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D: Hello Christian, how are you doing?

C: Hello Danna, Good are you ok?

D: great, I am….oh Chris this are my Friends classmate Alex and Maria
C: what countries are you Friends from?
D: They are from Perú
C: They are from Lima, Perú?
D: No, they are not, they are from Arequipa, Perú
C: oh okey, how old are your Friends?
D: He is twenty four years old and she is twenty three years old
C: oh, nice to meet you
C: I introduce you to my friends classmate Torey and Ryan
D: what countries are you Friends from?
C: They are from Los Angeles, United States
D: cool, how old are your Friends?
C: Torey he is 26 years old and Ryan he is 28 years old
D: Chris and how can I reach you?
C: My phone number is 979371545 and my e-mail address is
C: What’s your phone number?
D: My phone number is 946187292
C: Okey, see you
D: See you to

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