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Faculty of economics and management

Human Resources Management Course

Indiscipline of workers in the work environment

Medina de Oliveira Francisco: Code: 81232078

Nampula, May 2023


Faculty of economics and management

Human Resources Management Course

Indiscipline of workers in the work environment

Individual Scientific Research Work to be submitted to

the Coordination of the Course of Degree in Human
Resources Management from UnISCED, Module:
English, accompanied by:

Tutora: Flora Simão Chihururu Tereso

Medina de Oliveira Francisco: Code: 81232078

Nampula, May 2023


1.2. General: .....................................................................................................................4

1.2.1.specific ...............................................................................................................................4

2. Indiscipline ...................................................................................................................5

2.1. Acts of indiscipline ....................................................................................................5

Constant missed deadlines .............................................................................................6

Instructions not obeyed .................................................................................................6

Treat colleagues badly ...................................................................................................6

Attendance problems .....................................................................................................6

Refuse to carry out activities .........................................................................................7

2.2. Causes of indiscipline in the workplace .....................................................................7

Family ..........................................................................................................................7

Social level ...................................................................................................................7

3. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................9

4. Bibliographic references ............................................................................................. 10

1. Introduction

The present individual work of scientific investigation will tell us about the indiscipline of
workers in the work environment, what are the causes of this indiscipline, with this we have
as objectives.

 Bring detailed information about the cause of indiscipline in the work environment
1.2.1. specific
 Conceptualizing indiscipline;
 Identify the causes of workers' indiscipline in the work environment;
 Characterize these causes.

For this purpose, the methodology that was used was bibliographical, which consisted of
searching for information to enrich the content of the work, and the work presents the following
structure: cover, title page, index, introduction, development, conclusion and references.

2. Indiscipline
Indiscipline is a very bad act because it is the opposite of discipline and when the person
commits it makes the person who is being victim of this indiscipline feel very hurt and angry,
this does not fail in the work environment because we are giving him a team and in a team there
are people and in turn these people have different cultures and different social lives.
In the view of Maurício Godinho Delgado (2015, p. 1102):
Indiscipline is the non-compliance with rules, guidelines or general orders of the employer or its
proposals and superiors, impersonally addressed to the members of the company. [...]
Insubordination is the non-compliance with specific orders received by the employee or
delimited group of employees.
An undisciplined worker rebels against his subordinate, does not accept, nor submit, nor
accommodate, causing disrespect and questioning within the work environment, it is the inability
to adjust to the norms and standards set out in labor law, such as quotes Aquino on indiscipline
in classrooms: Teaching would have as one of its central obstacles the disorderly behavior of
students, translated in terms such as: mess, turmoil, lack of limits, bad behavior, disrespect to
authority figures, etc. (Aquino, 1996, p. 40).
Still, there is Vasconcellos (1995 quoted by Rodrigues et. al. 2012) who leads us to reflect on the
students' indisciplinary actions: media outside the school environment generally more attractive
than the school; the family that does not fulfill the role of educating for limits; the school that
does not support the teacher pedagogically and the influence of the disorganization of society.
(VASCONCELLOS, 1995 apud Rodrigues, et. al.2012 p.03).
However, we can say that families have a great role in educating people to know how to face the
world of force and the realities that it can face, nowadays the indiscipline of workers starts from
school and they take their training to work although this is not the whole cause of this

2.1.Acts of indiscipline

There are several acts of indiscipline depending on the environment in which we are giving it, in
this case the environment we are giving it is the work environment, and we can mention:

 Constant missed deadlines

It is common for insubordinate employees to end up missing deadlines for projects or activities,
usually offering a series of excuses or even blaming colleagues or the company's structure for the
constant delays.

By not taking responsibility for their actions, it is possible to notice that the employee is not
motivated and does not want to progress in the company.

 Instructions not obeyed

The insubordinate employee also tends to defy his manager by refusing to obey instructions
given to perform a task.

This is extremely dangerous for a high-performance team, as it is contagious behavior. So, it is

necessary to remedy this problem as soon as possible.

 Treat colleagues badly

This is one of the characteristics that most affect the team, whether it is the lack of respect
directed at a superior or colleagues at the same hierarchical level.

This behavior can show up when talking behind their backs, disrupting meetings, and even
spreading false rumors.

It is a very complex situation in the corporate environment that can affect everyone around you.

 Attendance problems

Whether due to constant delays or time off announced at the last minute, an employee who does
not appreciate the rules does not care about the consequences of his absence.

To monitor this type of behavior, it is important to have a modern workday control system!

 Refuse to carry out activities

Whether explicitly or simply not doing it, the employee can challenge the authority of their
leader several times, compromising the organizational climate.

It is important to keep in mind that the employee can, yes, refuse to perform unethical tasks and
not related to his position. Despite this, it is important to clarify the situation with the manager
himself or even with the administration.

2.2.Causes of indiscipline in the workplace

We can find several causes but I will touch on some that I think are essential: the family and the
social level.

 Family

The family is the basis of social coexistence, it is through it that the child takes his first steps
towards relationships with other people. It is what shapes your personality and your cognitive

The family constitutes a group, whose structure is related to the organization of

the individual's personality, it is the first grouping and the one that is closest to
the personality unit and in terms of the individual's growth. Good parents build a
home and stick together, thus providing a basic caring relationship for the child
and thus maintaining a context in which each child gradually finds himself (his
self) and the world, and an operative relationship between them. It's the world.
(JARDIM, 2006, p. 22).

With strict parents in teaching and educating their children, the probability of having
undisciplined children is much lower, and when they get lost the parents return them along the
way, while when we have undisciplined parents the children automatically start to have
indiscipline, insubordination because it already comes from a lineage with the same routine.

 Social level

Because indiscipline is the result of contexts, the causal and interpretative multiplicity changes in
space and time (Parrat-Dayan, 2008), associated with the point of view of the observer and
interpreter. As a circulating object and of relationships between school actors, it produces
attitudes, images and knowledge (Moscovici, 2012) that circulate between the subjective,
intersubjective and transsubjective spheres (Jodelet, 2009). Therefore, indiscipline is noticeable
in social manifestations, exposed and multiplied in the media (Parrat-Dayan, 2008). Going
beyond the boundaries of the school, it reaches social instances, among which are the internet
and the social networks associated with it.

The type of life you lead will dictate how you can behave in all environments, the level of life
has people very stressed due to the social level of life this interferes with their working life
making them incompetent, and do things more slowly, start drinking to release some brain
charge without knowing that you are decreasing your ability to work more efficiently and faster
so people screw up your skills.

In my opinion these are the main causes so within them we have: drunkenness, distance, drugs,
traditions, religion, etc.

3. Conclusion

Indiscipline is not good for anyone, but for the undisciplined it is a good thing because it is part
of their day-to-day life, so we must design sanction strategies for all workers who directly or
indirectly create indiscipline so that they can serve as an example, as the indiscipline of one can
create indisciplinary freedom of the other causing the company to go downhill due to this
process we must be more attentive and rigorous in the attitudes of our employees.

4. Bibliographic references

Aquino, J. G. (Org.). Indisciplina na escola: alternativas teóricas e práticas. São Paulo:

Summus, 1996.
Delgado, Maurício Godinho. Curso de Direito do Trabalho. 14. ed. São Paulo: LTr, 2015.

Jardim, Idelina. Pesquisa: cresce a taxa de divórcios no Brasil. Jornal do Brasil. Publicado
em: 04 dez. 2008. Disponível em:
Acess in: 7 of May in 2023

Jodelet, D. (2009). O movimento de retorno ao sujeito e a abordagem das representações

sociais. Sociedade e Estado, 24(3), 679-712.

Moscovici, S. (2012). A psicanálise, sua imagem e seu público. Petrópolis: Vozes.

Rodrigues I. A. A. et al. O papel do professor na gestão da indisciplina em sala de aula no

universo da adolescência. VII CONNEPI - Congresso- Norte Nordeste de Pesquisa e Inovação
Palmas - Tocantins: 2012.
Parrat-Dayan, S. (2008). Como enfrentar a indisciplina na escola. São Paulo: Contexto.
Vasconcellos, C.S. Disciplina: Construção da Disciplina Consciente e Interativa em Sala de
Aula e na Escola. São Paulo. Libertad. Caderno Pedagógico do libertad. V.4.19.


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