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Department of Information Technology
Class:B.E. III Semester, IT-2 Marks: 10 Units covered: 1 - 2.5
Subject: Database Management Systems (20ITC08)
Faculty: Dr. P. Ramesh babu ASSIGNMENT-1
Date of Issue: 03/12/2022 Date of Submission: 09/12/2022

1. a) Define Database? Discuss about applications of database systems. [CO1, L1] [1 Mark]
b) What is E-R Model? Explain with an Example. [CO1, L2] [2 Marks]

2 a) Explain about DDL and DML Commands with examples [CO2, L2] [2 Marks]
b) Consider the following relational database schema consisting of the four relation
schemas: [CO2,L2] [3 Marks]
passenger ( pid, pname, pgender, pcity)
agency ( aid, aname, acity)
flight (fid, fdate, time, src, dest)
booking (pid, aid, fid, fdate)
Answers the following questions
i. Get the complete details of all flights to New Delhi.
ii. Get the details about all flights from Chennai to New Delhi.
iii. Find the passenger names for passengers who have bookings on at least one flight.
iv. Find the passenger names for those who do not have any bookings in any flights.
v. Find the agency names for agencies that located in the same city as passenger with
passenger id 123.
vi. Find the details of all male passengers who are associated with Jet agency.

3. a) Discuss about Functions and Procedures [CO3, L1] [1 Mark]

b) What is Trigger? Explain with examples [CO3, L1] [1 Mark]

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