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1. MR.

TICKLE (1971)

Mr Tickle is small and round and has arms that stretch and stretch and stretch. So, if you are in any
way ticklish, beware those extraordinarily long arms.

2. MR. GREEDY (1971)

Mr Greedy liked to eat! In fact Mr Greedy loved to eat! But when he eats the dinner of a real live
giant, his greediness might have taken him too far.

3. MR. HAPPY (1971)

Mr Happy was fat and round, and happy! When he meets Mr Miserable, the most miserable person
in the world, Mr Happy wonders if he can make him happy by taking him to Happyland.

4. MR. NOSEY (1971)

Mr Nosey liked to know about everything that was going on. He was always poking his nose into
other people's business. As you might imagine, Mr Nosey was not very popular.

5. MR. SNEEZE (1971)

This is the story of Mr Sneeze, who lived in a small snow-covered cottage in Shivertown, the capital
of Coldland. Tired of sneezing he decides that it's time to find some sun.

6. MR. BUMP (1971)

Poor Mr Bump just cannot stop having accidents. If there was something for Mr Bump to bump into,
he'd bump into it all right...

7. MR. SNOW (1971)

Mr Snow's job is to help Father Christmas. He has to make sure that all the right toys for all the right
boys, and all the right toys for all the right girls, were put into all the right sacks.

8. MR. MESSY (1972)

Mr Messy was the messiest person you'd ever met in your whole life. He looked messy because he
was messy in everything he did...

9. MR. TOPSY-TURVY (1972)

Mr Topsy-Turvy was a funny sort of fellow. Everything about him was either upside down, or inside
out, or back to front - topsy-turvy in fact.

10. MR. SILLY (1972)

Mr Silly lived in Nonsenseland, which is a very funny place to live. You see, in Nonsenseland,
everything is as silly as it can be. This year Mr Silly is determined to win the Nonsense Cup for having
the silliest idea.

11. MR. UPPITY (1972)

Mr Uppity was one of the rudest people in the world, if not the rudest. He was rude to anybody and
everybody. So of course in Bigtown, which was where he lived, he had no friends at all.
12. MR. SMALL (1972)

Mr Small was very small. Probably the smallest person you've ever seen in your whole life. Or
perhaps the smallest person you've never seen in your whole life, because he was so small you
probably wouldn't see him anyway.

13. MR. DAYDREAM (1972)

Mr Daydream is a small cloud-shaped figure. He takes children on faraway adventures without them
leaving their desks.

14. MR. FORGETFUL (1976)

Mr Forgetful can't remember anything. Anything at all! If Mr Forgetful had a dream he couldn't
remember what it was about.

15. MR. JELLY (1976)

Mr Jelly was frightened of everything and anything. At the slightest little thing he would quiver and
tremble and shake and turn into jelly.

16. MR. NOISY (1976)

Mr Noisy was a very, very noisy person indeed. If Mr Noisy was reading this story to you, he'd be
shouting it at the top of his voice. When Mr Noisy sneezes you can hear it in the next country...

17. MR. LAZY (1976)

Mr Lazy lives in Sleepyland, which is a very lazy-looking and sleepy-like place. He spends rather a lot
of time in bed. It's his favourite place to be.

18. MR. FUNNY (1976)

Mr Funny lives in a teapot and drives a car that looks like a shoe. He likes nothing better than making
other people laugh.

19. MR. MEAN (1976)

Mr Mean lived up to his name. He is so mean that all he gave his brother for Christmas was a lump of
coal. Can the wizard help to make him just a little bit nicer?

20. MR. CHATTERBOX (1976)

Mr Chatterbox was one of those people who simply couldn't stop talking. He used to talk to anybody
and everybody about anything and everything, going on and on and on. And on and on and on.

21. MR. FUSSY (1976)

Mr Fussy was fussy about everything. Absolutely everything had to be neat and tidy and in its proper
place. Look what happens when Mr Clumsy comes to visit.

22. MR. BOUNCE (1976)

The spring in his step has got Mr. Bounce down. Can a pair of heavy boots help lift his spirits?
23. MR. MUDDLE (1976)

Poor Mr Muddle just couldn't get anything right. Everything he did, everything he tried, everything
he said was muddled. Totally, utterly, completely, absolutely muddled!

24. MR. DIZZY (1976)

Mr Dizzy was, to be quite honest, not very clever. The trouble with Mr Dizzy is that he lived in a
country where everybody else was terribly clever. Cleverland!

25. MR. IMPOSSIBLE (1976)

Mr Impossible could do the most amazing things. For instance, Mr Impossible could jump over a
house and he could make himself invisible. He can even sleep standing on his head.

26. MR. STRONG (1976)

This is the story of Mr Strong. Mr Strong is the strongest person in the whole wide world. The
strongest person there has ever been, and probably the strongest person there will ever be...

27. MR. GRUMPY (1978)

Mr Grumpy has a shocking bad temper. In fact, he's quite the most bad-tempered person you can
imagine. Grumpy by name, and even more grumpy by nature!

28. MR. CLUMSY (1978)

Mr Clumsy, as you might have guessed, was a rather clumsy fellow. Find out what happens when he
calls in at the farm to buy some eggs.

29. MR. QUIET (1978)

Mr Quiet liked the quiet life. He lived, quietly, in a small cottage in the middle of a wood. The trouble
was the wood was in the middle of a country called Loudland!

30. MR. RUSH (1978)

Mr Rush was the fastest thing on two legs. He used to rush hither and thither, and thither and hither,
and back again, all the time. And because he was always in such a rush, he never finished anything

31. MR. TALL (1978)

Mr Tall was very very tall. Quite the tallest person you have ever met. In fact, quite the tallest person
you've never met, because you've never met anybody with legs as long as Mr Tall's...

32. MR. WORRY (1978)

Poor Mr Worry. Whatever happened, he worried about it. He'd worry because he didn't have
anything to worry about.

33. MR. NONSENSE (1978)

Mr Nonsense had no sense at all. Not a scrap. He moved to a tree because he wanted to be nearer
the ground. And he eats porridge on toast for breakfast.
34. MR. WRONG (1978)

Whatever Mr Wrong did was absolutely. totally, completely, utterly wrong. However hard he tried,
he just couldn't do anything right.

35. MR. SKINNY (1978)

Mr Skinny was extraordinarily thin. Painfully thin. If he turned sideways, you could hardly see him at
all. And what made it even worse was that he lived in a place called Fatland.

36. MR. MISCHIEF (1978)

Mr Happy and Mr Greedy are fed up with Mr Mischief playing tricks on them. But when Mr Mischief
tries to trick the wizard he may have finally gone too far.

37. MR. CLEVER (1978)

Mr Clever was quite the cleverest person ever. The cleverest person in the world! And, he knew it!

38. MR. BUSY (1978)

There has never been anybody quite like Mr Busy. He could do things almost ten times as fast as ever
you or I could.

39. MR. SLOW (1978)

A fun and exciting tale from the land of Mr Men. It's time to meet Mr Slow!

New Characters

40. MR. BRAVE (1990)

Mr Brave is not as strong as Mr Strong. And he is not as tall as Mr Tall. But, as you will soon see, that
does not stop him being brave.

41. MR. GRUMBLE (1990)

Mr Grumble's name suited him well! 'Bah!' he would grumble, every morning when his alarm clock
rang. 'It's the start of yet another horrible day.' Can the wizard stop Mr Grumble from grumbling?

42. MR. PERFECT (1990)

On a perfect summer's day, Mr Perfect was looking more perfect than usual. His house was looking
even more perfect than usual. That's because it was Mr Perfect's birthday and he was having a party.

43. MR. CHEERFUL (1990)

Mr Cheerful always woke up in a cheerful mood, with a bright sunny smile on his face. In fact, Mr
Cheerful was one of the most cheerful people you are ever likely to meet. He did, however, have one
secret that made him sad. But nobody knew about it.

44. MR. CHRISTMAS (2002)

One day Mr Christmas receives a call from his uncle asking for help. Can Mr Christmas help Father
Christmas deliver presents to all of the Mr Men?
45. MR. COOL (2003)

Poor Jack Robinson is ill in bed and feeling very sorry for himself and then suddenly along comes Mr
Cool to cheer him up.

46. MR. RUDE (2003)

Mr Rude is rude. He is very rude. He is extraordinarily rude. Can Mr Happy help change his ways?

47. MR. GOOD (2003)

Mr Good is very good. He always makes his bed. He always cleans his teeth. And he always wipes his
feet. However Mr Good lives in a place called Badlands. A place where nobody is like Mr Good.

48. MR. BIRTHDAY (2006)

Mr. Birthday is very good at organizing birthday parties. He likes to make sure that everyone he
knows has a party on his or her birthday. But there seems to be an important birthday coming up
that Mr. Birthday knows nothing about . . .

49. MR. NOBODY (2010)

One day when Mr Happy goes to meet Little Miss Sunshine he stumbles across Mr Nobody crying big
fat wet tears. Can Mr Happy make Mr Nobody see that everybody is somebody?

50. MR ADVENTURE (2017)

Mr Adventure loves going on holiday to exciting places that would make your hair stand on end. But
this year he doesn't have enough money to go on one of his wild adventures. He needs to get a job,
but what job will be exciting enough for Mr Adventure?

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