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The writing task assesses your ability to write a clear, well-structured essay in which you develop an

argument which expands and supports a point of view, based on your analysis of the provided input text or

Write an essay on one of the following tasks (A or B).

Task A

A journal has a column which talks about use of AI. You have to read an extract from BBC article.

Write an essay in which you:

• introduce the issue raised in the extract;
• justify its relevance;
• summarize the key points and emphasise the outlook.

Support your arguments with relevant examples from the extract. Do not copy directly from the text but you
can summarize, paraphrase and quote the ideas from it.

Write your answer in 300–350 words. You have 80 minutes to complete the task.

Candidates are already using tools such as ChatGPT to write cover letters and CVs. But it’s just a small piece
of how AI is transforming hiring processes.

Since November 2022, AI chatbot ChatGPT has enabled anyone with internet access to generate
anything in the written form: think intricate essays and code, succinct memos or poetry. Even with basic
prompts, ChatGPT can complete complex, written tasks in moments, and work as a creative tool to quickly
produce efficient content.
“I’ve had students use ChatGPT to write appeals for parking tickets,” says Vince Miller, reader in
sociology and cultural studies at the University of Kent, UK. “But in general, the technology allows people
who may not necessarily possess the best writing skills to suddenly have them.”
Jobseekers are among those reporting such benefits. Leveraging a dataset containing 570 billion
individual words, OpenAI’s ChatGPT can compose convincing cover letters on demand, or synthesise a few
career details into a competent, bullet-pointed CV. Want to send an email to a hiring manager? Prompt the
chatbot, then copy and paste the AI-generated text straight into the message.
But hiring managers aren’t oblivious: they understand candidates are already leaning on generative
AI to assist them, and may well do so even more as the technology grows in sophistication. This could
create a shift in job applications as we know them, moving recruiters away from the traditional modes of
evaluating candidates.
Not all recruiters report the use of generative AI as a hiring red flag – or even a worrying
development at all.

The writing task assesses your ability to write a clear, well-structured essay in which you develop an
argument which expands and supports a point of view, based on your analysis of the provided input text or

Write an essay on one of the following tasks (A or B).

Task B

A journal has a column which talks about the importance of literature in modern society. Read the article
and express your opinion of the topic.

Write an essay in which you:

• introduce the issue raised in the extract;
• justify its relevance;
• summarize the key points and emphasise the significance of the issue to the modern-day reader.

Support your arguments with relevant examples from the extract. Do not copy directly from the text but you
can summarize, paraphrase and quote the ideas from it.

Write your answer in 300–350 words. You have 80 minutes to complete the task.

The Importance of Literature in Modern Society

It forms an important part of our education, but Sophie Austin wants to know how does it fit in to our
everyday life?
Ever since I was small, stories have been a part of my life. Reading books like The Tales of Peter
Rabbit and The Very Hungry Caterpillar before bed became a part of my natural order where I could escape
into another world. To say the least, not much has changed and on most nights, I love to read - to find that
escape away from reality.
But, literature is more than that. It has transcended time and is still with us, forming critical parts of
today’s curriculums. So, what relevance does literature have in modern society?
Literature in education
For the majority of people around the world, our first serious encounter with literature comes from
school. Reading and writing has been drilled in all of us from an early age and this is set in motion with the
start of examinations.
Being able to empathise with a group of characters written on a page is categorical and from a
student’s perspective a necessary skill. Additionally, the ability to sense themes and messages opens us up
to another way of thinking. Literature becomes a vessel. The 130 million books which have been published
around the world are guides for the reader and generate a bridge for them to learn something new.
The impact of literature
The impact of literature in modern society is undeniable. Literature acts as a form of expression for
each individual author. Some books mirror society and allow us to better understand the world we live in.
Authors like F.Scott Fitzgerald are prime examples of this as his novel The Great Gatsby was a
reflection of his experiences and opinions of America during the 1920s.


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