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Hello hello hello everyone!

I would like to share my feedback for our October 2017 Part 1 Exam. I hope you find it useful and wish you all the
The exam is 3 hours long and made up to 150 Single Best Answer (It includes some photos/x-rays). You get a
question paper and answer sheet. They provide the stationary for you.
Note: The 3 hours does Not include transfer time, so in order to save time you could mark your answers straight
onto the answer sheet rather than the question paper. Doing this allows you time to revise your answers at the

 I prepared for the exam in 1 and ½ months (don’t do this, v. stressful!) I recommend 2-3 months
 The best way to study is to do the advice sheets after Oxford to make sure that the last thing you read is
the most updated guideline.

Main materials:
 Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry (“pink book”) the latest edition can be found on the facebook
group: MJDF Part 1 Study Group. Link:
Otherwise let me know and I’ll be happy to e-mail you a copy
 Advice sheets: BDA sheets, Scottish guidelines, RCS guidelines.
Make sure you have the latest guideline!
We got quite a large percentage of questions on Ethics so although it’s boring read it thoroughly.
Other important sheets: Data protection, Infection control, Radiation protection, Consent, Waste
 Masters Volume 1 and 2: I personally didn’t do these as I didn’t have enough time; you could do them
but once again, do them after you have gone through Oxford first.
 MCQs: John Nabeel MCQs, the Ultimate MJDF (can be found on the same facebook group mentioned
above) these two are very important. Some people mentioned the Past test book but I haven’t done it.

These are a few feedback questions I’ve gathered from our October 2017 part 1 exam.

1. Canine eruption time?

2. Lady of 45 yrs complains of tiredness and no apparent gastric cause. She has dark stools.
Investigation. Diagnosis?
3. Splinting time of root fracture?
4. Sensitivity formula
5. Various study designs
6. Palatally displaced lateral, in mixed dentition in a 9 year old. Best treatment
7. Pointed canine and diastema mesial to lateral incisor. Treatment
8. Abudment factor not suitable for rbb
9. Ceph indication
10. Patient did extraction and returns two days later with pain and swelling. Treatment ( X-ray
and irrigation was not an option)
11. A few questions on mental capacity and hillock competence
12. And disadvantage of using calcium carbonate as denture cleaning agent
13. A disabled elderly man being abused verbally by a carer at your practice. Who to report to
14. An attendee ushered out of practice during procedure for interrupting. She lodges
complaint. What do you do?
15. Dental nurse was at a party the day before and took some form of drugs she is not
well/sober in the practice. She recently lost her mother to cancer. What do you do?

When you pass (you are capable  ) don’t forget to share your own feedback for those who haven’t
taken the exam yet, remember you were once in their shoes.
Best wishes!

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