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-"village and artisans": Thus, the import of finished goods from England also

increased with the simultaneous export of raw materials from India. In England the
ruin of the old hand loom weavers was accompanied by the growth of the machine
industry. But in India the ruin of the millions of artisans and craftsmen was not
accompanied by any alternative growth of new industrial forms. This lead to a
massive loss of jobs

untouchability- high and low issue, heirarchy..

response to soc challenges:

- "More...": Gandhi's devoted disci~l~s in accepting his antithesis b~tween.

material and moral progress
also joined him in his glorification of village life. Villagers speak w wisdom just
have a crude exterior, chronic poverty and illiteracy.

- "thought Untouchability": Caste system does noot differentiate. All are like
bhakti saints..salvation· is available to all who· seek God in the spirit of love
and surrender, regardless of caste rank... UNTOUCHABILITY though is like an ugly
wound on a healthy body.

- " Pol.. participation": Gandhi constantly enjoined Congress workers to take up

constructive work activities in the villages and to help the rural masses achieve
their own economic, social, and moral regeneration. In most cases, the urban
intellectuals had made their first intimate contacts with the villagers after the
Indian National Congress, under Gandhi's leadership, became a mass-based political
movement. NCP.

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