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Gen. Luna St. Brgy. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax: 932-52-09 S.Y. 2022-2023

Saplan, Paul Andrew B.

UCSP / Ms. Margarita Olanio

I have learned so much in the subject Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
in this quarter which is the 4th. This quarter is so fast yet the busiest and tiring
sem of Grade 12 especially as we are now back in Face to Face type of learning.

We discussed about Human Evolution, which is a very interesting topic to have

and tackles about how theoretically evolve from ape to human, we also discussed
the type of apes like the erectus, habilis and and sapiens. We also discussed about
Politics and every rights that people have such as natural rights, civil rights,
political rights etc. Self Concept and all definition of terms that is connect to it like
values, cultural identity, role strain, role conflict, role manipulation etc.

This 4th quarter is really draining for students as we feel like they are rushing us
but at the same time we're grateful because all of this will be worth it once we
step inside the PICC for our graduation and ending our high school journey.

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