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Student’s name: ______________

                                                                                  1st year     Date: ______________
1. Complete the number pattern. ___/14
a) ten, eleven, ___________, thirteen.
b) __________, eight, ________, ten, ________twelve.
c) fourteen, ___________, sixteen, __________, eighteen
d) twelve, ___________, __________________, ____________, sixteen.
e) seventeen, _________, _________twenty, _________, __________, twenty-three.

2. Put the questions in order and answer them.* ____/16

a. name? / What’s / your
b. are / How old / you?
c. nationality? / What’s / your
d. your / What’s / food? / favorite
e. When / is / birthday? / your
f. favorite / What’s / your / band?
g. What’s / favorite / book? / your

3. Write the correct possessive adjective. ____/ 14

my your her its our their his

1. My friend Anna, likes________________ school.

2. Tomas sees __________ grandfather at the weekend.
3. The dog eats _____________ food every day.
4. This is _____________ Maths book.
5. You write in __________notebook in class.
6. We have ____________copies for the English class.

7. They close _____________books.

4.Complete the short answers with the correct form. ___/16

a. Are you in 4th Year? - No, _____________________________________________________

b. Are Rick and Sam your friends? - Yes, __________________________________________
c. Have you got a car? - Yes, _____________________________________________________
d. Is Rio Negro the capital city of Argentina? -No, ___________________________________
e. Have you got Physics classes on Mondays? - Yes, __________________________________

5. Read the following text.
Hi! My name is Brianna, and I am twelve years old. I am from USA, but I live
in Italy. I am a student at Camberwell High School. My birthday is in three
months, on 5th June. I have got two brothers. They are older than me, my
brothers are Lukas and Harry. Lukas is nineteen years old; Harry is seventeen.
My mum’s name is Marie, she is a journalist, she works at a local newspaper.
My dad’s name is Patrick, he is not a journalist, he is a TV producer. Lukas, Harry, and I are
very happy because today it’s Friday and we eat hamburgers on Fridays!

* local newspaper: diario local - *journalist: periodista - *Tv producer: productor de televisión

6. Write True or False. Correct the false ones. ___/16

a. Her birthday is next month. True / False
b. Her sisters are twenty-six years old. True / False
c. Her dad is a Music teacher. True / False
d. Tomas and Lara are happy today. True / False

7.Write a short paragraph about you. Include this information: ___/24
Name, Surname, Age, Nationality, where do you live, Favorites (Book, Band, Food,
Drink, Color, Number, School Subject, etc), Pets.

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