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Radie A.

Envi Eng 2

Discussion Questions

1. In your own words, give definition to sustainable engineering as it applies to civil

engineering profession. Explain its appropriateness and applicability in two to three

Sustainable engineering in construction refers to designing, building and

maintaining infrastructure and systems that meet the needs of today's generations
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It
includes consideration of social, economic and environmental impacts over the project's
life cycle. Sustainable engineering is appropriate and applicable as civil engineers play a
key role in shaping the built environment. Their decisions can significantly impact the
sustainability of our communities and the planet. Civil engineers can mitigate these
impacts by prioritizing sustainability and ensuring infrastructure resilience and
adaptability to changing environmental conditions. This approach also reduces costs by
using resources more efficiently to reduce long-term operating costs.

2. The design team for a building project was formed at your company last week, and
they have already held two meetings. Why is it so important for you to get involved
immediately in the design process?

Direct: Being actively involved in the design process gives the design team
direction and input. Meeting all the requirements and goals ensures the project is on the
right track.
Find possible problems: Getting involved early in the design phase can find
and fix problems before construction begins. This practice allows not only saves cost
and time but also avoids problems during the construction process.
Ensuring compliance: By participating in the design process, compliance with
building codes, rules and standards can be considered. This way, one can avoid costly
delays and redoing the project later.
Cost management: Early involvement in the design process allows for better
cost control. By identifying cost-saving methods early, the proponent can plan the project
to stay within budget without compromising functionality or quality.
Radie A. Arnaldo
Envi Eng 2
Good communication between stakeholders develops when all stakeholders
are involved in the design process. It makes it easier for everyone to be on the same
page and pursue the same goals.

3. Choose three of the Principles of Green Engineering. For each one a) explain the
principle in your own words b) find an example (commercially available or under
development), and explain how it demonstrates the principle c) describe the associated
environmental, economic, and societal benefits, identifying which ones are tangible and
which ones are intangible.

1. Designing for Sustainability:

a) The principles of design for sustainability encourage the design of products,
processes and systems aimed at meeting the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. From raw
material extraction to disposal, we look at the product lifecycle and minimize the
environmental impact at each stage.
b) An example of this principle is a C2C (Cradle to Cradle) certified product
designed to be fully recyclable and reusable at the end of its life cycle. For example,
flooring manufacturer Shaw Industries makes its C2C-certified carpet tiles called
EcoWorx. It is made from recyclable materials and can be easily separated and recycled
at the end of its useful life. c) The environmental benefits of C2C-certified products are
tangible and include reduced waste, reduced resource consumption and minimal
pollution. Economic benefits include reduced costs associated with waste disposal and
reduced dependence on finite resources. Raising awareness and education about
sustainable practices and a cleaner, healthier environment are intangible but important.

2. Pollution prevention:
a) The principle of pollution prevention aims to prevent pollution at its source
rather than treating or removing it after it has occurred. Pollution prevention includes
developing products and processes that minimize waste generation and reduce or
eliminate the use of hazardous substances.
b) An example of this principle is the green chemistry approach. This approach
develops chemicals and chemical processes that are less toxic, less hazardous and
more sustainable. For example, biodegradable surfactants used in detergents and
cleaners are the fruits of green chemistry.
c) The environmental benefits of green chemistry are tangible and include
reduced waste generation, minimization of pollution and reduce dependence on
non-renewable resources. Economic benefits include reduced costs associated with
waste disposal and reduced environmental cleanup burdens. Social benefits include
improved worker safety and health, increased public awareness and education about
sustainable practices, and cleaner, healthier environments.
Radie A. Arnaldo
Envi Eng 2
3. Renewable Energy:
a) Renewable energy principles include using naturally self-regenerating energy
sources with little environmental impact. Renewable energy practice includes switching
from non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels to renewable energy sources
such as wind, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric power.
b) An example of this principle is the growth of solar energy systems. Solar
panels are becoming an increasingly popular and affordable source of renewable
energy. For example, Tesla has developed a solar roof made of durable glass tiles. It
looks like a traditional roof tile but also generates electricity from the sun. These roofs
can be installed on new homes or replace existing roofs.
c) The environmental benefits of renewable energy are tangible and include
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and
minimizing environmental damage associated with resource extraction. Economic
benefits include reduced costs associated with energy production and job creation in the
renewable energy sector. Social benefits include improved energy security and
independence, reduced energy poverty, and a healthier environment.

4. What does resilience have to do with sustainability?

The two concepts are closely related because sustainability depends on

resilience. Resilience is the ability of a system to adapt to and recover from shocks and
disruptions. Sustainability is the ability of a system to survive and maintain its functioning
over time.
A sustainable system must be resilient to withstand and recover from
environmental, social and economic shocks and stresses such as natural disasters,
resource depletion and climate change. The system must be resilient to ensure that
residents continue to receive essential services such as food, water, energy and shelter.
In achieving sustainability, resilience must come into system design and
management. Diversification, redundancy, and adaptive management techniques help
achieve this by improving the system's ability to withstand and recover from disruptions.
Overall, resilience is essential for sustainability as it ensures that systems
continue functioning over the long term despite major disruptions and uncertainties.

5. What type of water-efficient features are present or missing from your house, your
apartment or dormitory, and your university campus? Does use of this technology
require any behavioral changes by users or maintenance staff? Does it require
consideration of gender or cultural differences between users?

Here are some common water-saving features that my home, apartment, or dorm might
● Low-flow showerheads and faucets can reduce water use for bathing,
washing dishes, and other activities.
● Dual Flush Toilet – Allows users to select low or high flush options
depending on how much waste is produced.
Radie A. Arnaldo
Envi Eng 2
● Rainwater Harvesting Systems: Allows rainwater to be collected for
outdoor use. B. For watering plants and washing cars.
● Gray Water Recycling System: Treats wastewater from showers, sinks
and washing machines so it can be reused for irrigation and toilet flushing.
When it comes to college campuses, water-saving features include:
● Water-efficient landscaping – use of native or drought-tolerant plants that
require less water for irrigation. · Smart Irrigation System – Uses sensors and
weather data to adjust irrigation schedules and prevent overwatering.
● Waterless urinal - Significant water savings compared to conventional
● Leak Detection Systems – These alert maintenance personnel to leaks in
pipes and fixtures, allowing for timely repairs.
● Users of water-saving devices usually have to adapt their behaviour. For
example, shower less often, fix leaks when people find them, and watch the
water consumption. Training of service personnel may be required to install and
maintain these systems properly.
It may be necessary to take gender and cultural disparities in water usage into account.
For instance, some cultures might have unique washing or bathing customs that use
more water, and gender-specific facilities might have different water usage habits. While
developing and implementing water-efficient technology, it is crucial to consider these

For the following questions, encircle the letter of your chosen answer and provide an
explanation in 1-3 sentences.

6. Which uses less water, washing a full load of dishes by hand or in the dishwasher?

a. Dishwasher b. By hand

Washing many dishes in the dishwasher uses less water than washing by hand. It is
because dishwashers are designed to use water more efficiently, using only the water
needed to wash the dishes during the cycle.

7. What type of supermarket bag is more eco friendly, paper or plastic?

a. Paper b. Plastic c. None of the above d. Either is fine

Paper bags are usually considered more environmentally friendly than plastic bags.
Paper bags are made from renewable resources, recyclable, and disassembled after

8. Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity. a. True b. False

Standby power, phantom load, or vampire power is the practice of devices that consume
a small amount of power even when turned off.
Radie A. Arnaldo
Envi Eng 2
9. Hybrid cars are slower and less safe than conventional cars.

a. True b. False

Hybrid cars may have slightly different performance characteristics compared to

conventional cars, but they are not necessarily slower or less safe.

10.Approximately how much global electricity output is produced from renewable


a.5% b. 20% c. 10% d. 1%

According to International Energy Agency figures, nearly 29% of global electricity

generation will come from renewable energy sources (IEA) in 2021. This study includes
various energy sources such as geothermal, hydropower, wind, solar and biofuels. This
result is a significant improvement from a decade ago, but coal, natural gas and nuclear
power still dominate the world's electricity generation.

11.Is it better to use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs) or Standard Incandescent Bulbs?

a. CFLs b. SIBs

CFLs can last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs and use up to 75% less
energy, resulting in significant cost savings over the bulb's life. CFLs produce less heat
than incandescent bulbs, which can lower cooling costs in the summer. CFLs consume
less energy and emit fewer greenhouse gases than incandescent bulbs, making them
more environmentally friendly.

12. Is it better to leave a light on than to turn it on and off several times a day?

a. True b. False

Turning off the lights when not in use is usually more energy efficient. Turning the lights
on and off as needed saves energy compared to leaving them on for long periods, such
as all day or all night.

13.During a long trip, you conserve more fuel by driving fast and getting to your
destination sooner than you do by going the speed limit.

a. True b. False

A car's engine must work harder to overcome the increased drag when it reaches its top
speed. As a result, the car uses more gas than usual, is less efficient and lowers fuel
economy. Also, driving at high speed creates more wind resistance, requiring more
energy and ultimately less fuel efficiency.

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