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Cloud computing

Pros and cons of cloud computing

-Employees with more IT knowledge should get better benefits or incentives to bring new talents
in the area and also avoid other companies taking them from working in the government, such
as being able to work online for those jobs were being in the city is not actually required
-high país employees with no technical IT skill should be trained in new technologies
- it is already stated in the case that they don’t have the computing assets to scalate the
services the way they want, this being a pro for cloud computing
-since there is a lot of competition between several companies such as Google, Amazon,
Microsoft, etc it might be easier to negotiate a more valid price for the service
-cloud also adds tons of tools that the government won’t be able to add or create due to high
cost of development
-outsourcing also implies lower labor cost (which can be expensive in the IT industrie), also this
way being more scalable and expandable if needed (also being able to lower the amount of
cloud computing needed if the services is not used as much)
-since the data is so sensitive is required for the provider to maintain the data private, for safety
and privacy reasons
Pros n cons (paper)
-with cloud you have an easy accesible centralized data
-another benefit is virtualization, letting multiple user interact with the same resources at the
same time
-actually knowing where the data is sacrificing privacy
-certain types of data could be difficult to find over time or even imposible to find such as
temporary files
-also data such as metadata can be lost when downloading from the cloud
-in case of a lawsuit sometimes the amount of data a cloud services has and how it is handled ,
it can be difficult for the government/company to actually be able to defend themselves with that
data mainly because it can get very technical for the jury

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