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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as a

Treatment for Depression

1.) Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of therapy that can help individuals identify and change

negative patterns of thinking and behavior that contribute to their emotional and mental health

problems. CBT is an evidence-based therapy that has been found to be effective in treating


1st stage – discussing all symptoms:

The therapist starts by conducting an assessment with the patient, which involves discussing the

patient's symptoms, their impact on their life, and their medical and mental health history. The

therapist asks questions to get a better understanding of the patient's experience of depression,

including how long they have been experiencing symptoms, their intensity, and the situations that

trigger them.

2nd stage – challenging irrational ways of thinking:

The therapist then helps the patient identify their negative and irrational thoughts that contribute to

their depression. The therapist uses techniques such as questioning to help the patient challenge

their negative thoughts and beliefs, and replace them with more rational ones.

3rd stage – homework

The therapist then assigns homework to the patient to practice using more rational thinking patterns

in their life. The homework might involve writing down their negative thoughts and then identifying

them, or engaging in activities that bring them joy and a sense of accomplishment.

CBT is usually conducted over a series of sessions, with the frequency and duration of the sessions

depending on the severity of the patient's symptoms and their response to therapy. The ultimate goal

of CBT is to help the patient develop more adaptive and healthy ways of thinking and behaving,

which can lead to lasting improvements in their mental and emotional health.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as a
Treatment for Depression
2.)When attending CBT sessions Bella can expect to work together with her therapist to
identify and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior that may be contributing
to her depression. The therapist will help Bella develop more healthy ways of coping
with her symptoms through techniques. The success of CBT for depression depends on
factors such as the severity of the symptoms, the individual's motivation and
engagement in therapy, and the quality of the therapeutic relationship. However, studies
have shown that CBT can be an effective treatment for depression, particularly when
combined with medication, and can lead to long lasting improvements in mental and
emotional health.

3.)One strength of cognitive-behavioral therapy is it focuses on the present and future, as opposed
to going deep into past experiences. This allows peopleto quickly identify and fix problematic
thoughts and behaviors, leading to more faster symptom relief.

One weakness of CBT is that it focuses on rational thinking, which may not be effective for people
who struggle with emotional experiences or who have deeply ingrained belief systems that are
resistant to change. In these cases, a more emotionally-focused approach may need to be used.

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