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1) As time changes needs changes, so the product market also changes according to people.
Agile can be used in many fields, not limiting to software only, it can be used in Hr. and
This is the main field which is getting limelight now. It is the connection of hardware to
software, for example smart tv, wearable health monitors, autonomous farming equipment,
shipping container and logistics tracking etc. It has begun its ruling in various fields like in
automating industry.
Some examples of it are:
Smart home appliances: The potential to be controlled by smartphones or other mobile
devices is now being built into the home appliances like refrigeration systems, air
conditioning units, washers and dryers. Software which enables these appliances access the
internet and send messages is built into them. Product development in this industry has
responded by implementing more intelligent and connected products as consumer behavior
shifts toward a preference for smart, connected homes.

Automotive industry: With features like self-driving capability and cutting-edge safety
systems, cars are becoming more autonomous and linked. For these capabilities to be
controlled, sophisticated software is needed, as well as data analytics for things like
predictive maintenance.
Automobile development, from design and engineering to production and testing, also makes
substantial use of software. Automakers are progressively including self-driving and
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in their vehicles, and these systems significantly
rely on software. Product development teams are responding by allocating more resources
to the development of these technologies as consumer behavior shifts and interest in electric
and autonomous vehicles rises. For instance, Tesla's Autopilot technology is upgraded
regularly depending on consumer input and information from the actual vehicles.

Another illustration is quality assurance and product testing. Software can be used to analyze
client feedback, identify potential problems, and simulate product performance. This can
make sure that the product fulfils the needs and expectations of the consumer. The longevity
and dependability of a new product design, for instance, might be tested using simulation
software by an electronics manufacturer.
Software is used by product development teams to adapt to and match client behavior. These
teams can pinpoint areas for improvement and quickly make changes to the product by
gathering data and user feedback. This strategy enables businesses to be more adaptable and
sensitive to shifts in consumer behavior, which eventually results in better products and a
customer base that is happier.

2)When a company moves from "doing agile" in software development teams to "organizational
agility," it requires a more extensive change throughout the entire company. When making this
move, the following product development factors need to be considered.
Planning that is adaptive: Conventional planning techniques are frequently too rigid to support
organizational agility. Product development teams must instead adopt adaptive planning, which
entails iteratively modifying plans in response to feedback and data. With this strategy, businesses
are better able to adapt to shifting client demands and market dynamics. Adaptive planning places
an emphasis on results and is amenable to many avenues for accomplishing objectives.
It calls for organizational agility and is created for firms to take uncertainty into account. Simply
put, adaptive planning is a strategy for minimizing how wrong you will be by seizing
opportunities and addressing problems as they come up.
Customer-focused design: From concept to release, all phases of product development must
incorporate customer feedback and data. To achieve this, a mentality shifts from only delivering
software features to comprehending and addressing customer demands is necessary.
Continuous improvement: Product development teams must adopt a culture of continuous
improvement in order to attain organizational agility. This entails routinely evaluating and
enhancing procedures, goods, and services. With this strategy, businesses may respond to client
behavior changes more swiftly and promptly adjust to changing market conditions.
Product development teams must concentrate on providing value to consumers if they are to attain
organizational agility. This entails prioritizing features and functionality that have the greatest
influence on customers and making sure the company is providing what customers genuinely
require. Iterative planning, development, and testing cycles are a part of agile product
development. This enables the team to quickly respond to changes in client demands or market
dynamics and make the necessary product modifications.

Agile frameworks: Organizations can improve efficiency by streamlining the product

development process by implementing an agile framework like Scrum or Kanban. These
frameworks give work a structure, manage priorities, and guarantee that the team is focused and
in alignment with the most crucial tasks. Cross-functional teams: Cross-functional teams are in
charge of product development in an agile organization. To ensure that the product satisfies
customer needs and business goals, developers, designers, and product managers collaborate

3) The transition from the traditional recruiting model to the agile recruitment model represents
a turn towards a more adaptable and cooperative hiring process. The normal top-down method
used in the traditional recruitment paradigm entails creating a job description and screening
applicants based on predetermined skills and expertise. On the other side, the agile recruiting
model emphasizes a more responsive and iterative approach to hiring, where recruiters and hiring
managers collaborate to continuously improve the hiring process.
The recruitment process is divided into smaller, easier-to-manage pieces in the agile recruitment
paradigm, enabling recruiters to adjust and make changes as needed. This strategy is especially
helpful for businesses operating in quick-paced, dynamic fields where employment requirements
are subject to swift change.
Companies may use a range of tools and techniques to find and assess candidates under the agile
recruitment model. This could involve using social media for recruiting, evaluating skills online,
conducting video interviews, and other tech-based methods. The emphasis is on finding
candidates who can adjust to shifting business needs and who can cooperate in a hectic
The following characteristics of applicants may be investigated under the agile recruitment
The capacity to respond quickly to shifting business requirements and perform well in a hectic
Collaboration is the capacity to work well with others and function well as a team.
Learning agility is the capacity to quickly pick up new knowledge and tools as required.
Problem-solving abilities: the capacity to recognize problems and find innovative, workable
Results-driven refers to the capacity to concentrate on achieving objectives and producing results.
The capacity to quickly pick up new knowledge and technologies as needed.
The capacity to recognize problems and find innovative, workable solutions to them.
Ability to concentrate on achieving objectives and delivering results.
Technical expertise - the specific technical knowledge and experience needed for the job.
The agile recruitment model, in its entirety, places a focus on adaptability and flexibility and aims
to find candidates who can thrive in a quick-paced, constantly changing business environment.
Businesses that successfully implement this model can swiftly and effectively entice and assess
top talent, assisting them to maintain competitiveness in today's dynamic job market.
Flexibility: Agile teams may need to adjust their priorities and goals as circumstances change, so
candidates who can demonstrate flexibility and adaptability are highly valued. Cultural fit: Agile
teams work closely together, so recruiters may investigate a candidate's personality and values to
ensure they will be a good fit for the team culture. Initiative: Agile teams are often self-directed,
so recruiters may investigate a candidate's ability to take initiative and work independently.
Continuous learning: Agile environments are constantly evolving, so recruiters may look for
candidates who demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning and professional development.

4)A computer diagnostic app is a piece of software created to examine and assess the various
parts of a computer system in order to find any problems or issues that might be impairing the
system's performance. These applications can carry out a wide range of tests and evaluations,
including examining the hardware components of the system, looking for viruses and malware,
examining the software configuration, and determining any potential compatibility issues. The
outcomes of these tests can then be used to help identify and fix any issues that might be affecting
the stability or performance of the computer. PCMark, CPU-Z, and HWMonitor are a few of the
more well-known computer diagnostic software programs. Output-based goals are focused on the
deliverables of a project or task, such as the number of lines of code written or the number of
bugs fixed. Output-based goals are focused on the deliverables of a project or task, such as the
number of lines of code written or the number of bugs fixed. Outcome-based goals are focused
on the results of a project or task, such as customer satisfaction or revenue generated.
We can set our team the following examples of output- and outcome-based objectives.
Output-based objectives
• Create an intuitive user interface for the app
• All modules must be fully coded before the deadline.
Deliver bug-free software to the testing team and achieve low false positive and false
negative rates.
Objectives based on results:
• Reach a 95% accuracy rate in identifying computer problems.
• Securing a sizable market
Create a comprehensive database of software applications and their compatibility with
various versions of Windows.
Build in support for automatic updates to keep the app current and relevant.
Ensure the app is compatible with a wide range of Windows operating systems and hardware
Outcome based objectives.
• Increase customer satisfaction by 10% within the first month of launch
• Acquire a sizeable market share in the computer diagnostic software sector
Gain a sizable market share in the computer diagnostic software sector.
Decrease the time and expense of computer repairs for users.
Improve the accuracy and speed of diagnostic results.
Increase customer happiness and loyalty and boost revenue and profits for the business.
Reduce the risk of data loss or security breaches by identifying and mitigating potential
vulnerabilities caused by software compatibility issues.
Increase revenue by attracting new customers and retaining existing ones through the
delivery of a high-quality diagnostic app.

We must have a thorough awareness of the demands, market trends, and resources available
in order to define these goals. In order to make sure that our goals are clear and doable, we
might apply the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-
The SMART criteria mean.
Specific: Increase sales of our new product line by 15%.
Measurable: Use sales data to track the increase in sales.
Achievable: Analyze past sales data and set a realistic target for growth.
Relevant: This goal is aligned with the company's overall strategy to expand its product
offerings and increase revenue.
Time-bound: Achieve the sales increase within the next six months.
By following this SMART technique, we need to make sure or goals are achievable.

There are several options for funding the team, depending on the stage of the project and the
resources available. We have several funding options available to us, including venture
capitalists, investors, and internal company funds. We require a thorough business plan and
a cost-benefit analysis to justify the investment and ensure the sustainability of the project.
The team may be able to raise money by finding investors, securing a bank loan, using
crowdfunding websites, applying for government grants, or finding other forms of financial
aid. By using a subscription model, in-app purchases, or as an additional option, paid
upgrades, the app itself could become financially successful. In order to ensure that the team
has the necessary tools, their financing strategy should be carefully considered.

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