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School of Business & Economics

Business Administration Department


NAME: ZAMORA, Ariel B. DATE: March 06, 2023



Submitted by: ZAMORA, Ariel B.

I. Statement of the Problem

A temporary restraining order has been issued against an employee's ex-husband.

Concerning the situation of the employee who submitted the report, a company-
affiliated supervisor communicates with their headquarters Threat Management Team
Coordinator. Due to his capacity to harm his wife, her husband, a convicted ex-felon who
has been charged with armed robbery in the past, is a major concern.

The employee is concerned that her husband might learn about the TRO and
aggravate the situation, which could eventually result in a disastrous outcome for the
employee because the employee was threatened by her husband. The employee
reported the situation to the authorities, who will work to resolve the issue. Meanwhile,
the company took steps to ensure the employee's safety by following the advice of a
third-party response team and consulting with the employee's husband, who knows
where the employee is working despite their separation.
II. Objectives

1. To guarantee the employee's and the workplace's overall safety

2. To devise a strategy for dealing with the problem
3. To broaden how crucial, it is to have a dedicated team to deal with
threats and incidents

III. Relevant Case Facts and Analysis (SWOT Analysis)

✓ When it comes to addressing potential threats to the security and safety of employees, the
Incident Response Team is proactive.
✓ In order to develop an efficient plan for responding, the team consults an outside threat
assessment consultant.
✓ The team reassured the worker that they are developing measures to ensure her safety at work.
✓ The victim filed a TRO and informed the company of the problem.
✓ To ensure the female employee's safety, the team provides her with the opportunity to work at a
different office location.
✓ Because of his past, the employee's ex-husband is most likely to cause physical harm.
threatened to harm her, which presents a serious safety concern.
✓ Their workplace's proximity to a public space makes it even more concerning.
✓ The fact that the woman's ex-husband has access to guns that belong to his friends raises the
level of danger.
✓ The issue involved a personal relationship between two employees.
✓ The group can work with the police to guarantee that the ex is presented with the Brief Limiting
Request (TRO) when conceivable.
✓ To better safeguard employees from potential threats, the team can further develop and refine
its response strategy.
✓ They can make plans to expand their company's surveillance and ensure that strict security
procedures are followed.
✓ When served with the TRO, the ex-husband may become enraged and carry out his threats
against the female employee.
✓ In the workplace, the ex-husband may attempt to assault the victim.
✓ It's possible that the ex-husband will try to get around security to get into the woman's
IV. Alternative Courses of Action
1. Give the victim the skills and precautions they need.
2. Enhancement of security and surveillance in the area
3. Create a more extensive evacuation strategy.
4. Provide the female employee with emotional and physical support.

V. Analysis of Alternative Course of Action

1. Give the victim the skills and precautions they need.

The victim may receive instruction in the necessary skills to prevent contact
between her and the aggressor. In order to give the victim a chance to escape
or defend herself in the event that she is attacked by the aggressor, she may be
instructed on what to do before and during the event.

2. Enhancement of security and surveillance in the area

In the event that the aggressor occurs during business hours, the company should
collaborate with the security department, local authorities, and other employees
to report sightings of the suspect. In addition, the company should beef up its
security by adding more surveillance and checks to areas that need to be secured.

3. Create a more extensive evacuation strategy.

A diagram of the safest ways out of a home or building in an emergency is called

an evacuation plan. They must learn how to plan and prepare for emergencies.
A more in-depth evacuation plan with specific instructions for employees to
follow in the event of an emergency could be developed by the group. This could
assist in ensuring that everyone is aware of what to do in a crisis and can quickly
reach safety.

4. Provide the female employee with emotional and physical support.

Since the victim is going through a difficult time, they should provide her with
emotional and counseling support to ensure that she is in a sound mental state and
can concentrate on both her work and herself.
VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, the case study emphasizes the significance of establishing efficient

protocols for incident response and threat management in order to stop workplace
violence. In this instance, a female employee has obtained a Temporary Restraining
Order (TRO) against her ex-husband, who is an ex-felon on parole for armed robbery
and has a history of domestic violence. The Human Resources Manager of the
company is in charge of the Incident Response Team, which takes immediate action
to safeguard the employee and prevent any potential acts of violence.

The team works with an outside threat assessment consultant to learn more about
the ex-husband and come up with a plan to make the workplace safer, protect the
employee's privacy, and give her the chance to work somewhere else. To prevent
workplace violence, the case study demonstrates the significance of a well-
coordinated incident response team, a clear threat management protocol, and
efficient communication. It also emphasizes the significance of businesses taking the
issue of domestic violence seriously and offering assistance to employees who are at
risk of harm.

VII. Recommendation

In the event that the court decides that a temporary restraining order is required, it is
likely that the order will be issued on the same day that the person requesting it appears
in court. Additionally, a hearing under an Order to Show Cause will be scheduled by the
court. With this hearing order, both parties will have the chance to explain to the judge
why they think a restraining order with a longer term should be issued. Working with
outside threat assessment consultants or security experts, encouraging a culture of
respect and nonviolence in the workplace, taking domestic violence seriously and
providing support to employees who are at risk, establishing a threat management team
and incident response protocols, providing employees with information about workplace
violence, providing access to counseling and support services, developing a safety plan
for at-risk employees, training employees on self-defense and safety measures, regularly
reviewing and updating security measures.

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