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Department of Computer Engineering

Power BI
Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft that provides business
analytics and data visualization which allows users to connect to various data sources, create
interactive reports and dashboards, and share their insights with others. It is a part of the Microsoft
Power Platform and is widely used in organizations for data analysis and visualization.

Key features of Power bi


Data Preparation: Power BI has a powerful data

transformation tool called Power Query that allows
users to clean and transform data before analyzing
it. This can save a lot of time and effort in data
Data Visualization: Power BI has a wide range of
data visualization options that can help in
communicating insights effectively. Users can create
interactive visualizations like charts, tables, maps,
and more.

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Data Analysis: Power BI allows users to perform advanced data analysis using DAX
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(Data Analysis Expressions) formulas. This can help in gaining insights into the data rd In
and identifying patterns and trends.
Power BI

Collaboration: Power BI allows users to share their reports and dashboards with
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others, both inside and outside the organization. This can help in collaborating with


team members and stakeholders and making data-driven decisions.



Automation: Power BI has a feature called Power Automate that allows users to No Memory
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automate repetitive tasks like data refresh, report distribution, and more. This can save a Contraints
lot of time and effort in data management.

Power Query
Power Query is a data transformation and cleaning tool that is a part of the Microsoft Power BI
suite. It comes with a graphical interface. It allows users to connect to various data sources, extract,
clean and transform the data, and load it into Power BI for analysis and visualization.

Key features of Power Query

Data Cleaning: Data often needs to be cleaned before it can be analyzed.

Power Query allows users to quickly and easily clean data using a visual
interface, which can save a lot of time and effort.

Data Transformation: Power Query allows users to transform data using

custom formulas and functions. This can help in creating new variables,
aggregating data, and more.

Data Integration: Power Query allows users to combine data from multiple
sources into a single table. This can help in creating a unified view of the data
for analysis.

Reproducibility: Power Query allows users to create reproducible data cleaning and transformation workflows. This can help
in ensuring that the data is cleaned and transformed consistently across different projects and team members. Aniket Matondkar – 19102B0065
Amulya Kura – 19104A0017
Automation: Power Query can be used to automate data cleaning and transformation tasks using Power Automate. This can Bhumi Avhad – 20102B2002
save a lot of time and effort in data management. Kaustubh Inamdar - 20102B2003
Ansari Wasim - 20102B2004

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