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Task 4 - Oral Production: experience an activity.

Brenda carolina Domínguez Mendoza.

Programa académico: psicología.

Yolanda Chavarro.

Numero de grupo 90000ª2-1391

Curso: inglés A2
Código: 900001

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Vicerrectoría

Académica y de Investigación.
The horror story:
A long time ago. in the park where I used to play, there was a boy who
used to say that they were going to take him to the place that scared
him the most and it was the darkest place in the park, because he used
to do many evil things to others. children and one day like any other day
he made a child fall where he lost his life and it was there where he was
filled with fear and without wanting to he ran out to the darkest place
where he was most afraid and it was there where he stayed watching
around him and the cruelest thing came to his life, the spirit of the dead
woman and carried him and took him to hell.

Interesting places in my city:

San Jose de Oriente is a haven of peace in Cesar, it has different tourist
sites but today I will show you talking about the Parque del Cafe, a
place where you can come to enjoy the best sunsets and family games.
This site has a restaurant and you can also enjoy the games that are
made for a recreation. The other place that you will talk about is the
viewpoint of San Jose, a place that is indescribable, you can have the
best views of neighborhoods such as Valledupar, Manaure, La Paz. This
site has exquisite restaurants for your palate, and you enjoy a good

My career:
Theme: anxiety.
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and restlessness. Which is affecting
the majority of people worldwide. This issue is related to my career
because psychology seeks to combat it and ensure that the person does
not suffer from this disease. I was very motivated to take up this topic
because some people around me suffer from this disorder and I would
like to see how I can help them and get them to live an upright life and
all this is achieved with some psychological therapies, exercise routines,
sleep enough among other things. In this career, anxiety can be
innovated by making dynamic transformation processes that can occur
in some therapies that are assigned to the patient who suffers from it.
Step 3: Self-assessment: reflection and personal growth.

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