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1. Read each nursery rhyme and summarize it in as few words as possible.

Be sure to
include key information, though. The first one is done for you.

2. After reading all the nursery rhymes and summarizing them, read the science article
and summarize it. This summary should be longer than the summaries of nursery rhymes.
Write at least two or three sentences.

The itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain and
Washed the spider out.
Up came the sun and
Dried up all the rain.
And the itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again.
A spider climbed up a waterspout and fell down, but it got back up again.

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall.
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty
To get her up again.


3. Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
And went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper.
On a sunny day, some birds, bees and other insects hover around the flowers in our
garden. Because of their bright colors and pleasant odors of the flowers, they are
attracted to come near them. They suck the nectar of the flowers with their well-adapted
mouthparts. Accidentally, they touch the anthers of the flowers. The powdery pollen
grains of the flowers easily stick to their hairs because the body of these insects is hairy.
As they move on to the next flower, these grains drop on its stigma. Here pollination

Directions: Considering the ways on how to summarize effectively on page 4, write a

two-sentence summary of selection 3 in your activity notebook/answer sheet. See rubric
for scoring.


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