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10 Most Important Questions of SPCC

Do this to Pass the Exams

Q. Explain with Flow Chart the Design of Two Pass Assembler

[ VV. IMP ]
Q. Draw a Neat Flowchart of Two Pass Macro Processor , Explain with the Help
of an Example ? [ V. IMP ]

Q. What is loader and explain the Function of Loader with an example ?

[ V. IMP ]
Q. Explain Direct Linking or Dynamic Linking Loader [ Anyone will
be Asked ] [ V. IMP ]
Q. What are the different phases of the compiler with suitable
Example ? [ V Imp ] + Sum based on it
Q. Predictive Parser LL1 [ Sum based on this ] [ VV Imp ]
Q. Explain different ways of representing Intermediate Code ? Explain with
Example [ V Imp ]

Q. What is code optimization? Explain Various Code Optimization Techniques in

Details with Example ? [ VV Imp ]

Q. Explain different issues in code generation. [ V Imp ]

Q. Differentiate between System Software and Application software?
[ V. IMP ]
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