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,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi

Faculty of History


– Abstract–



IAŞI, 2012


The 18th century is asserted in european historiography as ,,the great century”, placed
under the sign of Reason and Enlightenment, the century which was starting under the seal of
,,the great crisis of conscience” (Paul Hazard) and finalized by crystalizing all the elements
composing the paradigm of modernity: literature in the national language, replacement of the
scholastic order, the reason of state, ,,the questioning of policy and religion, the history entry
in the forefront of knowledge, the autonomy and devouring primacy of science, the progress
of acculturation in traditional societies, a new religious sensibility”.
We agree with Pierre Chaunu about the fact that the reality of the 18th century is the
existence of two european regions, separated by a line connecting Hamburg to Trieste: ,,one
the one hand, stability, experience, sustained, fast and always controlled development; on the
other hand, movements, sometimes disorderly, of a fluid East, where the boundaries move
easier”. However, let's note that the Principalities there were very close to this imaginary line,
a position that involves a development in agreement with the directions on the continent, and
while retaining enough elements of originality.
However, for reasons of historical stages through which the Romanian people has
gone to national construction, the 18th century, also called ,,Phanariot”, known the nuanced
approaches in Romanian historiography and culture, from total rejection by the romantic
generation to the nuances of critical historiography and the contemporary recovery efforts.
We note that this period remains one roundabout of ,,chance”: the historical works
about the 18th century were produced somewhat at random, out of a clearly program in
historiography; the working tools are poorly organized (there are missing collections of
special sources and when the sources are edited, they appear in various publications, often
with limited circulation). The solution may be monographic treatment (by area of interest or
figures of phanariots princes), allowing subsequent crystallization of a global vision, defining
the Phanariot century, likely to describe its distinctive features as objective and its real profile
in all aspects.
But the fact remains that before any premature generalizations, damaging by their
sterile character, the work of the historian of this period must be reflected in detailed studies –
such as to provide critical explanations of events and evolutionary processes – as well as
monographs aimed at outline an accurate picture of the moments and personalities of the time.
This implies a familiarity with the subject, a critical exercise and perspective on it.

Consequently, the starting point in this direction is the evaluation of all aspects of the
historiographical construction so far, compulsory exercise for understanding what has been
done and what remains to be done further. From the methodological standpoint, we note from
the outset that we opted for an approach equally diachronic and synchronic, on the one hand,
and comparative, on the other. Thus, we consider the historical writing of the time, integrating
narrative sources of the time in the historiography of the time, then stop at the romantic
historiography of the 19th century, followed by the contributions of the critical school and new
historical school reaction, and finally to analyze the successes and shortcomings of postwar
Romanian historiography. Each of these chronological levels will insist on the directions of
the historical thought at the time and its transpose into practice, i.e. to explore the
historiographical context. Regarding the comparative method, we intend to use it inside a
segment analyzed chronologically and in terms of developments and accumulations of each
In analyzing the historiographical contributions concerning the personality of Grigore
Ghica we have included several history textbooks written before World War II. Textbooks in
the second half of the 19th century, with a character and a specific destination, do not align, at
least not immediately, to the trends in the historiography regarding the characterizations of the
Phanariot century. Textbooks generally remain dichotomous in evaluations, the 18th century is
blamed in totality and in all it's aspects. Ghica is remarked by the authors of such books,
almost exclusively, by the connection is made with Bukovina.
Grigore III Alexandru Ghica is one of the controversial characters of the phanariot
princes gallery, who wasn't studied before in a work especially devoted. The testimonies of
his era and the historiographical subsequent references, more or less occasional, are
contradictory (to the extent that ,,contradictory” is the word that seems to define the best
references to phanariot century).
This paper intends to explore some of the aspects of Grigore III Ghica's activity in
what it could be called as a monograph. The form that we intend to give this paper is not a
,,classical” one, structured in chapters reserved to domestic policy, foreign policy and so on.
The explanation consists in the fact that this model seems to us to be counterproductive for a
period relatively little known in her intimate resorts, and the person that occupies this time
one of the thrones of Principalities can be perceived correctly only by understanding his
century, as more that the age is easily perceived knowing the prince, together with the other
phanariots. Then phanariots, more than others, lend themselves to biographies, to linear
,,narrations” of facts and events in the hubbub that they are trying to ,,navigate”. On the other

hand, we believe that the age of Grigore Ghica attaches best to the european historiography
tendency to rediscover biography (which is permanent marking the future actions, being
nothing else but a way to problematize history) and the pure narration of events. ,,Return of
the event” was proclaimed as a triumph of historical common sense in relation to the abstract
forms that tended to alienate spirit and taking it away from reality. We could say that the
revitalized interest in sources is also a consequence of abuse of prefabricated formulas
(,,concepts réifiés” to Duroselle), beyond which no man can find himself that a concrete
human being. Historical research involves two basic levels (1. reconstruction of the facts; 2.
discovering causal links), so the proposed structure for work conforms to this binomial
,,Eighteenth century historical works were produced at random by concerns more or
less occasional of the interested historians, outside of a historiographical program, systematic
and sustained”, while the historical sources concerning this period are rich and varied (new
categories of sources appear, such as statistical sources – censuses, sămi (financial registers of
treasury),whith a great wealth of information – newspapers, literature).
Under the circumstances, we operate a first selection of edited documents. Thus, we
did not consider those documents came out of the office of the prince pertaining to ordinary
daily administration (reinforcement of landed property, voyvode's commands of all kinds,
court decisions for small matters etc.), especially if the people benefiting from these types of
acts and the facts presented do not have relevance in terms of the requirements of this
research. If the documents have been known several editions, I preferred, most times, the last
one, usually being the critical edition; the references to previous editions were made only in
case of doubt concerning, for example, the dating or possible transcription errors.
We conclude this presentation by showing intentions and personal motivation of our
approach, namely that ,,each century has reason to be interesting, not secret to anyone that
historians choose their subject according to their preferences and anxieties [...]”.

Chapter I
In this first chapter we propose to sketch the lines of force of what might be called
,,historical scene” on which Grigore III Alexandru Ghica has evolved, aiming to highlight the
international framework, with its constant changes in the relations between major countries of
the time, also the general characteristics of the society in the Principalities. This approach is

more necessary because in the ,,phanariot” century there are still plenty of issues on which
researchers come not far from a consensus.
If European history knows in the 18th century a turning phase, its separate
physiognomy being beyond doubt, we could still ask if there is a ,,Romanian eighteenth-
century” and what are its defining coordinates and its own individuality, and how it integrates
to the general European developments of that time. The answer is not so easy to give, for
various reasons. Obviously, we don't refer to the chronological aspect of the problem, but to
the political, economic and social elements, or to the history of ideas etc., which, on the one
hand, give a uniform profile of the century (we used to define this age, especially politically,
as one who has seen a ,,phanariot regime”), on the other hand split this period between
medieval and modern eras. From this perspective, how the ,,historian often needs to define his
territory to be able to probe in depth, before pronounces judgemetns with general value”, the
eighteenth century is indeed ,,a working sample with methodological value”.
In terms of structural configuration of power in Europe, as in that of new underlying
principles of interstate relations, the 18th century is a very well individualized historical
period. Foreign policy remains an exclusive attribute of the sovereign, the depositary of the
state reason, ,,the influence of new ideational horizon of time remaining only beauty of the
spirit cultivated in salons or in the epistolary exercise”. The great states form a kind of
,,association with participation”, seeking to keep their possessions and to win ,,in proportion
to their stakes”, always attentive to what is called ,,the balance of forces or the European
This is easily seen from the analysis of the Principalities in the eighteenth century.
With no desire to propose a radical change of perception, we can say that the status of the
Principalities imposed by the Ottoman Empire during this long period of time represented the
saving solution for the Romanian states, even at the minimum level of an internal autonomy.
The Ottoman suzerainity imposed caution to the christian powers from the neighbourdhood of
the Principalities in their attempt to incorporate, all at once or based on ,,friendly” shares,
Moldavia and Wallachia. It is very likely that in this case it would have achieved a more
efficient assimilation of the Romanian space. In addition, the phanariot system leveled and
unified, from a institutional point of view, the realities in Moldavia and Wallachia, facilitating
the perception of outside of this countries as a whole and hastening the genesis of a
,,Romanian problem”, part of the Eastern Question. Regarding the role of phanariot princes in
the historical developments in the Romanian area of this period, things have to be refined,

depending on the contribution of each of them to the upgrading of the Principality's society,
all seen through the realities of the region and the interests of great powers resultants .
On the other hand, we talk about a delay in modernizing processes in the
Principalities, according to the directions and European rhythms. Romanian space is presented
in terms of a organic society, based on communities of all kinds (family, corporation, guild,
social class and fiscal category) and not on the individual and his creative forces. Progress on
this plan, though noticeable, is slow. Preceded by a period covering roughly the last quarter of
the eighteenth century, called ,,pre-phanariot period”, the Romanian eighteenth century knows
evolutions which gives it its distinctive character in the historical evolution of Romanian
society. This had to face in the eighteenth century with a series of crises that will lead to
disintegration of the old type structures, representing elements of a general crisis of the
system. Crisis issues influence each other. ,,They are not results of phanariot regime, which
only marks them and directs their meaning”: 1) political crisis, closely related to the
integration of the two Principalities in Ottoman political system; 2) economic crisis, with
evidence of elements which tend to replace the old economic system and produce a slow
transition to a market economy; 3) social crisis, characterized mainly by differentiated social
relations trends, ,,with deep repercussions in social and mental plan”; 4) financial crisis, i.e.
,,draining the cash to the Ottoman Empir, fiscal extortion inside the Principalities, massive
displacement of people, tax evasion”, which requires the creation of an efficient financial
system; 5) crisis of conscience, with significant ,,changes in terms of mentality”.
In the eighteenth century Iaşi became an important political center of the region. Its
position gave him the status of observatory of the diplomatic, political and military actions of
the three neighbouring empires which disputed supremacy in Central and Southeastern
Europe. The phanariots' role as political informers of the Ottomans provides to the moldavian
capital the unenviable position as an ,,alcove of intrigues concocted by the representatives,
officials or not, of the neighbouring powers, and not only them”. Phanariots fulfill the role
required by their status with a foreign policy, often secret, which just by this ambiguous
character favorise actions that attempt to combine serving the interests of the country with
improve personal position.
During the modernization process of the eighteenth century, there are two periods with
distinct profile, divided by the peace treaty of Küçük-Kaynarca. First, the dependence to the
Ottoman Empire is stronger, the princes are more obedient and the boyars more limited in
their actions. Once obtained the right of intervention by Russia in 1774, the element of
stability and continuity is represented by the boyars.

Phanariots struggled to strengthen the state power, to broaden its prerogatives and to
increase its revenues. The new regime introduced by the Ottomans was more than a simple
princes substitution, imposing a new government program, namely the reorganization of
social and political institutions of the Principalities, in order to strengthen central authority
and to restrict the power of the high aristocracy. The decree of Constantin Mavrocordat, dated
in 1741, february the 7th, a genuine ,,charter” of the phanariot regime of Principalities,
contains the seeds of all later reforms (in tax regulations, agricultural and administrative plan,
the establishment of the local ispravnici, the modernisation of the payment system of the civil
servants). Phanariotes, being administrators first of all, had to deal with the organization of
society in the direction desired by the Ottomans, who, by the force of circumstances, imposes
the process of modernization.

Chapter II
In the Romanian history between the 17th and the 19th centuries, Ghica family holds a
special place, as one which gave to the Principalities ten princes, between 1658 and 1858,
many of them with great honors. Two prominent members of the family were killed by
Ottomans and destiny wanted them to be father and son: Alexandru Ghica grand dragoman,
beheaded in 1741, and Grigore III Ghica, killed by a servant of the ottoman sultan in Iaşi, in
The chapter dedicated to this family starts with presenting the facts of the ancestors,
which could serve as models for the future dragoman and voyvode, then it relates the
biographical elements of his intellectual and ,,professional” formation (official at the court of
Wallachia Moldavia, then grand dragoman of the Ottoman Empire), to conclude with some
reflections about our impression that Ghicas of the phanariot age tended to be a true dynasty,
acting as such in a few moments of their history.
Some of his actions and gestures seem to indicate that Ghica tracks an own ,,agenda”.
These gestures are seen as a sign of phanariot autocracy, heritage of the Byzantine protocol,
but in a wider register, belonging to the eighteenth century (a ,,small despotism”, often related
with the values of the Enlightenment), taking into account the political and intellectual rules
by which these princes led. They claimed, in despite of the neighbouring empires, especially
Russia and Austria, their membership of a sovereign family and of an empire, even though
islamic, but successor of the orthodox Byzantine Empire, including dinastic autocratic
visions, transmitted sometimes from father to son (Mavrocordat, Ghica, Racoviţă and
Calimah families). For these phanariots who wanted to found dynasties, the material and
ideological symbol of these complaints was the family foundation, like St. Panteleimon and
St. Spiridon monasteries in Wallachia, and St. Spiridon monastery in Iaşi, the last one being
linked with the name of Grigore III Alexandru Ghica.

Chapter III
By 1769, Grigore III Ghica succeeds, if not to dominate events, even in tight frames
given by his status, in any case to accommodate the vector of their developments. He manages
this based on a compromise with internal dominant political forces and because of the wisdom
to properly assess the balance of external forces. We see Grigore III Ghica as an intelligent
and cultivated character, a good administrator, alert to the signs and ideas of the time, but not
necessarily a reformer par excellence. His name remains linked to many modernizing aspects,
but nothing is absolutely new and not come on an empty ground. Even so, most of the actions
of Grigore III Alexandru Ghica have not been a simple act of imitatio of similar measures
taken by his predecessors in Moldavia, especially when we referring to his uncle Grigore II.
His first moldavian rule is one full of initiatives even left at the princely court, some of
them applied with results more or less conclusive, those without consequences. Ghica
managed from the outset to ensure the collaboration of his boyars, by removing an odious
figure like Iordache Stavarache. Among the country boyars close associates with the prince,
the great treasurer Iordache Costache Venin was used by Ghica also to do some other things,
more mystery than the country's finance management. Along with this ,,tamed” political elite,
Ghica managed with rigor and order in all of Moldova's current affairs, which he knew from
the time when he was official at the court of his relatives Ghicas. His first major decision
(July the 15th, 1764) shows a prince with his own vision on society, on theoretical plan,
conceived as a place of order in all areas, moral, social and administrative. Remained in
memory of his subjects as one bent to the problems of the lower social class, which have not
increased the number and amount of taxes, Grigore Ghica managed to reach a compromise on
settlement obligations of the peasants to the owners of the land. Faithful to the idea that the
prince should be an example for the elite and the people alike, he gives a ,,sumptuary law”
which he was its first subject. Ghica gives to his capital, of which we have no evidence to be
out too often, a hospital, an academy, water supply, paved streets and a cloth manufacture.
The town will see Ghica again in his second reign, in 1774, a reign which no longer
resembled the first in any respect.

Chapter IV

Period between 1764 and 1774 is dominated by the Polish issue, which has left its
mark on all developments in the region and leading to a war which will end with a peace with
substantial implications for the Romanian Principalities. In occupying the throne of Wallachia
(17th October 1768-17th November 1769), in wartime, Grigore III Ghica is forced to oscillate
between carrying out the ottoman commandments and commitment to Russia's policy and
interests. In supporting the court of St. Petersburg Ghica benefits from using a part of
Wallachian boyars, placed on net positions against the Turks, led by brothers Mihail and
Pârvu Cantacuzino. During his ,,captivity” in Russia, Ghica was involved, even beyond his
own will, in the European chancelleries plans for the region, which he can not influence
anymore by his ,,experience” gained up to that terms. Meanwhile, in the Principalities
remaining under Russian occupation, the nobility accustome to the ,,taste” of governance
without a prince on the throne and crystallize its own vision of her future and the country.

Chapter V
Welcome to a new meeting with Moldavia in autumn 1774, Grigore Ghica did not find
the same conditions as the first experience of government. He is seen as a foreigner, even
though he was no more Greek now than ten years ago. Ghica is the same person, but the
external conditions are different and the boyars see things differently. The episode related to
the loss of northern Moldavia is very suggestive in terms of Ghica's attempts to act in
accordance with domestic political factor represented by the boyars: he was trying, without
succes, to reassure the boyars by obtaining from the Ottoman authorities, as some territorial
compensation, the Hotin and ,,Halil Pasha's border”. Meanwhile, aware of the precariousness
of his position at home, he tries to ,,restart” the relations with Vienna. In domestic policy plan,
his reign is much poorer in achievements, imposing only by the measures regarding the
salaries and other incomes of the court's boyars and servants; otherwise, only managing the
daily affairs of the country.
His death was caused by the external and internal isolation and the desire of the
Ottomans to remove a ,,russian spy” from the moldavian throne. ,,Russia conceived for the
new ruler an important political role in its projects of expansion to the South-Eastern Europe,
which caused hostility not only of the Ottoman Empire, but also of Austria and France”. The
decisive factor was the increase of the conflict with some of the boyars, but, as Chesarie

Dapontes says, ,,the real cause it was because he was ,,made” by Russians and he thinks
russian and was a russian spy”.
1744 is a crucial year in the relations of the prince with the political factor represented
by the boyar elite. Grigore Ghica is the same in all respects, we repeat that, but the times and
the conditions are different. Under these assumptions, he can no longer cope with the
pressures of all kinds and from all directions; he has not anymore the ,,anchors” that he relied
on the first reign of Moldavia: he is and he is not within the phanariot system which created
him, he is and he is not supported by external factors (Russia, Prussia), he belongs and he
doesn't belong anymore to the ,,country”. On his side remains only an article of peace treaty
that all parties propose to ignore. In these conditions, 1777 marks the fulfillment of his destiny
as a dramatic character by excellence, which will ensure preservation of his memory as an
element in building, the next century, the Romanian national consciousness.

Chapter VI
Chapter VI proposes an analysis of all reforms and actions in terms of changes
undertaken by Grigore III Ghica across different sectors, in terms of century's ideas and their
reception in Ottoman-Balkan area and the the directions of which Grigore Ghica ,,captured”
these ideas, subjected his own interpretation grid and managed to apply them in the Romanian
public space. The analysis was based on two types of approach: using synthetic method
(placing events in their historical and ideological context) combined with the comparative
method (by systematic reference to the context of education and European political thought).
It follows, therefore, to decode the intentions of Ghica, effect of education, patterns and
influences of the time, but rather what actually he managed to implement from his own
program, being limited by the concrete conditions of exercise of governance. This researche
intends to be a moving picture of the time, seen through the eyes of Grigore III Ghica, our
intention being to highlight his personal involvement in these issues, following what has been
received the mark of his personality and what ,,escaped” of his influence or even
overwhelmed him.
Grigore III Alexandru Ghica, like all the phanariots, was invested with the reign of
both Principalities in order to ensure proper administration of these provinces in the benefit of
the Ottoman authorities who, according to hanefite legal interpretation, saw the territories as
part of the Ottoman world. Here, the prince works to achieve these goals based on several
factors: 1) previously acquired education and personal culture, which give him a
comprehensive view on the problems of human society and good governance requirements
imposed by it; 2) new ideas of the time with circulation in Western Europe, which are
received by open minds of the intellectuals in Eastern Europe, including and especially those
called to lead the destinies of Principalities. These ideas are, however, ,,filtered” twice, first
by the Greek scholars who formed youth in schools of Levant, scholars who taught
themselves crossed by Western schools, then by the experience of the enlightened despots of
the time (Frederick II and Catherine II), which could be models of governance for Grigore
Ghica; 3) experience received by working in the Ottoman administration functions before
reaching the throne, which made possible to determine in detail the attempts to reform the
Ottoman society in the first half of the eighteenth century; 4) experience, ,,inherited” from the
predecessors of Ghica on the thrones of the Principalities (especially his relatives from the
Mavrocordat and Ghica families), known and used by Grigore Ghica in his government. We
note that the first two factors are related to a theoretical knowledge (with implications for the
proposed objectives to be achieved), while next factors fall within the effective application of
principles of government in the sphere of reality. In the light of facts, we conclude that,
regarding Grigore Alexandru Ghica, we can not say that he would rule as an enlightened
despot, at least in comparison with examples from the continent. He didn't benefit of the
margin of power and freedom of action of these monarchs. It was, rather, an administrator of
current affairs of the country, animated by good intentions and modernizing vision.

Chapter VII
In this chapter we watched how, as an irony of fate, Grigore Ghica seems to be found
in posterity a way apart from the other phanariot rulers. His figure was reflected in literature
and fine arts and it was used throughout the nineteenth century in shaping the conscience of
Romanians on the plan of national spirit fight, becoming a symbol of resistance to the adverse
external factor. His death, linked with the episode of the loss of the northern Moldavia,
decisively influenced how the posterity perceived him.
As a strong particular note, we see that, paradoxically, his tragic death ensured his
good image in generations that followed and the position of national hero of the national fight.
This was also favoured by the versified chronicles and the first theater piece with topic
inspired by the death of Grigore Ghica, what is the effect on society of this event. On the
same line we note the existence of a play signed by a French author, which exploits, on the
positions of the nineteenth-century Romanticism, the exotic motive of some characters from
the edge of European civilization space, also a result of delayed echoes of the same events
from the beginning of October 1777. Subsequently, the sculpture of the ,,martyr-voyvode”
and the theater plays written to the end of nineteenth century and the beginning of the next fall
in logic of the Romanian national movement, in searching of historical heroes whose images
are used, in various fields, in training and educating people in patriotic spirit.

At the end of this scientific approach it oughts to be drawn some conclusions, first and
foremost being that the character investigated here, Grigore III Ghica, is one of the most
contradictory figures of an epoch itself full of contradictions and paradoxes.
In this context of high complexity, Grigore Ghica is called to assume the obligations
of a phanariot prince, competent administrator of the country's affairs, internally, and the
servant of Ottoman interests on the international scene. And his destiny as a prince seems to
have been placed into a triple conditioning.
First is related with the diplomatic movements, with implications in regional
deployments of forces, having ,,premium” actors, such as Ottoman Empire, Russia and
Austria, supplemented by Prussia, then France and England, in a game with changing rules
and sometimes with surprising epilogues.
The second conditioning is related with the personality of Grigore Alexandru Ghica,
educated at the school of Levant, but also with his family history, as the son of a dragoman
and grandson of a prince in Principalities. His way in life seems predetermined by a force
which he could not resist, like all others phanariots before him and after him. In these
conditions, our intention was to highlight the personal involvement of Ghica in all aspects.
Grigore Ghica, as his predecessors, must arbitrate between an earthly nobility, accustomed for
some time to challenge the competition of the Greeks, and those Greeks, between the nobility
as a whole and the peasants, poor raiale required to support the great economic effort of the
country, and, finally, between internal factors and requirements of an empire, ill and more


AARMSI = Analele Academiei Române. Memoriile Secţiunii Istorice, Bucureşti

AB = Arhivele Basarabiei, Chişinău
AESC = Annales. Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations, Paris
AIIAI = Anuarul Institutului de Istorie şi Arheologie ,,A. D. Xenopol”, Iaşi
AIINC = Anuarul Institutului de Istorie Naţională, Cluj
AIIX = Anuarul Institutului de Istorie ,,A. D. Xenopol”, Iaşi
AN Iaşi = Serviciul Judeţean Iaşi al Arhivelor Naţionale
ArhGen = Arhiva Genealogică, Iaşi
BCIR = Buletinul Comisiei Istorice a României, Bucureşti
Caproşu, Documente Iaşi = Caproşu, Ioan, Documente privitoare la istoria oraşului Iaşi
Caproşu, Sămile Vistieriei = Caproşu, Ioan, Sămile Vistieriei Ţării Moldovei
Cernovodeanu, Tabela Ghica (1) = Tabele genealogice. 3. Ghica (1), arbore genealogic
alcătuit de Paul Cernovodeanu, în Istoria românilor, vol. VI, Bucureşti, 2002
CC = Codrul Cosminului (ambele serii)
CI = Cercetări istorice, Iaşi
CL = Convorbiri literare, Iaşi
CMRS = Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique, Paris
Codrescu, Uricariul = Theodor Codrescu, Uricariul sau colecţiune de diferite acte care pot
servi la istoria românilor
D.G.A.S. = Direcţia Generală a Arhivelor Statului
DHS = ,,Dix-huitième siècle”. Revue annuelle publiée par la Société française d'Etude du
XVIIIe siècle, Paris
EDHS = Études sur le XVIIIe siècle, Bruxelles
Hurmuzaki, Documente = Hurmuzaki, Eudoxiu de (şi colaboratorii), Documente privitoare
la istoria românilor, culese de...
IN = ,,Ioan Neculce”. Buletinul Muzeului Municipal Iaşi
MC = ,,Miron Costin”. Revistă de cercetări şi mărturii istorice, Bârlad
M. E. F. = Moldova în epoca feudalismului
MI = Magazin istoric, Bucureşti
RA = Revista arhivelor, Bucureşti
RdI = Revista de istorie, Bucureşti
RES = Revue des études slaves, Paris
RESEE = Revue des études Sud-Est européennes, Bucureşti
RHSEE = Revue historique de Sud-Est européen, Bucureşti
RI = Revista istorică, Bucureşti
RIAF = Revista pentru istorie, arheologie şi filologie, Bucureşti
RIR = Revista istorică română, Bucureşti
RMMM = Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée, Paris
ROMM = Revue de l'Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée, Paris
SAI = Studii şi articole de istorie, Bucureşti
SMIM = Studii şi materiale de istorie medie, Bucureşti


I.Work Tools
Ágoston, Gábor, <and> Masters, Bruce (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, New
York, 2009.
Bengescu, George, Bibliographie franco-roumaine du XIXe siècle, tome premier, Bruxelles,
Bianu, Ioan, Hodoş, Nerva, <şi> Simonescu, Dan, Bibliografia românească veche, 1508-
1830, vol. II-IV, Bucureşti, 1910-1944.
Bibliografia analitică a periodicelor româneşti, vol. I, 1790-1850, părţile I-III, întocmit de
Ioan Lupu, Nestor Camariano şi Ovidiu Papadima, Bucureşti, Ed. Academiei, 1966-
1967; vol. II, 1851-1858, părţile I-III, întocmit de Ioan Lupu, Dan Berindei, Nestor
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