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8.1 From Paragraph development by classification.

"Types of Politicians’’
Politicians, and political parties may be different from country to country, bur I know
people’s political view fall into only three categories. Firts is the conversative. I
haven’t travelled much, but in my experience conversatives are all alike no matter
where they live. They want to be comfortable, bit the don’t want to spend mucho on
anyone else’s confort or welfare. Second is the liberal.
From what I’ve read in the newspapers, liberals seem to want the goverment to do
everything. They usually don’t have much experience in the real Word of hard
work. Third is the middle-of-the-roader’. Middle-of- the- roaders can’t most people
are in this class. I don’t think i fit any of these categories, but you can place most
people into one of these three groups.

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