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Erik Berntorp   1,2 ✉, Kathelijn Fischer   3, Daniel P. Hart4,5, Maria Elisa Mancuso6,
David Stephensen   4,7, Amy D. Shapiro8 and Victor Blanchette9,10
Abstract | Haemophilia A and B are rare congenital, recessive X-linked disorders caused
by lack or deficiency of clotting factor VIII (FVIII) or IX (FIX), respectively. The severity of the
disease depends on the reduction of levels of FVIII or FIX, which are determined by the type of
the causative mutation in the genes encoding the factors (F8 and F9, respectively). The hallmark
clinical characteristic, especially in untreated severe forms, is bleeding (spontaneous or after
trauma) into major joints such as ankles, knees and elbows, which can result in the development
of arthropathy. Intracranial bleeds and bleeds into internal organs may be life-threatening.
The median life expectancy was ~30 years until the 1960s, but improved understanding
of the disorder and development of efficacious therapy based on prophylactic replacement of
the missing factor has caused a paradigm shift, and today individuals with haemophilia can
look forward to a virtually normal life expectancy and quality of life. Nevertheless, the potential
development of inhibitory antibodies to infused factor is still a major hurdle to overcome in
a substantial proportion of patients. Finally, gene therapy for both types of haemophilia has
progressed remarkably and could soon become a reality.

Haemophilia A and haemophilia B are congenital serious bleeding may occur in connection with injuries
disorders caused by deficiency or absence of either of and surgery. Treatment of haemophilia has improved
two coagulation proteins, factor VIII (FVIII) for hae- substantially during recent decades, owing to the avail-
mophilia A (encoded by F8) and factor IX (FIX) for ability of efficacious and safe clotting factor concentrates
haemophilia B (encoded by F9). Deficiency of coagu- that can be given as long-term prophylaxis from early
lation factor XI (FXI) has been defined as haemophilia childhood in the more severe cases. Before the era of safe
C in the past; however, currently only haemophilia A blood products, blood-transmitted disorders such as
and B are defined as haemophilia, and all other clot- hepatitis C virus and HIV infections affected large pro-
ting factor deficiencies are referred to as rare bleeding portions of people with haemophilia who were treated
disorders. Degree of severity is determined by the type with commercially available pooled plasma-derived
of causative mutation. Both haemophilia A and hae- clotting factor concentrates4. The advent of compre-
mophilia B are X-linked recessive disorders and affect hensive care centres in the 1970s and home infusion of
almost exclusively men and boys1. Women are usu- replacement factor considerably improved outcomes.
ally heterozygous carriers of one mutated gene and However, in low-resource settings progress is slow, and
may present with reduced FVIII or FIX levels, usually globally the majority of people with haemophilia still do
associated with mild symptoms. The classification of not have access to appropriate treatment5. Development
the severity of haemophilia is based on the amount of inhibitory antibodies to FVIII or FIX as a result of
of residual FVIII or FIX activity: severe (<1 international factor replacement therapy still constitutes a major
unit (IU)/dl), moderate (1–5 IU/dl) or mild (6 IU/dl to threat to the health of people with haemophilia6. New
<40 IU/dl)2,3. Haemophilia A and B have similar symp- improved therapies are entering the market and hold
toms and are both characterized by bleeding, especially promise for the near future. These treatments include
into large joints such as elbows, knees and ankles (the FVIII and FIX concentrates that are modified to have
index joints); such joint bleeding eventually causes pain- improved pharmacokinetics with longer half-life, and
ful and disabling haemophilic arthropathy. However, non-factor-based haemostatic agents7,8. Gene therapy is
rare, life-threatening bleeds (for example, intracranial now a reality, on the basis of very promising results from
bleeds and bleeds in other internal organs) may occur, several clinical trials9,10. In this Primer, we describe state
✉e-mail: erik.berntorp@ regardless of the severity of the disease, but especially in of the art basic and clinical knowledge of the disorder the severe forms4. In severe haemophilia, spontaneous and the recent breakthroughs in treatment options. The bleeds are common, whereas persons with moderate or dream of a ‘healthy’ person living with haemophilia
s41572-021-00278-x mild haemophilia have a milder phenotype, although seems to be close.

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Author addresses of 0.6 per 100,000 males for haemophilia A overall, and
0.19 per 100,000 males for severe haemophilia A16. For
Department of Translational Medicine, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden. haemophilia B, the UK reported 38 new cases (11 severe,
Skane University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden. 8 moderate and 19 mild disease), resulting in an inci-
Van Creveldkliniek, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. dence of 0.19 per 100,000 males for haemophilia B overall
The Royal London Hospital Haemophilia Centre, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK.
and 0.034 per 100,000 males for severe haemophilia B.
Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine
and Dentistry, QMUL, London, UK. The prevalence of haemophilia A is commonly
Center for Thrombosis and Hemorrhagic Diseases, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, reported as 1 in 5,000 in the male population and 1 in
Rozzano, Milan, Italy. 10,000 overall. However, more precise estimates clearly
Kent Haemophilia & Thrombosis Centre, Canterbury, UK. show the effects of access to diagnosis, registration and
Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, USA. treatment. In a report on 106 countries, the prevalence of
Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. haemophilia A was estimated at 12.8 per 100,000 males in
Division of Haematology/Oncology, Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, high-income countries but only 6.6 per 100,000 males
Toronto, Canada. in low-income countries13. The effects of improved reg-
istration, and potentially treatment, are clearly visible in
Epidemiology the UK data: the prevalence of haemophilia A increased
Haemophilia prevalence is determined by life expec- from 9.3 per 100,000 males at the start of the national
tancy and access to treatment11,12, and accurate data on registry in 1974 to 21.6 per 100,000 males in 2006 (ref.13).
the epidemiology are difficult to obtain. Haemophilia Owing to a reduced life expectancy in patients with no
affects all ethnic groups equally, with haemophilia A or limited access to treatment, younger patients are
occurring more commonly than haemophilia B13. Data over-represented in many low-income countries11,12.
on incidence and prevalence rely on adequate diagno- The prevalence of haemophilia B is commonly
sis and registration, as well as on access to treatment. reported as one in 30,000 males. Again, more precise
In parti­cular, access to treatment and treatment inten- estimates are affected by access to treatment and reg-
sity are determinants of life expectancy11,14. A recent istration. A review of data from 105 countries reported
report from the Netherlands, a country using intensive a prevalence of 2.7 per 100,000 males in high-income
treatment, showed that persons with haemophilia had a countries and 1.2 per 100,000 males in low-income coun-
6-year reduction in overall life expectancy11,14. tries. Strikingly, three countries (Ireland, Macedonia and
The proportions of individuals with severe, moderate Hungary) showed a significantly increased prevalence of
or mild disease, as well as the incidence and prevalence haemophilia B, probably secondary to a founder effect18.
of haemophilia, are most accurately established in data Data on the prevalence of women carriers of one
from countries with national registries13. Ideally, all mutated copy of F8 or F9 who classify as having hae-
patients with this rare condition should be included in mophilia (that is, with clotting factor activities of
a national registry. This will enable better planning and <40 IU/dl) are scarce. Although some national registries
evaluation of care15. The most reliable estimates come have started to collect these data, these women are at risk
from the UK, with a prevalence of 12.8 per 100,000 males of underdiagnosis and undertreatment, as illustrated by
for haemophilia A and 2.7 per 100,000 males for hae- a Dutch study reporting that the median age at the time
mophilia B16. For haemophilia A, approximately 40% of testing was 30 years and that 31% of women with a
of patients have severe disease, approximately 10% positive family history of haemophilia were unaware
moderate disease and the remaining approximately of their carrier status at the time of delivering a child
50% of individuals have mild haemophilia16. For hae- with haemophilia19. The most recent UKHCDO report17
mophilia B, this distribution is less established. In the included 714 (10.5%) women with FVIII <40% and only
2018 annual report from the European Haemophilia 35 (2.3%) women with FIX <40%.
Safety Surveillance (EUHASS) registry, the proportion
of severe haemophilia A was 7,214 of 17,815 individu- Mechanisms/pathophysiology
als (40.5%; 95% CI 39.8–41.2%), and for haemophilia B The lay understanding of haemophilia is of an exces-
1,229 of 3,815 (32.2%; 95% CI 25.0–54.5%)17. The most sive bleed risk, either in response to trauma, however
recent report from the United Kingdom Haemophilia minor, or spontaneously, most notably into joints,
Centre Doctors’ Organisation (UKHCDO)17 reports muscles or intracranially. Anecdotal experience of now
slightly different distributions for both 6,819 patients elderly persons with haemophilia who underwent dental
with haemophilia A (30.2% severe disease, 11.9% mod- extractions in their childhood encapsulates the patho-
erate and 57.0% mild) and 1,836 patients with haemo- physiology underlying this bleed risk. In the absence of
philia B (24.0% severe disease, 22.7% moderate and treatment, a large, friable clot would form in the dental
53.0% mild). The UK data for haemophilia B are affected socket but repeatedly fail to stop bleeding over a period
by a founder effect in Ireland, leading to an increased of days or weeks, necessitating prolonged hospital stays.
proportion of patients with moderate disease16. The discovery that haemophilia A and B are the result
The best estimate for the incidence of haemophilia of deficiencies of separate clotting factors, FVIII or FIX,
is provided by the long-standing Haemophilia Registry respectively, dates to 1952 (ref.20). FVIII and FIX contrib-
established in the UK in 1974. In 2015, the UK reported ute to a complex cascade of clotting proteins culminating
193 new cases of haemophilia A in a male population in the formation of a robust fibrin clot at the specific
of 32 million (including 61 patients with severe and site of bleeding (Fig. 1). Haemostasis is initiated upon
17 with moderate haemophilia), resulting in an incidence a breach of the endothelium of blood vessels, enabling

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a Breach of the b c
endothelial surface
Endothelial cell





FX Fibrinogen FX Fibrinogen FX Fibrinogen
Thrombin Thrombin
Prothrombin Prothrombin Prothrombin thrombin
Blood vessel Fibrin Fibrin Fibrin

Initiation Amplification Haemophilia A Haemophilia B

Fig. 1 | Initiation and amplification of the clotting cascade. a | Blood vessel injury after trauma or surgery enables tissue
factor (TF) contact with circulating activated factor VII (FVIIa), generating early thrombin production. b | Thrombin recruits
additional enzymatic complexes to amplify the thrombin burst to ultimately enhance clot strength. c | Deficiency of
factor VIII (FVIII) or factor IX (FIX) in haemophilia A or B, respectively, results in underproduction of thrombin in the clotting
cascade. This inadequate thrombin burst compromises the ability to form a robust fibrin clot at the point of need, resulting
in a bleeding tendency21,27,45. FVa, activated factor V; FIXa, activated factor IX; FXa, activated factor X.

tissue factor (TF) to contact and activate FVII. Activated Both haemophilia A and B arise as de novo mutations
FVII (FVIIa) initiates a limited cascade, independently in approximately 30–50% of cases4, despite assumptions
of FVIII and FIX, producing modest amounts of throm- that there must be a family history, as exemplified by the
bin (Fig. 1a). Thrombin is a crucial component of this many generations of individuals affected by haemophilia
early clotting process, which includes activating platelets in European royal families23,24. Thus, a negative family
to aggregate and plug the collagen-exposed subendothe- history is insufficient to exclude haemophilia when
lial surface, facilitated by von Willebrand factor (vWF), clinical presentation is suggestive of an excessive bleed
slowing the flow of blood (primary haemostasis) and tendency. Additionally, it is now recognized that a sub-
also converting small amounts of platelet-bound fibrin- stantial subgroup of women and girls carrying a defective
ogen into fibrin. The phospholipid membranes of these F8 gene have reduced FVIII activity (FVIII:C) levels as
adherent platelets are the surface on which the subse- a result of skewed, random X chromosome inactivation
quent cascade of clotting factors, including FVIII and (referred to as lyonization)25. These girls and women are
FIX, is anchored, facilitating amplification and subse- now diagnosed as having haemophilia, with FVIII levels
quent propagation of thrombin production to effect a comparable to those of men with non-severe haemo-
‘thrombin burst’21 (Fig. 1b). During this ‘secondary hae- philia A26, and are at additional risk of more severe symp-
mostasis’, increased amounts of fibrinogen are converted toms as a result of gynaecological issues, for example,
into fibrin to stabilize the forming thrombus. excessive menstrual bleeding. Homozygosity, compound
FVIII and FIX become activated in this amplifica- heterozygosity or XO karyotype (known as Turner syn-
tion step, forming a complex to activate FX (Fig. 1b). drome, in which one of the X chromosomes is missing or
Deficiency of either FVIII or FIX results in compromised partially missing) with a defective F8 or F9 gene (or both)
FX activation, resultant suboptimal thrombin generation are rare scenarios of potentially severe haemophilia in
and consequent inadequacy of early clot strength. Thus, a woman or girl.
the pathophysiological bleed risk of haemophilia is a The F8 mutations giving rise to haemophilia A are
result of inadequate thrombin generation (Fig. 1c) due to numerous but largely categorized, from most to least
upstream clotting factor deficiency21. disruptive, as large deletions, nonsense mutations, inver-
sion of intron 22 or intron 1 and missense mutations27.
Haemophilia A Inversion of intron 22 is the most common causative
F8. The FVIII-coding gene (F8) consists of 26 exons. defect for severe haemophilia A, arising in approxi-
Positioned at the distal end of the X chromosome long mately 40% of cases28. Inversion events are thought
arm (Xq28), it encodes the mature 2,332 amino acid to happen most commonly during male meiosis. The
FVIII protein22. Defective F8 results in haemophilia A, size-imbalanced, pseudo-autosomal XY pairing per-
an X-linked recessive inherited bleeding disorder. mits movement at the tip of the long arm of the longer

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X chromosome back on itself, with consequent inverted, Upon thrombin activation, FVIII undergoes pro-
non-functional, intrachromosomal homologous recom- teolytic cleavage at positions pArg372, pArg740 and
bination. For a boy living with severe haemophilia A due pArg1689 (ref.41). Cleavage at pArg372 and pArg1689
to inversion of intron 22 without a family history of the positions is essential for full FVIII activation (FVIIIa).
disease, this inversion event might have occurred gen- Cleavage exposes a functional site within the A2 domain
erations earlier in the spermatogenesis of his maternal that is required for interaction with FIXa, which is hid-
grandfather. Point mutation, missense F8 genotypes are den in the inactive form of FVIII; FVIIIa uncouples
responsible for the majority of cases of non-severe hae- from vWF, with a subsequent conformational change
mophilia A; F8 variants are available at the European further enhancing its activity42. FVIIIa then binds to
Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders the negatively charged phospholipids on the surface
(EAHAD) variant database. of the platelet plug via its light chain C1-C2 domains43.
Individuals with haemophilia A are treated with The presence of early fibrin production enhances this
replacement factor therapy, consisting of intravenous binding44. Platelet-bound FVIIIa provides the anchor
therapeutic FVIII (tFVIII, see Management section), for an enzymatic complex (the tenase complex) consist-
either as prophylaxis or episodically to treat bleed- ing of FIXa (the enzyme) and factor X (the substrate).
ing events, trauma or surgical procedures. Of note, an The resultant activated factor X (FXa) then joins an
immune response against tFVIII can seriously com- analogous enzymatic complex (the prothrombinase
plicate replacement factor treatment. tFVIII-derived complex) with a FVa anchor, binding FII (also known
peptides are presented via class II MHC proteins on the as prothrombin, the substrate) to produce thrombin45,46.
surface of antigen-presenting cells, priming a helper T Both FIX and FX also have phospholipid-binding capa-
(TH) cell population, which in turn drives an oligoclonal bility via calcium-dependent γ-carboxyglutamate (Gla)
expansion of responsive, antibody-producing B cells. domains47. With increased phospholipid binding avidity,
The resultant anti-tFVIII allo-antibodies recognize the the bound FVIIIa optimizes the co-localization of FIXa
infused tFVIII as a foreign antigen and, by binding and FX, amplifying the activation of FX up to 106-fold48.
to tFVIII, inhibit the function of the infused factor; Thus, partial or total deficiency of FVIIIa, or indeed
thus, these antibodies are known as inhibitors 29,30 FIXa, is the basis of an inadequate thrombin burst in
(see Management section). It is not known why only a haemophilia A and B, respectively. The greater the defi-
proportion of individuals experience a clinically relevant ciency, as determined by how disruptive the F8 muta-
inhibitory response. The F8 genotypic defect is a major tion is, the greater the likelihood of spontaneous bleeds,
contributor to the risk of developing an inhibitor, in the in addition to the inevitable excessive bleeding due to
context of tFVIII exposure intensity and background of minor trauma or surgery in the absence of therapeutic
other genetic polymorphisms of MHC and immuno- replacement with exogenous clotting factor concentrate
modulatory pathways (for example, single nucleotide (tFVIII). The ability of a plasma sample to generate
polymorphisms in TNF or CTLA4)31–34. It is not known thrombin (and thereby convert fibrinogen into fibrin)
how each immune response polymorphism individ- or FXa in vitro underpins routine diagnostic and factor
ually contributes to the risk of developing anti-tFVIII replacement surveillance clotting assays (see Laboratory
antibodies; instead these polymorphisms are additional, tests section below).
potential biomarkers of risk. Inhibitor risk in people car-
rying the more disruptive F8 genotypes causing severe Haemophilia B
haemophilia A is up to 40%, occurring predominantly F9. Cloning of F9 in 1982 (ref.49) facilitated the muta-
during the first 50 days of tFVIII exposure and usually tional description of haemophilia B and highlighted
early in life30. However, people with non-severe haemo- the importance of genetic counselling. Haemophilia B
philia A caused by a single point mutation may still have is genetically heterogeneous, with a predominance of
lifetime inhibitor risk in excess of 10%, and, for some missense mutations, without a common inversion event
patients (for example, those with the W2229C mutation), analogous to the inversion of intron 22 in F8, in the
close to that associated with severe haemophilia A35. absence of any additional homologous sequences with
which F9 could recombine. F9 variants are available
FVIII. FVIII is a large, heterodimeric plasma pro- at the EAHAD variant database. Protein-truncating
tein, consisting of heavy (A1-A2 domains) and light mutations (deletions and nonsense mutations) are less
(A3-C1-C2 domains) chains. It has species-specific and common than in F8, explaining, in part, the different
tissue-specific glycosylation and sulfation patterns36,37, incidence of inhibitor occurrence: <10% incidence in
the relevance of which continue to be explored in haemophilia B in the first 75 exposures to tFIX com-
human and non-human recombinant cell lineages used pared with >30% risk in haemophilia A50. Inhibitors in
in concentrate manufacture. The in vivo cell lineage non-severe haemophilia B are almost non-existent; this
that produces and releases functional FVIII protein has phenomenon is poorly studied in haemophilia B, owing
recently been identified to be endothelial cells rather to the rarity of the disease and consequent lack of large
than hepatocytes38–40. FVIII circulates in an inactive form cohort genetic studies analogous to those performed in
bound to the D′D3 domain of the chaperone protein haemophilia A35.
vWF and as such is confined to the intravascular com- Haemophilia B Leyden is a subgroup of haemophilia B
partment. vWF itself is also a large, multi-domain clot- that is characterized by low levels of FIX in the early
ting plasma protein that is pivotal to platelet adhesion years of life, which then rise and potentially normal-
and localization of primary haemostasis. ize into adulthood. This subgroup is attributable to

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• IL-1β • TNF
Cortical bone • IL-6 • IFNγ
Trabecular bone • IL-8 • MCP1
Fibrous Chondrocyte degradation
layer • H2O2
capsule Synovial Apoptotic
• Collagen Blood
membrane chondrocyte vessel
• Enzymes
Joint cavity • Proteoglycans
synovial fluid)
Articular cartilage

Subchondral plate

Fig. 2 | Pathophysiology of haemophilic arthropathy. Articular cartilage consists of chondrocytes embedded in an

extracellular matrix. Chondrocytes produce collagen, proteoglycans and enzymes that are responsible for cartilage
metabolism and health64. The synovial membrane lines the inner surface of capsules of synovial joints and is normally
composed of two to three cell layers with small blood vessels that provide nutrients to the synovium and joint, including
the articular cartilage64. H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; IFNγ, interferon-γ; MCP1, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1;
ROS, reactive oxygen species; TNF, tumour necrosis factor. Adapted from ref.227, Springer Nature Limited.

promoter mutations that compromise transcription in Pathophysiology of haemophilic arthropathy

the pre-pubertal period but are overcome by an andro- The pathophysiology of haemophilic arthropathy is
gen response element in the promoter that is responsive multifactorial and seems to be induced directly by the
to the androgen burst of puberty51,52. interaction of blood with articular cartilage and indirectly
Finally, a gain-of-function FIX variant identified as by inflammation60–62. It is well established that recurrent
a cause of a rare X-linked thrombophilia (an excessive bleeding into synovial joints leads to severe joint destruc-
clotting risk), the Padua variant (R338L), has since been tion, partly resembling the degenerative articular carti-
used successfully to optimize haemophilia B gene ther- lage damage seen in osteoarthritis, as well as the synovial
apy strategies53. The hyperactivity of this variant depends and inflammatory processes of rheumatoid arthritis60,63–65.
on enhanced interaction with the FVIIIa cofactor in Bleeding is most common in the large synovial joints,
the tenase complex, leading to an eightfold increase predominantly the ankle, knee and elbow joints, as they
in activity54. are primarily single planar joints, in contrast to the hip
and shoulder, which are multi-planar66,67. Additionally,
FIX. In contrast to FVIII, FIX is synthesized in low expression of tissue factor in normal joint and muscle
hepato­c ytes, is vitamin-K-dependent for enzymatic tissue affects clot formation and contributes to the pre-
carboxylation of the glutamic acid residues of the disposition of bleeding in these sites68. As weight-bearing
phospholipid-binding Gla domain, and is a substantially loading joints are responsible for force transfer, the knee
smaller protein (415 amino acids compared with 2,332) and ankle are more commonly affected than the elbow,
without requirement for a chaperone. Owing to its ability which is usually secondarily affected owing to increased
to move into the extravascular space passively because use of the upper limb (for example, use of walking aides
of its molecular size, FIX is distributed extravascularly, or while sitting and standing up) as a result of lower limb
some binding to subendothelial collagen55. arthropathy. As bleeding events have become less fre-
As the key enzymatic component of the tenase com- quent owing to improved therapy, the ankle joint seems
plex, FIX requires an activation step. This activation to be more affected than the knee, possibly owing to its
is a combination of FVIIa-dependent activation dur- thinner layer of articular cartilage.
ing haemostasis initiation56 and thrombin-activated In a haemophilic joint exposed to repeated bleeding,
FXI (FXIa)57,58 (Fig. 1b); carboxylation of the glutamic the synovium becomes hypertrophied and protrudes
acid residues prompts a conformational optimization into the joint space69 (Fig. 2). Histologically, haemosiderin
of the Gla domain after exchange of Mg2+ for Ca2+ at deposition is observed, which has been shown in ani-
a central binding pocket59, and this conformational mal and human models to play a part in further synovial
change enables phospholipid binding by the Gla proliferation70. Investigating the early changes induced
domain. FIXa binds to the tenase cofactor, FVIIIa, ena- by haemarthrosis is challenging, because arthropathy is
bling hydrolysation of FX to the active form FXa. FXa usually asymptomatic in the early stage. Human in vitro
is the subsequent enzymatic contributor to the down- models have demonstrated chondrocyte apoptosis and
stream prothrombinase complex, generating thrombin. reduced proteoglycan synthesis that affects cartilage
Suboptimal burst of thrombin activity in haemophilia B matrix turnover within 48–96 h of an induced joint
is equivalent to that underpinning haemophilia A bleed, suggesting that a single joint bleed may have
pathophysiology (Fig. 1c). detrimental effects on joint cartilage60,70–73.

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Studies suggest that the pathophysiology of haemo- or close family members, or the unexpected finding of
philic arthropathy is multifactorial and is induced indi- abnormal coagulation tests.
rectly by inflammation and directly by the interaction of
blood with articular cartilage, with iron and inflamma- Positive family history. When there are one or more
tory cytokines IL-1β and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) known individuals with haemophilia in a family, it is
central to the process. Excessive exposure of synovial tis- possible to ascertain the carrier status of women and girls
sue to iron released from erythrocytes leads to synovial and to make an early diagnosis in potentially affected
proliferation and macrophage production of cytokines men and boys. Owing to the X-linked genetic transmis-
such as IL-1β, TNF, interferon-γ (IFNγ), monocyte che- sion of the disease and in combination with a detailed
moattractant protein 1 (MCP1; also known as CCL2), family history, it is possible to identify obligate female
IL-6 and IL-8 that inhibit chondrocyte activity leading carriers and possible female carriers. Obligate carriers
to cartilage destruction61,71,73–75. It has been proposed that are: daughters whose father has haemophilia, mothers
IL-1β and TNF induce production of pro-inflammatory of more than one haemophilic child and mothers of
cytokines such as IL-8 and IL-6 (ref.61), and this produc- one haemophilic child with another relative with hae-
tion is enhanced by the presence of haemosiderin-laden mophilia on their mother’s side (for example, a brother
synovium76. Although synovium is involved, in vitro or a maternal uncle). Of note, having only one child
studies have shown that erythrocyte-derived iron and with haemophilia is not sufficient to determine that the
IL-1β-induced hydrogen peroxide contributed to the mother is an obligate carrier, as haemophilia in the child
direct destruction of the cartilage matrix, by inducing could be due to a de novo mutation. Possible carriers are
the formation of reactive oxygen species and reacting all women with at least one haemophilic male in their
with haemoglobin-derived iron to form hydroxyl rad- maternal pedigree. Normal FVIII and FIX plasma levels
icals, respectively77,78. The direct effects on cartilage cannot rule out the carrier status of a female, because
seem to be exacerbated by weight bearing62 and precede they are reduced only in approximately 30% of cases79,80.
the indirect inflammation-related effects78. However, the The only way to ascertain the carrier status is through
in  vivo role of iron and pro-inflammatory and molecular diagnosis of the causative mutation in F8 or
anti-inflammatory cytokines and signalling pathways F9 (ref.81). This type of diagnosis is much easier if the
requires further investigation. mutation is already known in the index case (that is,
the patient with haemophilia).
Diagnosis, screening and prevention
Haemophilia is a genetic disease, hence the identifi- Bleeding tendency. Neonates with haemophilia are
cation of the causative genetic mutation in affected rarely affected by severe bleeds; nevertheless, cerebral
individuals is important for familial counselling and haemorrhage is possible at a higher incidence than in
has a predictive value for bleeding tendency and inhib- the general population (3–10% in children with hae-
itor risk79–81. Although the severity of haemophilia is mophilia, whereas a 20- to 50-fold lower incidence has
defined by overall bleeding manifestations, the indi- been reported in unaffected children)84, and it is mainly
vidual clinical phenotype varies within each group. related to instrumental vaginal delivery and/or pro-
In general, patients with severe haemophilia are diag- longed labour, which should be avoided in known or
nosed before the age of 2 years, but individuals with possible carriers85. Cerebral haemorrhage in a neonate
mild haemophilia may remain undiagnosed for several should indicate suspected haemophilia and prompt
years, as some only manifest bleeding symptoms at the further investigations.
time of injuries or associated with surgery82. On average, The presence of unusual bleeding symptoms
25–50 bleeding events per year could occur in individ- in young male children may suggest haemophilia.
uals with severe disease, 5–10 in those with moderate Typically, children with severe or moderate haemo-
disease and 1–2 in those with mild disease, if untreated, philia show easy bruising around 8–10 months of age,
but nowadays prophylaxis is the recommended stand- and this finding may prompt coagulation tests to ascer-
ard of care worldwide23,83. The infrequency of bleeding tain the specific deficiency. During the first year of life,
episodes in patients with mild factor deficiency often and especially when crawling and/or beginning to walk,
leads to treatment delay, resulting in prolonged therapy muscle bleeds (for example, gluteal haematoma) and/or
or additional complications. The laboratory phenotype joint bleeds may also occur; these bleeding events repre-
is related to the bleeding phenotype (that is, the bleed- sent the most common bleeding symptoms of untreated
ing tendency), and the more severe the deficiency of the haemophilia throughout life23. Children with mild hae-
specific clotting factor activity, the younger the age at mophilia may not show any bleeding symptoms until
diagnosis when based on clinical symptoms. The median adulthood if they do not incur severe trauma or surgery,
age at diagnosis of severe haemophilia is between 12 and which in turn represent the main haemostatic challenges
18 months; mild haemophilia can be diagnosed even in this group of patients.
during adulthood if a positive family history is unknown
or not present23. Accidental finding of abnormal coagulation tests.
Diagnosis of haemophilia can be made during investi-
Diagnosis gation of incidental findings of abnormal coagulation
There are three main clinical scenarios that can lead to tests. Isolated prolongation of the activated partial
haemophilia diagnosis: a positive family history of the thromboplastin time (aPTT; that is, one of the tests that
disease, a history of abnormal bleeding in the individual are commonly done to screen coagulation activity) can

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be found in patients undergoing laboratory examination and moderate haemophilia but less frequently in mild
before surgery and might be due to a moderate or mild haemophilia for various reasons, including that pre-
form of the disease, which can be diagnosed in adult- natal diagnosis is less frequently required in the case
hood. Laboratory confirmation of haemophilia includes of mild disease, the cost of testing can be an issue and
a mixing test with normal plasma to rule out possible the prognostic implications of the genetic profile for
inhibitory activity from antibodies, as in the case of patients with mild disease are much less relevant than
lupus anticoagulants (that is, polyclonal antibodies usu- for those with severe disease. Genetic analysis is usually
ally directed against phospholipids), and then specific carried out when a diagnosis in an individual with no
measurements of the clotting factors involved in the family history is made: for haemophilia B, whole-gene
intrinsic pathway of coagulation (that is, FXII, FXI, FIX sequencing of F9 is usually performed, whereas for
and FVIII) to ascertain specific deficiencies. haemophilia A the first step is to look for intron 22 and
In all cases diagnosed because of abnormal bleed- intron 1 inversions in F8, which account for approxi-
ing and/or the unexpected finding of abnormal tests, a mately 40% and 1% of severe cases, respectively, followed
careful family history should be collected to rule out the by whole-gene sequencing.
presence of other possible affected men and boys and
to perform a proper genetic counselling to all possible Prevention
carriers. As haemophilia is a rare X-linked disease, screening with
FVIII:C or FIX:C measurement is recommended in male
Laboratory tests relatives of the mother of a new index case, and genetic
Whichever is the scenario that leads to the suspicion of screening is recommended to identify female carriers.
haemophilia, the definite diagnosis is made by measure- Education of female carriers is important for disease
ment of residual FVIII and FIX clotting activity (FVIII:C prevention; genetic testing is not mandatory for women
and FIX:C). These measurements can be performed or girls who are obligate carriers, whereas it is the only
using either one-stage or chromogenic clotting assays. way to identify carriers in all other scenarios. Female
The one-stage assay is based on the aPTT test, and the carriers should be educated on the probability of having
calculation of residual levels of FVIII or FIX is done by a haemophilic son and on all the existing procedures that
comparing aPTT measured in the test plasma (mixed could prevent this occurrence.
with either FVIII-deficient or FIX-deficient plasma) with Knowing the mutation in the family also enables
that measured in serial dilutions of standard reference the implementation of prenatal diagnosis, which can
plasma (that is, with given FVIII or FIX concentration)86. be done at different stages: on the germinal line of the
The chromogenic assay is based on the measurement female carrier for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
of the amount of FXa generated in plasma, which is (PGD)91, on chorionic villi during the first trimester
proportional to the level of functional FVIII or FIX. In of pregnancy92 or on amniocytes during later stages of
this assay, the concentration of FXa is quantified using a pregnancy93.
chromogenic substrate specific for FXa, with the inten- PGD offers the possibility to select unaffected
sity of the colour generated being proportional to the embryos but implies that the pregnancy occurs through
level of FXa generated86. Chromogenic assay does not in vitro fertilization procedures. Chorionic villus sam-
require the addition of factor-deficient plasma and is less pling (CVS) performed between the 11th and 14th weeks
prone to interference by some pre-analytical variables of gestation enables early genetic diagnosis with subse-
(for example, the time elapsed between blood sampling quent possibility of termination of pregnancy; in some
and laboratory testing) than the one-stage assay is. The cases, pregnant women who are carriers undergo CVS
one-stage assay is the most commonly used because of because they want to know beforehand whether or not a
its long-standing use and because it is perceived to be male fetus is affected with haemophilia. In this scenario,
cheaper than the chromogenic assay. However, there mothers should be informed about the risk (although
is evidence of comparable costs for the two assays if very low; around 1%) of procedure-related miscarriage94.
an efficient use of reagents is pursued87. The one-stage Genetic diagnosis through amniocentesis can be used to
assay is generally used for diagnosis of haemophilia; ascertain the presence of the disease in a male fetus, but
however, in some specific situations both assays should it is performed at a gestational age that might be beyond
be used. In fact, the chromogenic assay is useful for the limit for voluntary termination.
the accurate diagnosis of non-severe haemophilia A, Recently, non-invasive techniques have been intro-
because in some cases assay discrepancies have been duced and optimized to determine fetal sex by the anal-
reported88 depending on the specific F8 mutation26,89,90. ysis of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood through
In mild haemophilia A, a ratio of >2.0 or <0.5 between peripheral blood sampling from the seventh week
the severity measured with the one-stage assay and that of gestation95. These tests may reduce the number of
measured with the chromogenic assay indicates a sub- women undergoing invasive procedures when preg-
stantial discrepancy. In most cases of discrepancy, both nancy termination is not their option, but it does not
assays are <40 IU/dl, but there are cases in which the yet provide a definitive diagnosis.
results of one of the assays are within the normal range, If prenatal diagnosis is not performed, it is possible
and the diagnosis would be missed if only one test were to make diagnosis of haemophilia in a newborn boy
performed. from a female carrier at birth by measuring FVIII:C or
Genetic analysis to identify the causative muta- FIX:C levels in cord blood. This measurement is highly
tion of the disease is routinely carried out for severe reliable for FVIII, whereas in the case of moderate or

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mild haemophilia B the measured level of FIX:C can be Treatment guidelines

lower than expected owing to partial liver immaturity The mainstay of haemophilia therapy is replacement
and physiological vitamin K deficiency of newborn of the deficient clotting factor to achieve adequate
infants. In those cases, it is recommended to repeat the levels for cessation or prevention of bleeding. Wherever
measurement at 9–12 months of age. possible, only the specific deficient factor should be
Approximately 30% of individuals newly diagnosed replaced110, to avoid administration of unnecessary pro-
with haemophilia have no family history of disease and teins, including agents that may have unwanted safety
the mother is not a carrier96. In these cases, the disease concerns or thrombotic potential, such as prothrombin
can be attributed to a de novo mutation in F8 or F9 complex concentrates in FIX deficiency. Two primary
(refs96,97). A possible alternative explanation for affected approaches exist for replacement therapy for treatment
individuals with a non-carrier mother is the presence of haemophilia: prophylaxis, to prevent bleeding events,
of a germline mosaicism in the mother98. In this case, and on-demand therapy, to treat haemorrhage when it
the mutation is present only in some of the germline occurs (Box 1). Intermittent prophylaxis is typically used
cells and, therefore, it cannot be detected in peripheral around surgery for patients who are not on continu-
white blood cells, which are the cells typically used to ous prophylaxis and for some patients participating in
perform genetic analysis. Because the fact that a muta- sports; these days the choice between intermittent and
tion could not be identified from peripheral white blood continuous prophylaxis is probably mostly a cost issue.
cells does not rule out the possibility of germline mosa- Regimen choice is dependent upon the level of clotting
icism (and, therefore, the possibility that haemophilia factor deficiency, bleeding phenotype, availability of
in the first son is not caused by a de novo mutation), resources and the preference of patients or their families.
non-carrier mothers who already have a son with haemo-
philia should be informed of the possibility to perform Prophylaxis. Although primary prophylaxis (Box 1) is the
prenatal diagnosis in the case of a second pregnancy with preferred therapeutic option111,112, its cost may limit use in
a male fetus. resource-constrained countries, where either on-demand
therapy or limited prophylaxis with reduced doses or
Management longer intervals between infusions might be used110.
Effective management of haemophilia is essential to Where prophylaxis is routinely used, there may be wide
avoid unnecessary bleeding and long-term sequelae; variations in standard practice. A significant correlation
prophylactic therapies to reduce the frequency of bleed- between the rate of breakthrough joint bleeding (that is,
ing and on-demand regimens to treat bleeding as it spontaneous bleeding occurring during prophylaxis)
occurs are considered the mainstay of haemophilia treat- and time during which FVIII levels remain <1 IU/dl was
ment worldwide99–101. Persons with haemophilia should demonstrated113. In young patients (1–6 years of age), a
have access to comprehensive care facilities, with a multi- 10% increase in the time during which FVIII levels were
disciplinary specialist team (including at least physicians <1 IU/dl (17 h per week) correlated with a 44% increase
with expertise in bleeding disorders, nurses, physical in bleeding events per year; conversely, if minimal levels
therapists and/or musculoskeletal specialists, and social were always maintained at >1 IU/dl, there would be one
workers and/or occupational therapists) and 24 h access fewer bleeding per year predicted to occur. Similar trends
to a specialized coagulation laboratory, to provide coor- were observed in older patients. No comparable data are
dinated, ongoing supervision for all medical and psycho- available for haemophilia B.
social needs of patients and their families102,103. Access Traditionally, prophylactic therapy targets a min-
to comprehensive care significantly reduces mortality imal trough of 1–3 IU/dl of the deficient factor, with
(by 40%) and hospitalization rates104,105. As patients may the optimal trough level adjusted depending on the
now achieve a normal lifespan, common ageing issues individual’s breakthrough bleeding rate83. Nevertheless,
and their manifestation in individuals with haemo- higher trough levels are preferred to suppress all break-
philia must be addressed106–109. Important issues related through bleeding (including subclinical bleeds), pre-
to transition from paediatric to adult haematology care vent long-term disease sequelae (for example, chronic
providers is also best assured through comprehensive arthropathy) and achieve a normal lifestyle114. This
care and centres. observation is based on the comparison of long-term
outcomes in patients treated with intermediate-dose
Box 1 | Current definitions of on-demand and prophylaxis therapies prophylaxis in the Netherlands and high-dose prophy-
laxis in Sweden; those on the high-dose regimen expe-
• On-demand therapy: replacement factor given at the time of bleeding rienced fewer bleeds and improved joint scores than
• Continuous prophylaxis: replacement factor given to prevent bleeding for at least those on the intermediate-dose regimen115. Similarly,
45 of 52 weeks (85%) of a year in a 26-year longitudinal study, even with long-term
-- Primary prophylaxis: continuous prophylaxis started before 3 years of age and prophylaxis, joint disease remained common in per-
before the first or second large joint bleed sons with haemophilia116,117. Trough factor levels would
-- Secondary prophylaxis: continuous prophylaxis started after two or more large joint have to exceed 15 IU/dl to achieve zero bleeds, a level
bleeds but before the onset of chronic arthropathy that is essentially unattainable with current replacement
-- Tertiary prophylaxis: continuous prophylaxis started at the onset of arthropathy to therapy, owing to product requirements and costs118,119.
prevent further damage
The existence of joint damage in patients reporting zero
• Intermittent prophylaxis: replacement factor given to prevent bleeding for short or very few bleeds has been attributed to the presence
periods of time such as during and after surgery
of subclinical bleeding111,120. Thus, early diagnosis of

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Table 1 | Common sites of bleeding in haemophilia and WFH recommended thrombin generation assay. Reagent choice and assay
FVIII replacement therapya (one-stage, two-stage or chromogenic) may affect the
accuracy of the measurements of specific factors; atten-
Site of bleeding Typical target FVIII range Typical duration of
(IU/dl) replacement therapy tion to the manufacturer’s recommendations for each
(days since bleed or factor concentrate is crucial123. For patients on proph-
surgery) ylaxis, the annualized bleeding rate (ABR) is a surro-
Joint (60% of bleeding 40–60 1–2 gate clinical biomarker; optimal prophylaxis ABRs
episodes) should trend towards zero. Identification of serological
Muscle (30% of bleeding 40–60 2–3 biomarkers of ongoing joint damage in the serum or
episodes) urine of patients represents an additional area of active
research; such biomarkers may ultimately complement
GI tract 80–100 (initial) 7–14
factor assays and imaging modalities in assessing disease
50 (maintenance) progression in individuals with haemophilia124.
Iliopsoas 80–100 (initial) 1–2
30–60 (maintenance) 3–5 Products and therapies
Replacement therapy. Although cryoprecipitate and
Throat and neck 80–100 (initial) 1–7
fresh frozen plasma (FFP) are routinely used in some
50 (maintenance) 8–14 countries (possibly owing to lower cost than specific
Renal 50 3–5 factor concentrates), they are not consistently virally
CNS 80–100 (initial) 1–7 inactivated to avoid transmission of blood-borne
pathogens, and FFP may not adequately ensure hae-
50 (maintenance) 8–21
mostasis; thus, they are not optimal options110. The
Deep laceration 50 5–7 development of extended half-life (EHL) factor concen-
Surgery (major) 50–80 (pre-op) Pre-op trates has steadily advanced over the past several years.
60–80 (post-op) 1–3 Standard half-life (SHL) FVIII products have half-lives
of 10–12 h (ref.125); the half-life of EHL FVIII concen-
40–60 (post-op) 4–6 trate products is approximately 1.5 times longer than
30–50 (post-op) 7–14 that of SHL products, which translates into minimal
Surgery (minor) 50–80 (pre-op) Pre-op twice-weekly prophylactic administration125. Several
30–80 (post-op) 1–5
bioengineering strategies exist to prolong the half-life of
FVIII concentrate. FVIII fusion to albumin or antibody
CNS, central nervous system; FVIII, factor VIII; GI, gastrointestinal; IU, international units;
WFH, World Federation of Hemophilia. aWFH recommended FVIII replacement therapy in fragment crystallizable (Fc) domains enables avoidance
countries with no substantial resource constraints83. of endolysosomal degradation clearance mechanisms,
whereas PEGylation, that is, conjugation to polyethylene
synovitis is important, and ultrasonography may have a glycol (PEG), is thought to reduce FVIII susceptibility to
role in regular routine monitoring of potential subclinical proteolysis and renal clearance. Finally, with single-chain
bleeding121. technology, the FVIII heavy and light chains are cova-
lently bound together to form a novel recombinant pro-
On-demand therapy. Although prophylaxis reduces the tein with greater stability, improved vWF affinity and
risk of breakthrough bleeds, it may not eliminate them114, longer half-life125,126. The increase in FVIII half-life is
and thus, there is a requirement for access to additional ultimately limited by the half-life of its carrier protein,
doses for prompt treatment122. The World Federation of vWF (t1/2 = 16 h) (see Pathophysiology section).
Hemophilia (WFH) has published recommendations for SHL FIX products have half-lives of 18–20 h (ref.125).
the treatment of common bleeds83 (Table 1); however, The effects of PEGylation and fusion protein modifi-
these are minimal recommendations, and treatment cation on the half-life of EHL FIX products are more
must be tailored to achieve individual optimal outcomes pronounced than current FVIII EHL products (twofold
on the basis of the site and extent of bleeding, individ- to fivefold increase, as the half-life of FIX is not limited
ual response and resolution. Bleeding at different sites by that of a carrier protein)126, extending administration
requires different dosing of replacement therapy, on the intervals up to approximately every other week depend-
bases of the likelihood of damage and the length of time ing on the desired target trough125. Dosing regimens are
required to resolve (for example, intracranial haemor- tailored and adjusted on an individual basis, guided by
rhage or bleeding of other vital organs would be treated pharmacokinetic profile, physical activity (for example,
aggressively to reduce the risk of long-term sequelae). dose administration may be adjusted to immediately
Prompt treatment for all bleeding episodes is essen- precede strenuous or increased-risk physical activity
tial, both to treat immediate symptoms including pain to reduce the risk of bleeding), and clinical observa-
and swelling and to limit longer-term sequelae; thus, tion. Bayesian statistical models enable estimation of
home-based treatment represents ideal care105. product-specific pharmacokinetic curves using limited
time-point analysis, reducing patient inconvenience127.
Factor-specific assays are used to track factor levels Inhibitor development and treatment. The develop-
as clinical biomarkers for treatment efficacy and are ment of inhibitors (that is, the emergence of neutral-
more precise than global haemostatic assays, such as a izing antibodies to exogenous FVIII or FIX) is one of

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the most serious complications of replacement therapy the preferential formation of the FVIIa–FX–TF complex
and occurs in approximately 30% of individuals with over the competing FVIIa–FIX–TF complex140.
severe FVIII deficiency and approximately 10% of those Variability in inter-individual and intra-individual
with severe FIX deficiency50,128. Inhibitor formation rate response to BPAs has been documented and, therefore,
varies on the basis of various factors, including level close clinical supervision by knowledgeable health-care
of deficiency and race/ethnicity (for example, individ- providers is necessary141; lack of response is not predict-
uals with African or Hispanic backgrounds have been able. Furthermore, there are no validated biomarkers
shown to have an increased risk of inhibitor forma- for BPAs that correlate with clinical efficacy; effective-
tion)129. Inhibitor development may be associated with ness is assessed by clinical response. Patients with FIX
some genetic (for example, complete deletion of F8 or inhibitors may experience anaphylactoid reactions to
F9) and environmental factors, yet all contributing influ- FIX-containing products, necessitating either desen-
ences have not been completely elucidated. The class of sitization or use of rFVIIa110. Such reactions have only
the replacement product has also been implicated: the been rarely reported in haemophilia A. In low respond-
SIPPET study suggested an increased rate of inhibitor ers, inhibitors may spontaneously resolve with time142,
development with recombinant product compared with whereas in high responders they rarely resolve without
plasma-derived products30. Following this observation, specific therapy. Both low responders and high respond-
national guidelines were updated, reinforcing the view ers may undergo immune tolerance induction (ITI) for
that inhibitor formation is probably patient and prod- inhibitor ablation. ITI involves frequent doses of FVIII
uct (rather than product class) specific, and that changes or FIX over time to induce tolerance and can be inten-
in current therapies are not warranted without further sive, lengthy and costly143,144. ITI treatment guidelines
investigation130. are available145,146; recent data support early ITI regard-
Inhibitor treatment options vary depending on titre, less of inhibitor titre, instead of waiting until the titre
commonly measured with the Nijmegen modification is <10 NBU147. Breakthrough bleeds on ITI are treated
of Bethesda assay (NBA); of note, nonspecific coagula- with BPAs. ITI in patients with mild haemophilia A, as
tion inhibitors (for example, lupus anticoagulants) can well as in haemophilia B, is more successful when using
interfere in the assay, causing false positives131. Inhibitors immunomodulatory agents in addition to FVIII or FIX,
most commonly emerge within the first 50 days of expo- respectively, than when replacement factors are used
sure, although they may occur at any point during a alone. Patients with haemophilia B with inhibitors may
patient’s lifetime132,133. Patients with mild haemophilia require desensitization (induction of drug tolerance)
A may develop inhibitors later in life or after severe before ITI initiation, and may experience re-emergence
trauma or surgery requiring intensive treatment134. of anaphylactoid reactions and development of
In these patients, inhibitors may recognize either both nephrotic syndrome while on ITI148. In such patients,
exogenous and endogenous FVIII, with a resultant more the use of additional immunosuppressant therapies has
severe bleeding phenotype, or only the exogenously been employed with some success149.
administered product135. In this circumstance, normal
baseline levels of FVIII remain, yet the patient may not Non-replacement products and novel agents. Several
respond to standard therapy, as the exogenously admin- non-replacement agents are currently being investi-
istered product would be neutralized by the inhibitors. gated150, including fitusiran151, Super FVa152, factor Xa153,
All patients with haemophilia require ongoing surveil- APC inhibitors154 and TFPI inhibitors155 (Table 2). In mild
lance for inhibitors, ideally at least once yearly, or more FVIII deficiency, desmopressin acetate administered
frequently as indicated136. intranasally, subcutaneously or intravenously increases
Patients with inhibitor titres of approximately 0.5–5 FVIII levels, and is commonly used as first-line treat-
Nijmegen Bethesda Units (NBU) despite repeated ment in patients who respond83. Desmopressin causes
exposures are termed ‘low responders’ (of note, the the release of FVIII, vWF and plasminogen activator
lower limit of detection for NBAs varies slightly by test from endothelial cell storage sites, and it is much less
manufacturer and analysing laboratory). Low respond- costly than FVIII concentrates. A test dose to document
ers may be treated with an increased factor concen- an adequate haemostatic level should be performed.
trate dose that is sufficient to achieve haemostasis (the Desmopressin is not effective in haemophilia B.
normal dose required for haemostasis plus a 50% cor- A novel, non-replacement agent, emicizumab, is
rection per NBU). However, such a strategy is not fea- licensed for routine, subcutaneous prophylaxis to pre-
sible for patients with inhibitor titres >5 NBU (termed vent or reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes in
‘high responders’); instead, bypassing agents (BPAs) persons with haemophilia A156,157. Emicizumab is a
are employed to achieve haemostasis. Commonly used biphenotypic antibody with specificity for both FIX and
BPAs include recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) and FX and mimics the role of FVIII in the tenase complex,
activated prothrombin complex concentrates (aPCCs), localizing FIXa close enough to FX to enable activation
used either on-demand or as prophylaxis137,138. A new and downstream contribution to the coagulation cas-
rFVIIa variant that offers different dosing regimens cade. Of note, emicizumab cannot be used in persons
and with high reported efficacy has been approved for with haemophilia B8,158. Emicizumab cannot be used
use by the FDA139. A plasma-derived FVIIa:FX con- to treat breakthrough bleeding, as it is already present
centrate (1:10 ratio) is available in Japan for the treat- at a steady state level; breakthrough bleeding requires
ment of bleeding events in patients with inhibitors. administration of FVIII in patients without inhibitors
Its increased efficacy over rFVIIa has been attributed to and BPAs in patients with inhibitors.

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Table 2 | Non-replacement investigational treatments for haemophilia currently in clinical development

Product Phase Treatment for Comments
Fitusiran III HA and HB RNA interference agent that targets antithrombin222. The study
was placed on hold following a fatal thrombotic event; hold lifted
in December 2017 after risk mitigation strategies were developed.
The study was put on hold again in October 2020 and resumed in
December 2020
Super FVa Preclinical To be determined FVa variant, resistant to APC cleavage. Demonstrated synergistic
activity with rFVIIa in animal models
FXa I HA and HABI FXa variant with increased resistance to inactivation by plasma
proteases. Phase I in healthy volunteers completed. Safety and
tolerability study for the treatment of intracerebral haemorrhage was
terminated in October 2017 for strategic, and not safety, reasons223
APC inhibitors I/II HA, HB and HABI Inhibitors are being developed to block the natural anticoagulant
mechanism of APC. A phase I study for the lead candidate, KRK-α1AT
(α1-antitrypsin with three residue changes), is ongoing224
TFPI inhibitors III HA, HB and HABI Concizumab and marstacimab, monoclonal antibodies that target
TFPI, are currently in clinical development225. The development
of BAY-1093887 was discontinued in 2019 owing to thrombosis226.
Three episodes of thrombosis have also been reported with
concizumab, which led to a pause of all concizumab clinical trials in
March 2020; subsequent risk mitigation strategies enabled the trial
to be resumed in August 2020
APC, activated protein C; FVa, activated factor V; FXa, activated factor X; HA, haemophilia A; HB, haemophilia B; HABI, haemophilia A
or B with inhibitors; rFVIIa, recombinant activated factor VII; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor.

Emicizumab has demonstrated efficacy for effective represent an alternative approach to reduction of bleed-
prophylaxis in patients with haemophilia A with inhib- ing and improved quality of life in some patients with
itors: clinical studies showed a significant reduction in haemophilia A with inhibitors163. Nonetheless, inhib-
ABR compared with either on-demand or prophylactic itor eradication remains an important goal; patients
BPA regimens159. Emicizumab is administered every 7, with inhibitors have higher mortality than patients with-
14 or 28 days as a subcutaneous injection. Breakthrough out inhibitors, and the absence of inhibitor enables factor
bleeding events still occur with prophylactic emicizumab, replacement options for patients who experience break-
although the bleed rate decreases over time, approach- through bleeding, traumatic bleeds or who are under-
ing an average of one breakthrough bleed every 2 years going surgery162. Inhibitor eradication through ITI also
after 3 years of continuous use. rFVIIa is the preferred preserves the possibility for patients without inhibitors
BPA for the treatment of breakthrough bleeding events; to some day receive a gene therapy-based cure for hae-
bleeding events treated with aPCC (a plasma-derived mophilia, which might not be offered to patients with
mixture of zymogens and activated coagulation factors inhibitors162.
the efficacy of which is primarily driven by the pres- Emicizumab prophylaxis during ITI to reduce bleed-
ence of prothrombin and FXa) carry an elevated risk ing and inflammation during tolerization has been
of thrombotic microangiopathic and thromboembolic hypothesized to potentially ease ITI treatment burden163;
events if a cumulative dose of >100 U/kg/24 h is admin- however, data regarding outcomes, ABRs and best dosing
istered for longer than 24 h (ref.159). These observations regimens of concomitant ITI regimens with emicizumab
have been attributed to a synergistic interaction between are limited. The Atlanta protocol uses an intermediate
emicizumab and aPCC that results in greater than nor- FVIII dose regimen in patients receiving emicizumab.
mal thrombin production160; patients treated for break- This protocol shows promising initial results that include
through bleeds should be monitored when repeated tolerization and lack of thrombotic events despite the
doses of aPCC are used. These thrombotic observations concomitant use of rFVIIa, FVIII or antifibrinolytics
have not been reported with the use of emicizumab and to treat bleeding events166. A prospective observational
rFVIIa alone160. Preferentially, the minimally required study is planned.
dose of either aPCC or rFVIIa should be used with emi-
cizumab. National medical societies have published rec- Gene therapy
ommendations for the use of emicizumab and BPAs in Non-insertional gene therapy trials using adeno-
patients with inhibitors161. associated virus (AAV)-based vectors in haemophilia A
The demonstrated efficacy of emicizumab in patients and B have been reported167, and interim results seem
with haemophilia A with inhibitors has prompted fresh promising, with near complete eradication of both bleed-
points of view on implementing ITI regimens in this ing episodes and the need for factor replacement therapy
patient population162,163. Indeed, with emicizumab avail- with some protocols168. With non-insertional gene ther-
able as a prophylactic option, the question of whether apy products, the levels of the newly introduced factor
ITI should still be offered has been raised164. Given the may decrease with time; to avoid the need for future
length, cost and varying success of ITI protocols165, re-treatment, stable expression of clotting factor trans-
emicizumab prophylaxis independent of ITI may genes must be achieved. F8 expression in the longest

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running FVIII gene therapy trial, although still provid- (intra-articular injection of radioactive particles),
ing clinical benefit, has shown a decline over 4 years169. surgical debridement, arthrodesis (bone fusion) and
Another recent haemophilia A trial has demonstrated arthroplasty (reconstruction or joint replacement)180–182.
sustained F8 expression for >2 years, which may suggest Prophylactic regimens used after joint bleeding has
that durable F8 transgene expression can be realized170. occurred may slow arthropathic progression as may joint
The use of F9 Padua construct has improved FIX expres- aspiration: an 11-year study noted that prophylaxis and
sion levels from such vectors, thus enabling lower vector prompt aspiration following all joint bleeds resulted in
doses to be used171. Clinical data from one haemophilia B clinically normal joints183. Shorter times to joint bleed
trial demonstrate sustained F9 expression 8 years after resolution, pain relief, range-of-motion recovery and
transgene delivery172, whereas F9 transgene expression resumption of school or work after joint aspiration have
in an earlier AAV-based trial was relatively short-lived, also been observed184. However, joint aspiration is not
showing decreases after 4–6 weeks173. Cytotoxic immune common practice: if performed, the procedure must
responses against transduced hepatocytes that present be done using aseptic conditions with adequate
AAV capsid peptides may contribute to the observed haemostatic coverage184.
lack of persistent transgene expression174. AAV-mediated
clotting factor gene expression levels and sustainability Surgery
remain difficult to predict in individual patients; fur- Non-emergency surgery in individuals with haemo-
ther research into AAV vector biology is needed to fully philia requires evaluation and planning by a knowledge-
understand and optimize these promising approaches to able haemophilia team182. Dental care or interventions
haemophilia treatment. also require the involvement of the comprehensive hae-
mophilia team to prevent bleeding, including delayed
Specific bleeding phenotypes bleeding, anaemia or airway compromise that may occur
Severe bleeds, including intracranial haemorrhage with nerve block injections.
or bleeding that may compromise the airway, require The need for additional haemostatic agents during
urgent treatment and hospitalization. Intracranial dental and surgical procedures for patients on emici-
haemorrhage can lead to severe long-term neurologi- zumab prophylaxis is not fully defined. During minor
cal consequences or death. Patient recognition of head procedures, some patients require additional haemo-
trauma can be difficult, as patients may experience slow static agents, whereas others do not185; this observation is
or intermittent bleeding for several weeks following a similar to the finding that in mild haemophilia, outcome
minor head injury175. is patient specific. For major procedures and surgeries,
Bleeds into confined areas including the hip, calf, use of other haemostatic agents is recommended, owing
forearm and groin may compromise the neurovascular to the risk of complications that could result from sub-
bundle and result in a compartment syndrome or asep- stantial bleeding161. It should be noted that emicizumab
tic necrosis of the femoral head. Treatment primarily can interfere with several standard coagulation assays186;
involves aggressive haemostatic replacement; in extreme alternative assays are required to measure coagulation
cases, a fasciotomy (a surgical procedure in which the parameters.
fascia is cut) or joint aspiration may be required175,176.
Iliopsoas bleeds may present with ambiguous symptoms, Pain management
such as thigh, groin, testicular or back pain, resulting Pain is a common and lifelong consideration for patients
in difficult diagnosis; aggressive prolonged therapy and with haemophilia and contributes to disease burden.
bed rest, followed by a period of physical therapy, are Thus, pain assessment and treatment is a vital aspect of
required for resolution110. improving outcomes and quality of life for individuals
Pseudotumours (that is, encapsulated progressive with haemophilia187. Pain in haemophilia can be either
cystic swellings usually involving muscle and/or bone) acute or chronic. Acute pain in haemophilia is typi-
are a consequence of inadequate bleed treatment, and are cally the result of a bleeding episode, with joint bleeds
more common in resource-constrained settings177. They accounting for 70–80% of bleeding episodes in severe
are more frequently observed in patients who have not rec- haemophilia83. Thus, pain can potentially signal an active
ognized bleeding symptoms, have delayed treatment or do bleed in joints or other areas. Reported data from several
not have access to adequate therapy. Continued pseudotu- studies indicate that 15% to >50% of adults with severe
mour presence may result in bone erosion, neurovascular haemophilia experience chronic pain188, which can stem
complications and disability. Pseudotumour treatment from progressive joint degeneration caused by repeated
requires a skilled knowledgeable team, especially for bleeding into joint cavities.
surgical removal177. Prompt treatment of acute bleeds is key for rapid
The classic debilitating long-term consequence of bleeding control and pain reduction; additional med-
haemophilia not treated with regular prophylaxis is ications may be needed to further control pain83,189.
arthropathy with destruction of joint bone and cartilage, Although no randomized clinical trials have been per-
resulting from repeated blood deposition and subse- formed to assess paracetamol (also known as acetami-
quent inflammation in joints178. Repeated bleeding into nophen) for treating pain in patients with haemophilia,
the same joints, termed ‘target joints’, increases the risk of paracetamol seems to be widely used for this purpose:
arthropathy; once joint damage has begun, the process is a study of pain management approaches in Europe
progressive and irreversible179. Interventions may include revealed that only paracetamol was used by all 22 hae-
pain management (see below), radiosynovectomy mophilia treatment centres surveyed, for both acute and

12 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:45


chronic pain190. Other analgesics used included strong HRQoL instruments for haemophilia
opioids, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) inhibitors and Development of haemophilia-specific QoL instru-
NSAIDs190. A study of haemophilia treatment centres in ments requires several formal steps: item generation,
the United States revealed that NSAIDS and paraceta- item reduction and cognitive debriefing. Once devel-
mol were the most commonly used medications for pain oped, QoL and HRQoL instruments need to be vali-
in patients with haemophilia191. Interestingly, patients dated, including cross-cultural validation in languages
have reported an analgesic effect when using factor relevant to countries in which the instruments will be
replacement to manage pain; a potential psychological used. Cross-cultural validation requires that the instru-
component contributing to pain relief in these instances ment is formally translated from the parent language
has been suggested192. These collective observations used to develop it into the language of interest, and that
underscore the current lack of standardized guidelines the translated instruments undergo formal cognitive
for pain management in haemophilia. Physical therapy debriefing. These steps are labour intensive and for some
programmes to prevent muscle atrophy, recover range of HRQoL tools inadequately completed. An ideal HRQoL
motion and alleviate pain in patients with haemophilia instrument should have good measurement proper-
represent non-pharmacological interventions187,189. ties, that is, it should be reliable, valid and responsive
to change.
Quality of life
Quality of life (QoL) has been defined by the WHO as PROMs and proxy-reported HRQoL tools
“an individual’s perception of their position in life in the Well-designed and validated HRQoL instruments are an
context of the culture and value systems in which they important part of the outcome measures ‘tool kit’ recom-
live and in relation to their goals, expectations, stand- mended for individuals with haemophilia, as endorsed
ards and concerns”193. It is increasingly recommended by the recommended international standard outcomes
to include QoL as an outcome measure in research set for persons with haemophilia195. A patient-reported
and assessment of care in persons with haemophilia. outcome measure (PROM) is a measure reported by an
Of note, QoL measures are included in the International individual, either self-reported or reported in an inter-
Classification, Disability and Health (ICF) framework view with a trained interviewer. It is generally accepted
approved by the WHO in 2001 (ref.193). This framework is that children need to be older than 7 years of age to
useful when considering the impact of bleed-related reliably complete a HRQoL questionnaire; for children
arthropathy in people with haemophilia (Fig. 3). A sys- younger than 7 years, a parent or guardian can act as
tematic review of the measurement properties of QoL proxy for their child. The value of HRQoL measures
instruments for people with haemophilia has been in people with haemophilia is increasingly recog-
published194. There are two classes of QoL instrument: nized. However, there are concerns regarding the use
generic and disease specific. Generic instruments offer of HRQoL scores to influence management decisions.
the possibility to compare QoL between different chronic HRQoL scores are not intended, and should not be used,
conditions. Disease-specific, health-related quality of life to influence decisions regarding treatment of people
(HRQoL) instruments enable collection of more infor- with haemophilia on their own196.
mation relevant to a specific disorder. In some situations, Currently available HRQoL instruments were devel-
a combination of both classes of instrument is optimal. oped in the era of SHL FVIII and FIX concentrates
(Box 2). In our experience, the CHO-KLAT version 2.0
questionnaire was not able to detect clinically meaning-
Physical examination Health condition Health-related ful differences between boys on long-term prophylaxis
• Joint assessment (haemophilic arthropathy) quality of life
(Hemophilia Joint (HRQoL) with very low spontaneous bleeding rates who were
Health Score – HJHS) instruments switched from a SHL to an EHL FVIII concentrate and
• Hemo-QoL who maintained very low spontaneous bleeding rates197.
• X-ray A possible explanation for this finding is that the cur-
• MRI rent CHO-KLAT v2.0 questionnaire does not contain a
• Ultrasonography
sufficient number of questions that address the different
burden of administration between SHL and EHL clotting
factor concentrates, specifically the frequency of intrave-
Body functions and structure Activities Participation
nous infusions needed to achieve an equivalent trough
factor level. In an attempt to address this gap in meas-
urement property of the CHO-KLAT v2.0 tool in the
era of EHL clotting factor concentrates and non-factor
haemostatic agents, a new version of the questionnaire
has been developed198. In addition, currently available
Haemophilia Activities List (HAL); HRQoL instruments are not validated to measure the
Functional independence score for Personal
Environmental factors patients with haemophilia (FISH) factors
burden of illness on families of very young boys (<4 years
of age) with moderate or severe haemophilia. This is an
Fig. 3 | Outcome measures in haemophilia. Framework outlining outcome measures for important gap in the available battery of proxy-reported
use in the assessment of functioning, disability and health (with focus on musculoskeletal outcome measures, as it is recommended by the WFH
disease) in persons with haemophilia. Adapted with permission from ref.228, World Health that programmes of primary prophylaxis in paediat-
Organization. ric patients with haemophilia A or B be ideally started

NATURe ReVIeWS | DISeASe PrImerS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:45 ­ 13


Box 2 | Health-related quality of life instruments well as multinational registries for specific purposes
for persons with haemophilia (for example, the PedNet204 and EUHASS205 registries).
The WFH has recently launched a World Bleeding
Children Disorders Registry (WFH-WBDR).
• Haemo-QoL230 Therapeutic options
• Haemo-QoL Index231 The advent of FVIII and FIX products with improved
• ‘Toddler Questionnaire’232 pharmacokinetic profiles (the EHL products) offers the
possibility, in patients with haemophilia A, to either
extend intervals between injections, with decreased
• Haemo-A-QoL233
treatment-associated burden, or to maintain higher
• Haemo-QoL-A234 trough factor levels with the same frequency of infusions,
• Hemofilia-QoL235 whereas in patients with haemophilia B, it may be pos-
• Hemophilia Well-Being Index236 sible to achieve both of these objectives simultaneously.
• Hemolatin-QoL237 The end result should be improved bleeding protection
QoL, quality of life. and long-term maintenance of healthy musculoskeletal
status. However, how the new products and clotting fac-
tors should be used remains unclear, in particular, how
before age 3 years83. New tools such as the Hemophilia EHL concentrates would be of most benefit to the indi-
Family Impact (H-FIT) tool offer the potential to address vidual with haemophilia. We simply do not know how to
this gap in proxy-reported outcome measures199. dose FVIII or FIX in the most optimal way, irrespective
of the performance of the concentrate. What we know
Outlook is that treatment needs to be personalized, as pharma-
Haemophilia therapy is undergoing a revolution, cokinetics, bleeding phenotype and lifestyle are different
owing to a large emerging armamentarium of princi- in each patient206,207. As the benefits of starting prophy-
ples and products, including improved clotting factors, laxis early seem to overshadow the benefits of dosing
non-replacement therapy and gene therapy. The pos- optimization later in life208, personalizing the start of
sibility of achieving zero bleeds and treating patients prophylaxis before joint disease develops should be pri-
with inhibitors as well as achieving phenotypic cure oritized, although the exact timing is difficult to deter-
seems realistic1,10,200. Even if progress has been made mine, but at least one or two bleeds in the same joint
in the treatment of haemophilia, there are still several should be avoided209. Personalized dosing should also
unresolved issues to address. The most important is take several aspects into account: pharmacokinetic pro-
probably how to achieve early accurate diagnosis and files of infused factor concentrate, bleeding phenotype,
minimal treatment standards for all persons with hae- treatment-associated burden, adherence and societal
mophilia globally. There are many hurdles to overcome: perspectives. An important tool to implement person-
sufficient availability of haemophilia treatment centres alization is the use of population pharmacokinetics and
with diagnostic capacity is lacking in many low-income Bayesian analysis210; several software programs such as
countries, and, therefore, many patients are not diag- the Web-Accessible Population Pharmacokinetic Service
nosed. The WFH global survey shows a 10–20-fold (WAPPS) and myPKFiT dosing tools are now available
higher prevalence of haemophilia in high-income coun- for use in the clinical setting. In the future, the hope is
tries than in some of the densely populated low-income that personalized therapy can replace weight-based,
countries, indicating variations in diagnostic capacity fixed-dose prophylaxis regimens, but surveillance of
but also in treatment, as survival certainly has a strong long-term effects on outcomes of different prophylaxis
effect on prevalence5. Development of care, including dosing strategies needs to be implemented.
establishment of treatment centres and access to safe Non-replacement products may promote haemo-
therapeutic agents, is perhaps the most urgent need for stasis independently of FVIII or FIX and can also be
haemophilia. Humanitarian aid efforts by the WFH are given subcutaneously, which facilitates injections com-
important steps to provide more individuals with hae- pared with the intravenous route. Emicizumab has been
mophilia with better care. Thus, in 2015, a prospective on the market for some time and has shown excellent
donation programme of 100 million IU of FVIII prod- results with highly significant reduction in ABRs in
ucts per year over 10 years was established, and bene- patients with inhibitors, which are comparable to bleed-
ficial progress for the first year has been described201. ing rates observed in persons with haemophilia with-
In addition, specific focus needs to be directed towards out inhibitors on effective programmes of long-term
female carriers and people with non-severe haemophilia. prophylaxis (that is, of the order of 0–2 spontaneous
For both these populations, there are obvious gaps in index joint bleeds per year). However, thrombotic
terms of diagnosis, QoL and joint disease19,202,203. The complications have been reported in connection with
new WFH Guidelines83 are universally accessible and emicizumab treatment7. Hopefully this adverse event
serve as an important tool to improve quality and equity can be mitigated or avoided with knowledge of how
of care globally. Finally, the introduction of national reg- to treat acute bleeds in these patients. A concern with
istries is essential to identify all patients and carriers. non-replacement products, discussed especially in the
Such initiatives have been taken, and national registries context of FVIII, is that the inherent feedback mech-
are in place in countries with highly developed care as anism balancing the clotting system is not in place211.

14 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:45


Nonetheless, even if the primary target population for Many aspects need to be addressed when introducing
these products is patients with inhibitors, these agents gene therapy on a wider basis, such as to whom it should
can also be used in patients without inhibitors, as they be offered, safety issues and economic considerations,
are efficacious and easy to use8,212. Anti-TFPI monoclo- but the possibility of phenotypically curing haemophilia
nal antibodies are under investigation in clinical trials is within sight. Needless to say, the potential of gene
and, if successful, they could also be useful for FIX therapy to maintain appropriate factor levels and sus-
deficiency. Of note, however, to date, two out of three tained expression over many years has the great potential
anti-TFPI molecules have been associated with severe benefit to reduce the patient burden of injections and
thrombotic complications that led to premature inter- living with uncertain haemostasis.
ruption or pause of the clinical trial programme213,214.
There are relevant issues with these novel products, as Inhibitors
they have not been tested in randomized studies against Development of inhibitors today is the main challenge
replacement factor therapy. Such studies are difficult to for haemophilia treatment. Research has progressed
design, and especially long-term follow-up of joint dis- our understanding of the underlying immunological
ease outcomes would be a substantial practical hurdle, as and clinical aspects of inhibitors215, and development of
joint disease has a progression that can last many years. non-replacement therapies such as factor VIII inhibi-
As the haemostatic capacity of these products in plasma tor bypassing agent (FEIBA), rFVIIa and more recently
samples cannot directly be compared with assayed levels emicizumab has improved the possibilities for treating
of FVIII or FIX, uncertainties may arise regarding effec- and preventing bleeds in these patients. Emicizumab
tiveness to prevent subclinical bleeds (for example, in has been established as the preferred haemostatic
connection with minor trauma), especially as high con- agent for prophylaxis in both children and adults with
centration peaks like those observed after infusion with high-titre inhibitors216. Where emicizumab is available,
FVIII or FIX are not achieved. The question is whether the use of FEIBA or rFVIIa can no longer be supported
practical issues with administration of new products for long-term prophylaxis.
have priority over known outcomes with replacement Much focus has been devoted to risks of inhibitor
therapy. Such questions are extremely important to solve, development associated with genetics, type of concen-
as treatment during the first years of life may determine trate and dosing aspects30,215,217–219, but still a high risk
QoL later in life, as even a few joint bleeds may elicit of inhibitor incidence remains. An important goal for
progressive musculoskeletal destruction over years208. treatment is to eradicate inhibitors, and several proto-
More data are needed regarding adverse events with new cols have been developed, often based on the original
replacement and non-replacement haemostatic agents, Bonn protocol220. A fraction of patients are resistant to
and individuals who are offered these novel therapies ITI221, and further clinical exploration of protocols with
need to be educated about the potential risks, benefits combined immunosuppression is required for this pop-
and alternatives very clearly before prescription. ulation; it is hoped that new non-replacement therapies
Finally, gene therapy for haemophilia seems poised will further improve the situation for this patient group.
to become a reality soon in the clinical setting. Trials are
promising for both haemophilia A and haemophilia B10. Published online xx xx xxxx

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18 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:45


Competing interests Takeda. D.S. is Chair of EAHAD Physiotherapy Committee, research funding from the above plus Agios, OPKO, Global
E.B. has received grants and/or research support from Bayer, received research grant funding from the National Institute Bio Therapeutics, Sangamo, Sigilon, Octapharma and
CSL Behring, Shire and Sobi/Bioverativ and honoraria and/or for Health Resarch (NIHR), Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Roche, Sobi Novartis.
consultation fees from Bayer, Octapharma and Shire/Takeda. and acted as paid adviser or speaker for Bayer, Pfizer, Sobi,
The Van Creveldkliniek has received speaker’s fees from Roche and Takeda. V.B. is Chair of the International Peer review information
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Behring, Freeline, Novo Nordisk, Roche and Sobi; and has Genzyme), Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Shire (now Takeda) and contribution to the peer review of this work.
received research support from Bayer, Baxter/Shire, Novo Spark Therapeutics to the Hospital for Sick Children
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Takeda and UniQure. M.E.M. has acted as paid consultant, Bioverativ (now Sanofi/Genzyme) and Shire (now Takeda). eAHAD F9 variants database:
adviser or speaker for Bayer Healthcare, BioMarin, A.D.S. has served as consultant for Genentech, Roche,
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Octapharma, Pfizer, Roche, Sobi, Spark Therapeutics and Sciences, Kedrion, Sigilon and Takeda. She has received © Springer Nature Limited 2021

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