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HENDRI SAPUTRA P. 2221020268

JERIYANSYAH 2221020276

MUHAMMAD ARYA 2221020304


Indonesian Criminal Code
upholds human rights

Spokesperson of the Draft Law on Criminal Code (RKUHP) Dissemination

Team Albert Aries stated that it is not true that the Indonesian Criminal

Code is not following human rights.

The reason is that the legal politics contained in the Criminal Code are

aimed at respecting and upholding human rights based on the ideals of

Pancasila (the Five Principles), Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity),

the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and the 1945 Constitution.

"We certainly respect the United Nations (UN) concern on equality, privacy,

religious liberty, and journalism issues. On that basis, the criminal code

regulates all of them by paying attention to the balance between human

rights and human obligations," Albert Aries said in his written statement,

Thursday .
He underlined that the Criminal Code does not discriminate against

women, children, and other minority groups, as well as the press.

"All related provisions come from the previous Criminal Code which has

been adapted as much as possible to the missions of decolonization,

democratization, and modernization carried out by the Criminal Code," he


One example is the adoption of Article 6 letter d of Law Number 40 of 1999

on the Press into the Elucidation of Article 218 of the Criminal Code so that

criticism is not punished because it is a form of supervision, correction,

and advice on matters relating to the public interests.

According to Albert, it is also incorrect to say that the Criminal Code

legitimizes negative social attitudes towards adherents of minority beliefs.

"The regulation of criminal acts against religion and belief in the Criminal

Code has been reformulated by taking into account the International

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), as inputs from the civil

society," he said.
In the formulation of the Criminal Code, meaningful participation as the

fulfillment of civil societies' rights to be heard, explained, and considered

has been given as much as possible.

"The reason behind the decision to pass the Criminal Code whose

reform has been started from 1963 is not time target but the need to

update the criminal law and penal system," he said.

According to Aries, as a sovereign rule-of-law state, Indonesia will always

respect and consider inputs from civil societies that have met with UN

envoys in Europe.

To respect the universal law principles, the Criminal Code has even

adopted the substance of the Convention for the Protection of Human

Rights and Fundamental Freedom (Treaty of Rome 1950), he added.

"The Criminal Code also adopted the International Covenant on Civil and

Political Rights (the New York Convention 1966) and the Convention
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or

Punishment 10 December 1984," he said.

There is Nothing to Worry About

Albert Aries also clarified the fundamentally misleading news related to the

adultery article, which is considered to harm Indonesia's tourism and

investment sectors.

"The adultery article in the new Criminal Code that takes effect three years

after its stipulation is an absolute criminal complaint. This means that only

the husband or wife (for those bound by marriage) or the parents or

children (for those not bound by marriage) can make a complaint.

No one else can report or take the law into their own hands. There will be

no legal process without a complaint from the entitled and directly harmed

parties," he said .
According to Albert Aries, there are no substantive changes related to the

article when compared to Article 284 of the old Criminal Code.

The difference lies only in the addition of parties with the right to complain.

Even if it is finally proven, there is an alternative fine of not more than Rp10


“So, there is nothing to worry about. If tourists and investors can be

comfortable in Indonesia during this time, then this condition will remain,"

said Albert.

He said it is natural that Indonesia wants to respect the country's marriage

values through this article, as long as the arrangement also does not

violate the private space of the community including incoming tourists and


In addition to the absolute criminal complaints, the Criminal Code does not

oblige the party entitled to complain to exercise their rights.

"Complaints also cannot be sorted. It means it is impossible to process

only one of the perpetrators. The decision to make the complaint will also

definitely be considered by those who have the right to complain," he said.

He asserted the new Criminal Code also never provides additional

administrative requirements to businesses in the field of tourism to ask

about anyone's marital status.

"Foreign investors and tourists do not need to worry about investing and

traveling in Indonesia, because the private space of the community is still

guaranteed by the law, of course, without reducing respect for Indonesian

values. So please come and invest in remarkable Indonesia," he said.

Previously, the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) passed the

Draft Law on Criminal Code into law on Tuesday, Dec. 6.

The decision was taken in a plenary meeting chaired by the Indonesian

House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.

A. Main Idea :

B. Noun : Albert Aries, Community, Decision, Formulation

Adjective : Incoming, Incorrect, Considered, Absolute, Possible
Adverb : Directly, Certainly, Fundamentally

C. Gerund : Meeting, Paying, Following, According, Traveling

D. Tenses :
Simple present tense:
- the legal politics contained in the Criminal Code are aimed at respecting and upholding human
- the criminal code regulates all of them by paying attention to the balance between human
rights and human obligations,

Simple past tense:

- Albert Aries said in his written statement, Thursday.
- One example is the adoption of Article 6 letter d of Law Number 40 of 1999 on the Press into
the Elucidation of Article 218 of the Criminal Code so that criticism is not punished because it is
a form of supervision, correction, and advice on matters relating to the public interests.


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