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Name: ___________________________ ( ) Class: 9_____ Date: ___________________________

Pui Kiu College T’s

2022 – 2023 G9 English Language Version
Module 1: Study abroad (OATA U1)
Proofreading & Open Cloze 1

Open Cloze (10 marks)

Fill in each blank below with ONE suitable word.
Do students in Hong Kong go directly to university or college after school or do they have a

break first? Taking a gap year between school and uni is quite common in the UK and there

are lots of different ways to spend your time.

Julie Taylor 1) graduated from Hull University. She now works as a manager in an

international company. Julie tells us about her gap year:

During my gap year, I taught in a primary school in Kenya. I spent four months teaching

children 2) aged 8 to 18 in English, Art and Physical Education and I coached the school's

netball team. As well 3) as working, I also travelled the country and even 4) climbed Mount

Kenya. The trip was one of the best experiences of my life. I’m very happy that I didn’t head

5) off to university straight after school because I learnt a lot about myself in my year out. I

was able to get by on very 6) little money and to deal with problems without the support of my

family and friends. My trip to Africa also looks great on my CV. I worked to save 7) up for

the trip, which showed my employer that I had good self-motivation and organisational 8)

skills, which are essential in any job. My interviewers were really interested in how I managed

to teach classes of 88 children (with lots of enthusiasm and promises of netball after class!).

Employers see that climbing to an 9) altitude of 4,985m up Mount Kenya shows self-

motivation, strength and determination. Not everybody can put that 10) on their CV.

Adapted from

Proofreading (11 marks)
There is ONE mistake in each numbered line in the following passage. Changes to punctuation
should not be made. Corrections must be done exactly as follows:
Wrong word - underline the wrong word and write the correct word above it as in Example A.
Extra word - cross out the extra word as in Example B.
Missing word - mark the position of the missing word with a “⋀” and write the correct word above it
as in Example C.
Gap Year Advantage
A. If you or your teen has ever questioned, “should I takes a gap year?” or “is a gap year a good idea?”

B. then look no more further than these two key reasons why your teen should take a gap year before
C. attending.

1. Explore the country in a new way

1. Learning about the world through the news, books, documentary, and movies is one thing, but
2. experiencing it first-hand is an entirely different adventure. There’s no need to spend thousand on a
3. flight to a remote island across the world in order to connect with oneself while volunteer or

exploring nature. Doing a domestic gap year or semester is a great way to keep costs down while also
4. getting touch with different areas of the country, such as exploring the mountainous regions of the

North, the warm and coastal South and West Coast, or even the hazy forestry of the Pacific Northwest.
5. 2. Discover their real goals and how best achieve them.
6. Like we mentioned previously, taking a gap year can help your teen better understand and
7. what is really important to them, making decisions such as choose a major or a career path more

informed and intentional.

8. Specific Gap Year Association stats to back this up include: 84% of responds to their study said their
9. time helped them learn skills^helped them become successful in their work; 77% said their

10. year helped them find their purpose in life; 75% said it helped them get a job; 73% reported us their
11. gap year helped them prepare^college.

Adapted from

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