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“Assessing Secondary School EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Teachers' Language

Assessment Literacy in Indonesia: the LAL Test Development”

Headteacher Consent Form

I give consent for you to approach English language teachers to participate in the “Assessing Secondary
School EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy in Indonesia: the
LAL Test Development”

I have read the Study Information Sheet explaining the purpose of the research project and understand that:

Issues Yes No

the role of the school is voluntary

I may decide to withdraw the school’s participation at any time without penalty
English language teachers will be invited to participate, and that permission will be
sought from them
all information obtained will be treated in strictest confidence
the teachers’ name will not be used, and individual teachers will not be identifiable in
any written reports about the study
the school will not be identifiable in any written reports about the study
the anonymised data will be brought back to the UK at the University of Leicester for
safe storage for the duration of the project under the terms of the UK Data Protection
Act (1988) and its 2018 extension
participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty
A report of the findings will be made available to the school
I may seek further information on the project from Yohana Gratiana on

Headteacher Signature


A copy of the signed and dated consent form and the participant information leaflet should be given to the participant and
retained by the researcher to be kept securely on file.

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