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READING Hl complete the movie eview with these words. blur exploits miniature narrative sequence Attack of the No-bots HEROS OOCE You don’t often get science fiction and comedy in one movie, but Attack of the ‘No-bows offers just that. It about the ofan army of a rns FODOES sent LO attack Earth, The problem is they have been badly programmed and do the exact opposite ‘of whae they are supposed to! ‘The film stats swith the population of a rown erying to make cout what the senna, © activity in the skies is. They realise thousands fof bots are descending and expect an attack ‘with Killer lasers, but instead they get a shower of flowers! The 4, 7 “ofthe rest of the film is just as silly, bur great fan, Ies basically a, ‘of events in which the bots do all they ean to make friends and live like humans. ead the article about dyslexia quick. Tick /) Fed ences that best describe the article A The wniter tals about dyson from 3 personal point of ve B The article is written fora. gene nonsclentifcreader. There offers ints and tip for people Sreeencng reading citicuts, There's im sto help the reader Taerstand problems faced by dyslexics The style used is mainly factual and neutral F The wnter suggests ways that the reader eesating out more abovt the tnt ooooa|ad Viewpoints Extend [Fj tea the definitions. Find word inthe article to complete [Ei complete the sentences with the correct forms some of the words ‘and choose which sentence (A-G) fits 1e of the sentences. ead the article again teach gap (1-6). You do not need on inthis way t's posible to get an isight nto the time and effort required for a dyslexic to process text Sensing movement in completely static texts commonin many dyslexics. Andibecause no two dyslexics experience the condition 0 te sane ape certanding an inde’ frustration with reading seven more challenging. D Instead, they often have high levels problem-solving skills in many areas. Lower isn'ta perfect experiment as dysixia takes many fos ‘out 700 milion children and adults, although the figure could be higher as it's often undiagnosed. 6 Equally important is education of the general public to improve te derstanding of people with reading difficulties. of creativity and develop strong F This amounts to ab the phrases, 4 be common to people who are related (para 1) 1 Familes 2 Understand more fully (para 2: get a of something 3 decreases the speed or rat (para 3) 4 inthe incorect poston / order (para 4): the way. 5 besin again (par 5) tothe . 6 not appreciate fly para 5) for 7 succeed in dealing with problems (para 6) 7 thelr challenges = 8 people who are very succesful (para 6): high ‘or phrases from Ex 4. 1 Westarted the race wel, but then we took the wrong out ard ad to We weren't lat, but that mitt veal is 2 Never. : ° ws vovennmnane PEOPIE aways ‘say thank you when they help you -_ : vn OF 2 CUI. Try being me for a day: dyslexia, Inthe oe in Our series of articles on viewpoints and understanding how others live, we _ look at what its like to be dyslexic. Although a very common condition, dyslexia is not easily Itis estimated that at least one in ten people worldwide has the condition.» ae Dyslexia runs in families and it can affect co-ordination, short-term memory and the ability to recall names, as well as the problems of understanding written language. Lack of fluency in reading not only has a negative effect on progress at school, but it also lowers confidence and self-esteem, For those of us with no experience of dyslexia, it’s hard to imagine being unable to work out letters on a screen or page ‘easily and quickly.*, _- That's why a ‘graphic designer, himself dyslexic, has created a typeface that {aims to help people get a better appreciation of the condition Daniel Britton broke down the alphabet in the Helvetica typeface, taking away forty percent of the lines to produce a skeleton of each letter. Although this doesn't necessarily imitate what a dyslexic person sees, it slows down a non-dyslexic’s reading ——— In Daniel's own words,'I need the viewer to have to work to read something so simple as a poster’ In today’s world where we read so much on screen, how does a dyslexic deal with the internet? A Swedish developer and blogger called Victor Widell was inspired by a dyslexic friend to find out just that, He took her words and turned them into a simulation that shows non-dyslexics how unstable the text is on screen. Part of his friend's original words were,’ friend who has dyslexia fescribed to me how she experiences reading. She can read, ut it takes a lot of concentration and the letters seem to jump round’* se ‘further characteristi ing the letters d, and b, and p and q the wrong way round, ich makes it impossible to distinguish one from another. ;PPear to bounce on the screen, When you think you've worked {ta word, the letters become mixed up again and you have to go back to the start. Widell clever use of coding gives us a understood. It is generally defined as a Permanent learning difficulty that affects reading and spelling despite normal intelligence levels and eyesight. Clear example of the challenges of dyslexia with something that we all take for granted. ‘Some people with the condition said the simulation represented what they experienced while others said it was easier or just different. ‘What is clears the need for further research into the condition so it is diagnosed early. Improved teacher training is also necessary to help dyslexics overcome their challenges. as In recent times, a number of high- achievers in different fields have revealed that they are dyslexic ‘not least the billionaire entrepreneurs Bill Gates and Richard Branson. A surprisingly large number of actors have also ‘overcome dyslexia to follow their chosen career, including Tom Cruise, Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley. a LR 6 Viewpoints GRAMMAR the passive [Di Read the statements about filming wildlife and decide if they are true (T) or false (F)? 1. The wildlife is being filmed ints natural habitat In this sentence, the focus is on the camera operators, not on the animals, 2. A You should respect other people's opinions B Other people's opinions should be respected. Sentence B is more formal than A. : 3. The footage of the eagle was filmed on location in Spain This sentence needs ‘by the camera crew’ to be complete. 4 | stepped on a snake and nearly got bitten. This sentence is more likely to appear in conversation than formal writing 5 She was awarded first prize for her film on local wildlife ‘You wouldn't normally use got instead of was in this sentence 6 A Its said that cats are more independent than dogs B Cats are said to be more independent than dogs Sentences A and B don't mean the same thing Complete the sentences with one missing word. 1 She was really upset about a _ dropped from the basketball team, 2. We were disappointed because the film we wanted £0 508 nnn BEING SHOWN. 3 The lift is out of order. It be repaired as soon as possibe. 4. Keep your ticket because you might am ‘asked to show it at ‘ny time. 5 Our online magazine published once a month 6 The castle WAS _.out of stone in the tenth century. 7 We couldn't cross over the water because the FIG nnn BORN cOMPleteA. 8 Factories across the region are closed due to the economic Gisis 9 The thefts stil under investigation and the thief vn not yet been found, 40. Mum is working just now so she doesn’t want to disturbed entence so that it has a similar meaning, ond si BJ complete tr ore ive two answers for number 6 the first sentence. Give 1 People say she's the be: She a = Sens Falla cd anal io —— ; 4 rhe papers report thatthe celebrities got married in secre ‘The celebrities...... v = «4 ions of people all over the word shared the online video, st singer of her generation, The online VIbEO nnn They made us wat for hours before they It Us into the stacum We... DEFOE WE nnn i 6 They showed the visitors the most interesting parts ofthe cy ‘They most interesting parts of the city, The visitors [i complete the article with a suitable form of the verbs in passive form. Use short forms where possible. Dare to step into the darkness Have you ever walked around your town after dark? Darkness* = always (associate) with crime. also. ' soonetthink) tobe the time for ghosts and monsters, so why go out after ‘midnight? Simply to get a new perspective on where you live. Walks in the hours of darkness?, 1, now sno (Offer) by a group called NightOwls | was nervous about trying nightwalk, but, (persuade) to give ta goand I'm glad I did, At 2a.m. last Sunday, asthe group? . (guide) away from the streetlights, the town fet ikea film set. And after my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, felt surprisingly at home. My heat 7 {allow) to takeover, Car hornsand (ceplace) by the sounds mobiles? of wildlife and the area®, million stars, Inour hi-tech world, we*,, soeasily gaia bynes Ong Smarts ante ‘home, but they", ' 7 (shes) a Night wate oe (integrate) into the experience as fully as possible, yOCABULARY jime ond place poe ‘and choose the correct options (A, B or C) to Beret the sentences. fhe alli being kicked ae the wall a across B against towards 43 Thegi8 $9 va. the house Aout Boutof —C outside 3 The frends are walking, sone the forest Aa through B towards € around 14 The woman is stuck: nnn the lift A inside B into to 5 Thecars are speeding sonnunurthe race track Ashore B among round 6 The boy wasn't alowed . the bus Aout of B into © onto 7 He challenged us to run sonnet fl Around B across. € into 18 Theboy spilled a drink _his phone. A above B upon © over El conpete the conversations with these pars of prepositions. {ross opposite among + between into + inside outside + out of next to+near under + below up + above __ eee had better be worth walking = this il, B: Well get great views from 2A: What's the matter with Jack? He's standing the club looking fed up. 8: He ust walked right the place without saying anything, 3A: | wouldn't lke to live just ._ the road my college B: | don't mind being just. Itmeans 'm never late! 4: How are we going to find Lisa all these hundreds of people? B:; She's just texted to say she's standing the burger van and the clothes stall 5. A: The record shop used to be here, right. the sandwich shop. other music shops. 6 A: It’s really ld trick.. The magician climbs., the box and it’s sealed with chains and 8: They drop the curtain and then open the box and the one it! That's ancient! 7 A: Did you hear about that kid who found all those 9 atree? ere's no old coins Apparently, they were buried a long way “the surface of the soll Bi Replace the highlighted words or phrases with these are located underneath your seat. 2 essen tere 9 esto drew Ll choose the correct words to complete the text Moving forward with peed Learning to play an instrument can be frustrating, ‘Sometimes you feel you're really doing well and your progress feels ‘accelerated / speeded up. ‘At other times, you can feel a bit stuck at the same level and occasional / occasionally you might even {eel you're going backwards! If that happens, just 2stick at / in it and don't give up. It's worth trying some new techniques to help keep up the ‘moment / momentum. For example, if you practise on a *daily / day basis, change your start time or choice of music. ‘And remember that you're learning ‘throughout / whenever the time you're practising, although that feeling of progress may come and go. [complete the sentences wth one word in each gap. 1 Don't start your revision at the minute. Prepare in your frst exam, 2 Hurry up! We're running os The bus leaves at 8.15 and its usualy an ‘time. 3 Ican't come out. 'm in the... (of my revision and i'l be too late so the time I've finished. 4 Iwas on the: sons f panicking because I didn't think we'd be in me _.for the start of the concert. 5 Everyone finds controlling the bike difficult to begin You'll get used to it in : ae time, 6 We used to meet up. other ‘weekend, but not recently. guess we'll catch up or later. time for 59 ome | he 6 Viewpoints LISTENING HIE) 6.2 tisten toa young person taking about sound maps. Tick V) the topics he mentions, ‘A how he became interested in sound maps B the equipment he has bought © the benefits of sound maps. 'D how to become an expert mapper E suggestions for making your frst sound map. F how to produce good interviews G a different way of producing a local map H the life ofa professional sound recordist ADEs: usten again and complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Mapping with sound ‘Adam first became interested in sound maps when he was studying" at school. ‘Adam says he is pleased that *,. n _has improved to make sound mapping easier. ‘The fact that sound can create clearer?, than images really interests Adam. Nowadays, Adam says it's possible to create sound maps without expensive *, As a simple tip, Adam reminds listeners to add a short 5, ‘each time a recording is made. to use. Adam states that most fans of sound mapping start their hobby with amap oftheir’... According to Adam, when making a sound walk, local people provide the most useful facts in, ‘Adam uses the word... vevnnes 0 Gescribe how fa fa a a a 2 Map Maer is recommended by Adam as one ofthe simplest a a fa = many global sound maps are easily available on the internet. a ‘Adam's favourite site is. the variety of recordings on offer. P. sau Because of, ooo0o0o0o0o00 Extend [El Motch the phrases trom the recording.) [Tena and corrects mistakes in the ‘with the definitions (A-H), 1 the technology has really moved on 2. the key thing sto include a brief descrptig, for every audio file 3. | would start simple and work your way up, something more sophisticated. 4 They know their region better than anyone ‘and so can really bring the place to lf, 5 take you off the beaten track to hidden spc BBut you don’t have to keep it local I can’t get over the number of maps that offer a global sound tour. ‘What's to stop you having a go? ‘am surprised, shocked or amused by the most important consideration far from places that people normally vist trying something make somewhere interesting or exciting improved / become more sophisticated focus on just things that are near to you make progress in a slow and controlled way Ta ™mone> @ conversation ‘A: So what are we going to do for this project We need ideas that wil increase tourism 8: People expect clear information with oe a of a screen, Things have moved up from the days of paper maps and leaflets ‘A: You'e right. can’t go over the number of sites that have too much information Peo Can't choose what to do so they don't make go at anything at all 8: So maybe we should focus on a smaller ae You know, just keep it close. ‘A: Wouldn't that be abit boring? The most key thing is to get people interested inthis ae Weld need something that would realy bi tthe place to lve for them, B: How about creating a top ten list of things to do in and around the city? Some could be right in the centre and others more of ‘the beaten track. With just ten, we focus 0° fewer activities, but in more detail A: Nice! Let's get started USE OF ENGLISH 1 [le Listen tosix short recordings, Match the o sentences (A-F) you think they say next. epesiats (1a evth che ‘A Why don’t we have a special cake made? € Itwould be my dream to get some boots ' made to fit me exactly. oe D Id better go and get my eyes tested. Seer E So there wouldn't be any point in getting rail art done. F fnot, find the fastest way of having that tattoo removed. Bi choose the correct ending to complete the sentences (A or 8). 41 broke my wrist, but Ibe having the plaster 1A taking off soon B taken off soon 2. Onthe fist day ofthe school trip, had ‘A. my phone taken from my bag, 8B someone to take my phone from my bag. 3 It’s time they grew up. They can’t have ‘A everyone do everything for them allthe time B everyone did everything for them all the time. 4. He cheated. He got his friend {A writing all his essays for him, B to write all his essays for him. 5 Its popular for partis so the hall needs [A booking a ong time in advance. B to book along time in advance. Ed complete the chatroom posts with the correct form of these verbs. ‘get + build get+ understand have + steal have + take out Make one change What one thing would make your life better? I share a room with my noisy sister. If could, ne : own private space ‘on top of our flat. My friend's stopped speaking tome. If could, I'd gobackin timeand?,..... : her I didn’t mean to hurt her. “To be a million miles from MeTe. ccna B100EP sn vnnnennead Pm petrified. @ Choose the correct words to complete the post, Too busy? : Online services are happy to help People complain they don't have time to run everyday errands ~ things like picking Up an order from a shop, or getting shoes ‘to be repaired / repaired. Now you can shave / need jobs like these done for you. If your computer needs *be updated / updating, don't waste time staying in for the technician. Having someone else “done / do it frees up your time for something more interesting. And more land more people are ‘making / getting others to queue for them - for the latest iPhone, concer tickets or even a visa. [5] Dicomplete the second sentence so that i has a similar meaning to the first sentence, Using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 There's a place in town where they unlock your phone really quickly. CAN ‘There's a place in town where you son fally quickly. 2. | was twelve when they took out my appendix in an emergency operation, HAD | was twelve when | inan emergency operation 3 You have to pay extra if they send the tickets to your home address. eT You have to pay extra to your home address. 4_Little children love it when you tell them stories, HAVING Little children love tothem, 5 Id like to pay someone to make my clothes rather than buy them from a shop. MADE VRE £0 oe soosnnnuefather than buy them from a shop, a 6 Viewpoints USE OF ENGLISH 2 Hl Make new words trom the highlighted words in the clues. Find the mystery word. you have this when you're strong the result of being accurate how long something is Yyou might fee! lke this if you fal the time you arrive you act this way when you're happy happening every day how much you weigh is this ‘you have this when you feel enthusiastic 10 you get this when things are varied Mystery word... ew avonnune Bl complete the headlines with the correct form ofthese words confidence drama industry long poison strong © Man bitten by _spider ‘Chaos ont ins after day of action A An em of Britain for charity © Teenager cycl City manager complete the sentences with the correct form of the, in brackets. 14 Ithink Im about the right... for my 2 sxeng eboney eee thigh} _ (excite), but | can ont yao dort (occasion). to 0 dig a hole that’s the correct aoe (deep) and "(wide) before you planta tee 4 due tothe (environment) famage from the oll spill the island's an Cinhabit) were forced to aban their homes. jal media helps you _iviag 5 soe anor of rend bt dont do machig _. (deep) relationships, Extend El Giteos tne artic and compete with the correct omet the werd in capa The human Swan 8 you want ro know what it's like to be bird, ask! ‘Sacha Dench. In December 2016, she flew 7,000 kilometres by motorised pparaglider to accompany a group of Bewick’s swans on their migration. Sacha’s aim was find out more about this? os — endangered species. In fifteen years, the number of Bewick's surviving ‘migration fell rom 29,000 to just 18,000, ‘soit was essential to find out if there were any * : patterns that would explain this decline. twas already known that hunters posed a : threat to the birds during migration, 80 part of Sacha’s role was also as? She spent time with hunters trying tot their HEIGHT ‘awareness of the importance of this species, ‘AS you might imagine, there was no of publicity for of the journey CONSERVE critic BEHAVIOUR DEAD EDUCATE . — ‘SHORT this expedition. The scala ‘and Sacha's *_ Suppor for these iconi Public's imagination, wren PASSION ic birds caught the pEAKING gexathe discussion task Tick (/) the correct answers in the ha partner i ciscuss it ‘Ajining @ wildlife charity Would these activities Dee ht ear he hy by an expert D reading leaflets on wildlife ¢ goingona wildlife walk E entering a pi competition inthis task, you need to: gut the activities in order of personal preference 43 discuss the benefits of the diferent activities 3. dscussall five activities in detail ‘4 suggest the best activity for your partner 5 give reasons for your opinions 6 agree on everything with your partner 7 listen and respond to your partner's opinions 8 find the one right answer to the question in the task 9 ask your partner questions to clarify their opinion ooo0000000 Read the conversations. Which activities (A-E) in the task in Ex 1 are the students discussing? 1 A:| don't think that would be a very motivating idea. You can't get ‘much information on just bits of paper. 8: | agree, That option seems a bit old-fashioned when people are used to getting information interactively, 2A: That seems quite appealing, | mean, getting the information from someone with a lot of local knowledge could be interesting 8: Yes, and if it could be linked to other subjects, maybe geography or biology, that would make it really relevant. 3A: m not sure about this one. It would depend on the type of work the organisation does. And if you had to pay a lotto jon, that ‘would put young people off. B: | see what you mean, but | think it could be a good way of getting young people involved. They could see directly how their work was helping wildlife 4 A: llke the suggestion in this option. It could involve big groups and being indirect contact with the birds and animals would be more motivating than just researching them inside. B: Yes, definitely. The idea of an outside classroom is fun. If there was worksheet to complete, you could learn a lot. It could even be made into a project 5A: That sounds fun. Anything where you work as a team for a prize 's motivating, And you'd need to research local animals to be able to take part. 8: That’s a good point, but it might appeal more to people who are creative and taking pictures. For that reason, it might not be the best option to motivate a lot of young people. B attending a talk Choose the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 | wouldn't really sign up fora charity if / because YOu needed to pay something every month. 2 I think the talkis definitely / definite ess interesting than the walk because it could be ‘more like @ normal lesson. 3. I don't think leaflets are such | so great, do you? 4 To / Im my opinion, making a poster's more ‘motivating than just reading leaflets 5. think the competition would create most / more interest than the talk, especially ifthe prize was beneficial to the whole community. 6 The alk and the walk would more effective than a competition because we can't do / make without local knowledge (2 B65 read the next part of the task. Listen to two students discussing their answers. Which two options do they choose? Now you have a minute to decide which ‘two activities would increase young people's interest in local wildlife the most. [6.6 Listen again and complete the sentences the students use to come to an agreement. 1 seuss Which two options do You think are best? 2 What os 2 380, rns cnn the tak, the walk and the competition. Let’s 7 about this. 4 vomnans Of the walk and the competition? 5 OK,so the walk and the ‘competition as the best two options Complete the sentences with these question tags. arenttthere doesit do they isntit 1 There are better ways of creating interest in wildlife, so vous? 2 Learning in an interactive way is a lot more Motivating... 2 3. Having a speaker in schoo! doesn't seem very different from a class... 2 4 Most young people don’t have much time to do charity work, 2 [Now record your answer to the task in Ex 1 and then the task in Ex 4. Listen to your recording and checkif you included all the important points from the checklist in Ex 1. i 6 Viewpoints WRITING an essay [lf Read the task and choose the correct answer ‘What is the main topic ofthe essay? ‘A. the amount of information available today B the accuracy of information available today In your English class, you have been talking about the importance of getting reliable Information in everyday life. Your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. Can we rely on the information we get every day? What do you think? Notes Write about: 1 articles 2 advertisements 3 (your own idea) [i which topics could be used for the third point in the essay? Tick (V) the correct options. 1 Wikipedia 2 life before smartphones 3 social media 4 product reviews 5 privacy online 6 being honest with your friends] ooo000 [El Ade one missing word to each example inthe conrect pace 1 In frst place. s important to know why thi information was sent to you. 2 Texts are not always what they seem instance some advert ok Ike information document; but they are actualy seling product On whole sy that you can trust what you read, But you stl need tobe Carel 4 With reference Wikipedia’ clear when the Information not accurate or complet, 5 As farm concerned t's gettng harder to know tnhich formation is relble 6 People need to tnow who produced the | information What more they needto tinderstand why, 64 ink the second s nich word os rset areneesed jg a oe pow ifthe reviewer realy 2d the prog ro memeui they were Paid tO write thereat re emow i the reviewer realy tied th py rtant to check if hey Were pad tog i MH, om addi re a creer a 1u need to check. know ff mistakes. We're only al > sorseates For homework. (For { reason) me oe ite to have infor ne hand we are fortunat aon ag he nt ways of checking information. Compa, 6 There ae cifere 518 a good technique. (examp roe, tree other document [wit he worsin the correct order tome serene, Peep / Genera snore / speaking, online adverts, 2 patting in my [18 Best. / Opinio, | advice | fom someon g- 3 portant / Regarding [ts / check / 0 / efferent sources jay «4 Jnimportane sk / conclusion, / manage information thos isin 5 different [are / Articles / from / points of view / written my Replace the highlighted text with these more formal phases access bear in mind huge variety. Itis said on an hourly bass tend to widen your range of 1 thas never been easier to get information. People say that material on the internet is unreliable, : News needs to be updated every hour. . It's advisable to read a lot of different sources, - People often read just one newspaper. ne There are alot of different types of information, Remember that celebrities are paid to Promote a product or service, 8 The only aim of adverts is to jet you to spend money, oye [hwite your answer to the “ y question in Ex 1, writ your es 140-190 words using an appromisneccne UNIT CHECK [i complete the sentences with the correct passive form cof the verbs. 1. Spanish classes tes a week in the language centre 12. The city centres closed because a movie (film) there at the moment. 3. How many tickets forthe school party (already j sel)? 4 The archaeologists found thatthe entire vilage (destroy) by fre. 5 don't think the network... before the end of next week 6 My brother might ‘captain of the first team. 7 Idon't remember so party. Are you sure Iwas oa thelist? (hold) three (update) (promote) to (invite) to her B He... sos ($29) to be the best young chess player in the world right now, compete the chatroom poss withthe correct form of the verbs Sasa" | was reading about this competition in New Zealand to give schools a makeover. Staff and students describe what work needs to! do} oF what facilities they would lke to have. The school that wins sll the work ~geticompletel tre, ‘They had some really creative ideas. One place came up withthe idea of cutdoor classrooms. They : pond some trees, (get/plant) so that students could do thaverbuita) and. ‘environmental projects. So, how would you co _your school nave/make) over? ike the idea of outdoor classrooms. Sadly, our indoor classrooms*... nel @ed/paint a nice bright colour, so that would be my priority. 7 ‘anew sports hall "Thavereonstruct) right now. lean't watto see it complete. 5 My school needs a complete makeover, starting with the student lockers. They aren't secure. $0! some stuff, week I's such a pain. ‘Actually, we're iget/take) out of mine last JP) ea the information and complete the sating plan with the corect names, wn dBKE. Vicky sat at the corner of the table, But not opposite Jake. Misha refused to sit next to All, but ended up across the table from him. Rani insisted on being between her two best friends, Claire and Misha, Ali spent the evening beside Jake. ‘Su had to shout to be heard by Vicky from right across the ther side of the table. Kyle hates sitting on the end and he wanted to be on the ssame side as Ali and Jake \Vieky didn't say much to Kyle although she was by him al evening. [complete the conversations with the correct form of the words, 1. A: What's the best way to (strong) your online security? BB: Keep changing your password and update your cee = (private) settings. 2A: They say that yoga is a good way to help with (anxious) Yes. lve heard that t can be (benefit) too, rm so sorry. your jacket when | borrowed it. accident) tore B: Oh, don't feel too ( sure it can be repaired ‘4 A: There's been no. (short) of Interest in the idea of a class rep. 8: Great. | wonder how many (apply) there willbe. 5. A: Why would any want t0 Be aan (collect) of old mobile phones? B: I know. Some people get (please) from the strangest things. 6 A: really like your dad. He's much more, (tolerate) than mine! B: Yes, 'm (fortune) that he doesnt often lose his temper

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