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I. Pervan, I. DropulićON...



Ivica Pervan*
Ivana Dropulić**
Received: 30. 8. 2018 Original scientific paper
Accepted: 8. 5. 2019 UDC 657:004(497.5)

Abstract. The main aim of this study is to correlation found was the one between the un-
analyze how implementation of integrated in- certainty of business environment and adoption
formation systems (IIS) effects management ac- of modern accounting techniques. Findings from
counting. Findings based on data collected from this study provide unique insight into effects of
108 Croatian firms confirmed that IIS implemen- IIS implementation in Croatian firms and can
tation caused significant management accounting be used by different stakeholders. Firms and IIS
changes. Estimated regression models revealed vendors should put special focus on implemen-
that the most important IIS characteristic were tation of business analytics modules in order to
the analytical capabilities since it positively in- achieve comprehensive benefits in management
fluenced management accounting changes in four accounting practices. Providers of accountant’s
dimensions: internal reporting, budgeting, ap- education should consider the fact that contem-
plication of modern accounting techniques and porary IIS systems’ environment calls for devel-
management accounting employees’ jobs. The opment of additional skills in the area of informa-
quality of IIS implementation statistically signifi- tion technology, business processes and business
cantly and positively influenced changes related communication.
to data collection and internal reporting. In the
segment of budgeting, the quality of implemen- Keywords: management accounting, man-
tation of specialized budgeting software had sig- agement accounting change, integrated informa-
nificant and positive influence. The only negative tion systems, Croatia

1. INTRODUCTION started purchasing Enterprise Resource

Planning systems (ERP), while at the be-
Information technology has been de-
ginning of 21st century around 90% of
veloping very quickly during the last few
large firms had ERP systems already imple-
decades due to rapid technological advanc-
mented (Grabski et al., 2009). Today, large
es. At the beginning of 1990s large firms

Ivica Pervan, PhD, Corresponding author, University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Cvite
Fiskovića 5, Split, Croatia; tel: ++385 21 4430 639, E-mail:
Ivana Dropulić, PhD, University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Cvite Fiskovića 5, Split,
Croatia, E-mail:

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

firms often use leading ERP solutions (SAP expected significant changes in manage-
and Oracle), but many SMEs use local and ment accounting practices. Research has
global (Microsoft Dynamics) program so- confirmed that ERP implementation re-
lutions. As reported by Microsoft [1] pub- sults in significant positive changes related
lic communication in 2015 there were to the transactional aspect of management
more than 230,000 firms using Microsoft accounting (Colmenares, 2009; Kanellou
Dynamics worldwide. ERP market research & Spathis, 2011; Etemadi & Kazeminia,
analysis [2] for 2016 indicated the follow- 2014), while findings on adoption of mod-
ing four global ERP market leaders: SAP ern accounting techniques are ambiguous
(19%), Microsoft Dynamics (16%), Oracle (Booth et al., 2000; Granlund & Malmi,
(13%) and Infor (13%). 2002; Galani, et al, 2010; Gullkvist, 2013).

ERP systems represent organization- The fact that the effects of ERP im-
wide information systems, which archive plementation on management accounting
all business data into a single database. changes are still unclear was the main mo-
Such system architecture enables efficient tivation for this research. In addition, ac-
control of all business functions and the cording to the available literature this type
use of firm’s resources. Although modern of academic research is very rare in Croatia
ERP systems are designed for users from and other CEE emerging countries.
different business functions many of ac-
counting processes are directly related to This paper contributes to the existing
the implemented system. Implementation body of literature in several ways. Firstly,
of ERP system triggers many organizational we use a more sophisticated statistical
changes, some of which can be related to methodology, i.e. factor analysis, in order to
management accounting. Management ac- measure management accounting changes
counting in modern business environment in five dimensions (data collection, inter-
is providing management with financial and nal reporting, budgeting, use of modern
nonfinancial information relevant for deci- accounting techniques and management ac-
sion-making. Traditional role of manage- counting employees’ jobs). In addition, in
ment accounting was financial planning and comparison with the majority of previous
control (budgeting), while in recent times studies, we are not focused only on ERP
management accounting has also been pro- and we define the Integrated Information
viding information required for long-term System (IIS) variable more broadly, fol-
planning and strategic decision-making. lowing Rom and Rohde’s (2006) approach.
Therefore, this study uses a more compre-
Alongside with worldwide large-scale hensive definition of IIS, which includes
implementation of ERP systems academia ERP and other Best of Breed (BoB) spe-
has started researching the effects of ERP cialized applications. Such approach re-
implementation. Among ERP organiza- sults in better variable measurement and,
tional impact studies (Grabski et al. 2011) thus, in more reliable findings. In order to
one stream of research has been exploring improve the knowledge on influence of
the impact of ERP implementation on man- implementation of IIS on management ac-
agement accounting for almost 20 years. counting changes we took into account the
In new ERP environment, which offered characteristics of IIS and firm character-
integrated, flexible, real-time financial and istics, which were often omitted from the
nonfinancial information, the early studies previous empirical analysis. This is one of

Management, Vol. 24, 2019, No.1, pp. 21-38

the first studies exploring the effects of IIS studies on the relation between information
implementation on management account- technology and management accounting
ing in Croatia and one of only a few in CEE have examined effects of information tech-
emerging countries. In this paper, the term nology on management accounting while
ERP is mainly used in chapters 1 and 2, others have focused how management ac-
when referencing previous research related counting drive information technology
with ERP and when describing the practi- solutions (Granlund & Mouritsen, 2003;
cal use of ERP. However, to indicate the Granlund, 2007; Maraghini, 2010).
variable which is used for modeling, in this
study the term IIS will be used. One of the main benefits of ERP im-
plementation is data integration, since all
Findings based on the data, collected data collected within firm and outside of
from the sample of 108 Croatian firms, con- firm is stored into a centralized repository.
firmed that implementation of IIS results Centralized database allows users across
in changes in all five proposed dimensions the firm direct access to any piece of in-
of management accounting. However, the formation, which may be limited only by
findings also confirmed that the observed user’s knowledge or access privileges, ac-
management accounting changes arerelated cording to different users’ roles. In line
to some characteristics of the implemented with expectations prior studies confirmed
IIS and some firm’s characteristics. The that data is collected and processed more
paper is organized into five sections: an in- easily and more quickly with the support
troduction, a review of relevant literature, of an ERP system. In addition, previous
research methodology and data collection, studies showed considerable reduction of
empirical findings and conclusions, includ- time for closing the accounts and for pro-
ing suggestions for future research. cessing payroll after ERP implementation
(Colmenares, 2009; Kanellou & Spathis,
2011; Etemadi & Kazeminia, 2014). ERP
systems are expected to improve decision-
making, by providing reliable and timely
The use of information technology in enterprise-wide information (Poston &
modern business has increased dramati- Grabski, 2001, 277). Regarding the data
cally over the last few decades (Granlund collection benefits, special attention must
& Mouritsen, 2003) and general conclu- be given to data accuracy, scope and time-
sion is that information technology plays a liness. Any type of information system re-
critical role in business processes, manage- quires the collected data to be accurate, i.e.
ment accounting and management control without errors, because errors in data can
(Granlund, 2007). Kallunki et al. (2011) cause bad decisions. The approach to data
indicated that a more extensive use of op- collection, which involves different depart-
erational ERP considerably improves the ments or information systems, can result in
financial and non-financial performance. ambiguity, insecurity and problems of data
Although the number of studies in this field interpretation. Modern business environ-
of research is increasing, academia in gen- ment in which management accounting op-
eral has a limited understanding of the in- erates requires broader scope of collected
terface between information systems and data which, alongside with financial data,
management accounting, both theoreti- requires non-financial and future-orient-
cally and practically. Some of the previous ed information. In modern, fast-changing

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

business environment managers need time- is operated by separate software. Malinić

ly or even real-time information to make & Todorović (2012) reported that after the
appropriate decisions. implementation of the SAP ERP system,
budgeting becomes dynamic and more flex-
ERP implementation is also expected ible, while consuming less of management
to facilitate the changes in the internal re- accountant’s time. After the implementa-
porting practices. As the capacity to store, tion of ERP, the role and focus of manage-
collect and analyze data increases, the po- ment accountants change because now
tential to report multidimensional informa- they provide information for planning and
tion also increases (Granlund & Malmi, predicting future performance (prospective
2002). With the implementation of sophis- analysis) instead of retrospective analysis
ticated information systems opportunities which report the events of past (Etemadi
to explore the multidimensional database & Kazeminia, 2014). ERP systems allow
become enormous enabling management budgeting, forecasting and performance
accountants to quickly perform profitability measurement to be more detailed, more ac-
analysis from different perspectives (firm curate and reported more quickly (Ponorica
segment, product line, single product, mar- et al., 2014).
ket or a single customer). If any negative
budget deviations are observed, drilling One of the focal points in literature is
down into data (revenues, costs, quantities, influence of ERP implementation on the use
purchase prices, selling prices, etc.) causes of modern accounting techniques (Activity-
of such deviations can be found very quick- Based Costing, Balanced Scorecard, Target
ly. According to Kanellou & Spathis (2011, Costing, Benchmarking, Key Performance
362), the most significant benefits due to Indicators, customer satisfaction, life-circle
ERP implementation were: “increased flex- costing, etc). Early findings indicated that
ibility in information generation, increased ERP implementation had very little impact
integration of accounting applications, im- on adoption of modern accounting tech-
proved quality of reports – statement of ac- niques (Booth et al., 2000; Granlund &
counts, improved decisions based on timely Malmi, 2002; Scapens & Jayazeri, 2003)
and reliable accounting information and unlike some more recent studies that have
reduction of time for closure of annual ac- found that modern management accounting
counts.” ERP systems are able to produce techniques were adopted following the im-
all routine reports so management account- plementation of ERP. In the case of Danish
ants spend the extra time to produce more firms Rom & Rohde (2006) concluded that
frequent reports and new types of reports Strategic Enterprise Management systems
(Etemadi & Kazeminia, 2014). (SEM) supported application of modern
accounting techniques better than ERP sys-
Since one of the traditional roles of tems. Analysis conducted on the sample
management accounting is planning and of Greek firms (Galani et al., 2010) found
control (budgeting) some of the previous small differences among ERP and non-
papers explored how ERP systems affect- ERP firms concerning the adoption of ad-
ed this aspect of management accounting. vanced management accounting techniques.
Granlund & Malmi (2002) concluded that Malinić & Todorović (2012) conducted
ERP systems had had some implications for their analysis on a sample of nine firms and
enhanced forecasting, but only a limited ef- reported that limited numbers of SAP adop-
fect on budgeting because annual budgeting ters increased usage of ABC and Target

Management, Vol. 24, 2019, No.1, pp. 21-38

Costing. Gullkvist (2013) provided some it would be useful to analyze the scope of
stronger evidence based on a larger sample implemented IIS (number of modules), ana-
of 70 Finish firms. The study showed that lytical capabilities of implemented modules
the use of new management accounting and the quality of their implementation.
techniques was related to ERP success, use Perceived quality of ERP implementation
of business intelligence tools, ERP scope has been confirmed as a significant variable
and ERP age. in few previous studies (Sangster, 2009;
Gullkvist, 2013). One of IIS characteristics
With regard to the effects of IIS imple- that may be significant for management ac-
mentation on budgeting and usage of mod- counting changes is age. Namely, after the
ern accounting techniques a few problems initial implementation additional time is re-
should be pointed out. Majority of previ- quired to educate employees on all system
ous studies focused only on ERP systems functionalities. In Malinić & Todorović’s
ignoring the possibility of employing other (2012) study one of the interviewed man-
types of specialized software. Such soft- agers commented that SAP must stand for
ware in literature are sometimes called “Slowly And Painfully”. This may be espe-
BoB (Best of Breed) and are often related cially the case for more complex analytical
to very specialized tasks like consolidation, functionalities, which may be practically
budgeting, costing and performance meas- adopted with time lag.
urement (Vakalfotis et al., 2011). Instead
of BoB Rom & Rohde (2006) use the term All changes in an organization intro-
SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management duced by IIS implementation are also re-
systems) and describe them as analytical flected through employees and their jobs. In
applications that do not contain any data. line with that, some of the authors analyzed
SEM systems are analysis-oriented, un- effects of ERP implementation on change of
like ERP that is transaction-oriented. In re- management accountants’ jobs and required
cent times authors have also been using the skills. In this regard, Maraghini (2010, 28)
term Business Intelligence (BI) in order to found that ERP implementation “provides
describe information system functionalities much more information, which is also now
related to data analysis, forecasting, model- more reliable, timely, integrated and ar-
ling, data consolidation, etc. (Appelbaum et ticulated so controller can provide more
al., 2017). Accordingly, it can be concluded articulated budgets and more frequent re-
that focusing on ERP only is not a good ap- ports”. According to Etemadi & Kazeminia
proach since researchers can omit signifi- (2014) “role of management accountants
cant amount of information related to the is changed extensively, from data collec-
information system variable. Therefore, this tion from different sources and creating the
study advocates a comprehensive approach, sheets which report retrospective events
which combines ERP and other specialized they are changed to active partners in man-
software into IIS variable. agement planning and control processes
that use retrospective data prepared by ERP
Furthermore, it is to be noted that IIS system.“ In general, ERP implementation
constantly evolve, integrating new func- results in major reductions in the routine
tionalities, the fact often not analyzed in tasks of management accountants and the
previous research. Many software have subsequent transition from their transac-
separated business analytics modules, tion-orientated role to the business-orientat-
which are analysis-oriented and therefore ed role (Vakalfotis et al., 2011). However,

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

ERP implementation does not have a sig- rate of 26.6%. Out of these 133 responses,
nificant influence on personnel reduction of 25 were incomplete, leaving 108 valid re-
the accounting/control department, which sponses that were included in statistical
would, consequently, lead to major cost analysis. Sample size was larger in com-
benefits for the firm (Kanellou & Spathis, parison with similar studies from Australia,
2011). According to Sangester et al. (2009), N=55 (Boot et al., 2000); Finland, N=99
changed role of management accountants (Hyvonen, 2003); UK, N=60 (Sangster,
after ERP implementation is related to the 2009); Greece, N=30 (Galani et al., 2010);
success of implementation. The same study Finland, N=70, (Gullkvist, 2013). Table 1
found that in ERP environment three most reports the summary of statistics about the
important skills for management account- responding firms.
ants were software skills, cross-functional Table 1 indicates that majority of re-
work skills and analytical skills. Grabski sponding firms belong into the category
et al. (2009) reported similar findings and of large firms (53.7%), while the smallest
pointed out that ERP working environment number of responses was collected from the
requires change in the set of management micro firms (2.85). Majority of the respond-
accountants’ skills. Management account- ing firms had a domestic owner (77.8%),
ants are required to be more analytical and while 22.2% of the responding firms had
forward-looking, while their communi- majority owner from abroad. According to
cation and presentation skills should be the Croatian industry classification (NKD
upgraded. from 2007) 27.8% of sampled firms were
from manufacturing sector, followed by
22.2% from retail and wholesale trade, re-
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY pair of motor vehicles/motorcycles sector
and 13.9% from accommodation and food
3.1. Survey and data service sector. Other sectors contributed to
the remaining 36.1% of the firms included
The data used in the study was collected
into analysis. Average working experience
by an online questionnaire, distributed to
of respondents was 7.06 years with maxi-
Croatian firms of different sizes that use any
mum of 24 years and minimum of 1 year.
type of IIS. The original draft of the ques- Majority of respondents held positions of
tionnaire was piloted and adjusted, in order heads of finance departments (34.3%), fol-
to eliminate any vague items. The survey lowed by controllers (25.9%), members of
was conducted in January 2018 by e-mail- management board (15.7%) and heads of
ing questionnaires to 500 randomly selected accounting departments (11.1%). The re-
managers (finance managers, business con- maining 13% of respondents held other
trollers, accounting managers and equiva- types of managerial positions. Such struc-
lent job positions), who were expected to ture of respondents certainly ensures that
have adequate knowledge about the IIS im- questionnaire answers were provided by
plementation and their effects on changes of employees who are familiar with the re-
management accounting. The e-mail includ- search topic. Analysis of the collected
ed a cover letter and a link to the web-based data indicated that SAP was most fre-
anonymous questionnaire. The respondents quently used program solution in the sam-
had a ten weeks’ period to complete the on- ple since it was reported to be used by
line questionnaire. After ten weeks, 133 re- 24 firms (22.2%). SAP was followed by
sponses were collected, giving a response Pantheon (10.2%), Microsoft Dynamics

Management, Vol. 24, 2019, No.1, pp. 21-38

Table 1: Summary statistics on responding companies

Firm size Number of firms %

Micro 3 2.8
Small 14 13.0
Medium 33 30.6
Large 58 53.7
Total 108 100.0
Firm ownership Number of firms %
Domestic 84 77.8
Foreign 24 22.2
Total 108 100.0
Industry Number of firms %
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 4 3.7
Mining and quarrying 1 0.9
Manufacturing 30 27.8
Supply with electric energy, gas, steam and air-conditioning 4 3.7
Water supply, sewerage and waste management 2 1.9
Construction 5 4.6
Retail and wholesale trade, repair of motor vehicles and
24 22.2
Transporting and storage activities 10 9.3
Accommodation and food service 15 13.9
Information and communication 2 1.9
Real estate activities 1 0.9
Other service activities 10 9.3
Total 108 100.0
Source: Authors

(7.4%), Opera (7.4 %) and Diventa (5.6%). to define and measure the variables of
Implemented IIS had average age of 3.43 our interest. Dependent variable in this
years with maximum of 5 years and mini- study, management accounting changes,
mum of 1 year. is not easy to define and measure, but for
the modelling purposes, we have decided
3.2. Variables description and to follow definitions of management ac-
measurement counting given by most respected inter-
national institutions, Chartered Institute
As explained earlier the basic purpose of Management Accountants (CIMA) and
of this study is to analyze the effects of IIS The  Institute of Management Accountants
implementation on the changes in manage- (IMA). According to CIMA [3] manage-
ment accounting. Therefore, in order to ment accounting “is the sourcing, analysis,
explore this relationship, it was necessary communication and use of decision-relevant

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

financial and non-financial information to The measurement was based on the

generate and preserve value for organi- five-point Likert scales, with values rang-
sations.“ IMA [4] describes management ing from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very signifi-
accounting as “a profession that involves cantly). The analysis of questionnaire items
partnering in management decision making, was performed by using factor analysis,
devising planning and performance man- i.e. the statistical technique, aiming to de-
agement systems, and providing expertise fine the underlying structure among the
in financial reporting and control to assist original items (Hair et al., 2010). Principal
management in the formulation and imple- component analysis was used to reduce the
mentation of an organization’s strategy”. amount of data. For the purpose of manage-
These definitions indicate that management ment accounting changes, we have decided
accounting is characterized by the follow- to use only those variables that resulted
ing four most important dimensions, i.e. with loadings higher than 0.55. Such an
constructs: analysis resulted in five factors, as present-
ed by Table 2. Created factors incorporate
• data collection, from three to five variables. Since econo-
metric literature (Hair et al., 2010) suggests
• internal reporting for managers, that, in factor analysis there should be at
• planning and control (budgeting), least ten observations per variable, the re-
quired sample size should be at least 50 ob-
• use of modern accounting techniques. servations. Since our sample incorporates
Regarding the data collection, we ex- 108 usable responses, minimal sample size
pect that IIS implementation will result in requirement was satisfied. According to the
benefits in terms of an improved scope, ac- more conservative approach explained by
curacy and timelines of data. In the case of previously referenced authors sample size
internal reporting IIS use is expected to re- of at least 100 observations is required if
duce report production time, while increas- loadings are higher than 0.55. Even with a
ing frequency and number of management- more conservative approach to defining the
oriented reports. Similar positive effects sample size, our research sample of 108 ob-
were expected regarding budgeting, while servations is acceptable.
IIS might also facilitate implementation of Internal consistency (reliability) of
modern accounting techniques (ABC, BSC, measurement scale used in research was
Target costing-TC, Benchmarking and Key tested by using the Cronbach’s Alpha. Since
performance indicators-KPI). Besides the estimated values of Cronbach’s Alpha pre-
four previously described dimensions of sented in Table 2 were very high (in range
management accounting, we have decided from 0.822 to 0.929), it can be concluded
to explore an additional dimension-con- that the instrument used in this study was
struct, related to the changed role of man- reliable. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of
agement accountants. Namely, changes in sampling adequacy was higher than 0.7 in
organization caused by IIS implementation case of all five constructs, indicating that
are expected to influence management ac- there was no problem of sampling adequa-
countants’ jobs and, therefore, we included cy. Bartlett’s test of sphericity for all five
questionnaire items related to work time constructs resulted with desirable values,
distribution, role of management account- with the values lower than 0.05, indicating
ants and changes in the required knowledge that the null hypothesis must be rejected,
and skills. i.e. tests indicated that there might be a

Management, Vol. 24, 2019, No.1, pp. 21-38

significant interrelationship between vari- extracted component, with initial eigenval-

ables. In the case of all five constructs, re- ues higher than 1, while percentage of vari-
lated to management accounting changes, ance explained was in range from 78.1% up
the factor analysis resulted with a single to 86.7%1.
Table 2: Managerial accounting changes factors

Managerial Accounting Change – Data collection (MAC_DC)

Cronbach’s Alpha 0.911
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.692
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Sig. 0.0001
Cumulative % of Variance explained by extracted component 85.10
Principal component loadings:
Increased data accuracy 0.959
Increased data timeliness 0.926
Increased data scope 0.881
Managerial Accounting Change – Internal reporting (MAC_IR)
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.918
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.757
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Sig. 0.0001
Cumulative % of Variance explained by extracted component 86.04
Principal component loadings:
Increased number of internal reports type 0.939
Increased frequency of internal reporting 0.924
Reduced internal report production time 0.920
Managerial Accounting Change – Budgeting (MAC_B)
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.915
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.749
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Sig. 0.0001
Cumulative % of Variance explained by extracted component 0.855
Principal component loadings:
Reduced time for budget preparation 0.940
Analysis of budget deviations with IIS 0.926
Use of IIS for budgeting 0.908
Managerial Accounting Change – adoption of Modern accounting techniques (MAC_MAT)
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.929
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.867
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Sig. 0.0001
Cumulative % of Variance explained by extracted component 0.851
Principal component loadings:
Adaptation of KPI 0.903

As to keep the presentation of research results focused, the entire factor analysis output (correlation matrixes,
anti-image matrices, communalities, scree plots, etc.) is not presented in the paper, but it is available from authors
upon request.

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

Adaptation of TC 0.898
Adaptation of BSC 0.892
Adaptation of Benchmarking 0.886
Adaptation of ABC 0.839
Managerial Accounting Change – Management Accountants Jobs (MAC_MA)
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.822
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.786
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Sig. 0.0001
Cumulative % of Variance explained by extracted component 0.781
Principal component loadings:
Improvement of business process knowledge 0.922
Improvement of IT skills 0.874
Improvement of communication skills 0.802
Reduced working time for data collection 0.698
Source: Authors

In this study, we follow Rom & Rohde’s while also controlling for some firm char-
(2006) approach to measuring information acteristics. The list of independent variables
system variable and define IIS as a set of that are expected to influence management
ERP modules accompanied by other spe- accounting changes are given in Table 3.
cialized BoB applications. In order to ex- Beside the independent variables, related
plore the relationship between IIS and man- with the IIS characteristics, which are in fo-
agement accounting changes of we have cus of our interest, we have decided to con-
decided to use several IIS characteristics, trol for some firm characteristics. Namely,

Table 3: List of independent variables

Variable Acronym Measurement

i) IIS characteristics
Scope of IIS IIS_SCOPE Number of ERP and BoB modules
Age of IIS IIS_AGE Average number of years of IIS modules use
Analytical capabilities Construct measured by nine items with application of five points Likert
of IIS scale (1-not at all…5-very significantly)
Average value calculated on individual module quality evaluations
Perceived quality of IIS
IIS_IQ with application of five points Likert scale (1- very successful …5-very
Perceived quality of Individual BoB quality evaluations with application of five points
BoB implementation Likert scale (1- very successful …5-very unsuccessful)
ii) Firm characteristics – control variables
Classification according to EU guidelines with four groups (large,
Firm size SIZE
medium, small or micro)
Perceived firm business Construct measured by nine items with application of points Likert
environment uncertainty scale (1-very predictable…5-very unpredictable)
Industry ID 1-firm belongs to the industry; 0- firm does not belongs to the industry
Source: Authors

Management, Vol. 24, 2019, No.1, pp. 21-38

management accounting systems may be both constructs, indicating no issues with

designed under influence of other variables, sampling adequacy. Empirical value of the
such as the firm size, industry or environ- Bartlett’s test of sphericity was lower than
ment uncertainty. 0.05, indicating that there might be a signif-
icant interrelationship between variables. In
For the purpose of modelling, it was
the case of constructs IIS_AC, factor analy-
necessary to develop additional two con-
structs related to analytical capabilities of sis resulted with only one extracted compo-
IIS (IIS_AC) and perceived firm’s business nent, with initial eigenvalues higher than 1,
environment uncertainty (BEU). Since the while percentage of variance explained by
obtained values of Cronbach’s Alpha were such component was 57.3%. BEU construct
high (0.907 and 0.763) (Table 4) it was estimated two extracted components with
confirmed that the instrument was reliable. initial eigenvalues higher than 1, while the
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling selected component for the BEU construct
adequacy was higher than 0.8 in case of explained 42.6% of variance.

Table 4: Factors for IIS analytical capability and Business environment uncertainty

IIS analytical capability (IIS_AC)

Cronbach’s Alpha 0.907
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.895
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Sig. 0.0001
Cumulative % of Variance explained by extracted components 0.573
Principal component loadings:
IIS supporting forecasting 0.798
IIS supporting data-mining 0.789
IIS supporting business planning and simulations 0.786
IIS supporting real time project control 0.771
IIS supporting business analytics trough Dashboards 0.761
IIS supporting control of key financial indicators 0.733
IIS supporting control of key non-financial indicators 0.728
IIS supporting business process analysis and ABC 0.724
IIS supporting control of key financial and non-financial indicators for business segments 0.717
Business Environment Uncertainty (BEU)
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.763
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.811
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Sig. 0.0001
Cumulative % of Variance explained by extracted component 0.426
Principal component loadings:
Uncertainty of technology related with business 0.750
Uncertainty of competitors actions 0.698
Uncertainty of suppliers actions 0.668
Uncertainty of buyers preferences 0.650
Uncertainty due to globalization and deregulation 0.569
Source: Authors

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

4. RESEARCH RESULTS of determination - R2, which was in range

from 25.1% (model 1) to 69.1% the (model
In order to analyze the effects of IIS
4). Potential problem of multicolinearity
implementation on management account-
among predictor variables was measured
ing changes we have decided to regress all
independent variables from Table 3 on five with Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs).
dependent variables, which represent differ- Since none of the VIF values was higher
ent aspects of the management accounting than 5, it can be concluded that multicollin-
changes (data collection, internal reporting, earity is not a significant problem. Potential
budgeting, use of modern accounting tech- autocorrelation among regression residuals
niques and management accountant’s jobs). was tested by using the Durbin-Watson test
All regression models were estimated with (D-W test). Because all of D-W test values
the IBM SPSS 23 software and the obtained are close to 2.0, it appears that in the esti-
results are presented in Table 5. Only statis- mated models, there is no problem in auto-
tically significant independent variables are correlation of residuals.
included in the final models.
IIS analytical capabilities (IIS_AC) ap-
According to the F-ratio values, all re- peared as the most important IIS feature,
gression models have good overall fit since since it was confirmed as statistically sig-
calculated F ratios are significant at 1% nificant in four of five specifications. Given
level. Explanatory power of estimated mod- the positive correlation with IIS_AC, we
els was measured by adjusted coefficient conclude that an increase in analytical

Table 5: Estimated regression models

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Dependent variable MAC_DC MAC_IR MAC_B MAC_MAT MAC_MA
-3.565** -1.446* -0.189* -0.0001 -0.684**
(0.603) (0.604) (0.086) (0.053) (0.261)
0.078** 0.081**
(0.027) (0.029)
0.705** 0.351**
(0.139) (0.089)
0.474* 0.647** 0.846** 0.372**
(0.145) (0.069) (0.054) (0.094)
Model significance:
F ratio 18.570 29.383 74.639 120.860 22.916
Sig. 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Adj. R2 0.251 0.351 0.579 0.691 0.291
Durbin-Watson 2.29 2.31 2.33 2.23 2.03

Notes: **p<0.01, *p<0.05. Standard errors are presented in parentheses.

Source: Authors

Management, Vol. 24, 2019, No.1, pp. 21-38

capabilities of IIS leads to increase in model 5 reveals that implementation of IIS

management accounting changes, related with larger number of modules requires
to internal reporting, budgeting, adoption more improvements in management ac-
of modern management accounting tech- countants’ skills (IT skills, business process
niques and management accountant’s jobs. skills and communication skills), while it
Such a finding is in line with our theoreti- reduces the time necessary for data collec-
cal expectations, since increased analytical tion. Such a finding was consistent with our
capabilities of implemented IIS results in expectations and it is comparable with find-
benefits, related to the main analytical as- ings of previous studies (Sangster, 2009;
pects of management accounting. Increase Grabski, 2009).
in the IIS analytical capabilities results in a
wider range of reports, higher frequency of One of the very important characteris-
reports, reduced time needed for data col- tics of IIS is implementation quality, which,
lection/reporting/budgeting, more frequent for the purpose of this study, was captured
adoption of modern accounting techniques by the IIS_IQ variable. IIS_IQ variable ap-
and changes in management accountant’s pears as statistically significant in regards
skills. Although IIS analytical capabilities of both, data collection and internal report-
variable was not designed in the same way ing. Model 1 indicates that increase in qual-
in previous research, in terms of its positive ity of IIS implementation results in higher
effect on the adoption of modern account- benefits regarding the quantity, accuracy
ing techniques our results are similar to the and timeliness of collected data. In addi-
findings on business intelligence tools (BI) tion, model 2 reveals that an increase in IIS
variable, used by Gullkvist (2013). implementation quality results in higher
benefits regarding the internal reporting –
IIS feature IIS_SCOPE, measuring the MAC_IR (reduced time of report produc-
scope of implemented IIS was statistically tion, increased frequency of reporting and
significant for model 1 (changes in data increased number of reports). In the case
collection) and model 5 (changes in man- of changes related to budgeting practices
agement accountants’ jobs). Positive cor- (MAC_B), we were able to obtain even a
relation with IIS_SCOPE in these models more accurate evaluation of the IIS imple-
indicates that increased scope of IIS (meas- mentation quality. Namely, firms, beside
ured by number of IIS modules) results in ERP, often employ additional BoB applica-
increased changes related to data collec- tions for specialized areas, such as budget-
tion and management accountants’ jobs. ing. Therefore, one of the questionnaire
Regarding the data collection, we can claim items refers to the implementation quality
that the implementation of larger number of BoB used for budgeting (BUDG_IQ). In
of IIS modules results in higher benefits re- the model 3 specification, it was confirmed
lated with quantity, accuracy and timeliness that the higher the quality of implementa-
of collected data. Namely, data quantity, ac- tion of BoB budgeting the higher are ben-
curacy and timeliness were questionnaire efits in budgeting practices. Findings that
items that were combined into the construct confirmed the importance of IIS and BoB
MAC_DC (dependent variable in the model implementation quality are comparable with
1). Such a finding is in line with our theo- findings from two previous studies that in-
retical expectations that higher integration cluded similar ERP implementation success
of IIS in different functions should result in variable into modelling (Sangster, 2009;
higher data collection benefits. Similarly, Gullkvist, 2013).

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

In contrast with our theoretical expec- Empirical findings revealed that the crit-
tations, IIS age was insignificant in all five ical IIS attribute was IIS analytical capabili-
specifications, meaning that management ties since this variable had positive effect on
accounting changes are not correlated with management accounting changes in four di-
the length of IIS implementation. The only mensions: internal reporting, budgeting, ap-
firm characteristic that was statistically sig- plication of modern accounting techniques
nificant was the perceived business environ- and management accounting employees’
ment uncertainty – BEU. This variable was jobs. In other words, firms which have
significant and negatively correlated with adopted IIS with higher analytical capabili-
the adoption of new management account- ties have experienced more comprehensive
ing techniques. Such finding may indicate changes in management accounting. Here
that with the increase of environment uncer- we can assume that such firms which have
tainty managers rely less on management designed it’s IIS to be more analytical effec-
accounting information, since environment tively use advantages of such architecture in
changes are not so easily predictable by order to improve management accounting.
management accounting techniques. In such As theoretically expected IIS implementa-
instances, managers may refer to some oth- tion quality variable was statistically signif-
er sources of information required for deci- icant, positively influencing the changes in
sion-making. Other two control variables, the segments of data collection and internal
firm size and industry, were not statistically reporting. Here we can point out that spe-
significant in neither of the five models. cial attention must be paid to obtaining high
quality of IIS implementation since that
contributes to exploiting the benefits related
to data accuracy, data timeliness and data
scope. Also, higher quality of IIS imple-
Modern business environment is char- mentation results in reduced time of report-
acterized by a large amount of information ing, increased frequency of reporting and
which has to be processed before manage- increased number of reports. Such finding
rial decisions are made. Therefore, many is in line with the fact that the use of cen-
firms use IIS in order to support manage- tralized database enables faster production
ment accounting, which is a crucial source of reports, while at the same time multidi-
of financial and non-financial information. mensionality of database provides opportu-
In order to explore the effects of IIS im- nity for creating new reports. Regarding the
plementation on management accounting changes in budgeting practices in manage-
changes we have conducted a question- ment accounting system, the quality of im-
naire based empirical research on the sam- plementation of specialized budgeting soft-
ple of Croatian firms. In line with theoreti- ware appeared as significant variable with
cal expectations and similar recent stud- positive influence. Among firm characteris-
ies (Sangster, 2009; Grabski, 2009 and tics, only business environment uncertainty
Gullkvist, 2013) the main conclusion is that was negatively correlated with adoption of
IIS adoption results in changes in manage- modern accounting techniques. Such find-
ment accounting, not only in the dimen- ing can be explained by the fact that with
sions of data collection and reporting, but increase of business environment uncer-
also in the analytical dimensions of mana- tainty management accounting information
gerial accounting like budgeting and use of is becoming less reliable and firms are not
modern accounting techniques. motivated to invest expensive resources

Management, Vol. 24, 2019, No.1, pp. 21-38

required for adoption of modern accounting alongside with traditional management

techniques. accounting skills should include acquiring
new skills in the area of information tech-
Findings from this study provide an nology, business processes and business
unique insight into effects of IIS implemen- communication.
tation in Croatian business environment,
as well as suggest several useful practi- Here we must point out some limitations
cal guidelines for firms, IIS vendors and of the study. All data required for modelling
educational institutions. Empirical findings was collected at one point of time. Future
suggest that firms and IIS vendors should research may be designed as longitudinal
put special focus on analytical capabilities study in order to measure the IIS variable
and business analytics modules, in order to at point of implementation, while manage-
achieve comprehensive benefits in manage- ment accounting changes should be meas-
ment accounting practices. Educational in- ured with a time lag. Although our sample
stitutions that provide accountant education included 108 valid observations and was
(either at academic, professional, or life- acceptable, according to econometric re-
long learning level) should be aware of the quirements, a larger sample would certainly
fact that contemporary, information system result in more reliable findings. Future re-
driven business environment requires man- search may be also improved by applying
agement accountants to possess and devel- more sophisticated statistical methodolo-
opment new skills. According to our find- gies, such as structural equation models.
ings management accountant’s education

Notes [3] Chartered Institute of Management

Accountants (CIMA), What is man-
[1] h t t p s : / / w w w. e r p s o f t w a r e b l o g .
agement accounting? Retrieved
from https://www.cimaglobal.
[2] h t t p s : / / w w w. s t a t i s t a . c o m / s t a t i s - what-is-management-accounting/
[4] Institute of Management Accountants
(IMA). Retrieved from https://www.

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Sažetak budžetiranje je imala značajan i pozitivan utjecaj.

Jedina negativna korelacija odnosi se na neizvje-
Glavni cilj ovog rada je analiza implemen- snost poslovne okoline i prihvaćanje suvremenih
tacije efekata integriranih informacijskih sustava računovodstvenih tehnika. Rezultati ovog rada
(IIS) na menadžersko računovodstvo. Rezultati, pružaju jedinstven uvid u efekte implementacije
utemeljeni na podacima, prikupljenim od 108 IIS-a u hrvatskim poduzećima, a mogu ih koristiti
hrvatskih poduzeća, potvrđuju da implementacija različiti dionici. Poduzeća i dobavljači IIS susta-
IIS-a djeluje na značajne promjene u menadžer- va bi se trebali usredotočiti na implementaciju
skom računovodstvu. Regresijski modeli poka- modula poslovne inteligencije, kako bi postigli
zuju da su najznačajnije obilježje IIS-a njegove značajne koristi u praksi menadžerskog računo-
analitičke sposobnosti, s obzirom da pozitivno vodstva. Pružatelji računovodstvenog obrazova-
djeluju na promjene menadžerskog računovod- nja bi trebali razmotriti činjenicu da okruženje
stva u četirima dimenzijama: internom izvješta- suvremenih IIS sustava zahtijeva razvoj dodatnih
vanju, budžetiranju, promjeni suvremenih raču- vještina u područjima informatičke tehnologije,
novodstvenih tehnika i poslovima menadžerskih poslovnih procesa i poslovne komunikacije.
računovođa. Kvaliteta implementacije IIS-a
statistički je signifikantno i značajno utjecala na Ključne riječi: menadžersko računovodstvo,
promjene, povezane s prikupljanjem podataka i promjene menadžerskog računovodstva, integri-
internim izvještavanjem. Kod budžetiranja, kva- rani informacijski sustavi, Hrvatska
liteta implementacije specijaliziranog softvera za


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