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Python Module Installation at First Use

Plaxis 2019

1. Run Plaxis 2019 as Administrator

2. Open Python - > Command Prompt

3. Key in "pip install xlrd" then press "Enter"

4. Proceed to run PMG python script

Plaxis connection v20

1. Run Plaxis connection v20 as Administrator

2. Open Python - > Command Prompt

3. Key in "pip install xlrd" then press "Enter". If a notification got as below, go to step 5, otherwise go
to step 7.

4. Copy file "" to somewhere, e.g. C:\Data\MEZG

5. Then change directory to where you save "" file using "cd" command.
Then run it by Python "Python"

6. Install xlrd module, key in "pip install xlrd" then press "Enter"

7. Proceed to run PMG python script

How to run Python script .pyd file

1. Open Plaxis -> Python - > Command Prompt

2. Change to directory including .pyd file using "cd" + directory, e.g. cd C:\Users\mezg.COWI\
3. Type: python -c "import PMG_R04". "import" is followed by pyd file name.

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