ―What exactly are you?‖ he looked like a human, but he doesn‘t
have a body. He wasn‘t a wolf either, obviously. Instead of an answer, he got another smile. He
should be annoyed, but he felt otherwise.

“I told you, you‟ll know me when the time comes. And it‟s soon. But you won‟t see me again if you knew. It‟s because
our time to make sure the gifts have been awakened would probably have ran out. When this time comes, I hope you
won‟t hate me.”

Yixing was about to ask again when a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned around, facing a
brow knitted Tao. ―Who are you talking to hyung?‖ The elder looked back, but the blonde and the
ebony haired male wasn‘t there anymore. He turned to his brother and smiled a bit, ―No one, let‘s
go. The others are waiting for us.‖


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Every night the task of roving around the territory was parted to different groups. It was Xiumin‘s
and Suho‘s turn together with the other beta and delta ranked wolves. They themselves were ranked
beta, and the two leads the group tonight. Xiumin divided their groups into four, each team with
two, of course he and Suho were on the most dangerous part, it‘s where most of the enemies passed

Xiumin‘s light gray and white fur glistened in the moonlight as he ducked down the river, drinking
the fresh water from the waterfalls. Suho was sitting on the rock by the body of water, eyes keen for
any movement.

An hour and a half of their duty, Suho picked up a scent of wolves. Strangers, intruders. And before
he could even wake Xiumin up, a wolf came out from the shadows of the bushes and trees—
pouncing on him. He was tackled on the ground but his hind legs kicked the wolf on its tummy and
he rolled away before setting his paws on the ground, growling. They attacked at the same time and
the wolf‘s pack mates, precisely two, joined the battle.

They were outnumbered. And by his peripheral vision, Xiumin was behind him, both of them
surrounded by the three intruders. Call for help Xiumin! He told the wolf. The elder howled and
continued to fight for as long as they have to. Suho faced a wolf and in the middle of the fight he
was pushed into the river. Anger built in his chest when he saw Xiumin got bit by a leg. Before he
knew it, the water by his paws had crawled in the soil, into his opponent‘s body. The amount was
enough to wet the wolf. He didn‘t understand how did it happened but the next was the wolf was
pulled into the river, forced to drown. He didn‘t wait for him to die from the water and he bit the
wolf‘s jugular, taking its life. But as he was trying to recover from fatigue, the other one attacked him
from his blind spot, managing to bite his neck deep and hard.

When he dropped on the ground, this time he didn‘t fail to see the familiar hue of furs on the other
side of the river. His eyes travelled from the furry paws to the wolf‘s angry eyes. He didn‘t expect
him to come, of all the people. However he watched his father jumped from the other side and
pounced on the wolf that attacked him. And then on the other side Xiumin hand pressed his paws
on the last wolf—frozen and pierced by a pointed ice. Just then his father growled, Don‟t you ever lay
your dirty paws on my son, piece of shit!

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He was too weak to speak, to react. What he saw was Xiumin‘s paws sprinting on him and a faint,
Suho? Suho don‟t lose consciousness! Hang in there! Dammit he was trying, but the bleeding won‘t stop. His
wolf form automatically diverted into his human form, natural thing to happen when they were too
weak. Just then he heard a deep voice from behind.

―I‘ll carry him back. You go first and tell the omegas to prepare medicine and herbs.‖ Idris said and
Xiumin answered I- I understand alpha, I don‟t know but I think Yixing could help Suho. H-He just discovered
that he was gifted the other night. That‟s why Tao recovered quickly. He was given the gift of healing. Idris sighed,
―Okay, I‘ll call for him tomorrow,‖ Suho thought that his father doesn‘t trust Yixing but at the back
of his head he thought maybe his father considers the harsh training the younger wolf had this
morning with Levi and needed a rest for tonight.

He felt himself pulled into a warm body. His head fell on a strong, sturdy chest and there… he saw a
claw scar over a phoenix figure on chest. Even half unconscious, he was old enough to know what it
was. Yixing had read them a lot of books about it. Imprint mark.

His father… was imprinted with someone? Was it with his mother? If it was with his mother then
why did she killed herself? As far as he knew, she did that because she couldn‘t bear with his father
anymore. No one would be able to stay with someone who was imprinted with someone else.


Xiumin was huffing and was helped with a female omega bandage his wound. He didn‘t wake Yixing
up for the other wolf was so tired and Tao asked them not to. He was now in their den when Kris
woke up, sensing his presence and he shushed him with a gesture. ―I‘ll be fine. Suho is taken care
of…‖ A sigh escaped the younger‘s lips and he laid back on Yixing‘s side. ―What happened?‖ his
brother asked.

With a heavy sigh, Xiumin explained everything from the start but he stopped on the part when he
saw his uncle Idris shifted into human form. Kris frowned and waited, but his brother was staring
far too long on the ground. ―Hyung?‖

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―I saw an imprint mark… on his chest.‖ He managed to say. Yixing‘s eyes opened wide, startling the
elders. They therefore conclude that Yixing was awake the whole time and listening in their
conversation. The younger sat up from his spot in between Tao and Kris. ―An imprint mark?‖

―Yes, although… It was clawed out, as if he hated the mark‖ the eldest whispered. ―He can‘t hate
the mark, he can‘t hate his mate. No wolf could ever do that.‖ Kris countered. ―Maybe not hate—
but pain.‖ Yixing said earning the attention of the two. ―It all made sense now…‖ he continued. The
brothers shared a confused look, and then looked at the younger.

―What do you mean?‖ Xiumin asked. Yixing paused for a minute before parting his mouth, saying
what he thinks about. ―It all made sense that…he was like this. He might have been abandoned by
his mate, so the pain was there and he clawed out the mark that reminds him of his other half. And
as the son of the previous Alpha, he married his fiancée to have successors. That‘s why he doesn‘t
love his sons…because they weren‘t from their mates.‖

Silence enveloped the three. Xiumin sighed and rubbed a hand on his face. ―Do you think, father
and Uncle Nell were the same?‖ Kris nodded, ―They might be…‖


He was both curious and nervous as he walked to the Alphas‘ den that morning. Yixing was told by
an omega that Idris was seeking for him. The wolf knew why he was called though. To heal his pack

Yixing entered the den, eyes landing first on his elder friend on the middle, lying on a golden pelt of
a lion. But what surprised him was not his friends injured neck, but his uncle sitting next to his son,
fingers raking the younger wolf‘s locks. Idris looked up and met his gaze, he instinctively bowed.
―You called me, uncle?‖

―Yes, Yixing.‖ The alpha shifted his position, now his bare chest was clear for him to see. Xiumin
was right. There was a claw scar on the phoenix‘ figure. But wait, why does this sound so familiar?
The phoenix, on the chest, as an imprint mark? ―I heard from Xiumin, that you were bestowed with

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gift? Can you…heal him?‖ Idris looked at his son, Yixing silently asked himself why his father
couldn‘t be like Idris. Sure, all of the alphas were cruel to their sons. However out of the three, Idris
was the gentler one. He rarely screams insults, he rarely hits his son, but when he does, things have
gotten bad already.

Yixing nodded and looked at his friend, Suho. Aside from Kris and Tao, Suho was the one closest to
him. Let‘s just say that whenever things get loud and chaotic, courtesy of their brothers who
endlessly fight with each other over childish things, he and Suho would be the temporary warden.
―I‘ll do it—but not because you asked me to…but because he‘s my friend.‖

Idris should have felt offended, but he didn‘t say anything. But another man does. I thought Nell has
been teaching his sons etiquette. Yixing crouched down beside Suho, placing a hand on the other‘s neck.
―You just got back, please don‘t start Levi.‖ Idris warned the black wolf who shifted first before
sitting on his pelt. Yixing glanced at his uncle—only to be stunned once again.

An imprint mark—a rose with vines surrounding his right arm. He quickly looked away but his
father decided to speak this time. ―Shut up, Levi. At least Yixing is being useful here…‖ He looked
at his father. Somehow Yixing felt overwhelmed. In some way, did his father found him as a son to
be proud of?

His eyes travelled left this time, seeing his father in human form, looking back at him. He bowed his
head and Nell just turned around. Yixing retracted his hand from Suho, done healing him. He
bowed at his uncle. ―Thank you Yixing.‖ Idris said and put a blanket on his son. Yixing nodded and
looked back at his father‘s back, only to see another evidence that proved Xiumin was right.

An imprint mark of a blue butterfly.

“Sehun is from a noble pack, judging by the mark he had. The blue butterfly is a mark from the northern pack
named Aquilus.”

“Jongin is from the warrior pack named Verion from the south. That pack trained their pups hard to be great
warriors. The mark of rose was the pack‟s symbol.”

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“What about you?” Baekhyun traced the mark of a phoenix on the wolf‟s chest. “I came from Phylla; also from
North. Many said that we‟re a pack meant to lead. Aquilus and Verion were only a few of the packs that treat ours
as the head pack.”

The lines from the book he always reads at night haunted the wolf. He stared wide eyed at the blue
butterfly. He quickly shook his head as the answer formed into his head. ―What‘s wrong Yixing?‖
Idris asked and instead of answering the wolf ran out of the den.

Phoenix … Blue Butterfly… Rose and vines…

Could it be? Could it be that their fathers were the wolves in the Tales of Two Moons? Could it be
the reason why they were like this? Then his father…was he Sehun? Was he that Sehun from the

Yixing hurried into their den, taking the book hidden under his bed pelt and left the place, ignoring
his brother‘s call. He ran to the other part of their territory—where he could read in peace, where he
could recall what the book describe the three wolves…And there he read on tree branch, crying as
he reread the life of those wolves. It was so painful…he just couldn‘t think straight right now. He
doesn‘t know what to feel, he doesn‘t know but he felt hatred.

Hatred for himself for being so ignorant of his father‘s pain… ignorant of the truth…ignorant of
everything. He also hated the fact that he was living, because his existence, their existence, only
reminded their fathers that they didn‘t get to be with their mates. Yixing dropped the book on the
ground and hugged his bent legs.


The young wolf opened his eyes, and it was getting dark already. He fell asleep didn‘t he? He fell
asleep crying and confused. He let out a heavy sigh and leaned against the tree trunk. Below him he
heard footsteps, and he looked down, seeing his uncle Levi—or was he Jongin—walking on the

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grounds, arms covered with the black stash of cloth, hiding his mark ten feet below him. The tree he
was sitting at was tall enough for his scent to me masked by the leaves and the tree itself.

Levi walked further, and not so far from Yixing‘s tree, there was the river. The alpha sat on the side
of the boulder. He heard it before. Levi wasn‘t sleeping in the den, but outside. No one knew why
though then maybe he could see it tonight? Yixing peered from the leaves, watching the alpha leaned
against the boulder, neck tilted up at the sky. Levi looked up, and Yixing barely heard him whisper,
―Although I can‘t see you, I feel you Kyungsoo. I wish you would come down and chase the
nightmares away tonight.‖

It was the first time Yixing heard such a request, like a child‘s afraid of the dark. Levi‘s expression
was solemn, and through the light of the two moons, he saw how those lonely tears traced the wolf‘s
face before his eyes closed. Kyungsoo… he said Kyungsoo…t-that means he really is Jongin… it means that
they really are those wolves. Yixing covered his face and stopped himself from sobbing. He just blinked,
looked down and wiped his tears and when he looked up again to see his uncle, he didn‘t expect to
see a man coming down to the alpha‘s side. Wait, he—wasn‘t he the other man in white… the man
with wine red hair and pair of big eyes?

Yixing‘s mouth fell the moment that the redhead man pulled the alpha on his lap, starting to comb
his hair and placing kisses on the alpha‘s forehead, cheeks and lips. I‟m always here Jongin-ah, and for the
two decades that we‟ve been separated physically I never stopped watching you, guiding you... Don‟t worry, Jongin-ah,
do you know that Aures is finding a way to convince Yue to let us come back? Come back for good and never leave
again? I‟m sure, he‟ll be successful. So don‟t hurt anymore…We‟ll be together again…okay?

Then the male—which turned out to be Kyungsoo or Shia, the moon spirit closed his eyes and
began singing a song that made Yixing a sobbing mess.

Even if I tell myself that right now, it‟s not like before ,Even if you forget me completely, Even if I am just a person
that just went by, Tonight is just one night, Just like before I lost you
My heart wants to find you again, Why is it lingering like this? I can‟t accept myself without you, Tonight is just one
night, Just like before I lost you

Please listen to my heart just once Every day every night i am missing you Even if you are not by my side, Even if I
can‟t see you now, In my heart, you are always the same

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Sixteen: Tell Me Why?

Hyung! Hyung where are you?! Tao kept looking for his brother however, he couldn‘t find his scent. The
last time he saw him was yesterday, before he was called in the Alpha‘s den. Yixing didn‘t come back
last night as well. He informed the four already and they didn‘t even bother telling their fathers, they
started looking for Yixing.

Suho was calling the younger‘s name. What the hell was he thinking, leaving like that without a
notice? Did something happen while he was unconscious? Where would Yixing go in times like this?
Did his father, Nell tell him something that would hurt his feelings, that‘s why he ran away? Dammit
Yixing just answer us! He screamed in his head.

I found his book! They heard Chen from the left. All wolves gathered at the book Yixing read them
before. The Tales of the Two Moons. Chen shifted into his human form and opened the book. He
saw the curled circles on the pages, and the smudged ink. ―What was this?‖ he let Xiumin sniff the
book. Smells salty…like tears? Chen frowned, ―Why would he cry over the book and leave? That
doesn‘t make sense.‖

Kris looked around, sniffing the other‘s scent. That‘s when he saw footprints, and then turning into
paw prints. This is Yixing‟s. Let‟s follow it! Chen shifted again, and they followed the wolf. They were
shocked to see that it leads out of their territory and still Yixing‘s foot prints continuously trailed
further. They left their forest and followed it.

An hour later, they found another forest, and they entered it. It looks like this place hasn‘t been
claimed by other packs. They walked and walked, reaching a clearing of the forest, a lake where the
sky could be seen so wide if you looked up. They haven‘t gotten closer when they heard a familiar

―I won‘t come back! I- I can‘t take it anymore! I can‘t stay without feeling…feeling like shit! I- I
wasn‘t supposed to be here, living. I wasn‘t supposed to be here with you. Why are you acting like
you care?! You‘re supposed to hate me! I‘m a child of your mate‘s wife—when it should‘ve been you

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It was clearly Yixing‘s voice. But who was he talking to? The five wolves peered from the bushes,
seeing their brother facing left, crying and as if…he‘s looking at something, or rather, someone and
listening to him while crying. Yixing shook his head and cried. They were confused because it
looked like Yixing was talking to someone they couldn‘t see.

―Please…father would be glad if I‘m gone.‖ Yixing said as if he answered someone. They all thought
that Yixing might have gone crazy if it wasn‘t for his hair suddenly moving without the wind. As if
someone brushed it with his fingers. ―I can‘t pretend like I know nothing. They‘ll know…‖ they
heard him say. ―Why am I the only one who can see you? The three of you? It‘s hard you know…‖

They waited, and then they heard Yixing chuckle, then he nodded, wiping his tears. ―C-Can I ask
something from you then?‖ they heard him say. ―Can you visit father in his sleep, just like what he
did last night with Uncle Levi?‖ Yixing smiled as he gestured to someone again to his right, ―You
do? Everynight? With Uncle Idris too?‖

They shared knowing looks, confused and at the same time, mind blown. Yixing was seeing
something they couldn‘t see, hear things they couldn‘t. Then the sweet nods and smiles turned into
shock and confused. Yixing looked up, ―Are you sure?! They are going to attack? I- I have to get
back and if I could, stop them first before stepping in the boundaries of our place.‖ At the sound of
the attack and get back, Xiumin felt it was about their pack. They headed back—explanations can

Go, Yixing! If I knocked some sense in Lord Yue‟s thick skull, we will help. Yixing heard Aures said. He then
looked at Yuan, and the blonde smiled at him. I know that deep inside Yixing, you hate me for being the
person your father loves, not your mother, you hate your father for not loving you like how he should, you hate yourself
for not being enough. Yixing I tell you let go of that hate, please. There‟s a lot to know, a lot to explain and it can
wait. Trust me Yixing… Everything will be alright. I hope you can explain things to your brother, and the others.
You were given this ability because you think rational. You are the center of your little circle. The others listen to you.

―You promise me to make everything fall into rightful places?‖ the wolf asked the spirit. Yuan,
Aures and Shia nodded at him. We promise. Then Yixing shifted, going back to the pack, to his home.


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What Yixing didn‘t expect were his brothers already in the battle with the said rogue wolves trying to
enter their place. He didn‘t waste any time and howled, to let everyone know that they were under
attacked. Although the place was a few kilometers away from their boundaries, it‘s better to make
sure than say sorry.

Moments later, the betas and deltas, led by the three alphas joined the battle. What the hell are you all
doing here?! Levi asked them and Kris answered his father as both of them fight, back to back. Father,
you can hit us later. But I think you should be thankful that we were here so we avoided the probable ambush from
these rogue wolves. They want to conquer our lands.

Levi scoffed and killed some wolves in the process. But he was thankful, yes he was. Kris led the six
well in the battle with his first son, Xiumin. Tao on the other hand looked like he was teleporting to
the enemy‘s eyes but what they didn‘t know that Tao and his newly found gifts allowed him to stop
time and move freely while he was in it. Nell couldn‘t be any proud.

But of course, he wouldn‘t admit that would he?

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