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IRAT Questions for PHRM-465: Drug-Induced Diseases

Constipation and Diarrhea

Mallory Carter, PharmD

1. Which drug class requires the use of a prophylactic bowel regimen to prevent drug-induced
a. Opioids
b. Diuretics
c. Antipsychotics
d. Antihypertensives

2. Which sign/symptom indicates that a patient experiencing constipation should be referred out
for further evaluation? Select all that apply.
a. Abdominal distension
b. Blood in the stool
c. Family history of colon cancer
d. Nausea

3. Which two drug classes are first-line for the treatment of drug-induced constipation?
a. Stimulants
c. Bulk forming laxatives
d. Osmotic laxatives

4. How do anticholinergic medications cause constipation?

a. They decrease fluid secretion into the GI tract and cause dehydration
b. They bind to bile acid in the intestines and form an insoluble complex
c. They bind to mu receptors in the GI tract to decrease GI peristalsis
d. They decrease parasympathetic action to slow down the GI tract

5. Match the drug or drug class to the mechanism(s) by which it causes diarrhea.
a. Antibiotics: motility
b. Antineoplastics: secretory and exudative
c. Antidepressants: osmotic and malabsorption of fat
d. Metformin: secretory and microbial proliferation

6. A patient starts taking an antibiotic. Which of the following counseling points could help the
patient prevent drug-induced diarrhea? Select all that apply.
a. Eat ≥35g of fiber daily
b. Take a probiotic
c. Eat larger meals less often
d. Avoid artificial sweeteners

7. A patient is diagnosed with Clostridium dificile infection. What antidiarrheal medication should
they take to help manage their symptoms?
a. Octreotide
b. Loperamide
c. Diphenoxylate and Atropine
d. None

8. If a patient is experiencing severe dehydration as a result of drug-induced diarrhea, how should

they be rehydrated?
a. With ORS
b. With Lactated Ringers
c. With Normal Saline
d. With D5W

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