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The Last Four

The last four years have been one to remember. Everyone says high school will be the

best four years of your life, and I do agree, just not in the way they make it sound. Everyone

who has graduated mentioned to me that you will have the most fun and make the most

memories. I think high school was the best time due to a completely different reason. That

reasoning being how much I have matured during this short period of time. These last four

years I've gained and lost friends, family issues have been a problem, COVID-19, and all the

school issues along with it. I did struggle, yet I got through it. All of the problems pushed me to

be a better person and the person I am today. I'm forever grateful for that. I've learned so much

from high school other than basic curriculum from a book. I’ve learned how to be a better man,

a better citizen, and a better person in general. With all the useful skills I've learned from

countless teachers, parents, and coaches I can say that I'm more set for the real world thanks to

them. They have all given me advice on how to live a better life and to be a better person. Yet, I

feel like this paper would be incomplete without mentioning a certain person, Mr.

Scharboneau. He is one of the main reasons I'm the way I am today. No matter how he was

feeling, or what day it was, he was always someone I could go to. When I didn’t feel

comfortable talking about my personal life with someone close to me, I’d go to him, and he’d

always listen. He taught me how to truly be myself, and to always be myself no matter what

everyone else in the room thought. He helped me learn more about myself and set me up for

the best way possible for the real world. I will forever be thankful for him.

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