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What is education? Education is the process of facilitating the refinement of abilities or capacities of the individual, through learning or the construction of knowledge, as well as virtues, beliefs, habits, or other characteristics of being. The General Education Law establishes three types of education: basic, secondary and higher. How important is education in life? Ata global level, education is considered a factor of production, since it allows to root out many of the economic problems of a nation and serves as a regulatory instrument for social inequalities. Its primary functions are: Improve employability levels in the country. Where does education originate? The oldest teaching methods are found in the ancient East: India, China, Persia, Egypt, as well as in ancient Greece. They have a common objective, the parallelism between these nations is that the teaching is based on religion and traditions. In ancient education, the elites learned different subjects such as astronomy, oratory, mathematics, physical education, writing, and some rules of conduct, while the offspring, not counting the slaves (who were not considered citizens), learned trades thanks to the knowledge that was shared Finland ‘The Finnish model is characterized by being flexible. The students spend only 4 or S hours a day at school, because if they spent 8 during the winter the children would enter class at night and go out again at night. In the first courses there are no homework or exams. Canada The Canadian educational system opts for personalized education, makingit one of the most effective in the world. There is approximately one teacher for every 12 students, so it can offer individualized monitoring to each student. Estonia In Estonia, students are offered the possibility of delving into topics that are of interest to them during. the last years of high school. In addition, students have the opportunity to attend vocational educational institutes, where they are prepared either to choose a university career or to enter directly into working life,

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