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1) Completa le frasi con must / mustn’t e i verbi tra parentesi coniugati al tempo
1. Must I really help (I / really / help) you in the garden? You know I don’t like
doing the gardening…
2. Anna! William! You mustn’t run (run) around in the restaurant!
3. A Why isn’t Julie here? She’s always on time…
B She must have forgotten (forget) about our date. Let’s call her immediately!
4. Dad says this insect must be (be) a spider but I don’t think so. It hasn’t got a
5. You mustn’t eat (eat) junk food! Have some good fruit instead!
6. When you are abroad, you must be (be) careful with prices in order not to
7. A I haven’t seen our neighbours for a while.
B Don’t worry! They must have left (leave) for their summer holidays.
8. Be careful, Lylia! You mustn’t use (use) the iron when the floor is wet!

2) Jamie Oliver è un famoso chef inglese. Leggi la sua ricetta e completa gli spazi
con must / mustn’t, have to / don’t have to.

Jamie Oliver’s Banana Pancakes

3 large free-range or organic eggs
115 g plain flour
1 heaped teaspoon baking powder
140 ml milk
2 knobs of butter
3 tablespoons caster sugar
4 bananas
crème fraîche

First you _____have to_____ separate the eggs. You ___have to___ put the whites
into one bowl and the yolks (tuorli) into another.

Then you ______have to____ combine the plain flour, baking powder and milk with
the egg yolks and mix it well. It _____have to_____ form a smooth, thick batter
(pastella). It ______must____ be smooth!

Then you _____have to_____ whisk (sbattere) the whites with a pinch of salt until
they form stiff peaks.

Fold (aggiungere) the whites into the batter. You _____must_____ be careful! It is
now ready to use.

Heat a non-stick (antiaderente) frying pan over a moderate heat. You ____have to
______ take care not to overheat the pan.
Then you _____have to_____ pour some of your batter into the pan and fry for a
couple of minutes until it starts to look golden and firm. You ____must______ be
careful not to let it burn.

Loosen (stendere) with a spatula and turn or flip the pancake over. You
___mustn’t_______ flip the pancake, you can turn it! Continue frying until it is

Melt the butter and sugar in a separate pan over a very low heat until it forms a
caramel sauce – this should take about 3 minutes. You ______mustn’t____ burn it!

Peel the bananas and cut them lengthwise (nel senso della lunghezza). Add them to
the pan and you _____have to_____ cook them gently until they are golden, turning
them after a few minutes.

Serve the bananas on the pancakes, topped with a good spoonful of crème fraîche.
You ______must____ eat them hot!

If you want them for pudding, serve them with a couple of scoops (cucchiaiate) of
good vanilla ice-cream.
[Adapted from Banana Pancake recipe,

3) Completa le frasi con must o have to e i verbi tra parentesi coniugati al tempo corretto.
1. Even though my brother doesn’t like getting up early, he _____HAVE TO DO_____ (do) it
since he went to High School because he lives quite far away.
2. We have already reported the accident to the police and to the insurance company. We hope
we ___MUSTN’T REPORT___ (not / report) it another time!
3. A Look at the statue! It’s three metres tall and snow has already covered half of it!
B It _______MUST HAVE SNOWED___ (snow) for days non-stop!
4. Look at that sign! You _____MUSTN’T WALK_____ (not / walk) barefoot on the grass!
5. You ____DON’T HAVE TO CHANGE______ (not / change) the money at your bank. Any
bank can do it.
6. Macey doesn’t like ____HAVE TO TIDY______ (tidy) up the house by herself. That’s why
I often help her.
7. The party ____MUST HAVE BEEN______ (be) great fun. Neil got home very late last
8. A I’ve just lost my credit card.
B You ___MUST CALL_____ (call) customer service immediately and block it!
9. My friend Ellie lives near the beach, so she ___HAVE TO USE____ (use) her car to get
10. Last Monday morning my parents ____MUST HAVE WAKEN______ (wake) me up
because I had forgotten to reset the alarm.
11. If Robin ___MUST HAVE DRY____ (dry) the dishes, he would have never done it! He
hates doing the jobs around the house.
12. You ___MUST TASTE___ (taste) their Mexican chili! I’m sure you’ll like it.
Esercizio 4

4) Scegli per ogni frase uno degli usi di should / shouldn’t elencati.

probabilità nel passato / disapprovazione nel passato / improbabilità nel passato / eventualità
nel presente / aspettativa disattesa nel passato / consiglio non vincolante nel presente / obbligo
morale interno nel presente / probabilità nel presente

1. You should read the newspaper every day. ____PROBABILITà NEL PRESENTE______
2. I’m often late. I should get up a bit earlier. __OBBLIGO MORALE INTERNO NEL
3. We should have arrived at noon, but due to a traffic jam we arrived at 3 p.m.!
4. I explained to them how to get there. They shouldn’t have had any problems finding the
5. Paul went to the supermarket two hours ago. He should have finished his shopping now!
6. The bills usually arrive at the end of the month. So they should arrive next week.
7. You shouldn’t have said that the roast beef was a bit overcooked!
8. In case you should go to L.A., go to Malibu beach! __CONSIGLIO NON VINCOLANTE

Esercizio 5

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