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Keiyli Varela

Virtual Fieldtrip ( Exploratorium)

May 10, 2023

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I did a virtual fieldtrip at the exploratorium. First i learned about a soapy film painting

they have and how the gravity pulls the soap down and the colors show . Next I learned

about “ Are your Cells You” and it was about how this woman died and her cells still

stayed alive in a lab . Then it was about a Bacteria named “ Bacteriopolis”, i also

learned about colored shadows and how the more layers you and the color changes

.Lastly i learned about an eclipse in a ring light and a eclipse in a cup and they were

both mainly about how you can have stuff/diagram to show how a eclipse happens.

Paragraph # 2

Overall i though that the virtual field trip was nice and not that complicated for what i

needed it for. Something that i was mostly interested in the exploratorium was the soap

film painting and the colored shadow because i think it would be something that i

actually would do .

Paragraph # 3 the article

Main points -
The cause of bioluminescence depends on two chemicals: luciferin and either luciferase

or photoprotien .Luciferin is a chemical that produces light .Most marine

bioluminescense it blue -green which is easier to see in the dark deep ocean .

Bioluminescense can be used to hunt prey , and defend against predators .

They also hide in the shadows to become invisible .the most famous predator to use

bioluminescence is the anglerfish .Adult firefly are also bluminescent .Now scieentist are

studying bioluminescenes to understand how people can use ot to make life easier and

safer .

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