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Artistry and Craft

Perfumery: Techniques In
Evolution. Part V*
A meditation on the art, craft and latest science of fragrance creation
by Arcadi Boix Champs, Auram International Group, Co., Ltd.

No Creativity Without Philosophy According to the myth told in the Homeric Hymn
42 or Poetry to Demeter, the earth goddess Demeter went to
Situated in the fertile plain of Thria about Eleusis in search of her daughter Persephone, who
14 miles west of Athens, opposite the had been abducted by Hades, god of the underworld.
island of Salamis, lies the ancient Greek Befriended by the royal family of Eleusis, she agreed
city of Eleusis, which was famous as the
site of the Eleusinian mysteries. During
the city’s excavation at the beginning of
the 20th century, the Greek Archaeo-
Further Reading
logical Society laid bare the whole of the This latest installment
sacred precinct, which included the Great of Arcadi Boix Champs’
Propylaea, a 2nd-century-AD copy of the perfumery series follows
central building of the Propylaea on the the publication of his
Acropolis of Athens. During the cleaning collected articles (1978-
works, a very old rolled parchment was 1999) — Perfumery:
unearthed. When the excavators unfurled Techniques in Evolution,
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

it, they found a text in Old Greek. For a presented by Allured

moment the chief of the excavators, along Publishing. Never before
with some young and energetic archaeolo- has a perfumer of this
gists, were elated. Maybe it was the key to calibre provided such a
the Eleusinian mysteries, the most famous constructive and open
of ancient Greece’s secret religious rites. analysis of new perfumery
materials. Perfumery:
Parts I-IV in Arcadi Boix Camps occasional series Techniques in Evolution reveals a profound
appeared in Perfumer & Flavorist in 1977, 1978,
1985 and 1999.
knowledge in the use of perfumery materials in
both new and traditional formulas. Though not a
book of perfume formulas, Perfumery: Techniques
in Evolution is an excellent guide for perfumers,
as well as those involved in research and
Next Month: development in adopting new perfumery materials
the Conclusion of in their daily creative work.

Part V Arcadi Boix Camps provides a remarkable review

of new perfumery chemicals that have been
Installment V in Arcadi Boix Camps’ introduced to the industry in the past 20 years. A
“Perfumery: Techniques in Evolution” definite staple in any creative perfumer’s reference
will conclude in the July/August library.
issue of Perfumer & Flavorist. Among Hard cover, 125 pages, Published 2000,
other topics, the author will address: ISBN: 0-931710-72-3
fruity-metallic, ambergris and musk
notes, in addition to the battle between For more information, contact Allured Publishing’s
the rational and the emotional in customer service; tel: 630-653-2155, x590; e-mail:
perfumery. A must read!;
Marie-Hélène Rogeon… The parchment was taken to the Greek poet
brought François Robert to Constantine Cavafy (1863-1933). Cavafy lived most
of his life in Alexandria, Egypt, and was, in the early
her garden, let him smell 20th century, beginning his best years of poetical work,
a very special rose…and which granted him a deserved place amongst the great
let him work to create the poets of the time.
Cavafy’s work is suffused with an ironic nostalgia for
perfume called “Un Zeste Greece’s past glories. The poet probably understood
de Rose.” the ancient parchment better than the archaeologists
who were merely interested in whether the find was
related to the Eleusinian mysteries. Cavafy translated
the poem into French. Nobody knows who the real
to rear the queen’s son. However, the author of the verses was’— perhaps Petronius? “Ex
queen’s fear that Demeter would make the hortatio ad Ulyssem, linguae tuos sedas...Major in
boy immortal and eternally young pre- externas Ithacus descendat arenas.” Nobody knows
vented this. After this occasion, Demeter the identity of the author for sure since there was no
revealed her identity to the royal family signature. Similarly, it is unclear why Cavafy chose
44 and commanded that a temple be built
for her into which she retired. According
to translate the piece into French, because although
Greek, English was his language. Some have said
to the Hymn to Demeter, the mysteries at Cavafy spoke Greek with an English accent despite
Eleusis originated in the two-fold story of that he was a great Greek poet who developed his own
Demeter’s life — her separation from and consciously individual style, becoming one of the most
reunion with her daughter and her failure important figures not only in Greek poetry but also in
to make the queen’s son immortal. Western poetry, and well loved throughout French and
The mysteries began with the march of English literature.
the mystai (initiates) in solemn procession I imagine this man — who called himself a “poet of
from Athens to Eleusis. The rites that they old age,” who was skeptical regarding the realities of
then performed in the Telesterion, or Hall the society in which he lived, and ridiculed traditional
of Initiation, were and remain a closely values of Christianity (since he was ill at ease with
held secret. We know that something was his own nonconformity) with a style and tone both inti-
recited, something was revealed, and acts mate and realistic — dreaming when reading this writ-
were performed, but there exists no sure ten treasury of the Ancient Greco-roman civilization. I
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

evidence of what the rites actually were, imagine him discovering the greatness of the idealistic
though some garbled information was soul. It is said that he kept this “old treasure” very
given by later Christian writers who tried close to his heart until his death, and that it influenced
to condemn the mysteries as pagan abomi-
nations. It is clear, however, that neophytes
were initiated in stages and that the annual
process began with purification rites at
what were called the lesser mysteries. [Fragrance’s] seemingly ubiquitous
These were held at Agrae on the stream use..tremendously increased the
of Ilissos, outside of Athens, in the month need for regulations.
of Anthesterion (February-March). The
greater mysteries at Eleusis were celebrat-
ed annually in the month of Boedromion
(September-October). It included a ritual
bath in the sea, three days of fasting, and most of his convictions and culture.

completion of the still-mysterious central Cavafy published around 200 poems in his lifetime
rite. These acts completed the initiation, and became extremely influential after his death and
and the initiate was then promised benefits his work. One of these many acolytes was Lawrence
of some kind in the afterlife. Durrell, who himself wrote several books of poetry
Those that analyzed the parchment un- before he published his masterpiece “The Alexandria
earthed at Eleusis were soon disappointed Quartet.” This bestseller won high critical esteem.
since instead of containing the missing Inside, Durrell explored the relativity of truth. In addi-
key to the Eleusinian mysteries, the text tion, he implied that the practice of art, sexual experi-
turned out to be a poem. Analysis deter- ence and love all lead to greater understanding, and
mined the parchement to hail from the age finally allowed one to pass beyond, successive phases
of the Roman Empire, and thus appeared of development toward ultimate truth and reality. That
to have been written around 2,000 years is what I call the real progress.
earlier — likely in the 1st century AD. I mentioned Protagoras in my past writings — the
father of moral relativism whose experiences, writings Ithaque doit toujours être présente à
and knowledge were surely important to Cavafy and ton esprit.
Durrell, just as they have been important to me. Y arriver est ton destin,
Durrell, who spent most of his life outside Eng- Mais ne presse nullement le voyage.
land, and who harbored little sympathy for the Mieux vaut qu’il dure plusieurs années
English character, was educated in India. In 1935 he Et que, vieillard enfin, tu abordes
moved to the island of Corfu, and later to Egypt. Both dans l’île,
Durrell and Cavafy probably never met, but they had Riche de ce que tu auras gagné au chemin
similar lives and likely fought for the same ideas and N’espérant pas qu’Ithaque te donne des
ideals and, no doubt, admired the wisdom of those richesses.
that founded the cradle of Western Civilization. Both
men were convinced Hellenists — men of wisdom Ithaque t’a donné le beau voyage,
and progress. Sans elle tu n’aurais pas pris la route.
I do not know if Durrell read the mysterious Elle n’a rien d’autre à te donner.
poem written upon the old Eleusisian parchment,
but if not, he came to a similar conclusion of values Si tu la trouves pauvre, Ithaque ne t’a
through meditation, or when reading Cavafy’s poems, pas trompé.
which were inspired by the wisdom expressed by the Sage comme tu l’es devenu, avec tant 45
anonymous writer who lost his or her treasure 2000 d’acquis
years ago. I will insert herewith the poem in French, Tu dois avoir déjà compris ce que sont
translated by Cavafy. Perhaps my American colleagues les “Ithaques.”
at Perfumer & Flavorist will dare to translate it into
English (I don’t). [Ed.: in the interests of accuracy, I believe this poem tremendously aston-
we, too, have chosen not to translate the poem.] ished and influenced Cavafy and probably
Durrell, just as it has influenced my culture
Ithaque and me (I named my house in Cabrils, Bar-
celona, Spain, “Villa Ithaca”). The poem’s
Lorsque tu feras voile pour Ithaque wisdom is just; its subjects eternal, and still
Souhaite que la route soit longue move the spirit of creative people’— writ-
Pleine d’aventures, pleine d’expériences. ers, painters, sculptors, musicians and per-
Les Lestrygons et les Cyclopes* fumers. We cannot forget the importance
Le furieux Poséidon, ne les crains pas, of the latter, because, as the old anonymous
Tu ne trouveras pas des choses pareilles sur ta route writer mentioned, when making the journey
Si ta pensée reste élevée, si une délicate émotion through life we must have — “parfums
Aime ton esprit et ton corps. voluptueux de toutes sortes,“le plus possible
Les Lestrygons et les Cyclopes* des parfums voluptueux”” — voluptuous
Le farouche Poséidon, tu ne les verras pas perfumes of all kinds, as much voluptuous
Si tu ne les portes dans ton âme perfume as possible! The way in which
Si ton âme ne les dresse pas devant toi. this unknown writer emphasized perfume
2,000 years ago was wonderful — indeed,
Souhaite que la route soit longue. fragrance was compared to nacres, corals,
Que soient nombreux les matins d’été ambers and ebonies. And the author consid-
Ou — avec quel plaisir, quelle joie — ered perfume an eternal need for mankind.
Tu entreras dans des ports vus pour la première fois; It is simply wonderful: wisdom, serenity,
Arrête-toi dans les bazars phéniciens eternity, perfume — concepts that have
Et achète les bonnes marchandises, been mixed together for ages.
Nacres et coraux, ambres, ébènes, I now conclude my philosophical and
Et parfums voluptueux de toutes sortes, poetical introduction, which was neces-
Le plus possible des parfums voluptueux. sary because there is no creativity without
Va dans plusieurs villes égyptiennes philosophy or poetry.
Apprends et apprends encore auprès des sages.
Beauty and Creativity Remain Key
Our society, as I’ve mentioned in previous
installments of this series, chafes against an
*Laystrigones and Cyclops: the anonymous author is referring to the overwhelming rationalist influence. When
passage in the Odyssey in which Odysseus, in his wandering
between Troy and Ithaca, encounters and blinds Polyphemus the reading “Ithaque,” and seeing the unbeliev-
Cyclops (a son of Poseidon) and escapes from the beast’s cave by able success of our industry, which produces
clinging to the belly of a ram; Odysseus loses 11 of his 12 ships true olfactory beauty, I understand that
to the cannibalistic Laistrygones and reaches the island of the
enchantress Circe. (Note of the author.) people desperately need to develop their in-
ternal lives in an often-frustrating and incomprehensible
world. Despite this, it is beautiful to see that the concept
of perfume is persistently identified with ideals such as
high feelings, delicate emotions, soul, wisdom, destiny,
spiritual plenty, and the target of life. To me “target of
life” means how to find the truth, our individual truth,
through our noblest feelings, emotions, thoughts and
sensitivity to acquire serenity and wisdom. It is a task that
— as the trip to Ithaca in the poem — lasts the whole
life. And it is beautiful to be able to work as a perfumer
knowing that the Gospel cites myrrh and silver frankin-
cense as treasures offered to the son of God by the three
wise men, or “Kings of Orient,” who most likely visited
Christ in Bethlehem while coming from Ur, a city whose
ruins lay in today’s Iraq.
It has been said that in the last 50 years mankind has
discovered 90 percent of its collective knowledge. New
46 technologies are great; recent scientific breakthroughs
in medicine, chemistry, and physics are without doubt
remarkable. Still, the sad truth is that, although we have
learned much in the last half century, we have simultane-
ously forgotten nearly all of what was discovered by our
ancestors in the previous 2,500 years.
Getting into the technical aspects of this article, I will
continue my explorations and descriptions as a continua-
tion of my last work, which appeared in 1999. Since that
time, many new jewels have appeared, which have af-
fected the evolution of perfumery, or, to be more precise,
have molded present perfumery.

Progress Despite Overregulation

I was negative in 1999, and I still feel negative today,
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especially when reading the famous list of prohibited al-

lergens, or reviewing the many rules formulated by several
governmental and non- organizations. These groups, as I
wrote before, want to keep us healthy by keeping us free
of supposedly deadly skin irritations. But this is an old
story, and I believe we need to begin to look past those
negative aspects that affect our profession. When I myself
create, I absolutely ignore all these “wise” regulations. I
first ensure that I have expressed what I wanted to express,
and see that harmony is achieved, that the fragrance’s
beauty allows us to dream and to believe that dreams will
come true. Only once these objectives are achieved do I,
at the request of the customer, adapt the fragrance to the
conventions of our “wise men.” In any case, my freedom is
not greatly affected by such a negativism. The best way to

deal with the simple ignorance of this sad reality is to give

it little thought or worry, to take it for granted as a matter
of fact.
To some extent, I compare these mistakenly negative
regulating bodies with the teachings of Giuseppe Tomasi
Di Lampedusa, the great intellectual Duke of Palma,
and Prince of Lampedusa, internationally renowned for
his only novel, “Il gattopardo” (1958; The Leopard). The
novel is a psychological study of Don Fabrizio, prince of
Salina (called the Leopard, after his family crest), who
witnesses with detachment the transfer of power in Sicily
from the old Bourbon aristocracy to the new Kingdom
of Italy. The events take place after the Exciting Materials
unification of Italy was completed under However, chemicals aren’t the only materials being
Garibaldi, and the grasping, unscrupu- used today — we are now seeing some natural oils that
lous liberal bourgeoisie of the 1860s. Don were not previously used so regularly. It is important
Fabrizio’s nephew, by contrast, participates to mention new products like ginger oil from China,
opportunistically in the revolution and mar- which is used more and more, or pink pepper, which is
ries into the new class. the partial key to so many great perfumes including
I bring this up because in the book, “Miracle” for ladies, “Chance,” “Ultraviolet” for
when the annexation of Sicily was com- ladies, “Polo Export Extreme,” “Maniarmani” for men,
pleted and the island integrated into Italy, “Oxygene” for men. Perhaps the most unknown of
a member of the “democratic parliament” the natural jewels is galangal from south India, a key
(established in Turin) traveled to Don- product in perfumes like “Opium” for men or “BLV by
nafugata to convince Prince Fabrizio di Bulgari” for men. Galangal is really great and difficult
Salina to join this new parliament as a top to describe: a strong, fruity, sweet amber-cistus-like
senator to “work for the cause of progress material that combines extremely well with accords of
and Democracy in Italy.” To the parlia- vetyver, agarwood, vanillin, Frambinone, Woolfwood,
mentary member’s astonishment, Prince amber ketal, Deltanate, Ambrocenide, and Vulca-
48 di Salina refused the offer, making it clear nolide, producing an extraordinary radiance. I have
that he did not trust at all the words of created a fragrance that is one of the topselling in the
progress expressed by his enthusiastic Middle East. In this formulation, galangal is mixed
counterpart. Nor did he trust either, the with jatamansi, brahmi, kappor kachri, mantri, nut-
praised Italian “Rissorgimento.” di Salina meg, macis, rose oil from India, champaca and fran-
made many wise observations, including, gipani absolutes, various agarwood oils mainly from
“You need to change everything to make Laos (Pakse), Thailand (Prachinbury) and Indonesia
sure that nothing changes…” And: “We (Mereke, Pokambaru, Kalimantan), Yuzu from Japan,
have been the Leopards [referring to several varieties of curcuma, tree moss (IFRA! — I do
the old aristocracy whose ancestors were not want to cause anyone a heart attack since every-
Phenicians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Nor- body has the right to live…), the loveliest natural saf-
mands and Borbonic Kings], and after us, fron attar that we produce 100 percent pure in India,
will come the Hyenas and Jackals.” Also: real kewra (which beguiles our senses with its charm),
“Nothing will change in a period of time ebanol, geranium and sandalwood oil from Mysore,
for around 100 years, and afterwards, khus, Cyperious scarious, cistus, geosmin, ambrarôme
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

the world will change and it will become absolute, nigelle absolute, and a combination of styrax
worse.” and animal notes with a good touch of p-cresyl phenyl-
Does my analogy make sense? It is up acetate, which combines great with Kewra. I am plan-
to the reader to decide. ning to update the fragrance this year with some of the
Perhaps, though, this pessimism is greatest chemicals ever invented, including Javanol,
not entirely wattanted. In the last several Mysoral and Firsantol. I feel absolutely excited when
years, when discussing the progress of sensorially experiencing these three chemicals and re-
perfumery — particularly in describing all alizing how we can increase the diffusion of fragrances
the jewels presented in this series’ latest when using them. How can our profession possibly
installment — I have come to realize that decline with such strong and absolutely fantastic new
yes, in the end, we do progress in perfum- products?. How beautiful is our profession?!
ery, something I doubted in 1977, 1978, Another great accord of galangal combines the oil
1985 and 1999. with Firsantol, Helvetolide (Firmenich), Habanolide
I would again, in this part, like to pay (Firmenich), Muscenone (Firmenich), Cyclogalbanate,
humble homage to the chemists that assist Pharaone, Spirogalbanone, Florhydral (Givaudan),

we perfumers. It is these technicians that Romascone (Firmenich), Deltanate, cedrat coeur oil,
produce the great substances, with the Laevo cetalox, Bourgeonal, Cedramber (IFF), Kepha-
cooperation we creative types, for us to lis (Givaudan), Cashmeran (IFF), lemon and yuzu oils,
use. I have always been very happy being cardamom, amber ketal, ambrocenide, Ysamber K
surrounded by chemists — wise people, (Symrise) and woolfwood.
typically very honest and full of energy. I A great natural oil is Ciperus scarious, used long
continue to feel a deep respect for these ago for the first time in Western perfumery in “Macas-
sages behind the scene, and am proud sar” by Rochas. Since that time, the material has found
to be friends with some of the best and use more and more. Ciperus scarious makes fantastic
most respected chemists in the flavor and accords with Cashmeran, Cedramber, polysantol, its
fragrance world. dextro isomer nirvanol, agarwood oils, dartanol, myr-
rhone and Firsantol (Firmenich).
I also need to mention kappor kachri, mantri, tag- They combine well with rose oils, nutmeg,
ette, davana, excellent fractions of essential oils such macis, jatamansi, kappor kachri, moorpanki
as patchouly used in great fragrances including “Coco (a rare cedarwood oil that, in the sesqui-
Mademoiselle” or “Chance,” and naturally some new terpene fraction, contains nearly no α- and
and beautiful extractions such as the so-called oless- β-cedrenes, but primarily thuyopsene, and
ences of jasmine sampac, orange flower, champaca, whose olfactory profile lies somewhere
lemon, or the DNA extractions, among which the best between cedarwood and sandalwood),
is frankincense. This latter material possesses only tree moss extracts, saffron, champa (a co-
about 17 percent α-pinene and has lost the turpen- distillation of wild frangipani flowers with
tine side of the traditional frankincense oil, imparting sandalwood oil), mitti ( a co-distillation of
the real and unbelievably pleasant smell of the burnt humid earth and sandalwood oil), and lotus
smoke of the resin. Other important materials include: absolute, making it naturally one of the
lotus absolute, rooiboss absolute, mate absolute and top chemicals we available. A material I
extracts, and fir absolute (which imparts so many described in 1978, the extraordinary amber
indescribable dream-like accords with
its fruity-coniferous beguiling scent). I
must mention, too, the co-distillations,
a new technique that enables the use 49
of many new materials whose pure oils
are too scarce or whose note is sought
in this form of co-distillations. These in-
clude materials such as bois d’opoponax;
bois de mousse de chêne; bois d’encens
(all of them co-distilled over cedarwood
oil); and agarwood oils from Indonesia,
Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos,
India, Malaysia and Burma. These
agarwood oils are not well known in
Western perfumery — they are mainly
used in the Middle East because they
form part of a rich Arabic tradition, just
as they were part of the traditions of Ja-
pan, China and Vietnam. The so-called
Vietnamese aloes wood from Aquillaria
sinensis, was used for centuries by the
ruling mandarins and even during the
French colonization of Indochina for
burning. Today, the wood is still burned
in the Middle East, in the richest houses
of the Far East whose floors are made
of polished teak wood. It is also burned
in the most sacred ceremonies, such as
the “sacrifice to heaven” performed by
the Vietnamese Emperor once every
three years when processing from the
Imperial palace of Hue to the “altar of
ancestors” just in the other side of the
“river of perfumes” that spans the Old
Imperial capital of Vietnam.
These agarwood oils, in the form of
co-distillations, are already starting to be
used in the Western perfumery. Agar-
wood oils are extremely elegant, with a
leathery, animal top note that evolves
gradually towards the most elegant
woody note known in the natural world.
Agarwood oils are, in my opinion, supe-
rior to vetyver or sandalwood. They are
extremely long lasting, resinous, sweet,
slightly fruity and elegantly woody.
ketal called Z-11, which I predicted to be chemicals deeply influence today’s perfumery (i.e. they
significant, has become one of the most were too new before), or because when describing
important ingredients ever discovered in their odor, the scents are revealed as being so complex
perfumery. The 1960s and 1970s became they can fit into two or three olfactory families. As
the age of hedione following the launch of usual I’ll start with the agrestical family. In the past
“Eau Sauvage” by Dior, the great creation I mentioned linalyl, terpenyl, mircenyl, ocimenyl,
of my old teacher and friend, Edmond trimethylcyclohexyl, lavandulyl, dihydroterpenyl, nopyl
Roudnitska. The 1990s and beyond have and citryl acetates, 2,2,6-trimethyl-6-vinyl-tetrahydro-
marked the era of amber ketal, Hedione pyran (geranium oxide) (now used in the fragrance of
HC (Firmenich), Helvetolide, Firsantol, one of the top fabric softeners in the world), methyl-
Polysantol (Firmenich), Dextro Nor Lim- dioxaspiro undecane, 2,2,6-trimethyl-2-vinyl-tetrahy-
banol (Firmenich), Limbanol (Firmenich), dropyran (citroxide), 2-methyl-2-vinyl-5-isopropenyl
Ysamber K, Javanol (Givaudan), Habano- tetrahydrofuran (herboxide), Oxaspirane (IFF), aceto-
lide, Muscenone, Exaltenone (Firmencih), marane, and 2,5-dimethylhepten-5-ol, or cis-verbenol.
Ambrettolide (Givaudan), ethylen bras- To these I will add the following.
silate, Nirvanolide (Givaudan), Moxalone
(Givaudan), super muguet and paradisone.
50 Other great accords include agarwood oil Agresticals — Herbaceous, Lavender, Clary
with amber ketal, ambrocenide and aelam- Sage, Isoacetate
bre — these wonderful latter chemicals, These materials smell extremely fresh, linalyl acetate-
along with limbanol, form the best accords like, quite stable and useful to b lend with lavender
with Z-11. The materials are not as longlast- notes to impart freshness. They work well also with
ing as Z-11, but are extremely diffusive in petitgrain accords, making a new twist between the
their top notes. Perhaps my last writings classical and superb accord composed of coriander,
were a bit negative, too much affected by lavender and neroli.
so many rules that hindered our creativ- 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone: This material is
ity. But when pondering the essence of extremely powerful; at 1 percent, the solution imparts
progress, we must put in the scale all the typical fruitiness found in lavender oil. It has a
the factors. Now, with so many fantastic butyric undertone and a mixed character of pineapple
ingredients, the scale is strongly balancing and banana eclipsed by the previously mentioned
towards progress, creativity and beauty lavender. The chemical is extremely useful in boost-
— perhaps not in society in general, but ing the diffusion of functional lavenders, much more
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

indeed in our profession. so than most common chemicals such as methyl hexyl
Auram International’s agarwood oils cetone or ethyl amyl cetone, although 2,6-dimethyl-
— Cambodian, Indonesian, Indian and 4-heptanone combines extremely well with those,
Neo Agarwood — can be decisive ele- too. It is not longlasting, working instead to boost the
ments in any number of fragrances to top notes and diffusion of fragrances in general.
come, as will its Rosessence, a co-distilla- Verbenyl acetate: This is a very nice and practi-
tion of a reconstituted rose oil whose im- cally unknown chemical. It is quite diverse olfactorily,
pact chemicals have been increased (rose not smelling of any particulat essential oil, but instead
oxide, neroloxyde, rosefuran, β-damascone, having shades of myrtle, laurel, Spanish marjoram, tea
β-damascenone, p-menthen-9-al and tree, spanish sage, lavender spike, so-called cantueso,
several essential rose sulfides) with Iranian and savin. Verbenyl acetate has a very soft, velvety ef-
rose flowers. This process that creates an fect when mixed with the oils mentioned, or with iso-
interesting oil, with compelling effects. acetate, Sclareolate, caraway, dextro carvone, ginsene,
The company has developed several other and 2-acethoxy-1,8-cineol, and naturally with Iso E
natural co-distillation products cross- Super (IFF), Cassiffix (IFF), karanal and other smooth

ing various flowers with sandalwood oil, chemicals. It enhances myrtle oil, and its accord with
and co-distillations of spices with flowers 2-acethoxy-1,8-cineol, myrtle, cardamom, ginger, Iso E
(also over sandalwood oil or sandalwood Super and calone is great. Although not very longlast-
chemicals) — Shamama; Amber; Saffron ing it is amongst my preferred chemicals because of its
or Kewra; Sandalwood; and Kewra. capacity to smell pleasant without specifically smelling
of anything.
Sclareolate — propyl-2-(1,1-dimethylpropoxy)-
Chemicals: Class of 2004
propionate: This is one of the best chemicals ever
In listing and describing the chemicals
discovered, and is quite new, unknown and absent
in this latest installment of my ongoing
from most laboratories. Sclareolate smells of clary
work, I will probably repeat some previ-
sage, mentha citrata, and linalool ex Mentha citrata,
ously mentioned materials. However, any
but fresher and imparting a much softer impres-
overlaps will result from the fact that the
sion than the oils. Combinations of Sclareolate with
coranol, ethyl linalool, Helvetolide and musks are and more woody-honey-rooty, with notes of
extraordinary. Sclareolate softens and creates new dry flowers. Azarbre mixes well with rooty
olfactory shades never before imagined, as does cora- essential oils such as corydalis or—Cyperus
nol. Both together are unsurpassable; their accords scarious and all kinds of agarwood oils as
are extremely new and unique. They blend very well well. The material forms great accords with
with woolfwood, too, a combination that is extremely isophorone, phenylacetic acid, oxophorone,
warm and soft, and which imparts the radiance found tobacco absolute, ionones, damascones,
in some aspects of vetiver oils after evaporation of its phenylacetates, nectarol, the ususually great
top notes. Sclareolate combines well with prismylate myrrhone, dihydro-β-ionol, and osman-
and methyl pentenyl salicylate in a combination that thus, and with top creative bases such as
is spicier than hexyl and cis-3-hexenyl salicylates. The Auram’s Fixambral in which a combination
chemical is agrestical and less floral than coranol or di- of “sacred” resins are mixed with a wise
hydromircenol; Sclareolate will play an important role honey accord. Auram’s Fixambral is a trace
in coming years in the evolution of perfumery. The component in most of my fragrances, and
accords with myroxide are also extraordinary since is composed of several captive chemicals.
myroxide gives power to the much softer Sclareolate It possesses an extraordinary oriental-resin
that is more radiant and inconcrete. I have always effect that is very deep and touching. When
been a great admirer of myroxide, and finally it must used between 0.5 and 2 percent, it imparts 51
succeed; now we will see both combined, especially the smell of myrrh, frankincense, amber
in men perfumes. The combination of Sclareaolate, gris and opoponax to most fragrances,
coranol and myroxide is also great with the patchouli creating a very deep and pleasant smell that
fraction — very rich in norpatchulenol and patchoulol combines well with DNA frankincense and
that is marketed under the name of patchouly coeur; Auram’s Coeur d’Encens, a mix that imparts
a sensational product. I am at a loss for words to de- the sensational burnt note of the best green
scribe the possibilities of Sclareolate, even if I write a haujeri frankincense — the best of the best
great deal about the chemical, it will be less than this qualities of the sacred resin that comes
product deserves. I herein describe Sclareolate with from the Sultanate of Oman and Yemen.
my capacity to create, but my capacity to create is very Claritone — 2,4,4,7-tetramethyl-oct-
little compared to the capacity of so many perfumers 6-3n-3-one: This is quite a new chemical,
combined. They will absolutely understand at once more herbaceous and less citrus/grape-
the greatness of this new chemical. fruit-like compared to the better-known
Opalal — 7-dipropyl-8,8-dimethyl-6,10-dioxas- dimethyloctenone. Claritone (Symrise) is
piro-[4.5]-decane: Again, a totally unknown chemi- very useful in giving a lift to herbal and
cal that is missing from most laboratories, but which is citrus fragrances in which it contributes to
being used extensively. Opalal is used in the so-called a very good harmony in the top note. The
camonile base at a level of about 5 percent, but there material blends very well with new nitriles
it is not quite noticeable since this remarkable base like Floridile (methyl decanyle), a forgotten
contains another captive chemical in big amounts that product that is absent in most laboratories.
imparts a chamomile-like character. Opalal is agresti- Claritone’s accords with β-ionone, dime-
cal, herbal, and slightly fruity, with shades of cubeb, thylionone, α-ionol and dihydro-β-ionone
nutmeg and elemi that work extremely well with are remarkable, especially when combining
Iso E Super. It is also slightly anise and forms great these subtle violet notes with “soft” rose
accords with dextro cetalox (the one in the market esters such as feranyl crotonate, Geranyl
is the racemic), Habanolide, pink pepper oil, amber Tiglate (Organica Aromatics) or other rosy
core, safranal, cyclohexyl salycilate, gaiac wood oil, chemicals such as geranic or citronellic ac-
cedramber, Sclareolate, Boisambrene Forte (Kao), ids, methyl or ethyl geranate, among others.
Cashmeran, Helional (IFF), clary sage oil, Limba- Combinations of Claritone, Methyl Pample-
nol, dextro nor limbanol and dartanol. Some of these mousse (Givaudan) and dimethyloctenone
ingredients mixed with Iso E Super and other musks are even better since dimethyloctenone
created one of the fragrances that was voted win- is more delicately citrus/grapefruit-like
ner for 2003 masculine fragrance in the Enzo Palace and more velvety. Claritone is also very
in Bologna in March 2003. Mixtures of Opalal with good with “citronellic” products such as
dehydronerolidol (an unknown and beautiful chemical citronnellal, isopulegol, landenal, limonen
present in Auram’s Nerolidinia), elemi, kunzea and aldehyde, aldehyde TMH. The chemical
cubeb oils, Cassiffix and Auram’s Vert de Roses are also makes excellent accords with Melonal
simply a dream. (Givaudan), cis-7-decenal, Methoxymelonal
Azarbre — diethyl dimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1- (Aroma & Fine Chemicals Ltd.) and calone.
one: This material is better known than Opalal, but Sclarex — 5,5-dimethyl-1,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-
again is missing from most laboratories. Azarbre (No- octahydro-1,4-methano-naphtolen-6-yl
vachem Aromatici S.R.I.) is less agrestical than Opalal acetate: This is an old and, to me, quite
interesting chemical possessing a very Salicynalva (IFF), Vernaldehyde (Givaudan), Farnesene
natural herbal note with strong nuances of (Givaudan), Bisabolene (Givaudan), and methyl linole-
clary sage oil. I have always liked Sclarex, ate, among others. Myrascone blends very well with
but when comparing its cost to cheaper other members of the family, including Romascone
Sclareolate, it has been found that the and the damascones.
latter is more interesting for extensive use Ethyl-β-cyclogeranate: This chemical is similar to
in perfumery. In any case, the softness and Myrascone, but less herbal and oilier, with undertones
harmonious blends achieved with Sclarex of “rose absolute.” It combines well with unusual rose
are remarkable. chemicals such as phenylacetaldehyde dicitronel-
lyl acetal or phenylacetaldehyde digeranyl acetal. It
Agrestical Minty mixes well with neryl crotonate, a very subtle soft rosy
I previously mentioned products such as chemical, and Cistulate and Phenylethyl Anthranylate,
Isomint, Givmenthe, Frescomenthe and both superb rose materials absolutely ignored without
Frescolat, and I would like to add these any logical reason.
totally unknown but interesting products Methyl cyclogeraniate (methyl-β-cyclogerani-
to the category. ate): This material is the best known chemical of this
2-Acetoxy-1,8-cineol: This well known family, along with ethyl safranate. However, in my
52 and remarkable chemical, mainly used in opinion, it is the worst. The chemical is quite terpe-
flavors, is as difficult to work with as it is nic-turpentine-myrcene-like and possesses the “bad”
interesting. It is very strong and minty, shades of frankincense oil. I do not mean that methyl
with shades of myrcene and L-carvyl cyclogeraniate is a bad chemical — it is the oldest
acetate. The chemical has a note that known from this family — but it pales when com-
is found in many agrestical oils such as pared with other newer members such as Romascone
myrtle or sage after evaporation of their or Deltanate. This material has been used in many
most characteristic scents. I like to use fragrances, among them the innovative “Courrèges
2-acetoxy-1,8-cineol in minor amounts just 2020,” in which it is wisely mixed with Etaspirene.
to increase the value of many “cineol-type” Romascone — methyl-γ-cyclogeranate: When
essential oils, and its base Minterizzia — γ-damascone was released in 2002, Romascone was
also released. I cannot describe the latter better than
where it is mixed with coranol, woolfwood,
the company that commercializes it. It is aromatic and
nor limbanol and very strange essential oils
damascone-like with aromatic and thujonic aspects,
— is something really new. The chemi-
and a damascony-fruity undertone especially evident
cal requires all the skills of a perfumer to
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

in composition. It enhances all the herbal-fruity as-

bring its undisputable value forth.
pects of many compounds and creates unique accords
with both ethyl safranate, and the top jewel of the
Agrestical family, Deltanate. Naturally, it also blends well with
This category includes notes of dry herbs, ethyl-β-cyclogeranate and myrascone, but is by far
chamomile and herbal fruity. I mentioned much more fruity and natural than those described
before chemicals such as Herbacet Nr.1, before and less spicy than ethyl or isopropyl safranates.
Tachrysate and ethyl chrysanthemate, the Romascone blends extremely well with Helvetolide,
latter an old forgotten and extremely good Romandolide, Paradisone (Firmenich), Habanolide,
chemical again unknown by most perfum- Muscenone, Exaltenone, isoproyl 2-methylbutyrate,
ers and missing from many laboratories. and cis-3-hexenyl tiglate; coriander, mandarin and
Myrascone — ethyl, 2,6,6-trimethyl- lemon oils; damascones and Damascenone (Organica
2-cyclohexenyl carboxylate or ethyl-α- Aromatics); Florol (Firmenich), acetal CD; and
cyclogeraniate: This chemical has a very mandarin leaf oil, tagette, davana and calone. This
rich, diffusive and natural scent smelling mixture has given light to one of the most respected
of dry herbs and natural sensations that and successful ladies fragrances sold today. Romas-

are perceived in a Mediterranean forest cone has unlimited applications, and although is is
in winter after the rain. It belongs to a not longlasting, it combines well with Myrascone or
family of unique chemicals, all isomers that ethyl-β-cyclogeranate, and its accords are even better
comprise ethyl-β-cyclogeranate, methyl than when Romascone is used alone. I like to use them
cyclogeranate (methyl-β), Romascone (Fir- all together in a base that is well harmonized and takes
menich) (methyl-γ-cyclogeranate), ethyl most of the individual characteristics of all of them.
safranate (“damascenone”)-cyclogeranate, The base it is called Musk Fruitée, commercialized by
and Deltanate. Myrascone is more herbal Auram.
and less fruity than other members of Ethyl safranate: It would be “Damascenone
this family, and is also more longlasting. Cyclogeranate.” This is an old product, and along
I like combinations of Myrascone with with methylcyclogeranate, the best known of this fam-
Ginsene, elemol, methyl anisate, Undeca- ily. Ethyl Safranate (Quest) is more spicy-saffron-like
vertol (Givaudan), tetrascone, Deltanate,
than the rest of the related chemicals. It is Davana, Gingergrass, oxaspirane and methyl pentyrat.
also more herbal and longer lasting; it has I could go on and on here, since creativity is an eternal
thusly found intensive use. I like its com- concept that is difficult to harness.
binations with lactones and with Neocaspi- Prenyl angelate: This extremely nice and elegant
rene (or its constitutional isomers such as chemical smells of the noblest parts of chamomile, lin-
Isospirene or Etaspirene), Oxane, Verdox den and even some fragrant teas. It blends extremely
(IFF), Hexyl Acetate (IFF), Labienoxime well with the described Sclareolate and Opalal, and
(Givaudan), Rosoxime and Buccoxime also with Romascone and Deltanate. Accords with the
(Symrise), despite that the oximes are genuine gingergrass oil (a very special herbal essen-
absolutely different. Again I must say that tial oil from India) are also very warm. It blends well
ethyl safranate is a jewel; it is worthless to with fruity chemicals, especially ethyl decadienoate
describe where it has been used and how and the totally unknown but fantastic anapear. Prenyl
can be used because I am sure it affects angelate enhances all these products, giving class and
the sense of creativity of every perfumer. elegance to most of the herbal-fresh-fruity-spicy ac-
Every perfumer treats this material with cords achieved with the described chemicals. Another
respect and care. magical use of prenyl angelate is when it is mixed with
Isopropyl safranate: This chemical is Myrrhone and the various irones. It also works well
54 less known that ethyl safrante. It is spicier with the greener Peranat, and other chamomile chem-
than its more famous cousin, and blends icals such as methyl pentenyl isobutyrate, isopentyrate
well with Saffracide, creating unusual ac- or methyl pentyrate. The unknown methyl pentyrate
cords. I like isopropyl safrante when mixed is quite funny. It is used in a base that has been used
with dimethyl benzyl carbinol crotonate for a long time to adulterate Roman chamomile oil
(a totally forgotten jewel) and bases such that does not contain this chemical. Thus, many people
Prunella, which also combine very well in the United States and Europe are using a certain
with lactones. Isopropyl safranate also “chamomile oil,” sold by a broker there, which contains
blends well with acetaldehyde diphenyl- methyl pentyrate; this faux material is considered by
ethylacetal and acetal CD, in addition to many as the “real” Roman chamomile oil.
chamomile chemicals such as Isopentyr-
ate (Firmenich), Methylcammomille, the Agrestical-Balsamic
elegant Prenyl Angelate and the so-called Tea, styrax, clove and eucalyptus: I have men-
Peranat (Henkel). tioned many chemicals in the past, and we are now
Deltanate: This material is by far the seeing that my prediction that Theaspirane was going
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

best of the family and so new that I cannot to be widely used came true in many fragrances like
disclose yet its chemical name. Deltanate “Kenzo le monde est beau.” Theaspirane is a jewel
is also the fruitiest member of this family that will be used more and more in future. Now I
of chemicals. It is more fruity and elegant would like to mention several other materials.
than Romascone. This material will simply 6-Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane: This chemical can-
revolutionize the accords in future. I feel not be described as a pure “tea” material, but is inter-
such a pleasure when smelling Deltanate estingly herbaceous, delicately and especifically woody
that I cannot describe it. It is herbal, fruity, and spicy, and slightly fruity. It blends extremely well
plum-like, damascone α-like, but less with Georgywood, (a chemical that will probably be
heavy and more herbal. Its accord, paired massively popular in the years to come), β-Damasce-
simply with Helvetolide and Paradisone, is none and γ-Damascone. It has a very natural shade of
like a poem, imparting its delicate fruiti- dry leaves and blends well with laurel leaf, the forgot-
ness to these two great molecules — quite ten “crude” eucalyptus oil and clary sage, but also
unknown to most perfumers. While Helve- with subtle woody chemicals such as Caryolan, Base
tolide and Paradisone are the present state XVIII E, Caryophyllenol, and dextro nor limbanol,

of perfumery — the two molecules shap- and balsamic products such as copaiba balsam, and
ing fragrances in this decade — Deltanate tobacco chemicals such as trimethylnaphtalenone,
is the future. 4-oxo-isophorone and 4-hydroxy-iso-phorone (all mis-
Dimethyl benzylcarbinyl crotonate: takenly considered as flavour chemicals). 6-Acetoxydi-
This chemical is an old and totally forgot- hydrotheaspirane’s accords with irone and myrrhone
ten chemical. It is more herbal than the are extremely beautiful.
butyrate, which is more fruity and lac- Salycinalva — 2-phenylhexanitrile: This is a
tonic. Dimethyl benzylcarbinyl crotonate very interesting herbal chemical with important shades
possesses interesting tobacco undertones of clove and styrax. It is very stable, and I love its
that blend extremely well with Deltanate, combination in functional perfumery with cyclohexyl
Myrascone, Romascone, ethyl safranate, Ci- salycilate, methyl pentenyl salycilate, and patchouly
vescone, Ginsene, Tachrysate, Isotagettone oil, and also with reconstituted agarwood oils. Salyci-
50, tagette, and the forgotten marigold oils: nalva is also good with leathery notes and with Ben-
zoin, Castoreum, Pierre d’Afrique absolute and styrax limbanol) and Timberol (cis-nor limbanol)
derivatives. (Dragoco), novenal, acohol nu, allyl ionone,
Tamisone: I would like to emphasize again the and osmathus absolute, among others. Its
importance of Tamisone — a thujonic chemical de- accords with myrrhone, one of the most el-
scribed in part IV. On occassion a chemical has been egant chemicals ever discovered, and irones
described two or more times in my book because are also fantastic. I would dare to say that
perfumery is a completely empiric science in which 9-Undecenal is simply the best “aldehyde”
we discover and re-discover (and will discover again) if you understand what I mean with this
so many shades of a material that perhaps were not name. I have never seen an accord that was
noticed in the past. Sometimes I have described very not improved by 9-undecenal; its blending
new chemicals, and after some years elapsed the with leather chemicals, in particular, is un-
greatness of the chemicals deserves a new notice. believable. The accord 9-undecenal, alcohol
This largely forgotten chemical possesses herbal NU (5-ethyl-2-nonanol) and aldehyde NU
accords with tropical fruit notes. It combines very well (5-ethyl-2-nonanal) is one of the most el-
with Etaspirene, Plicatone (Firmenich), Dalmatian egant combinations I have seen, mixed with
sage oil, Sclareolate and Centifol Ether. Tamisone is dephenolised birch tar oils, allyl ionone,
used only in traces because of its extreme potency. p-cresyl isovalerate and orris chemicals.
Again, accords of Tamisone with Gingergrass, Galan- Also quite interesting are the 9-undecenal 55
gal and Davana are quite unusual and interesting as accords with costacide, an extremely strong
parts of a top note. Blending these accords with Iso E animal acid imparting a very strange note of
Super, Cassiffix, and Wolfwood; and the new musks castoreum, costus and leather. 9-Undecenal
Helvetolide, frankincense oil, Fixambral, Coeur is simply another jewel that has not been
d’encens, Etaspirene and Coranol; promise a golden used by many, and I simply do not know the
room of possibilities for new fragrances. reason why. Accords of 9-undecenal with
novenal (8-nonenal) are also quite interest-
Aldehydes ing because they are the accords of the later
Under this olfactory group I have described in the aldehydes with α- and β-ionones, methyli-
past all the aliphatic aldehydes and the unsaturated onones, dimethylionone, α-ionol, allyl and
alkenals and alkadienals. I have taken care not to mix isobutyl ionones, dihydroionone β and so
products such as Lilial (Givaudan), Helional (IFF), on.
Hydroxycitronnellal or other—“aldehydes” that smell It is interesting to note something that
of flowers or fruits or woods or musks, and I will con- is being forgotten now in our quest for in-
tinue under the same guiding principal. expensive products: the capacity to choose
cis- and trans-9-Undecenal: These products are the quality of the ingredients. The sensitiv-
not to be confused with 10-undecenal (aldehyde C11- ity to feel the varying shades of materials is
undecilenique) or Intreleven aldehydes. Intreleven paramount to our profession, and it is being
Aldehyde (IFF) is stronger as compared to 10-unde- lost. This is particularly true in the field of
cenal, but much weaker than 9-undecenal. Intrele- ionones and methylionones. Products with
ven aldehyde consists mainly of 10-Undecenal and a lots of impurities are being selected with
mixture of 8- and 9-undecenalsn, while 9-undecenal deference to price, and yet most are, in
is pure — in terms of commercial quality, the latter reality, worth nothing. The real Isoraldeine
only contains some traces of 10-undecenal. 9-Unde- 70 is by far finer than many “pure” γ-me-
cenal is al least five times stronger than Intreleven thylionones, while products like Iralia Total,
aldehyde and at least 10 times stronger than normal Raldeine A, Ionantheme 100 percent or
undecylenic aldehyde or 10-undecenal. Its accords Cetone α have velvet-delicate notes totally
are simply great. The chemicals powerfully enhance absent in “commercial grades” of methyli-
many accords with simply trace amounts — they are onones and ionones. Unfortunately we are
especially important in fougère and chypre accords, not taking enough time to “feel” the ingre-
as well as herbal-woody accords. Its combination with dients in perfumery; we are quite obsessed
agarwood oils and oriental spices are unsurpassable with getting new chemicals, which is a great
because such mixtures include the so-called “sacred” job, but one should not forget that to select
resins: myrrh, frankincense and opoponax. I have the top qualities of classical chemicals is
blended such combinations successfully with oils such as important as getting new materials. To
as mantri, lanyana, kapoor kachri, brahmi, nutmeg, substitute Ionantheme 100 percent, Iralia
mace, patchouly, valerian, and jatamansi, and with Total, Cetone α or Raldeine A with cheaper
accords achieved with safranal, β-cyclo citral, oak impure products is a big mistake. Perfum-
moss, cedar moss, tree moss absolutes or extracts, ery is feeling. It is subjective. Because of
cardamom and myrtle. It also blends very well with this, I truly find an indescribable internal
phenylacetic acid, mitti, geosmin, methyliononones, pleasure while smelling and sensing the
alfa ionol, nor limbanol, Limbanol (trans-methyl nor shades of beauty of old chemicals, shades
of warmth and elegance that are totally etaldehyde. I believe Ozofleur was not understood in
absent in products that, according to ana- the past, judged as too uncharacteristic, but it makes
lytical methods, can be as pure as those very good accords with some products like Troenan
more expensive related materials. How- (which is more fruity-watermelon like), Fleuramone
ever, the results achieved (and very often (IFF), Methylpentenyl Salycilate (an interesting and
disregarded) are totally different. As I said, infrequently used green-spicy salycilate), Majantol
perfumery is an empirical profession and (Symrise) (very flowery-magnolia-champaca-frangi-
we should always keep our senses ready to pani), Spirogalbanone (Givaudan) (more galbanum-
detect where its charm is found or missing. like), neobutenone (much fruitier and stronger), the
9-Decenal: This material is almost as so called triplol (the corresponding alcohol of triplal
powerful as 9-undecenal, but less refined, — a forgotten jewel that is more green and fresh) and
a bit more powdery and more “orris-like.” the also forgotten and very interesting Resedacetal. In
9-Undecenal’s smell is more elegant and addition, this chemical blends well with more common
more neutral. 9-Decenal is extremely materials such as cis-3-hexenyl and hexyl salycilates.
effective in functional products as a lift, Another remarkable accord of Ozofleur has been
especially for powder detergent fragrances. achieved with Auram’s Vert de Roses base. Inciden-
Sometimes I like to blend both 9-undece- tally, the base’s Ozofleur-free variation, Vert de Roses,
56 nal and 9-decenal together with trans-4- is the key in one of the most successful fabric softeners
decenal, which is more citrus, but equally fragrances in the world.
strong. Fleuranil — 3-(4-ethylphenyl)-2,2-dimethyl-
cis-7-Decenal: This is also a very beau- propanenitrile: This is a very unusual nitrile with
tiful chemical; it is quite strong, but more impressive marine notes. Its accords with Rose Oxyde,
fruity-melon than 9-undecenal and 9-dece- Calone, Maritima, Methyl Decanile, Floradile and Le-
nal. It possesses the same properties as 9- guminal (Symrise) are fantastic. This chemical’s fresh
undecenal, but is softer, imparting a good marine note also combines very well with green violet
melon character that, though not as clear nitriles, such as Parmanyl, in addition to new anise
as cis-6-nonenal or cis-6-nonenol, is quite chemicals such Toscanol. Fleuranil is also good with
interesting. cis-7-Decenal blends very well Nirvanolide, Calone, Frambinone Crist, Isomuscone
with cis-3-,cis-6-nonadienol, ethyl cis-5-oc- and Moxalone. I love its functional accords with verdyl
tenoate, calone, methoxymelonal and ethyl acetate, propionate and isobutyrate, in addition to
3,4-pentadienoate. cis-7-Decenal produces Dihydroverdyl acetate. Accords of Fleuranil, Buccovert
unusual and promissing fruity-aldehydic Forte and Vert de roses are unsurpassable.
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

notes in applications. I very much like a

base that consists of those above-mentioned Woody Chemicals
related chemicals and Coranol — plus This is one of the most important chemical families
an old, excellent and forgotten chemical, in our profession. Herein I have divided it into several
linalyl phenylacetate (unfortunately absent sections.
from many laboratories). It is both time to Woody, pungent, patchouli, cedarwood,
discover new chemicals and to rediscover vetyver: I previously mentioned fabulous chemicals
old forgotten products such as the related such as nor Limbanol, dextro nor limbanol, Spiram-
linalyl ester and other great linalyl esters, in brene (Givaudan), Boisanol, Tobacarol (IFF) and
addition to propionate, which clearly smells Hydroxyambran (Fragrance Resources). This latter
of clary sage and isobutyrate. material id one of the best chemicals ever discovered.
Unfortunately, it has been “withdrawn” by a regula-
Ozonic Chemicals tory body that, for sure, must have a lot of knowledge
Ozone does not have a smell, but we and sensitivity to beauty. How sad is to see decisions
perfumers, having a shortage of vocabu- like the one taken to stop producing Hydroxyambran;

lary with which to describe our subjective this longlasting woody chemical can perform wonders
and spiritually rooted profession, must with other “royal” ingredients such as Ambrocenide,
invent terms to characterize our tools and Belambre, Amber ketal, Boisanol, Sclareolide, Spiram-
creations. brene, Tobacarol, Cedroxyde (Firmenich), Trimofix
Ozofleur — cis-4-tertiary pentyl- “O” (IFF), Timberol (cis-Nor Limbanol) and Ysam-
cyclohexyl ethyl ether: This is an old, ber K. It was a sad decision indeed. I must publicly
but newly commercialized chemical. It state that Hydroxyambran should be restored to our
is fresh and blends well with marine and creative palette, but I doubt those who banned the
some extremely freshly floral notes such material would understand at all the meaning of my
as Super Muguet (still unknown to most writings and the meaning of our profession.
of perfumers). Ozofleur blends well with Limbanol (trans-methyl nor limbanol) 1-
the so-called Conolline, too, in addition (2,2,3,6-tetramethyl-1-cyclohexyl)-3-hexanol):
to Fleuranil (IFF) and the older Pinoac- This material was slightly and erroneously mentioned
in the third part of my book because it was too new
then. At the time I confused real Limbanol with an- them the real meaning of the title of my
other chemical. Limbanol is one of the most powerful series of writings: “Perfumery: Techniques
woody chemicals I know. Normally used in dilution in Evolution.”
at 10 percent, it is an absolute treasure unknown to Nor Limbanol and Dextro (+)-(3S,
most perfumers. Limbanol blends extremely well with 1’R,6’S) Nor Limbanol. 2,2,6-Tri-
the weaker Nor Limbanol and Dextro Nor Limbanol, methyl-α-propyl cyclohexane propanol:
Timberol (cis-Nor Limbanol; more fruity and weaker Although described in the last part of my
as compared to its trans isomer Nor Limbanol), book, I want to mention this again. This,
Spirambrene, Boisanol, the sadly mentioned Hydroxy- after all, is not a “cold” work, describ-
ambran (which is more longlasting), Ambrocenide, ing a chemical just once and forgetting it
Belambre, Vetiverol and Vetiveryl acetate, Nirvanol, thereafter. These great chemicals, the best
Brahmanol (Symrise), Dartanol, Mysoral, Javanol, jewels discovered through deep research,
Georgywood and (naturally) amber ketal. Limbanol is have soul. They are living substances to be
great. Limbanol is creativity. Limbanol is the future. (re)discovered every day. Nor Limbanol is
Limbanol is hope. Limbanol is a proof that we per- maybe the most elegant woody chemical
fumers would be lost without our most faithful friends ever discovered. There are many, of course,
— the chemists! The accords of Dextro Nor Limba- but to my mind, I would put upon the altar
nol, Woolfwood, Limbanol, Vetiverol, Caryophyllenol, of perfection — along with amber ketal, 57
Amber ketal, Cedroxyde, Boisanol, and ambrinol, Nor Limbanol and Dextro Nor Limbanol,
along with rare and quite secret essential oils, have Hydroxyambran, Ambrocenide, Georgy-
created one of the most amazing reconstitutions wood, Limbanol, Boisanol and Ysamber K
of Agarwood Oils. The same base, Neo Agarwood, — as one of the top and greatest woody-am-
without Limbanol, is commercialized. However, the bery chemicals in the world. Nor Limbanol
base containing the described chemical must remain pleases the spirit. It is a perfume by itself;
captive. It is well known that amber ketal is one of I like it in a 1 percent solution. It is the
the most important “key” chemicals in our profes- longest lasting material, excluding Hydroxy-
sion”— I described as far back as 1978! At the time ambran and amber ketal. I cannot really
it was barely used, compared to today — just a bit in make a woody note without its contribution.
“Chanel 19” and “Anais-Anais.” I said in 1978 that the Accords with Woolfwood are soft and nice
chemical known as Z-11 was going to be one of the and flow like “angels in the heavens.” There
most important ingredients for the development and is no need to mention where Nor Limbanol
evolution of our profession. Still, today, nobody else and Dextro Nor Limbanol are used since
talks about it, yet it is being used extensively. Today there are hundreds of perfumes. Still, I
there is no perfume without amber ketal. I realized must publicly express to the chemists of Fir-
this would happen when, in the summer of 1970 in menich my warmest thanks and congratula-
my Swiss laboratory, I smelled for the first time a tions for having offered those jewels to the
solution of Z-11 in APV. In any case, amber ketal is, realm of perfumery. Nothing is as smooth
along with Hydroxyambran, one of the longer lasting as Dextro Nor Limbanol. It is slightly better
chemicals in the world. However, when first smelled, than straight Nor Limbanol. It is not that
it needs some “help.” I told this to my precious much stronger than its straight counterpart,
friends, the chemists, these unpretentious people though it is indeed stronger. Accords of Nor
that I have always considered our “sages behind the Limbanol with sandalwood chemicals are
scene.” Mixing amber ketal with Limbanol, Belambre, unsurpassed. Mixtures of the accords with
Ysamber K, Nor Limbanol and Ambrocenide, five Firsantol, Nirvanol, Javanol, Brahmanol,
extremely strong woody-ambery chemicals that will myrrhone (another jewel that will cause a
revolutionize our profession, creates its best accords. positive earthquake in our potential future
This has already been started with Ambrocenide, but possibilities) and Mysoral are pure and
Limbanol deserves the same attention and care. It is eclectic beauty. They have contributed to
so powerful that I rate it at only half of the strength of the evolution of perfumery and are key ele-
Ambrocenide. To describe the uses of Limbanol is not ments that pioneered the actual trend in our
possible in this work since that subject alone could fill great and present creations. They will last
an entire book. I love the accords of Limbanol with its for a very, very long time. Subjective beauty
“brothers,” Nor Limbanol and Dextro Nor Limbanol, is part of art and art cannot be defined, but
which contain one methyl group less. However, if we there is no doubt that much of what we
add Boisanol, Belambre, Georgywood, Ambrocenide, can achieve today was impossible just 10
Hydroxyambran, Ysamber K, Tobacarol, Amber Core, years ago. We have seen a great evolution in
Base XVIII E, and, why not, 6-acetoxydihydroth- perfumery, which day after day progresses
easpirane, we can easily realize that we are achieving towards perfection. This is not to imply that
perfection in this group of chemicals. Chemicals such we, the perfumers of today, are better than
as Limbanol make sense in this work, and we see in past generations. I merely point out that we
can enrich our sensitivities and need to ex- wood, Vulcanolide, Mysoral and will be able to blend
press our feelings while using precious new its accords of frankincense, Pink Pepper, Cashmeran,
materials, which will always improve the Methyl Pamplemousse, β-Ionone, Elemi Oil, Plica-
state of perfumery. In my past works I was tone, Canthoxal (IFF), Calone, Melonal (Givaudan)
quite negative about the progress in per- and naturally the great amber ketal. In any case, to
fumery. Well, in spite of losing great mate- make a good duplication of this remarkable fragrance,
rials such as sandalwood oil from Mysore, one of the best ever launched, is extremely compli-
and in spite of the bureaucratic problems cated. The list of fragrances using ginger it is impres-
that I have publicly denounced, the beauty sive, and it is good to see that a product previously
of these described new materials is so great applied in mere traces (“Eau Sauvage,” for example) is
that it will make our profession to evolve now being used so widely — with great creativity and
positively. I stated before that progress success.
was just a question of sensitivity, a matter Ysamber K — 1,1,5,5-tetramethyl hexahydro
of how we cope with concepts like beauty, spiro {1,3-dioxolane-2,8-(5H)-[2H-2,4a]-methano
tenderness, freedom, truthfulness, wisdom, naphthalene: If Limbanol is strength and vitality,
tolerance and justice. These great ingre- Ysamber K is class and elegance. (Class and elegance
dients, although it might seem to many are also found in Dextro Nor Limbanol [more ambery
58 an exaggeration, bring my spirit closer to than Ysamber K], tobacarol, Georgywood [more resin-
the peace of mind. They also provide the ous] and Spirambrene [also more ambery and slightly
serenity needed to understand the cardinal weedy].) Ysamber K is very substantive and is used in
mysteries that have impressed mankind both fine toiletries and functional fragrances. Ysamber
since the beginning of civilization. The K blends very well with Ambrocenide, Cashmeran,
Nor Limbanols are weaker than Limbanol, Kephalis (Givaudan), Nor Limbanol, Ambrox, Sclare-
but in spite of it, the unsurpassed beauty of olide (a totally unknown jewel), Iso E Super, Timberol
all three chemicals is simply paramount. and most of the woody chemicals. The material har-
I would just add that if I could chose only monizes (just as Nor Limbanols do) with mixtures of
one woody chemical I would choose Dextro pungent woody chemicals and sandalwood-like ones.
Nor Limbanol, which I consider absolutely Ysamber K creates beauty along with Woolfwood,
the finest of all. Prismylate, Prismantol, Nirvanol, Dartanol, Mysoral,
Prismantol — 4-methyl-8-methylene- Polysantol (Firmenich), Javanol, Polywood, Sandalore
tricyclo-[3.3.3]-decan-2-ol: This is an (Givaudan), Ebanol (Givaudan); its mixtures are
important material, a recently and partially simply fantastic. I have created a fragrance in which a
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

released captive combining woody, spicy, great amount of Ambrox DL was mixed with Amber
rooty and camphoraceous notes. It is not Core, Helvetolide, Cashmeran and Indian agarwood
very powerful, but is very interesting be- oil, along with Nor Limbanol. Blendings of Ysamber
cause its typical nuances of ginger compli- K with Javanol and Firsantol are unbelievable because
ments it very well. This chemical is one Ysamber K harmonizes with Helvetolide (a chemical
of the key segments of the international that will become a second Hedione) and Firsantol (the
base Ginger Root Oliffac. Ginger is a very most diffusive sandalwood chemical, along with Java-
important essential oil today, and its use in nol, that is also the most powerful ever discovered).
great fragrances has significantly influ- Ysamber K is another of the keys to understanding
enced the perfumery of the last years. It is where our profession is going. Ysamber K is making
frequently used. Naturally it is not possible perfumery evolve. Ysamber K is beauty and, when
to mention all the formulas in which it is enhanced with Belambre, Limbanol, Hydroxyambran,
used because this is not a monographic amber ketal and Ambrocenid, it is a sensation very
work. I will just recall “Aquaman” by Ro- close to plentitude — total haromony. Peace of mind.
chas, “Crabtree & Evelyn” for men, “BLV” Bornafix — 3-(2-Bornyloxy)-2-methyl,exo-1

by Bulgari for men and women, “Zanzibar” propanol: This is a relatively old chemical, recently
by Van Cleef & Arpels, and “Oxygène commercialized. Bornafix (IFF), though not as elegant
for Men” by Lanvin. This last creation is as the Limbanol family and Ysamber K, is quite inter-
one of the greatest and most complicated esting because its woodiness is mixed with agrestical
fragrances I have smelled. It is incredibly undertones. You can smell a main woody note in Bor-
difficult to reproduce — perhaps only pos- nafix, which is not as beautiful, elegant or clear as that
sible by one of my “colleagues,” somebody of Nor Limbanol, Dextro Nor Limbanol or Limbanol.
that understands nothing of perfumery, Still, it possesses quite interesting moss, thyme, origa-
who (according to his/her rhetoric) repro- num, sage, rosemay, and lavender spike aspects. Of
duced Sandalwood Givco (Givaudan) with- special interest is a clear rosemary absolute shade that
out Javanol. This colleague will most likely recalls to me the woodiness of Mediterranean forests,
be able to replace several captives such as despite that a humid earth shade is missing to recon-
Coranol, Helvetolide, Octalinol, Woolf- struct the overall scent, say, of the maritime forests in
Catalonia in the northeast of Spain. I like accords of sion. In any case, I do not value a chemical
Bornafix paired with a woody-rooty-herbal and humid for its strength alone, but also for its soul,
chemical, as is found with 6-Hydroxydihydrotheaspi- because perfume chemicals have a soul.
rane. A novel unknown product very different to the Thus it is not surprising that my colleagues
one described before, 6-Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane is and I agreed that Iso E Super, though
not humid at all — more fruity and woody. not very powerful, is a jewel embodying
Although I like Bornafix, I do not consider it as the whole compound, just as Hedione or
elegant as Nor Limbanol, Dextro Nor Limbanol, Helvetolide do. Iso E Super is so good that
Limbanol, Ysamber K, Timberol, Georgywood, Spi- it changed our formulas. It was a trendset-
rambrene or Boisanol. I could be wrong, but I do not ter, so why should I care if it is 20, 200 or
see this chemical being widely used in the future. It 500 times stronger or weaker as measured
is more complex and, as I mentioned, less woody than by a strange machine (I apologize for be-
those previously mentioned agrestical/mossy jewels. ing so primitive)? Whatever its strength, I
Still, Bornafix works well in functional compounds. consider Georgywood a wonderful material,
Its accords with Tonalide or Tonalide’s constitutional unknown to most of the perfumers in the
isomer, the extraordinary and almost unknown Vulca- world. It has a woody, resinous smell — by
nolide, are absolutely great. Its combinations wonder- resinous I mean something that moved and
fully enrich normal functional compounds. touched the soul of people since the dawn 59
Georgywood — 1,2,8,8-tetramethyl octahy- of our civilization. Considering that Romans
dronaphtalen-2-yl ethanone: When, in 1972, IFF’s used to cross the Arabic deserts to Sama-
chemists discovered Isocyclemone E and, after its ram (today located in the southwest of the
enriched quality, Iso E Super, a revolution in perfum- Sultanate of Oman) simply to exchange gold
ers’ compounds was born. The previous formulas were for silver frankincense to be burned back
made of Vetyver and Patchouly accords, Vetyveryl home, one can understand the reason the
Acetate, Cedryl Acetate, Cedrol, and Cedarwood oils anonymous writer composed the poem I
and derivatives. Iso E Super was subtle, extremely soft quoted at the beginning of this installment.
and velvety, and relatively inexpensive. These factors When the Three Wise Men of the Kings
made the chemical what it is today: an indispensable of the Orient offered silver frankincense,
ingredient present in 98 percent of our formulas. The gold and myrrh to Christ in Bethlehem, as
revolutionary 1970s started with Vertofix Coeur (IFF), described in the Gospel, it is easy to under-
Iso E Super, Lyral (IFF), Dihydromircenol, Helional stand the eternal meaning of perfumery.
and Hedione. It took just these few chemicals to When Arabs burn agarwood wood — priced
change perfumery. We suddenly got a “new perfum- sometimes at US $20,000 per kilo — just
ery” based on new chemicals. Iso E Super was not to feel its magical smoking effects (in Saudi
very powerful but provided a rich woody and extreme- Arabia alone, people spend around US $1
ly soft-velvety aspect that we soon realized we couldn’t billion annually), we can easily understand
do without. Later on, the isomers were carefully stud- the eternal meaning of perfumery.
ied. A great chemist, Georg Frater, discovered one of This deeper level of meaning has a lot
the isomers that, according to him, was the’“olfactory to do with the wisdom that our ancestors
key” for the smell of Iso E Super. He called it Iso E discovered over the last 3,000 years of West-
Super Plus. Frater’s company patented the same in ern civilization — starting in Mesopotamia,
1990. To industrially produce Iso E super Plus was Egypt and Greece — through reflection,
almost impossible, so research started on several close meditation, study, efforts and thoughts. I
molecules finding, finally, that the so called Georgy- have written a lot about the—“real” great-
wood was the best of all. Georgywood was described ness of perfumery, its eternal values and
as having a strength measured as 0.015 ng/l, a bit arguments with many people over these
less than Iso E Super Plus (0.005 ng/l). Still, it was very points. I have noted in my writings my
incredibly high compared to the measured strength modest philosophical convictions so that
of Iso E Super (only about 500 ng/l). Although I have everybody understands that this profession is
always said that the best friends of perfumers are more than a means of acquiring a nice $500
chemists, we talk a different language. They measure suit, a good pair of $200 polished shoes,
in ng/l and we measure by concepts such as “beauti- and a $100 silk tie in which to visit potential
ful, emotive, subjective, tender, soft, velvety, delicate, customers. It is so much more that selling
touching, and so on). I have deeply smelled both “something” (very often stolen formu-
Iso E Super Plus and Georgywood (named after its las, slightly changed) to raise some quick
discoverer Georg Frater), and according to my nose money. In short, the root of perfumery
they are not as powerful as the chemists find them. — its essence and meaning—— will never
Knowing the fact that our sense of smell is absolutely be founded upon insensitive, dishonest
individual, I have compared my impressions with my and uncultured people that confused the
closest colleagues. We all reached the same conclu- art’s terms, who debase the sacred artistic
and philosophical origins of our profes- It also blends well with subtler ingredients, incluc-
sion, and who either block the efforts of ing Caryolan (a special top quality of Caryophillenyl
those devoted with its progression through Formate) and Vetyvenal ( a special top quality of
bureaucracy or sell an artificial image that Caryophillenyl Acetate). Its accords with Copaiba
is far from the truth that exists within the balsam are amongst the most beautiful I have seen in
eternal world of perfume. my life. Base XVIII E is used in a great universal base
Over a long period I exchanged many in which it enlightens and enhances an accord made
letters with one of my best friends, the with the said Copaiba Balsam, the “seemingly” odor-
great Edmond Roudnitska. We largely less Nopyl Acetate, Polysantol, Cedroxyde, Polywood,
shared the same points of view on issues; Caryolan, Nor Limbanol, Caryophyllenol, and traces
we used to fight for the same ideas and of Ambrox and Ambrinol. I like Base XVII E very
ideals, not only within the framework much, and I trust that sooner or later it will become
of our profession, but throughout the a very important chemical. Again I am talking of soft-
concepts of our values. We both understood ness, subtleness, magnetism and positive radiation
perfumery quite similarly. We agreed — all concepts close to truthfulness.
that the eternal part, the “real” essence of The question, ultimately, is: what is the best woody
perfumery, is what will survive. And, as a chemical? It is difficult to reply, but to me if we
60 burst of purifying wind, time (which is also include the ambery-woody described later, the best
eternal) will keep alive what Edmond and materials are Ambrocenide, amber ketal, Dextro Nor
I called — during so many pleasant meet- Limbanol, Limbanol, Hydroxyambran, Ysamber K and
ings both at his home in Cabris, France, Georgywood. However, I admit it is always difficult
and my home in Cabrils, Spain — the to dogmatize and express such definitive impressions
— “Purity of the Essence.” that exclude products that I use with pleasure. And if
I say all this is because Georgywood is I could have only one woody chemical? Here I cannot
magically and wonderfully resinous and answer. I can’t do without Ambrocenide, amber ketal,
when smelling it in my hand I feel a deep Ysamber K and Dextro Nor Limbanol. In this section I
pleasure as I feel when smelling Silver can’t name just one.
Frankincense or Agarwood — both resin- Vetiver
ous materials. Not everybody will under- Chemicals smelling of Vetiver are few. Reseach in
stand Georgywood, but sooner or later it this area has not advanced much, and I have never
will succeed! This awakening is assured seen pure key ingredients via synthesis. This segment
because those with an appreciation for includes products like Vetyverols, α- and β-Vetyvones,
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

the material are among the greatest and Khusimone, Khusimic Acid (very abundant in the
the most creative among us, those who Khus oils) and northen India Vetiver (quite different
know the meaning of perfumery. from the better known Vetiver Oils that come from the
Georgywood was discovered, depend- Bourbon islands, Haiti, South India [Cochin], Java and
ing on outlook, either by mistake or luck. China). I believe in terms of quality the best vetiver
In either case, it was found by Georg is Bourbon, but it is not available in large quantities.
Frater for us to enjoy it. When smelling Second best in quality, for sure, is the Indian Oil.
the material, it moves me, touches me. It Woolfwood [15-(1α,2β,3β,5α)]-2,6,6-
is indescribable, just as the smells of the trimethylspiro[bicyclo-[3.1.1]heptane-3,1’-[2]-cy-
fabled sacred resins of Orient (brought by clohexen]-4-one: This material was badly described
the Three Wise Men to Christ more than in 1999. It is very delicate and features a highly floral
2,000 years ago) are indescribable. side of vetiver oil. Woolfwood blends extremely well
The only thing I regret is that my with products like Helvetolide, Muscenone δ, Habano-
beloved close friend Edmond Roudnitska lide, Paradisone, Vetyver oil itself, Ethylene Brassilate,
did not have an opportunity to smell it. Muscone, the badly known and extremely important

(Nor was he ever able to smell what he Isobutylcyclamide which has by itself a metallic note
was looking for throughout his long life of of Vetyver and Nootkatone-Grapefruit and Rhubo-
sensitivity and extreme creativity — the flor (which enhances its Vetyver character making it
so-called Paradisone, a chemical surely less floral and more rooty). Woolfwood is one of my
named by one who was on our side.) favorite chemicals because of its versatility. It is easy to
Base XVIII E: This is an almost un- use when when one knows how to do it. The material
known chemical that I will describe as forms about 10 percent of my striking base, Neo Agar-
floral-woody, but which is radiant and wood, which contains also 10 percent Nor Limbanol.
brilliant, too. Base XVIII E blends very Woolfwood has been used in very important perfumes,
well with stronger chemicals, including including “Oxygène” for men (Lanvin), “BLV for men”
limbanols, Boisanol, Tobacarol, amber together with “Vulcanolide,” “BLV for women” and
ketal, Spiranbrene, Boisambrene Forte, “Cologne” by Thierry Mugler (a sensational accord).
Cedrene epoxyde and Isolongifolanone. However, these are only a handful of examples of an
Methyl Vetyvate and Rhubofix, but unfor-
Creativity is needed more tunately none of them are as long lasting as
than ever before… Woolfwood. Nor are they as natural. Most
of these products are also described also as
“root” chemicals
The Vetyver materials are not as devel-
oped as other woody categories like cedar-
extremely useful chemical that combines floral, softly wood, patchouli; or sandalwood chemicals,
woody and slightly delicate rooty aspects. I suppose and I believe it is time to research this
Woolfwood is the best Vetyver chemical ever made extremely interesting essential oil, which
through synthesis (as opposed to through partial frac- possesses many shades in common with
tions of the natural oil, like Vetyverol, Vetivone and agarwood (especially on the dry down).
Vetyveryl Acetate). Again, if I could only chose one
Vetyver chemical, I would chose Woolfwood as the Sandalwood
best. Prismylate is also good, but it is not longlasting, This is a rather well developed olfac-
while Woofwood is unbelievably longlasting. tory family with old jewels like Sandalore
Prismylate: This is a chemical discovered in 1988 (Givaudan), Ebanol, Bacdanol (IFF),
and used as a captive until 2004. It has now been Brahmanol, Sandel Mysore Core, Polysan- 61
partially commercialized. Prismylate is indeed a very tol (Firmenich) and Indianol (described in
good chemical that blends precisely well with Woolf- the third part of my book almost 20 years
wood. Prismylate is rootier, more lactonic, with shades ago where it was synthezised along with
of coconut. It is less floraly radiant than Woolfwood. Krishnanol and Krishnanone, both key
It is also less longlasting. I like accords of Prismylate ingredients of the famous base Mysoran).
with Tobacarol, Woolfwood, Boisanol, Cedroxyde Today Indianol has been re-used in a very
and amber ketal, and also mixed with Muscenone important base with an interesting accord
δ, Vulcanolide. The material also mixes well with that includes one of the kings of recent
sandalwood chemicals such as Brahmanol, Javanol and research — the impressive and prestigious
Firsantol. Amber ketal fixes all these chemicals. Ac- Ambrocenide. The international base it is
cords between Prismylate, Woolfwood and Timberol called San Dra C.
are also very elegant since the floral side of Timberol I will start my description of new Sandal-
combines very well with the floral side of Woolfwood. wood chemicals with:
They are quite synergetic. Prismylate is quite a good Nirvanol — dextro 3,3-dimethyl-5-
chemical, very natural, imparting a real Vetiver note (2,2,3-trimethylcyclopent-3-enyl-1)-
to compounds and accords. Both Woolfwood and Pris- pent-4-enol-1 (or dextro polysantol):
mylate blend extremely well with natural Elemol from Well-known Polysantol is the Laevo isomer
Citronella (which is not pure but a fraction of the oil of Nirvanol. Nirvanol, unknown by most of
containing around 65 percent pure Elemol with many perfumers in the world, is much richer than
impurities that blend well with all the vetiver materials Polysantol. It has more body. It is more in-
and rose materials [to fix them]). tense and possesses an elegant sandalwood
Methyl vetyvate: This is a very old chemical that smell. The material is also more diffusive
smells of various shades of Vetyver but with a Linalyl and radiant than normal Polysantol. Al-
Acetate, Isoacetate and Sclareolate side. It is interest- though it produces a similar mass spectrum,
ing and blends very well with Woolfwood, Sclarex, its smell it is different from Polysantol, just
Tovanate (a totally unknown chemical to many) and as Racemic Citronnellol is different from
Sclareolate. Methyl Vetyvate blends well with laven- laevo Citronnelol. In the case of Citronelol,
der and lavendin and other agrestical natural essential the laevo isomer is by far better, but in the
oils. It may be used in many men fougère, imparting case of Polysantol, its dextro estereoisomer
to them its interesting Vetyver, fresh, floral and woody Nirvanol gives more elegance to accords.
note. It gets more life when adding and mixing it with One of the big problems in our empirical
Rhuboflor, Dihydronootkatone, Floralate (IFF), Sec profession is lack of time. Perfumery re-
butylquinoline and Isobutylcyclamide. However, good quires time — knowledge of its technique,
quantities of Woolfwood are necessary to harmonize hours of reflection and olfaction. Many
these ingredients mixed together. producers make Methylionone—γ, but only
I would like to remind the reader of other prod- one makes Cetone α, its most beautiful syn-
ucts described in the past as Rhuboflor, an excellent thesis. Many producers make Methylionone
and irreplaceable ingredient. Rhubofuran, is not as α, but only one makes raldeine AGV, just as
good as Rhuboflor, but useful, especially in increas- many make Methylionone β but only one
ing the perception level in lemons for dishwashing makes Xandralia. When compared to other
liquids (obviously, this is not the latter material’s only qualities, it is like night and day. Chemi-
use). Vetykone possesses about the same properties as cally, the variations could all be correct, but
the softness, velvety nuances, elegance, of my dreams is to make attars with it slightly mixed
class and natural violet flower smell of Ral- with Sandela and may be a touch of Mysoral. I want to
deine AGV makes a great difference. The codistill it with the best saffron from Kashmir, with the
same is true with Xandralia. Many produc- fowers of jasmine Sampac, with champaca, with Fran-
ers make mixtures of γ-, δ-, ο-, α- and β-io- gipani, with Kewra, with combinations of Spikenard,
nones, but there is only one Iralia, or Iralia Brahmi, Kapoor Kachri, mantri, terpeneless mace
total (a cheaper chemically almost identical (a jewel ignored by most that only use normal oils of
product) to replace it in formulas. It is ex- Macis and Nutmeg whose terpene fraction make them
actly the same as using natural or synthetic much less attractive as compared to the terpeneless
lavender, or natural or synthetic lemon qualities), Gul Hina, rose and so many other flowers.
in a fragrance. What about the ionones? If I can, I will make the best attars in the world with
Have you ever seen the delicate nuances of these materials. These attars will enable perfumers to
Ionantheme 100 percent? The same thing create accords with a radiance and natural beauty that
could be said on Linalool, Lilial, Cyclamen will be achieved by the fantastic olfactive beauty of
Aldehyde, Xandralia, Dihydro-β-ionone, Firsantol. (What would a perfume be without olfactive
Iso E Super, Vertofix Coeur, and Timberol, beauty? Would it be called perfume? Of course not.)
among others. Lots of cheap products are Firsantol has been used in far too many fragrances to
62 being adopted, and beauty often suffers. mention them all. One of the best is “212 for men”
Sometimes it is a simple shade that makes by Carolina Herrera, in which the material is used in
all the difference — a nuance can bring healthy amounts. Yet even at a mere 0.5 percent — as
happiness. Again, here, we see in our in “Essenza” by Zegna, or even less as occurs in “BLV
profession a lack of sensitivity to subtlety. for men” — the ingredient creates effects that are not
I proudly say that many of my formulas, otherwise attainable. Combinations of Nor Limba-
in the hands of other people, sometimes nol, Firsantol, Amyris, Zingerone (Givaudan), Guaiac
do not smell good. This is because some Wood Oil, Cedramber, Gurjum, Polysantol, myrrh,
perfumers do not understand anything Virginian cedarwood and Mysore sandalwood oils cre-
about the real essence of our profession, ated the accord of one of the best sprays ever lauched
its philosophical and sensible aspects. To in the Middle East (Mumtaz for men), while the same
be able to choose the right ingredients is accord adding around 7 percent Helvetolide + 8 per-
as important as the ability to mix them. cent Habanolide + 2 percent Muscenone δ are the key
However, I doubt that those ignoring of its successful feminine version, Mumtaz for ladies.
what I am writing about have any capacity Mysoral — 2-methyl-4-(2,2,3-trimethylcy-
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

to create anything of beauty because how clopent-3-enyl)-pent-4-en-1-al or firsantal: This

can there be creativity without sensitivity? material is the corresponding aldehyde to the fa-
My answer is simply: none. mous Firsantol. It is a fantastic chemical in its own
Firsantol — 2-methyl-4-(2,2,3-tri- right. More powerful in its top note than the alcohol,
methylcyclopent-3-enyl)-pent-4-en-1- Mysoral is strongly sandalwood with important spicy
ol: As I said when describing Limbanol, nuances slightly recalling Cuminic, α-Campholenic
Nor Limbanol, Dextro Nor-Limbanol, and p-Tolyl aldehydes. The material is resinous with
Georgywood and amber ketal, this is important shades recalling frankincense. As happens
a master product. Unknown by many, in the case of naturally occurring cis-β-Santalol and
and used like many fellow materials as a cis-β-Santalal, α-Santalol and α-Santalal, or trans-
captive, Firsantol is simply the best. As α-Bergamotol and trans-α-Bergamotal, Firsantal has
usual in perfumery it will take time for the smell of the typical aldehydes occurring in natu-
the wider industry discover it. I myself ral sandalwood oil. It is well known that aldehydes
discovered the material a bit by luck. In significantly contribute to the smell of the natural oil,
one of the living rooms of my house, one although the natural oil is so complex that it seems

that measures 70 m2, I left a smelling strip that some ketones are key elements in its whole smell,
on a table. To my astonishment, I found too. I once smelled trans-α-bergamotenone and felt
that over 15 days the whole room smelled quite impressed by the magical odor recalling many
exactly like the woody Indian statuettes essential parts of the natural oil. Mysoral to me it is
carved in Sandalwood. It was unbelievable profoundly sandalwood but also profoundly resinous,
that a single chemical could cause this al- and I like to pair it with silver frankincense oil from
most magical effect. Sandalwood oil from Oman. Frankincense from Oman and Yemen is by far
Mysore (not Australian, New Caledonian better than the more commonly used Somalian variety.
or Indonesian) is one of the best woody The so-called Haujeri frankincense, which is of top
essential oils in the world — to me almost quality, possesses a touching fragrance whose nuances
the best because its smell touches me deep are also found in Mysoral. Mysoral is fantastic with
inside. However, sandalwood oil is heavy. “powdery” accords. It is found at around 1 percent
Firsantol, on the other hand, is diffusion, in “Ultraviolet for ladies”, a master accord comprised
youth, plentyness and dreaminess. One
of helvetolide, Coranol, Cashmeran, Pink Pepper, is perhaps the best of all.) As I described
Cetalox, Tuberose Absolute, Osmanthus, Ebanol, before, I love Firsantol. Its diffusion is
α-Damascone, γ-Decalactone, Ethylene Brassilate, absolutely great, but Firsantol lacks a bit of
Frambinone, Helional, Galaxolide, Polysantol, Ethyl a natural top note. I know it is easy to com-
Linalool, Muscone and the key trace of ethyl vanilline. pound a better top note with Firsantol. One
Another great perfume, “Oxygène for men,” a com- of the items I prefer to mix with is Mysoral.
plicated and beautiful creation, also contains Mysoral. It is true that the auratic breathing of Fir-
The scent’s key accord contains Mysoral, Octalinol, santol is almost unbeatable, but Javanol has
Helvetolide, Woofwood, frankincense oil (unfortu- a diffusion that is almost as good, and its
nately from Somalia and not Yemen/Oman), Calone, top note it is stronger and of higher quality.
Pink Pepper, ethyl linalool, Vulcanolide, Melonal, Javanol is the strongest sandalwood chemi-
Elemi Oil and naturally lots of amber ketal. I really cal ever discovered. It is more metallic than
love “Oxygène for men,” which I consider, along with Firsantol, and smells of a combination of
“212 for men” (around 3 percent Firsantol), “DKNY sandalwood alcohols and sandalwood alde-
for men” (containing lots of Exaltenone) and “Essenza hydes, though it is chemically an alcohol. It
di Zegna,” the best of recently launched creations. Ac- is known that both alcohols and aldehydes
cords of Mysoral and Javanol are quite unique in that are the most important chemicals in the
both products are quite synergetic. overall picture of sandalwood oil, and now 63
As I mentioned before, a great accord can be made we are beginning to discover, as I men-
with Mysoral and Frankincense from Oman/Yemen. tioned before, extremely important ketones
The combined products create sacred scents that such as trans-α-bergamotenone. This,
make the senses dream. Mysoral, mistakenly only however, does not astonish me, because
used for its sandalwood scent, enhances and improves during research in the early 1980s, when
natural frankincense products. Mixtures of 80 percent synthesizing sandalwood molecules, I se-
Omani frankincense oil + 20 percent Mysoral produc- lected Krishnanone and described it in the
es the best effects I have seen. I have travelled many third part of my work. Afterwards, a “wise”
times to Mahrah in the lost ends of South Yemen, panel on an evaluation board disregarded
close to the Omani mountainous border. It is a place Krishnanone — the material was practically
to enjoy nature and to feel the peace of mind that all withdrawn and I regretted it a lot. Well,
the smiling and cordial people bring to me. I have now it will return, because Javanol will be
returned many times, because there the hectic west extremely important in the years to come,
is forgotten and, while drinking saffron Mocca coffee, affecting the evolution of perfumery with its
thoughts of smelling myrrh, frankincense and amber- very powerful mixture of Firsantol, Mysoral
gris make my pulse to race. It fills me with emotions and Krishnanone. The effects of Javanol are
and dreams that make me feel another and better really unique. The material is more dif-
world is possible. As a sandalwood chemical, the best ficult to use than Firsantol because, being
combination is Mysoral and Javanol. Mysoral blends stronger, it is more conspicuous. Javanol has
with Javanol better than with any other sandalwood been used in the great international base
chemical. Sandalwood Givco (Givaudan), mixed with
Javanol — methyl -2-(1,2,2-trimethylbicyclo- big amounts and Ebanol and Sandalore,
hexyl)-methyl cyclopropyl methanol: This material Dihydro-β-Ionone, Georgywood, several
is yet another masterpiece brought about by research. soft natural essential oils and other “key”
Javanol is four times stronger than Nirvanol and captives I do not want to disclose. However,
around 20 times stronger than Sandel Mysore Core. the most important spectrum of Sandal-
And it is the only sandalwood chemical that smells of wood Givco is its combination of Javanol,
sandalwood alcohols + sandalwood aldehydes. It is georgywood and key nuances provided by
therefore extremely natural since both contribute to other important and unknown chemicals.
the great and mythical smell of the south Indian oil. If Sandalwood Givco is extremely powerful. It
I follow my personal conviction that the best “woody” is very funny to me that a certain unnamed
chemicals are the Limbanols, Georgywood, Boisanol, arrogant person full of pedantry that be-
Cedroxyde, Spirambrene, Ysamber K and possibly lieves he is the best perfumer in the world,
Timberol, and that the best “woody-ambergris” but who in reality knows absolutely nothing,
chemicals are amber ketal (Z-11), Hydroxyambran, called me once claiming that he had made
Ambrocenide and Belambre, I can also say that the
a perfect duplication of Sandalwood Givco.
best sandalwood chemicals (sandalwood is indeed a
Naturally I replied to him, “Congratula-
wood but I classify it separate from general woody
tions!” Well, he did not have any idea about
chemicals) are Sandela, Nirvanol (dextro polysantol),
the existence of Javanol and Georgywood
Dartanol-levosandol (Laevo Bacdanol), Sandalore,
(he will learn of these chemicals when read-
Sandel Mysore Core, Ebanol, Mysoral, Polysantol,
ing this work), but he had indeed made a
Brahmanol, Firsantol and Javanol. (The latter material
perfect copy of the base. It is well known great news), and perfumery may celebrate, knowing
that mixing Sandalore and Ebanol pro- we have both Firsantol and Javanol.
duces a substance smelling of Sandalwood. Levosandol, Sanjinol or Dartanol — laevo
However, those two ingredients alone can 2-ethyl-4-(2,2,3-trimethylcyclopent-3-enyl-1)-2-
never give you the key profile of Sandal- butenol, or Laevo Bacdanol: If normal Polysantol
wood Givco. is laevo and Nirvanol is its dextro isomer, Bacdanol
Javanol is a key chemical, the most is dextro and Levosandol; Sanjinol and Dartanol are
powerful and beautiful, and the king of our its laevo isomers. If Nirvanol is better than Polysan-
sandalwood research. The material is abso- tol, levosandol is better than Bacdanol. It is similar
lutely a product of master chemists — the but more beautiful, more radiant, possessing a more
most humble and wise people around natural sandalwood character. It is also more diffusive.
we perfumers. Javanol is impossible to I believe levosandol will slowly replace Bacdanol
replace. If one wishes to work for months because, although similar, it is both comparably priced
and months without hope of success, one and livelier. The material’s uses are similar to those of
should try to make a copy of “Truth for Bacdanol.
Men” by Calvin Klein. Then the truth of cis-β-Santalol: This material’s synthesis is complet-
what I am saying will be clear. Javanol is ed. I hope we will soon be able to use this absolutely
64 great in enhancing sandalwood in all ori- wonderful chemical in our formulas. It is still too early
ental creations and mixes well with almost to tell, but it will hopefully be a reality.
everything. I have worked with Javanol I would like to emphasize that Brahmanol, one of
a lot and just now have improved many the oldest Sandalwood chemicals, has been used much
formulas with an accent on sandalwood. less than Sandel Mysore Core and Bacdanol, and I
Javanol also mixes well with extraordinary do not know why. On my first exposures I preferred
chemicals such as Moxalone, Muscenone Bacdanol, but the more I smell it, the more I value the
δ, Nirvanolide, Berryflor, Frambinon great naturalness of Brahmanol. I believe I have made
crystals, and also with attars like saffron or a mistake. I feel we should rediscover this remarkable
motia, and oriental essential oils such as chemical and use it more widely.
Cyperious scarious, mantri and jatamansi. I would add, just to close this chapter of San-
The material blends very well with pa- dalwood chemicals, that the traditional sandela
tchouly, vetiver, woolfwood and Firsantol is irreplaceable. All those sandalwood chemicals
(it makes it a bit less heavy and even more described in my work — Bacdanol, Sandel Mysore
diffusive), too. It may also work very well Core, Polysantol, Khrishnanone, Levosandol, Nir-
VOL. 29 JUNE 2004

with my beloved Krishnanone. Javanol is vanol, Ebanol, Sandalore, Indianol, Khrisnanol,

twice as strong as Nirvanol, and about five Bergamotol, Brahmanol, Methyl Sandeflor, — trans-
times as powerful as Sandel Mysore Core. Decahydro-β-naphtol Formate, Mysoral, Firsantol and
The mentioned great perfume us- Javanol — have a very nice top note of sandalwood,
ing Javanol, “Truth for Men” by Calvin but we should never forget that the natural oil is one
Klein, has a fantastic combination of of the most longlasting essential oils in the world. Our
Triplal (1 percent), Mettambratte, Vel- old sandela, seemingly weak and discovered more than
vione, Dynascone, Cedramber, Adoxal, 40 years ago, is the only sandalwood chemical that can
Cyclogalbanate, Ambrettolide, Plicatone, add fixation and softness to all the newer chemicals,
Melonal, Allyl Ionone, Canthoxal, Calone, which absolutely need to be combined with it to be
Cardamom and Galbanum oils, cis-3- more tenacious. Many times we just want to use the
hexenyl, cis-3-Hexenoate and Galaxolide sandalwood top note and fix it with musk chemicals,
— a well-blended, masterly mix. I see a but sandela was, is and will always be great. Canda-
trend on this accord by adding Pharaone, lum or Sandel 80 were attempts to concentrate on the
Spirogalbanone, trans-2-tetradecenal and stronger smelling isomers of sandela, but what if we

Dihydrofarnesal. could synthesize its main olfactory isomer? Impos-

Another recent use of Javanol has been sible? Nothing should be impossible.
in “Chic for Men” by Carolina Herrera, What should I do if faced with the difficult option
with a fantastic accord that blends Ja- of using only one sandalwood chemical? Well, if I
vanol with Undecavertol, amber ketal, had to choose between Firsantol and Javanol, I would
Vernaldehyde, α-Damascone, β-Dama- likely take Javanol.
scenone, Polysantol, Tonalide, Helional,
Ambrettolide, Cyclogalbanate, Kephalis, Address correspondence to Arcadi Boix Camps, Auram International
Cashmeran, β-Ionone, Irones, Vanillin, Group Co. Ltd., Edifici de Vidre, Ronda President Company, 62,
Muscone, Muscenone δ, Sandalwood Oil 08302 Mataro, Barcelona, Spain. ■
from Mysore and Vetyver Bourbon.
We can be truly happy (it is indeed

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