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Vittoria, mio core! *8 Victorious my heart is! English version by Cantata Giacomo Carissimi H. Millard (1008-1074) Allegro con brio J: 108 Voice Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-rfa! Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria, mio Vic - to-rious, Vie - to-rious, Vie - to-rious, Vie - to-rious my Piano ? ? ~e fn la = gri-mar pit, Non la And tears are in vain, And tears lo te B sciol-ta dA -mo-re La vil ser - vi- tii; For love now has bro-ken its shack-les in twain, & — re to - rfa, mio Non la - gri-mar pia, B to- rious my is! And tears are in vain, For F F P F ass7a Copyright, 1880, by G Schirmer, Ino. P o vil ser - vi- ti, in twain, @A - mo-re_ La_ bro-ken its_ shack-les sciol-ta. love now has For - ta @A - mo-re now has bro- ken meno mosso e dolce assai Gia Vem-piaa’ tuoi dan- ni, Fra stuo-lo di The false one is van-quishi, her glanc-es _pimeno mosso € dolce assai giar-di long- er - gan - fuse Di - spo - se_ gl with arts can con - F “se seiol love vi - tu. in twain. La ser - its: shack - les sguar-di, Con a-muse me, De - a Le fro - de, gliaf - fan-ni Non No. false-hood or sor-row op - 25 co, Del erm -do suo fo-co E spen-to_ Var - ‘The flame, once so cru-el, has spent all_ its han- no pid press me with or, Fr Tempo I° = ret Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria! Vit to-ria! Vit - to-ria, mio vig - = ort Vic - to-rious! Vie - to-rious! Vie - to-rious! Vie - to- rious my 7 rel Non la - eri Non la = gri-mar is! And tears are inv: And tears are in ai. if P sciol-ta @A-mo-re La vil ser - vi - th, BE sciol love now has bro- ken its shack-les in twain, For love F sis tf ta @A-mo-re La ser - vi - tit now has bro-ken its shack-les in twain! a gals v meno mosso e dolce assai * Dal - ci ri-den-%i Non e- sce pin stra-le, Che Her smile once en-tranc-ing no darts is re - veal-ing, The Pp meno mosso ¢ dotce assai pia - ga mor-ta-le Nel pet-to_ mav - ven - Nel duol, ne’ tor - wounds in my bo-som with time are_ all_ heal - - ing; All sor-row and lo pik non mi sfac — - cio E rot-too-gni lac-eio, Spa- no long-er Im fear - ~ ing, Now bro-Keneach tie is, all rr * 1573 St a Tempo I° - re! Vit - to-ria! = ing! mo - pear - ri- toil ti - fears dis- ap - tf SS gv. Non 1a, And tears - rot ist to-ria, mio co - to-riows my - gri-mar heart are in = rf f seiol-ta d’A-mo-re La vil love now has bro-ken its shack-les pil, vain, For ser - v = Sf, sis73 + to-rh Vie - to-rious, Vie - to-rious, = ti, E in twain, - ta d@A-mo-re La now has bro-ken its shack-les = of fect canto lg 27 Vit - to- ria! vit - Vie - to-rious, Vie - Non la - gri-mar And tears are in pit, vain, * r seiol - For love - vi- tit in ser

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