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Performance Task: Reflection Journal Writing about PROBLEM SOLVING

Guide Questions:

1. What are your learnings about the discussion about ratio and proportion, and percent?

2. Why it is important to learn about problem solving in mathematics?

3. Cite examples on how problem solving is applied in real life situations


1. Ratio is a mathematical concept used to compare the sizes of two parts. In proportion, one
element is compared to the whole. Although they are frequently used to compare many
amounts, ratios are mostly used to compare two numbers. Typically, ratios are represented by
two or more integers separated by a colon, such as 7:5, 1:8, or 5:2:1. They are frequently
displayed in a manner resembling a fraction, such as 7/5 or 1/8.
A fraction having 100 as the denominator is called a percent. % is used to represent a
percentage. Examples include 3% (3 parts per 100), 45% (45 parts per 100), and 92% (92 parts
per 100). The base is the sum from which a percentage is taken. The percentage you are
computing is the rate in the meantime.
2. The ability to solve problems is a valuable life skill and a critical cognitive or thinking activity for
daily existence. Problem-solving abilities are crucial for leading a fulfilling life. To come up with a
clear solution, the problem-solving skill necessitates some abstract thought. This ability is not
just useful in math, but also in every other discipline and area of life. The ability to solve
problems is very important in both the teaching of mathematics and in everyday life. Modeling
and applying, moving from reality to mathematics, and moving back from mathematics to reality
are the two main categories of actions that are reflected in this competency.
3. For instance, let's say you need to go to the store and it is raining. How do you behave? There
are numerous options available. Walk while holding your umbrella. You can drive or take the bus
if you don't want to get wet. Choosing to go to the store another day or calling a buddy for a
ride are both options. There is no one right way to handle this issue, and various individuals will
approach it in various ways.

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