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The Passive Voice

Sentences written in the passive voice are often harder to understand than those
written in the active voice. When you understand the difference, you can edit and
improve your own academic writing.

Passive voice = action comes before the person or entity doing the action
Active voice = Person doing the action comes first


Here are a few examples of a passive voice sentence re-worded as an active voice
sentence. We’ve highlighted the action (verb) and the do-er (subject) for you.

Passive voice Active voice

Imagery is used by Shakespeare in this Shakespeare uses imagery in this play.


Convenience is offered by new New technology offers convenience.


The song “Good As Hell” was written by Lizzo wrote “Good As Hell”.
The quick brown fox jumped over the
The lazy dog was jumped over by the lazy dog.
quick brown fox.
The film explores motifs that convey its
Motifs are explored in the film that themes.
convey its themes.

See if you can find, and highlight, the verb (action word) as well as the subject
(person or entity doing the action) in each of the below passive sentences.
Then, re-write them as active voice sentences.

This multidimensional effect is acheived by the author through the open ending and the
omission of solutions to the social problems.

Legislation has been initiated in developed countries to tackle plastic problems.

If you tell me, your secret will be kept.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only someone remembers to turn
on the light.

For more help with the passive voice, feel free to log in and ask
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