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<Insert Passport style

photo in this box

Small file size,
professional clean
appearance, head and
shoulders only>

Your Name
Your Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Telephone number
Email address

I’ll be a great instructor for your ski school because............................list 2 or 3 good
reasons which relate to your specific skills / experience / passions

Skiing/ Snowboarding Experience:

State you level of ability.
List places skied and the length of time.

Coaching/ Teaching/ Instructing Roles

Please include anything applicable here eg. Coaching sports teams, instructing or
teaching roles of any sort. Please do not leave this section blank.

Summary of Qualifications:
Summarize your qualifications from each of your past jobs. List any positions of

Employment History:
Job Title
Company name, City, State
Dates of Employment
Job Title
Company name, City, State
Dates of Employment

High School/University Name, City, State
Qualification type

List sports and activities you are involved in.

List certifications or awards you have received.

List other languages you know/speak (include level i.e beginner, basic or conversational)

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