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Applied behavior analytic interventions for

children with autism: A description and review
of treatment research

ed ia
lt h M
Doreen Granpeesheh, PhD, BCBA BACKGROUND:
H ea y
Autism is a disorder characterized by pervasive delays in
e nl
se o
Jonathan Tarbox, PhD, BCBA
the development of language and socialization, and the presence of ste-
Dennis R. Dixon, PhD

h t Dreotyped,
n a l u
repetitive behaviors or nonfunctional interests. Although a

g o
Center for Autism and Related Disorders

pyri pers
Tarzana, CA, USA
multitude of treatments for autism exist, very few have been the subject

Co For
of scientific research. The only treatment that has been supported by sub-
stantial empirical research is treatment based on applied behavior analy-
sis (ABA).

METHODS: This article describes components of comprehensive ABA

treatment programs, reviews research on effectiveness, and discusses
issues related to collaboration between ABA and psychiatry.

RESULTS: ABA has been supported by several hundred single case ex-
periments and an increasing number of between-groups studies.
Comprehensive ABA treatment programs are comprised of multiple
intervention procedures, such as discrete trial instruction and natural
environment training, and are founded on basic principles of learning
and motivation, such as positive reinforcement, extinction, stimulus
control, and generalization. Clinicians in the fields of ABA and psy-
chiatry have similar goals regarding client outcome, and several ABA
measurement and analysis procedures produce information that may
be useful to psychiatrists.

CONCLUSIONS: ABA treatment programs for individuals with autism
Doreen Granpeesheh, PhD, BCBA are supported by a significant amount of scientific evidence and are
Center for Autism and Related Disorders therefore recommended for use. Patient care would likely benefit from
19019 Ventura Blvd, 3rd Floor a greater degree of collaboration between practitioners in the fields of
Tarzana, CA 91356 USA
ABA and psychiatry.
E-MAIL KEYWORDS: autism, ASD, applied behavior analysis, ABA, EIBI

162 August 2009 | Vol. 21 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry

For mass reproduction, content licensing and permissions contact Dowden Health Media.

I NT RO DU C T IO N APA is the application of principles of learning and

motivation to the solution of problems of social signifi-
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has become the com- cance. The treatment of autism is perhaps the discipline
monly used term for all diagnoses falling within the to which ABA has been applied most prolifically. Three
pervasive developmental disorders, including autistic comprehensive reviews of autism treatment research
disorder (299.00), pervasive developmental disorder not have been published recently,7-9 and it is not the purpose
otherwise specified (PDD NOS) (299.80), Asperger’s dis- of this article to duplicate them. Rather than reviewing all
order (299.80), Rhett’s disorder (299.80), and childhood autism treatment research, this article focuses on describ-
disintegrative disorder (299.10). ASD are characterized ing and reviewing common ABA clinical practices, as well
by deficits in 2 or more areas of functioning, including as the results of research on ABA treatment. In what fol-
impaired language development, impaired social devel- lows, we describe ABA as it is applied to ASD, review the
opment, and the presence of excessive and stereotyped research that supports its use, and describe a productive
repetitive behaviors or interests. Prevalence estimates of model for the collaboration of ABA and psychiatry. In so
ASD have increased dramatically in recent years and may doing, we will describe components of ABA treatment
be due in part to an actual increase in the occurrence of programs for younger and older children and will make
this disorder as well as greater awareness of the disorder the case that both ABA providers and psychiatrists would
among clinicians. The most recent estimate of the prev- benefit from a more collaborative relationship than is
alence of autism among children in the United States, common at the present time.
released by the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention based on 2002 data, is approximately 1 in 150.1 Components of early intensive behavioral
Accordingly, greater public attention has been directed intervention programs
toward ASD in recent years, and significant public funds Early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) consists
have been allocated toward research. However, parent of the application of ABA principles and procedures for
groups commonly decry the lack of research and practi- the comprehensive habilitation of young children with
cal information on effective treatment. ASD. Treatment is generally initiated as early as pos-
Numerous treatments for ASD exist,2 all of which sible, is implemented intensively (eg, up to 40 hours
are enthusiastically supported by those who developed per week), and attempts to address all impaired areas of
them and by parents who desperately cling to the hope functioning. Below, we review the primary components
that something will cure their children. Unfortunately, of EIBI treatment programs. In addition, the reader is
the vast majority of these treatments have not been referred to several treatment manuals for a more thor-
subjected to sound scientific research. The single treat- ough description of procedural details.10-13
ment approach garnering substantial scientific support Basic principles. The procedures implemented
involves intervention based on the principles and pro- in EIBI programs were developed over the last 40 or
cedures of applied behavior analysis (ABA). First applied more years of research in ABA. These procedures are all
to autism in the 1960s, ABA has since been the subject founded on behavioral principles of learning and moti-
of several hundred treatment studies published in peer- vation, consisting of reinforcement, extinction, stimu-
reviewed journals.3 The substantial body of research lus control, and generalization.14 A basic assumption
supporting ABA for children with autism has led sev- of behavioral psychology is that everything that people
eral independent entities to acknowledge ABA and do, be it linguistic, social, adaptive, or maladaptive, can
endorse its use for children with autism, including the be considered behavior. The basic learning principle at
US Surgeon General,4 the New York State Department the core of ABA is the notion that the consequences of
of Health,5 the National Academy of Sciences,6 and the a behavior can either strengthen or weaken it. Behavior
American Academy of Pediatrics.7 The impact of such that is followed by the presentation of desirable conse-
endorsements is evidenced by public policy changes quences or the removal of aversive consequences will
such as formal state funding being allocated to autism be strengthened (this is referred to as reinforcement)
treatment and state-level legislative decisions mandat- whereas behavior that is followed by the presentation of
ing insurance coverage for ABA treatment (eg, “Steven’s aversive consequences or the removal of desirable con-
Law,” Arizona House Bill 2487). sequences will be weakened. By systematically presenting Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 21 No. 3 | August 2009 163


such consequences when a behavior occurs, we arrange Fading refers to the systematic removal of a prompt, such
the environment such that the behavior increases or that the desired behavior or skill continues to occur in
decreases in the future. Terminating reinforcement for its absence. Prompts can be faded in a number of ways,
a behavior reduces the future probability of that behav- including by intensity, immediacy, etc.
ior; this principle is referred to as extinction. Moreover, Shaping is a procedure that involves reinforc-
the contiguous occurrence of reinforcers in the pres- ing successive approximations to a desired behavior.
ence of other stimuli results in those stimuli taking on For example, if a child is not able to imitate the full
the positive properties of the initial reinforcer, thereby word “car,” then one might start by reinforcing the first
becoming conditioned to produce the same increase approximation, simply the sound “K.” Once the child is
in behavior initially observed. This process is referred proficient with this skill, one might proceed by prompt-
to as conditioned reinforcement. Further, when a par- ing and reinforcing “kah,” and finally “car.”
ticular behavior is reinforced in the presence of a par- Chaining is a procedure used to teach a long
ticular antecedent stimulus, and not in its absence, the sequence of behaviors that might be impossible for a
behavior begins to occur only in the presence of that child with ASD to learn all at once, but where acquisi-
stimulus and not in its absence. This process is known tion is possible when the entire sequence is broken
as stimulus control. For example, when one is driving, down into small behaviors; these behaviors are then
one stops at a red light because in the presence of a red prompted and reinforced, thereby creating a “chain”
light, the behavior of stopping produces the desirable of behaviors. For example, when attempting to teach a
consequences of avoiding a vehicle collision and a traf- child how to prepare a snack, one might start by teach-
fic citation. That is, due to a history of receiving rein- ing the child to verbally identify which foods she needs
forcement for a particular behavior in the presence of to get, then get them out of the refrigerator, then place
a particular stimulus, that stimulus now signals to the them on the counter, then prepare the snack, then clean
person behaving which behaviors will result in which up, etc, until each step in the sequence is learned.
particular reinforcers. Finally, the effects of reinforcing Teaching formats. The principles and procedures
a behavior in the presence of one stimulus spread to used above must then be put together into overall for-
other stimuli, such that if one learns how to do some- mats for teaching. Early EIBI programs were primarily
thing in one context, one will be able to do it in other comprised of discrete trial training (DTT),11,16 and per-
contexts as well. The spreading of the effects of learning haps for this reason, some currently confuse DTT with
from one circumstance to another is called generaliza- EIBI, although the former is simply one of many teach-
tion and applies to all stimuli that form the contextual ing formats within the latter. DTT is a structured teach-
environment within which a behavior occurs, whether ing format, wherein multiple discrete opportunities, or
it be changes in setting, the people present, or the time “discrete trials,” are presented across the day. A discrete
of day during which the behavior occurs. trial consists of the therapist presenting an instruction,
Procedures. The principles of reinforcement, extinc- the child responding in some way, and the therapist
tion, stimulus control, and generalization are applied then responding by presenting a consequence to him
in the 4 teaching procedures, known as (1) prompting, or her. For example, the instruction might be “What is
(2) fading, (3) shaping, and (4) chaining.15 Prompting your name?” The child then responds correctly, and the
involves the presentation of cues or assistance in order therapist responds by giving the child a reinforcer. If the
to make a behavior occur that otherwise would not. For child responds incorrectly, a reinforcer is not delivered
example, when teaching a child with autism to ask for his and the therapist typically presents some kind of correc-
favorite toy car, one might give the prompt “Say car,” so tion procedure, such as modeling the correct response
that the child’s behavior of saying “car” might then occur, and then initiating another discrete trial. One strength
thereby giving the therapist the opportunity to reinforce of DTT is that, by definition, it involves a large number
the child’s behavior of saying “car” by giving him his favor- of trials presented in a short amount of time, thereby
ite car. Prompts are universally considered a temporary ensuring a large number of learning opportunities. A
measure and are only used so that a particular behavior potential limitation of DTT is that skills learned in DTT
can be made to occur and then be reinforced. may not generalize readily to less structured settings
Almost immediately, fading must be incorporated. and that some children may have negative reactions

164 August 2009 | Vol. 21 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


to the structure and rigor of the training format. Some produce. Such sources of inadvertent reinforcement from
initial research has supported these concerns17 but caregivers include attention, escape from nonpreferred
more research is needed. In any case, virtually all mod- activities, and access to preferred items, foods, or activi-
ern comprehensive EIBI programs supplement DTT ties. In many cases, a child who cannot communicate may
with less structured teaching formats, such as those have tantrums or act out in order to have his or her needs
described below.12 met. After identifying the ongoing source of reinforce-
In contrast to the highly structured, contrived teach- ment for each challenging behavior, EIBI programs treat
ing environment common in DTT, natural environment the behavior by teaching the child an alternative, more
training (NET) is designed to mimic typical adult-child appropriate means of attaining the reinforcement and
interactions and maximize naturally occurring learn- by no longer allowing access to the reinforcement when
ing opportunities. As the name implies, NET focuses on the challenging behavior occurs. For example, instead of
teaching skills in an environment and format that more allowing a child to escape instructional demands when he
closely resemble the typical daily activities that a young has a tantrum, the child will be taught to ask for a break or
child may encounter. In addition to the loosely struc- ask for help.
tured format of instruction, NET differs from DTT in that Scope of intervention. EIBI programs are compre-
learning trials are initiated by the learner, rather than hensive in nature. That is, the programs are explicitly
the therapist.12 For example, the learning trial is initi- designed to address every identifiable area of deficit.
ated when the child indicates, by reaching, pointing, or Put simply, if there is something that a child should
vocalizing, that he or she desires something. The thera- know how to do for his or her age, a comprehensive
pist recognizes the learning opportunity and responds EIBI program should analyze that skill as a teachable
by prompting a desired behavior and then gives the behavior and teach it. General curriculum areas that are
child what she wants. Under the larger umbrella of addressed are language, social skills, play skills, motor
NET are several specific approaches such as incidental skills, pre-academic and academic skills, and indepen-
teaching,18 milieu teaching, and pivotal response train- dent living skills.
ing (see Kaiser and Trent19 for a review). The strengths of
NET are that it may lead to enhanced generalization of Research on early intensive behavioral
skills and that some children may have fewer negative intervention
reactions to the less structured format.17 In the past 20 years, 7 long-term, large-scale controlled
Although DTT and NET comprise the core of com- studies have demonstrated that children who receive
prehensive EIBI programs, numerous other ABA proce- more than 25 hours per week of ABA for more than 1
dures have been researched extensively and commonly year make tremendous gains, with some participants
put into practice in EIBI programs. An exhaustive treat- achieving functioning within the average range for their
ment of these procedures is beyond the scope of this age.8 Historically, EIBI research has been criticized for
article, but the reader is encouraged to seek out addi- its small sample sizes, lack of randomized control tri-
tional information on video-modeling,20 script-fading,21 als, and failure to include procedural integrity mea-
picture activity schedules,22 and peer-mediated social sures. However, the growing collection of well-designed
skills training procedures.23 research studies, particularly in the last few years, has
Challenging behaviors. Repetitive behavior (eg, ste- made progress in addressing these concerns. In a recent
reotypies, “self-stimulatory” behavior) is inherent in ASD critical review, Rogers and Vismara9 applied criteria for
diagnoses. However, other challenging behaviors, such empirically validated treatments to this literature and
as self-injury, aggression, property destruction, and tan- concluded that EIBI meets criteria for a “well-estab-
trums, are also quite common, likely often due to delays lished” treatment. As the details of the methodological
in communication skills. All challenging behaviors may rigor of these studies have been reviewed recently else-
impede learning and everyday functioning, so effectively where,8,9 we will eschew doing so and instead focus on
treating them is an integral component of top-quality a description of the treatment provided and the major
EIBI programs.12 The ABA approach to such behaviors findings of the studies.
is to analyze why they occur by identifying the ongoing The first controlled study to evaluate long-term EIBI
sources of reinforcement that the behaviors normally for children with autism was conducted in 1987 by Ivar Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 21 No. 3 | August 2009 165


Lovaas at the University of California, Los Angeles.16 This years of EIBI to “treatment as usual” for preschool age
study compared outcomes for a group of children who children in the United Kingdom and found substantially
received intensive (40 hours per week) EIBI to the out- greater gains in intelligence, language, daily living skills,
come of children who received low-intensity (ie, 10 hours and social behavior for the children who received EIBI.
per week) behavioral intervention. All children received Perry and colleagues29 evaluated the effectiveness
their respective treatments for 2 or more years. Assign- of a government-funded, province-wide EIBI program
ment to groups was not random; rather, it was based on for children with ASD and found that, of 332 children
availability of staff to provide the intensive ABA therapy. who received treatment, 71% achieved gains of some
However, statistical analyses showed that the groups did sort. According to results of the Childhood Autism Rat-
not vary significantly on any measures at intake. Results ing Scale (CARS), 41% of the children who were assessed
of the study indicated that 47% of the children in the EIBI to be in the mild/moderate autism range pretreatment
group achieved a normal IQ and were succeeding in scored in the non-ASD range posttreatment. Children
first grade placement in regular education classrooms, who scored in the severe autism range at intake, accord-
without specialized supports of any kind (ie, no curricu- ing to the CARS, also made substantial gains, with 59%
lum modifications, no one-to-one aid, etc). Children in scoring in the mild/moderate range and 15% scoring in
the control groups, however, made much smaller gains, the non-ASD range posttreatment. It should be noted
with only 2% of children achieving normal educational that this study lacked a control group of any kind and
and intellectual functioning. In 1993, McEachin, Smith, that the results are somewhat less robust than those
and Lovaas24 published a follow-up study, wherein par- found by smaller-scale studies. However, the results are
ticipants in the intensive ABA group were reevaluated at particularly encouraging because treatment was pro-
a mean age of 11.5 years. Eight of the 9 participants had vided by a large number of disparate ABA providers and
maintained intellectual functioning in the normal range, was not prescribed and controlled by a central univer-
and all 9 scored in the average range across all scales on sity-based program. Therefore, the Perry et al29 results
the Personality Inventory for Children. lend encouraging evidence for the real-life effectiveness
Subsequent studies on EIBI have produced simi- of EIBI on children with autism.
lar results. Sallows and Graupner25 found that 48% of Taken together, the studies summarized above dem-
children who had received 4 years of EIBI scored in the onstrate clearly that EIBI produces substantial gains in
average range on measures of IQ, with 34% succeed- children with ASD; however, several questions remain.
ing in regular education with no specialized supports, Two areas of concern stated in the American Academy
and 34% scored as non-ASD according to results of the of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’s Practice Parameters
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). Cohen et for the Assessment and Treatment of Children, Adoles-
al26 studied the effects of 3 years of EIBI on young chil- cents, and Adults With Autism and Other Pervasive Devel-
dren with autism and found that children receiving EIBI opmental Disorders30 were the issues of the intensity and
outperformed controls on measures of intelligence and duration of treatment. Although more research is needed
adaptive behavior. This study indicated that 28% of par- to address these concerns, several studies have been pub-
ticipants were successfully transitioned to regular edu- lished since the publication of the Practice Parameters,
cation placements, whereas only 4% of controls were and the results are discussed below.
able to do so. Eikeseth et al27 extended previous research Weekly intensity of treatment. The required weekly
by evaluating intensive ABA treatment for slightly older number of hours (often referred to as “intensity”) of EIBI
children with autism. Whereas the previous studies is an often-debated topic. However, the results of research
included children under the age of 60 months, this study are fairly clear. The initial study by Lovaas16 included a
analyzed the effects of intensive ABA on children who group who received low-intensity ABA (approximately
were 4 to 7 years old at intake. The ABA group attained 10 hours per week), and the results demonstrated signifi-
significant increases in IQ and adaptive functioning, cantly smaller gains than the high-intensity (40 hours per
when compared with a control group who received stan- week) group. Eldevik et al31 conducted a study wherein
dard “eclectic” special education services for the same children with autism received low-intensity ABA therapy
number of hours per week and for the same duration. (approximately 12 hours per week) for 2 years. These
Remington and colleagues28 compared the effects of 2 participants achieved statistically significant gains when

166 August 2009 | Vol. 21 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


compared with a control group, but the gains were con- that participants continued to achieve further gains in the
siderably lower than those found in studies of high-inten- subsequent 3 years. Sheinkopf and Siegel37 evaluated ABA
sity ABA. Reed and colleagues32 descriptively compared therapy that was both lower in intensity (approximately 20
9-month outcomes of a group of children who received a hours per week) and shorter in duration (approximately 15
mean of 30 hours per week of ABA therapy with a group months) and found that children again achieved statisti-
of children who received a mean of 12 hours of ABA cally significant gains in IQ when compared with controls,
therapy per week and found that the high-intensity group but that the gains were smaller than those found in studies
achieved significantly greater gains. Smith et al33 evalu- which implemented ABA for 2 or more years. Zachor et al38
ated the effects of 25 hours per week of ABA therapy for compared outcomes of children with autism who received
2 years. Results indicated that the ABA group achieved intensive ABA for 1 year with those who received eclectic
gains that were statistically significant when compared to developmental intervention and found that 4 of 19 (21%)
a control group, but which were considerably lower than children who received intensive ABA no longer qualified
those produced by studies of high-intensity ABA. Taken for an ASD diagnosis according to the ADOS, whereas
together, the studies summarized above indicate that the all children in the eclectic developmental group still did.
mere provision of EIBI is not sufficient to produce opti- Although these results are robust, the studies summarized
mal outcomes, but rather that EIBI must be implemented earlier that implemented EIBI for a longer duration found
at sufficient intensity (ie, 30 to 40 hours per week). a higher percentage of participants scored in the nonim-
Total duration of treatment. The total duration of paired range posttreatment. The studies described above,
treatment (ie, years, months, etc.) required to produce particularly when contrasted with existing studies on lon-
optimal gains for children with autism is also commonly ger-term EIBI, appear to provide significant evidence that
debated. However, several research studies suggest that EIBI for children with autism should be provided for 2 or
treatment for 2 or more years is likely needed to produce more years in order to obtain optimal therapeutic results.
optimal results. Howard and colleagues34 compared 14 Predictors of treatment outcome. Although EIBI
months of intensive ABA therapy to eclectic therapy of has been demonstrated to produce significant gains
the same duration for young children with autism. Results for children with ASD, the magnitude of response to
showed that the ABA group made statistically significant treatment appears to vary significantly among children.
gains when compared to the control group but that the This common result of EIBI outcome research has high-
gains were less than those seen in studies that evaluated lighted the need for research on variables that predict
intensive ABA for 2 or more years (eg, see Lovaas,16 Sallows outcome. Initial attempts have been made to identify
and Graupner,25 and Cohen et al26). Although not yet pub- the characteristics of children who obtain the best out-
lished, follow-up data from the Howard et al34 study show comes from EIBI. For example, Bono and colleagues39
that the difference in outcomes between the EIBI group found that gains from intervention were correlated
and control group continued to increase over the sec- with participants’ initial language skills and their abil-
ond year of exposure to EIBI.35 Eikeseth and colleagues36 ity to respond to joint attention initiations from oth-
evaluated the effects of intensive ABA therapy for 1 year ers. Sigman and McGovern40 found that functional play
and found significant results, but these were still lower skills and frequency of requesting behaviors predicted
than studies evaluating longer-term ABA therapy. When treatment outcome. Sallows and Graupner25 identified
follow-up data from the same study were later published, a relationship between treatment outcomes and pre-
the results indicated that children in the behavioral inter- treatment skills in the areas of imitation, language, and
vention group continued to progress significantly during socialization. Szatmari and colleagues41 also found that
their second year of treatment.37 early language development was predictive of outcome,
Reed et al32 found that 9 months of intensive ABA as well as nonverbal cognitive abilities. Although these
produced significant but lesser gains than those of stud- studies have begun to examine the link between a child’s
ies evaluating long-term ABA. Sallows and Graupner25 individual characteristics and his or her response to
reported outcome data after the first year of treatment intervention, the heterogeneity of their results also illus-
(as opposed to the full duration, equaling 4 years) which trates the current difficulty of predicting which children
demonstrated that children receiving EIBI made substan- will benefit most from EIBI.
tial gains after 1 year when compared with controls, but Far more important than merely predicting out- Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 21 No. 3 | August 2009 167


come would be customizing treatment based on predic- Treatment), but none have yet published their results.
tors in order to bring about more favorable outcomes. A review of all relevant literature is beyond the scope of
For example, if imitation skills at intake predict outcome, this article, but we will briefly review the general charac-
then perhaps modifying EIBI programs for children with teristics described in the literature as well as some spe-
this profile by focusing more heavily on imitation than is cific examples that may be representative.
typically done could produce more optimal outcomes. Scope and duration. The scope and duration of
To the extent that predictor variables map onto skills or research studies on ABA for older children with ASD are
behaviors that can be directly addressed during early significantly narrower and shorter than those of EIBI
stages of behavioral intervention (as opposed to purely research. Whereas the goal of long-term EIBI studies has
organic variables, which cannot), it seems at least plau- been to remediate all skill deficits displayed by partici-
sible that the effectiveness of EIBI could be enhanced. pants, the goal of most research on ABA for older children
Much research is conducted on the details of EIBI, but with autism has been to identify and remediate particu-
no study has been published to date that implemented a lar deficits in a short period of time. For example, goals of
specific enhancement of EIBI for a particular participant ABA research for older children might include teaching
characteristic and then assessed long-term outcome one particular skill of independent living, or reducing one
in order to evaluate whether improved results were particular challenging behavior by replacing it with func-
produced. Given the known effectiveness of EIBI and tional communication. Therefore, most of the studies we
the known variability in response to treatment, more describe below address a small number of behaviors for
research on how to improve EIBI in order to improve a short period of time (eg, 1 or 2 months). As such, these
outcomes for all children is clearly needed. studies address individual components of what might be
Clinical recommendations. Based on the available considered a comprehensive program, but not the out-
research on the effectiveness of EIBI, children under age come of a comprehensive treatment program as a whole.
7 who have autism should receive 30 to 40 hours per week Research design. The research designs used in
of one-to-one behavioral intervention for a minimum of research on ABA for older children with autism match
2 years. EIBI programs should be comprehensive in that the purpose and goals of the research, that is, to iden-
they address all areas of deficit for each individual child; tify and improve particular behaviors and skills in par-
they should address all challenging behaviors exhibited ticular individuals. Therefore, single case experimental
by the child; they should be based on behavioral prin- designs dominate this literature. Single case experimen-
ciples of learning and motivation; and they should con- tal designs typically have each individual participant as
tain both DTT and NET teaching components. his or her own control and therefore expose him or her
to alternating conditions of either the treatment or one
Research on ABA for older children or more controls. Rather than replicating the treatment
and adolescents with autism effect across multiple individuals within a group, as tradi-
A commonly held misconception is that ABA is primar- tional group designs do, single case experimental designs
ily for young children with autism. Research and prac- replicate the treatment effect at multiple different experi-
tice on EIBI currently receives the most public atten- menter-dictated times with each participant. Although
tion, but a very substantial amount of research has been single case experimental designs have not traditionally
conducted on ABA treatment for older children and been accepted within the medical research community,
adolescents with autism. It is likely that the reason why they have a long and fruitful tradition within behavior
EIBI has garnered the majority of attention is that the science and their utility has led to independent groups
gains that have been demonstrated by EIBI research are acknowledging their role within the process of identify-
far more dramatic than those demonstrated by research ing empirically validated treatments.42
on ABA for older children. Nevertheless, hundreds of Clinical focuses of intervention. Virtually all areas
studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals of human functioning have been affected in a positive
on the application of ABA procedures to improving the way in research on ABA for older children with autism.
functioning of older children and adolescents with ASD. Below, we describe a small sample of research on treat-
Several groups are currently in the process of reviewing ment in several broad areas of functioning.
all such research (eg, Association for Science in Autism LANGUAGE. A hallmark of ABA interventions is a

168 August 2009 | Vol. 21 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


focus on establishing functional, independent lan- has demonstrated the effectiveness of ABA procedures
guage and communication skills. Research has demon- for treating pediatric feeding disorders in persons with
strated that the basic components of ABA intervention developmental disabilities. Studies have been pub-
(described earlier in this article) can be combined and lished on treating food selectivity,56 increasing swallow-
used to improve language of all sorts in children of all ing of previously refused foods,57 and treating adipsia58
ages. Types of language which have been intervened in older children and adolescents with ASD.
upon run the gamut of human communication, from
simple nonvocal requesting via picture-exchange43 Characteristics of ABA programs for older
and naming of familiar objects via sign language,44 to children and adolescents
improving performance at writing simple essays.45 Just as the scope and duration of research studies on
ACADEMICS. ABA procedures have been used to teach ABA for older children with ASD are narrower and
a variety of academic and pre-academic skills to indi- shorter-term than those of EIBI research, service pro-
viduals with ASD. For example, performance on basic vision programs may often have a narrower focus and
math problems has been improved,46 ABA approaches emphasize high-priority, short-term goals. Such pro-
to teaching reading comprehension have been success- grams often function on a consultative model, wherein
ful,47 and children with autism have been taught knowl- the day-to-day care providers for older children with
edge of geography.48 ASD contact an ABA provider for help when they are at
SOCIAL FUNCTIONING. Research has demonstrated a loss as to how to solve particular problems. In general,
ABA procedures to be effective in treating the full range the more severe the problem, the more likely a care pro-
of play and social skills, from basic “cause-and-effect” vider may be to seek outside help from an ABA provider.
play, to relatively complex interactive play (See Matson Such problems include, but are not limited to, particu-
et al23 for a review). Initial forays into teaching social larly destructive behavior, such as aggression, property
perspective taking or “theory of mind” using ABA pro- destruction, elopement, or self-injury. An ABA provider
cedures have also been successful.49,50 may also be consulted when a marked inability to pro-
INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS. ABA procedures have duce acquisition of particularly pivotal skills occurs,
been applied to teaching older children and adoles- eg, when an individual has not acquired any functional
cents with ASD a variety of independent living skills, for form of communication, any degree of toileting or other
example, how to find and access preferred Internet sites “self-help” skills, or presents with a significant feeding
without assistance,51 table-setting skills,52 and how to disorder, such as food refusal or food selectivity.
seek assistance when lost.53 Whatever the reason for the initial contact between
VOCATIONAL SKILLS. ABA procedures have been used the older child with ASD and the ABA service provider,
to assess and establish vocational skills in individuals the general process of assessment and treatment con-
with ASD. Of particular note is the application of ABA tains the same basic elements. First, an individual’s team
procedures for assessing preference and embedding is convened, either in person or by phone, and goals are
choice within the vocational setting, thereby ensuring agreed upon. Good goals define the particular behaviors
the greatest possible degree of independence and self- that are problematic and the particular skills in need of
determination.54 enhancement, as well as setting challenging but achiev-
CHALLENGING BEHAVIORS. Research has indicated that able benchmarks for assessing whether the proposed
ABA procedures have been particularly successful in intervention helps achieve the goal. Next, the ABA pro-
assessing and treating challenging behaviors in persons fessional conducts a functional assessment to determine
with ASD. The general approach for older children is the nature of the current problem and likely sources of
identical to that for young children—to identify why a motivation relevant to the person being treated. After
challenging behavior occurs and to teach the individual the functional assessment has been completed, an inter-
an alternative, appropriate means to communicate to vention plan is developed. The intervention plan uses
have their needs met. Such an approach is referred to as the basic principles and procedures of ABA to address
“functional communication training” and has been the the unique strengths, deficits, and functional proper-
subject of a substantial amount of treatment research.55 ties of the person’s behavior. All caregivers who are then
FEEDING DISORDERS. A significant amount of research expected to implement the intervention are trained and Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 21 No. 3 | August 2009 169


provided with support such that they can implement it ful. It is reasonable to assume that many practitioners
correctly. Quantitative data are then collected on the sta- from all sides of the collaborative process are often
tus of adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, so that the frustrated with the interaction. This frustration is often
effects of the intervention can be closely evaluated on the result of differing perspectives. However, it is spe-
an ongoing basis. Small, systematic changes are made to cifically the difference in perspectives and the training
the intervention, if needed, until the goals constructed at and knowledge that come with it that make the collab-
the outset are achieved. Contingencies are then planned orative process meaningful. In our experience, the col-
to maintain the progress made, and environmental sup- laborative process becomes much less frustrating and
ports are put in place to ensure it. much more beneficial to the child with autism if a focus
Clinical recommendations. The lack of research on is made on the common goal of improved care for the
the optimal weekly intensity, overall duration, and scope child with autism and the attainment of measurable
of intervention for older children and adolescents with progress toward this goal.
autism precludes making any definitive recommenda- The goals of ABA and psychiatry are clearly in line
tions along these lines. However, ample research has dem- with one another. The goal of the ABA provider, at the
onstrated that targeted interventions for particular skill level of the individual child with autism, is to analyze the
deficits and challenging behaviors can be effective when child’s current status and to make clinical judgments and
each intervention is implemented for several hours per recommendations that will enhance the quality of the
week. There is no logical reason to believe that several such child’s life—clearly the goal of the psychiatrist as well.
interventions could not be combined at any given time to Put more specifically, both the ABA provider and the psy-
address a larger variety of issues across a larger portion chiatrist strive to change socially meaningful behaviors to
of an individual’s day. Put simply, there is every reason a clinically significant degree. Clinicians from both disci-
to believe that the more hours an expert ABA supervisor plines would like to see challenging behaviors decrease
spends analyzing and programming for particular chal- and adaptive skills improve. We propose that the indi-
lenging behaviors and skill deficits, and the more hours vidual child will be best served if there is frequent com-
ABA interventionists are available to work directly with the munication between ABA providers and psychiatrists
client and implement his or her intervention programs, working with the same child at the same time. However,
the more challenges can be met during any given week. simply increasing communication is not enough—what
is needed is active collaboration in our treatment efforts.
Collaboration between psychiatry and In what follows, we briefly describe some pitfalls and rec-
applied behavior analysis ommendations for the nature of that relationship.
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psy- Providers of ABA services collect objective mea-
chiatry (AACAP) has articulated well the role that child sures of many of the behaviors that would be of interest
and adolescent psychiatrists play in collaboration with to psychiatrists. For example, if a family is seeking psy-
other healthcare providers. In describing the integral chiatric help for their child who exhibits self-injurious
nature of collaborations, they state: behavior, it is highly likely that the child’s ABA provider
Collaborations are required in all treatment settings, is already collecting data on how often that behavior
at all levels of care, both acute crisis and long-term occurs. ABA providers often keep track of the frequency
encounters. This is especially true in special popula- of both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, record
tions such as those with complex co-morbid condi- the duration of such behaviors each time they occur,
tions, including developmental disabilities, sub- or record some estimate of the percentage of time peri-
stance abuse problems, juvenile justice and/or child ods (eg, hours, days, etc) in which such behaviors have
welfare involvement. occurred. Psychiatrists may find these data to be a use-
We wholeheartedly agree with this assessment. ful tool for assessing the ongoing effects of pharmaco-
Given that one of the common “other healthcare pro- logic interventions, and ABA providers would very likely
viders” are ABA providers, further discussion of spe- find psychiatrists’ input on such matters highly useful.
cific ways in which collaboration may be accomplished However, without explicit efforts at communication on
would do much to help realize this goal. both sides, it is likely that psychiatrists are not aware of
Not all collaborative efforts are successful or help- the existence of such data, and/or that ABA providers

170 August 2009 | Vol. 21 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


may not be aware that they are not providing such data ciplines should contact one another and exchange infor-
to a psychiatrist who would appreciate having it. mation before making any major treatment changes.
Since both psychiatrists and ABA providers make A benefit to the model in which ABA services are
changes that they hope will affect patient behavior, clear usually provided is that most behavior data are collected
communication and coordination are critical. A conse- by someone other than the treatment supervisor. There-
quence of a lack of such communication is something fore, it is possible for ABA supervisors and psychiatrists
akin to a confounding variable in an experiment. Spe- to collaborate closely and strategically on the course of
cifically, if an ABA provider makes a significant change their combined interventions, while keeping the direct-
to a behavior intervention plan at the same time that a care ABA staff blind to changes in medication. Blinding
psychiatrist makes a significant change to a medication data collectors should result in behavior data that is less
regimen, and a change in behavior is observed, it will be likely to be compromised by their expectations or biases.
impossible to determine which change in treatment was A recent study by Crossland and colleagues59 provided a
responsible for the change in behavior, or if the com- demonstration of an effective collaboration in the cases
bination of behavioral and pharmacologic interven- of 2 individuals with autism who displayed destructive
tions produced the effect. An opportunity to discover behavior. The investigators systematically implemented
an important treatment finding for that patient would and removed risperidone treatment, while simultane-
have been missed. In the best-case scenario, the ABA ously continuing to conduct behavioral observations
provider and psychiatrist would be aware of this con- and assessments, all the while keeping behavior data col-
found and would work together to resolve it. However, lectors blind to whether participants were experiencing
a much worse scenario is likely far more common, that medication or placebo phases. The results demonstrated
is, that the ABA provider and psychiatrist are unaware of that risperidone differentially affected destructive behav-
one another’s efforts and, therefore, can only conclude iors that were motivated by escape from task demands vs
that their own intervention was responsible for behavior attention from caregivers and that aggression and self-
change. In cases in which the behavior change is posi- injurious behaviors were not affected equally. Further-
tive, then unneeded behavioral or pharmacologic treat- more, and not surprisingly, risperidone produced differ-
ment components (which can be costly both in time ential effects across participants.
and financial resources) will likely continue. In cases in Another fine example of the evaluation of the inter-
which the behavior change is negative, both clinicians action between behavioral and pharmacologic inter-
may be apt to recommend the removal of their treat- ventions is that provided by Dicesare and colleagues.60
ment recommendations, one of which may very well In their study, they reported the results of a functional
have been crucial for the patient’s well-being. analysis of the disruptive behavior of a young man with
Given that collaboration and communication developmental disabilities. The results of the functional
between ABA providers and psychiatrists may currently analysis were inconsistent, except when the presence or
be somewhat less common than may be desired, one absence of methylphenidate was taken into account, in
must assume that scenarios such as those described which case the functional analysis clearly demonstrated
above are not at all uncommon. Fortunately, there is that the behavior was motivated by attention seeking.
a simple, low-effort, relatively low-cost solution: fre- The knowledge produced by these results would be
quent communication between ABA providers and psy- critical for ABA providers because it would elucidate
chiatrists. Whenever possible, this should occur during the source of motivation for challenging behavior, and
in-person interdisciplinary team meetings. In the vast would therefore inform the provider and the family how
majority of cases, however, such in-person meetings are to decrease that motivation (eg, provide attention when
rare or nonexistent, largely due to logistical and monetary the young man was not engaging in disruption, teach
constraints. However, frequent communication between him how to ask for attention, etc.). These data would also
both disciplines via telephone and e-mail should not be be critical for the young man’s psychiatrist because they
difficult. Ideally, ABA providers and psychiatrists should would provide objective evidence that methylphenidate
present their findings to one another, assess the patient’s had a positive impact on the behavior of concern.
current status, and discuss plans for future changes at The level of nuance and detail achieved by the 2 stud-
regular intervals. At a minimum, clinicians from both dis- ies described above could not be achieved without close Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 21 No. 3 | August 2009 171


collaboration between disciplines, and in both cases, cru- ABA intervention, for 2 or more years, beginning before
cial implications for treatment were obtainable only as a age 5. Although it is highly recommended that individu-
result of this collaboration. It is not unreasonable to assume als with autism access EIBI, ABA has also been dem-
that understanding complex drug-environment interac- onstrated to be effective in addressing particular chal-
tions on a case-by-case basis is crucial for maintaining the lenging behaviors and skill deficits in older children and
highest standard of care for patients. Since it is the psychi- adolescents. Finally, a unique opportunity exists for col-
atrist’s job to manipulate drugs and the behaviorist’s job to laboration between ABA and psychiatry, an opportunity
manipulate the environment, both must maintain effec- that has largely been squandered until now. Given the
tive 2-way communication with one another if confusion overlapping goals of ABA and psychiatry and the utility
is to be avoided and effective treatment is to be achieved. of ongoing behavior data collection, it is clear that col-
laboration in the form of frequent, open communica-
tion between ABA providers and psychiatrists can only
CON C LU SI O N result in improvements in patient care. ■

Substantial research documents the effectiveness of DISCLOSURES: The authors report no financial relation-
ABA treatments for autism. The most robust gains have ship with any company whose products are mentioned
been demonstrated when ABA is provided according to in this article or with manufacturers of competing
the EIBI model: 30 to 40 hours per week of one-to-one products.

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