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Consumption of Haute Couture

Conspicuous consumption, the practice of purchasing and displaying luxury goods and services
to demonstrate one's wealth and social status to others, has become a prevalent phenomenon
in today's society. As global economies have grown and real GDP per capita has increased,
levels of consumption have risen correspondingly. One of the conspicuous consumptions is of
the Haute couture clothing. This article aims to examine the internal and external factors that
motivate individuals to engage in consumption of Haute couture, as well as the positive and
negative effects it has on environmental sustainability, individual well-being, and social
cohesion. Additionally, we will consider the possible influence of government policy, consumer
lobbyists, and individual consumers on the development of this category of consumption
practice in the future.
Internal factors that motivate conspicuous consumption include the desire for social status and
the need to fit in with one's peer group. External factors include the influence of advertising
and the media, which often depict luxury goods as symbols of success and happiness.
Additionally, the increasing availability of credit has made it easier for individuals to purchase
luxury goods even if they cannot afford them.
On one hand, consumption of these products can lead to feelings of inadequacy and
dissatisfaction, financial stress and debt, a culture of consumerism, and a lack of authenticity
and individuality. On the other hand, it can provide a sense of pride and self-esteem, social
bonding, self-expression, and creativity. However, the negative impacts of it on the
environment are clear, as the production and disposal of these goods can contribute to
pollution and waste, and the use of non-renewable resources.
In terms of government policy, there is the potential for regulations to be put in place to
address the negative effects of conspicuous consumption of haute couture on the environment.
Consumer lobbyists may push for more sustainable production methods and for greater
transparency in advertising. Individual consumers also have the power to make conscious
choices about their consumption patterns and to support companies that prioritize

Major internal factors that motivate consumers to engage in conspicuous


To attain social standing and show off one's riches or success, some people engage in what is
known as "conspicuous consumption," or the purchase and public display of expensive products
and services (Bellezza, 2017). Consumers' desire for public display of wealth may stem from a
number of psychological issues, including the following:

Self-esteem: Consumers may participate in this specific purchasing to increase their sense of
self-worth and raise their own self-esteem. Perhaps they believe that by exhibiting expensive
products, they can project an image of prosperity and self-assurance to the world.

Social comparison: Spending on expensive clothing is one method in which consumers may
evaluate and compare their own social standing to that of their peers. They could believe that
showing off their money and achievement to others via the acquisition of expensive clothing
would make them feel more powerful and capable in social situations.

Social identity: Consumers may participate in this as a means of demonstrating their social
standing and identifying with a certain group. They may believe that people will take notice of
their values and ideas if they are seen to be in possession of and exhibiting expensive stuff.

Emotional fulfillment: A consumer may engage in purchasing and consuming of this category to
satisfy their emotional needs and aspirations. They may believe that they may achieve pleasant
feelings like joy, pride, and contentment by acquiring and flaunting expensive stuff.

Though these personal characteristics may inspire consumers to spend lavishly, they also carry
the risk of causing them to make poor decisions (Bronner, 2018). Conspicuous spending on
buying expensive and custom clothes as a form of self-esteem enhancement, for instance,
might promote undesirable materialistic ideals and a consumerist worldview. Furthermore,
engaging in this specific spending as a means of comparison to others or signaling social status
may lead to emotions of inadequacy or competitiveness and may not result in actual
satisfaction or contentment.
Major External factors that motivate consumers to engage in conspicuous

Cultural influences: Consumers may be swayed to put a high value on belongings and symbols
of status if they are regarded highly in the cultural values and norms of the society in which
they live (Siepmann, 2021). Possessing and flaunting one's riches and success via the purchase
and use of luxury item, for instance, may be highly valued in certain cultures.

Marketing and advertising: Companies may use advertising and marketing to play on people's
need for recognition and approval from their peers. To attract customers who wish to flaunt
their social standing via their purchases, they may highlight the grandeur and exclusivity of their

Influence of peers and society at large: Consumers may be impacted by the buying and
consumption patterns of their peers and acquaintances. In an effort to be accepted by their
peer group, they may feel they need to purchase the newest fashions and luxury items.

Celebrity and media influences: Influence of celebrities and the media: The public's perception
of luxury goods may be shaped by the media's presentation of such items and the purchase and
consumption habits of celebrities and other prominent figures (Hampson, 2021). They can
believe that if they buy and flaunt the same luxury products as their idols, they would achieve
the same level of fame and fortune that they enjoy.

Economic factors: Consumers may be prompted to participate by favorable economic factors

such as high levels of income and wealth. In times of economic growth, for instance, shoppers
may have more confidence in their ability to make large purchases.

While these exogenous influences may inspire customers to buy flashy items, they may also
have unintended negative effects. A lack of individuality and conformity may result, for
instance, if one lets cultural standards or social group influences decide one's shopping choices.
Advertising and marketing may also influence people to place an undue emphasis on material
goods and consumerism.

Positive and negative effects on environmental sustainability, individual

well-being, and social cohesion

Conspicuous consumption, especially consumption of high-end and exclusive clothing, has

positive and negative effects on environmental well-being, individual well-being, and social

Positive Effects

First, haute couture clothing is often made to last, with high-quality materials and construction,
which reduces the frequency of replacement and disposal of clothing. This leads to a reduction
in the amount of waste generated, as well as the resources needed to produce new clothing.

Second, haute couture designers often use sustainable materials and practices, such as using
organic cotton, recycling fabric scraps, and reducing water and energy use in production. These
efforts help to reduce the environmental impact of clothing production, including water
pollution, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.

The use of haute couture clothing can also help to promote the importance of sustainability and
environmental responsibility in the fashion industry. By choosing to buy and wear high-end
clothing that is produced in an environmentally responsible manner, consumers can raise
awareness about the environmental impact of fashion and help to drive change in the industry.
Haute couture clothing often serves as a symbol of status and success, which can lead to
increased self-esteem and confidence for the individual wearing the clothing. This can, in turn,
improve their overall sense of well-being and happiness.
Haute couture fashion events and shows can bring people together, fostering a sense of
community and social cohesion. These events provide opportunities for individuals to network,
share ideas, and engage in conversation with others who share their interests.

The consumption of haute couture clothing can also provide employment opportunities and
support local economies, particularly in areas where the clothing is produced. This can help to
build stronger communities and improve social cohesion.

Finally, the high-end fashion industry often supports charitable causes, such as environmental
protection and community development. The consumption of haute couture clothing can
support these efforts, contributing to the well-being of individuals and communities beyond the
fashion industry.

Negative Effects

The consumption of haute couture clothing can also have negative impacts on both the
environment and social cohesion, as well as individual well-being.
First, the production of haute couture clothing often involves the use of hazardous chemicals
and toxins, which can harm the environment and local communities. The production process
can also result in the depletion of natural resources, such as water and energy, and contribute
to greenhouse gas emissions.

Second, the high cost of haute couture clothing can contribute to social inequalities and
exclusivity, creating divisions within society. The emphasis on luxury and status associated with
haute couture can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem for those who
cannot afford to participate in this consumption culture.
Third, the pressure to keep up with the latest fashion trends can contribute to
overconsumption and waste, particularly for those who feel compelled to replace their clothing
frequently. This can have negative impacts on the individual's financial well-being and can also
contribute to environmental degradation.

Finally, the exploitation of workers in the production of haute couture clothing, particularly in
countries with low labor standards, can harm the well-being of individuals and communities, as
well as contribute to social and economic inequalities.

In conclusion, the consumption of haute couture clothing can have negative impacts on the
environment, social cohesion, and individual well-being by contributing to environmental
degradation, promoting social inequalities, and causing harm to workers and communities
involved in production.

Role of government policy, consumer lobbyists and individual consumers

on the way conspicuous consumption practice will develop in the next
twenty years.

In the next twenty years, the role of government policy, consumer lobbyists, and individual
consumers will play a significant role in shaping the development of the haute couture clothing
consumption practice.
Government policy can impact the fashion industry in a variety of ways, from setting standards
for environmental sustainability and labour practices, to providing financial incentives for
companies that adopt environmentally-friendly practices. For example, governments could
encourage the use of sustainable materials, such as organic cotton, in clothing production.
Governments could also set regulations that limit the use of hazardous chemicals in clothing
production and enforce labour standards to prevent exploitation of workers.
Consumer lobbyists, such as environmental advocacy groups and labour rights organizations,
can also play a role in shaping the fashion industry. These groups work to raise public
awareness about the environmental and social impacts of fashion production and consumption,
and advocate for change in the industry. By engaging with consumers, companies, and
governments, consumer lobbyists can help to drive change in the fashion industry and promote
sustainable and ethical practices.
Individual consumers also have the power to impact the fashion industry through their
purchasing choices. By choosing to buy clothing produced in an environmentally responsible
and socially sustainable manner, consumers can send a message to the industry about the
importance of these issues. In addition, by supporting companies that prioritize sustainability
and ethics, consumers can encourage other companies to follow suit.
As consumers become more environmentally and socially conscious, the demand for
sustainable and ethically-produced clothing is likely to increase. This, in turn, will encourage
companies to adopt sustainable and ethical practices in order to meet the demands of
consumers. The development of new technologies and materials will also play a role in shaping
the fashion industry, as companies seek to produce clothing that is more sustainable and
environmentally friendly.
The fashion industry will also be impacted by broader trends, such as the increasing awareness
of climate change and the importance of environmental sustainability. Companies will be
pressured to adopt more sustainable practices in order to meet the demands of consumers and
to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market.
In conclusion, the next twenty years will be a critical period for the haute couture clothing
consumption practice, as government policy, consumer lobbyists, and individual consumers will
play a significant role in shaping the future of the fashion industry. By promoting sustainable
and ethical practices, these actors can help to reduce the negative impacts of fashion
production and consumption on the environment and society, and contribute to a more
sustainable and equitable future for the fashion industry.
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