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Horja Literature review

Literature often plays the role of a mirror for society, reflecting the human condition. “When the

World as we Knew it Ended” is a heartfelt poem by Joy Harjo. It describes the events of the

attack on the Twin Towers, and the effect it had on the general psyche of ordinary Americans.

Harjo herself is no stranger to American literature. As the first Native-American poet to be

chosen as Poet Laureate in the USA. Aside from her difficult upbringing, Joy Harjo rallied

against high odds to get an education and surround herself with an artistic community to nurture

her talent (Paskus). The 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers was a major watershed of American

history, whose carnage she compares to the trauma of her people-the Native Americans. 9/11

provided a rare insight to a shared tragedy for all Americans, something that the Native-

American people know all too well in their history. The poem gives the perspective of a minority

to the societal aftermath of 9/11

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Words Cited

Foust, Rebecca. “Poetry Sunday: ‘When the World as We Knew It Ended," by Joy Harjo:

Women's Voices for Change.” Women's Voices For Change | Redefining Life After 40,

Women's Voices For Change, 10 Sept. 2017,


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