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Lexy Kruse           april 24, 2023 

Academic Achievement Reflection 

Getting accepted into the ECE Dual-Credit Program has honestly changed my life so much in many ways.
I never thought I would be able to achieve something so big. It is quite amazing how far I have come all
in one years work as I have just last week finished all of my university courses and received my ECE
Assistant Certificate from the ECE registry of BC. I have always been one to love helping others but
never did I realize I would get awarded for it. I have really enjoyed volunteering for countless
organizations throughout the course of my life. My most prideful experience would easily be having a
parent of one of many children I looked after tell me that their child feels comfortable around me. This
family came into my care with very low expectations as their child was extremely shy. This is one of the
experiences I had that made me realize that my calling is working with young children. This connects
directly to my future career as an ECE teacher as it gives me a huge head-start in my future career goal.
This past year I have grown and learned so much about myself. I have juggled two jobs, working 30+
hours a week, suceeded in four university courses, all while  working through my senior year of high-
school, not to mention, facing many personal obstacles along the way. I have learne dhow to juggle my
time well, to make the best out of what you have, to always learn something out of evrrything, and to
never doubt youself. 

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