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The Tempest

By William Shakespeare.
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Chapter One: The Island

Here is Prospero, the Duke of Milan, with his wife, and daughter Miranda. When his wife dies, Prospero sees nobody. Some women look after Miranda. Im learning magic, Prospero tells his brother, Antonio. Look after Milan for me. Antonio soon feels angry. Im doing Prosperos work, he thinks. I want to be the Duke. One day Antonio goes to visit Alonso, the king of Naples. Alonso says to him, I dont like Prospero. Open the gates of Milan to me, and I can attack him. Then you can be the Duke of Milan. Go on, do it, Antonio, says Sebastian, the Kings brother. Gonzalo, Prosperos old friend in Naples, walks past, and listens. So Antonio opens the gates of Milan to King Alonso. They put Prospero and Miranda in a little boat and leave them far out at sea. In the boat Prospero finds a letter from Gonzalo: Dear Prospero, Here are some things for you. Gonzalo And Prospero finds things to eat, wear, and his magic book, too. Good old Gonzalo! What a true friend! he thinks. The little boat moves across the sea to a magic island. The monster Caliban is king of the island. His mother is dead, and he has no friends. Different magic spirits live on the island, too. They dont like Caliban. One of these spirits is Ariel. He helps Prospero and Miranda. At first Prospero is friendly to Caliban. Come and live with my daughter and me, he says. Prospero teaches Caliban to speak and Caliban shows Prospero everything on the island. But one night Caliban attacks Miranda. Get out of here! says Prospero angrily. You must work for me now. Now Miranda is nearly sixteen, and Prospero is king of the island. One day Prospero sees a ship near his island. By magic he can see King Alonso and Antonio, his brother, on the ship. When Prospero sees them, he is very angry. He calls Ariel to him. Chapter Two: The Tempest There is a ship near my island, Prospero tells Ariel. Make a magic storm and attack the ship. The men on the ship must not die, says Prospero. They must land on the island. The Kings son, Ferdinand, must land alone. So Ariel goes to the ship, and makes a tempest with wind and rain. On the ship King Alonso and his son Ferdinand are afraid. They ask God for help. Help! Were going down! cries the captain. I dont want to die at sea! cries old Gonzalo, Prosperos friend. Lets die with King Alonso! says Prosperos brother, Antonio.

No! Lets leave the ship and live! says Sebastian, Alonsos brother. Ferdinand is the first to jump into the water and swim away. On the island Miranda runs to Prospero. Father, please stop this storm, she says. People are dying in the cold sea! Dont be afraid, he tells her. Its a magic storm. No one is dying. Then, by magic, Miranda goes to sleep, and Ariel tells Prospero; The men on the ship are alive but sleeping, and their ship is not far from here in a river. And what about the men in the sea? asks Prospero. They are in different parts of the island now, answers Ariel. And Prince Ferdinand is alone. Good work, says Prospero. Now go to Ferdinand and sing to him. Bring him here to me! Yes, master, says Ariel. After Ariel goes, Miranda opens her eyes and gets up. Prospero and Miranda speak to Caliban. Bring us wood for fire, they say. OK! OK! says Caliban. He is angry with Prospero; he wants his island back again. Chapter Three: Prince Ferdinand Ariel sings to Prince Ferdinand. Your father is dead! Oh, my father! cries Ferdinand. Ferdinand can hear Ariel, but he cant see him. Wheres that music coming from? he thinks, and he follows it. Ariel brings Ferdinand to Prospero and Miranda. What do you think of that young man? asks Prospero. Hes wonderful, says Miranda. My plan is working, thinks Prospero, and he smiles. Ferdinand sees Miranda. Shes beautiful, he thinks. Are you a goddess? he asks. Im a woman, she answers. Who are you? asks Prospero. The King of Naples, says Ferdinand. What? Your father is the King, says Prospero angrily. My father is dead. Everyone from our ship is dead, cries Ferdinand. So Im the King now. Miranda looks at Ferdinand. Why is my father angry with him? she thinks. Ferdinand looks at Miranda. I want to marry you, he thinks. Theyre in love, thinks Prospero. But when you get something easily, its not important for you. I must make things more difficult for them. Prospero speaks to Ferdinand. You arent a king or a prince! he cries. Youre a spy. You want to take my island from me! Thats not true! cries Ferdinand. Father! Whats the matter with you? cries Miranda. Hes a good man! Be quiet, daughter! Dont speak to him. Hes a spy. Here are chains for you to wear, says Prospero. You cant put me in prison, says Ferdinand, and he takes his sword in his hand. My magic is stronger than your sword, says Prospero. Now you are my prisoner! Im happy to be in prison here, thinks Ferdinand, and he looks at Miranda, because now I can see more of her.

I dont understand, says Miranda to the prince quietly. My father is usually nicer than this. Ariel, come here. I have more work for you, says Prospero. Chapter Four: The King & the Duke King Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian are in a different part of the island. What a green island! says Gonzalo. Very green! laughs Antonio, and he and Sebastian look down at the yellow ground under their feet, and smile. Stop laughing, says Alonso. My son is dead! he cries. We dont know that, says Gonzalo. Perhaps hes here on the island. Ariel comes to them. They cant see him, but they can hear his magic music. When Alonso and Gonzalo go to sleep Antonio says to Sebastian: Now Ferdinand is dead, you can be king when Alonso dies. So shall I kill him for you? Yes! says Sebastian. And lets kill Gonzalo, too. Then he cant talk. Wake up! sings Ariel, and Gonzalo wakes up. He sees Sebastian and Antonio with their swords in their hands. What are you doing? he cries. Wake up, Alonso! Can you hear those strange noises? says Sebastian quickly. There are animals in this island! We must be ready for them! I can hear something! says Gonzalo. Lets all take out our swords. I cant hear any noises, says Alonso. Lets look for Ferdinand. I must find him dead or alive. So Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio walk through the forest, and look for Ferdinand. Soon they feel tired and hungry. Lets kill them tonight, says Antonio. All right, says Sebastian. Some good spirits put nice things to eat on a magic table for them. Come and eat! say the spirits. They sit down at the table hungrily but before they cant start eating, Ariel arrives. Suddenly the food goes from in front of their eyes. Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio take out their swords. You fools! laughs Ariel. My friends and I are spirits. You cannot attack us with swords! Antonio! Alonso! Sebastian! cries Ariel. Do you remember Prospero? When you do bad things, bad things happen to you! Alonso, says Ariel, your son is dead! This pays for your past crimes! When Ariel goes, Alonso cries out. Whats the matter? asks Gonzalo. Ferdinand is dead to pay for my crimes against Prospero! says Alonso. I want to die! Alonso runs away into the forest, and Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio follow him. Chapter Five: Lovers & Fools Ferdinand carries wood into Prosperos cave, and Miranda watches him. Stop working, she says, and sit down for a minute. Ferdinand sits down. Whats your name? he asks.

Miranda, she says. And then she remembers her fathers words, Oh, no! I cant talk to him! Miranda, says Ferdinand, I love you, and I want to marry you. I love you, and I want to marry you, cries Miranda happily. Prospero listens. So true love meets true love, he smiles. My plan is working well. In a different part of the island, Caliban is angry. Here I am carrying wood for Prospero, he says. Me, the true king of this island! Oh no! Its one of the masters spirits, and its coming for me. Im sorry Prospero. Forget my bad words. Please dont attack me. But its only Trinculo, the Kings fool. He looks at Caliban. Whats this? he says. Is it a fish? Go away! cries Caliban from under his raincoat. It begins to rain. Trinculo gets under the raincoat with Caliban. Then Stephano arrives. He is King Alonsos butler, and Trinculos friend. He is drinking wine and singing. Dont attack me, master, says Caliban. Oh! Oh! cries Trinculo. He is afraid too. Attack you? says Stephano. You strange monster with two heads! Of course not! And he gives Caliban some wine. Under the raincoat Trinculo listens carefully. Is that you, Stephano? he asks. Trinculo comes out from under the raincoat. Oh, Im happy to see you! he says to Stephano. And Im happy to see you! says Stephano. Caliban watches them. He is surprised. Come with me! says Caliban. I can show you everything on this island! Trinculo and Stephano follow him. After some time they sit down. Give me more wine! says Caliban. Here you are, you strange fishy monster! says Stephano.

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