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Chelsea D.

Verdeflor BSHM-1C


1-20. Create a tour itinerary for tourists who will travel because of meetings, conferences, convention
or exhibitions. It should be 2 days and 1 night tour only in any parts of the Bicol Region. Aside from
attending these events, there should be other tourist attractions that can be visited.

 ( Separate Document)

 21-30. As tour operators, how would you encourage tourists to avail your tour package and/or tour
itinerary? Explain ways to market your product to your target tourists and to motivate them to travel.

 As a tour operator, in order to encourage the clients to avail our offered services and
tour packages, it is necessary for me to know the target client's expectations firsthand
and leave an appealing impression for them to feel comfortable upon transactions.
Moreover, providing the tourists a convenient way of transactions through the using
social medias and website bookings that can also enable them to conduct thorough
reviews before dealing with us. Marketing products in the industry nowadays are way
too easy and accessible to the customer, as we can be able to use different platforms in
promotions such as posting and blogging that can encourage clients to acquire the
service, especially, that client's satisfaction can be documented for feedbacks.

 31-45. Present a coherent argument as to why the public sector needs to intervene in the tourism

 Involvement of the public sector in the tourist industry serves a common interest in
general, since it strives to achieve long-term economic growth and job possibilities for
residents by working with the tourism industry to create local destinations. In which
both sectors are working toward the same goal of a more developed and sustainable
economy. Also, public sectors must act in the tourism sector to ensure that, in addition
to aiming for social development, this sector adheres to the public laws in place to
ensure that the local community is never harmed by changes.

46-50. Which career path in the tourism industry do you prefer? Explain why.

 Hotel Front Officer/ Attendant. Personally, I prefer this career path because being
able to socialize with people is very challenging for me, but upon entering this
industry it opens up my mind that having confidence towards public enable us to do
a job well done. I am seeing myself as an effective employee/ attendant who can give
clients a positive and appealing impressions throughout their stay. As an employee
the satisfaction of providing clients a comfortable staycation will motivate us to be
more effective and efficient in the industry. 

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