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Beauty and Beast Essay

"The Beauty and the Beast" is a touching tale about the beginning of love and how it may
change the way you see the people you care about. The moral of this fairy tale is that a person's
beauty comes from a heart that is in love, and when a beauty realizes the inner beauty and the
feelings of the beast, she no longer cares about the beast's outward appearance.
In this tale, the beast is changed into a prince by the power of pure love. Every individual we
believe to be our soul mate is a charming prince or princess, not just in fairy tales.
The happy ending to the fairytale is due to the fact that the tremendous love between the beauty
and the beast was genuine, and when the beautiful declared the love for the beast he
transformed into a beautiful prince

She is undoubtedly the most attractive chick. But in the opening scene, we see that Belle is also
highly smart and that she spends much of her time reading. She is also fiercely devoted to and
supportive of her father, an inventor who is undoubtedly the village's laughingstock. In order to
get away from the "provincial life" she leads, Belle wants to take part in the adventures she
reads about in her books. She further proves her dedication by offering herself over to the Beast
as a prisoner when her father is captured by him.

At this point in the story, it is understandable that Belle does not have any positive feelings
about the Beast at all following the imprisonment of her father and herself, not to mention the
strict requirements of her so-called "host". She provokes the Beast's wrath when she explores
the West Wing, which causes her to feel bad for him. After being shown the library, she grows to
like the Beast more and more. During the time she reads to him, sparks start to fly and they both
start to give in to one another. As a result of her imprisonment and the ensuing loss of any
chance of leading an adventurous life, Belle undergoes a character refinement throughout this
time, going from being angry and dejected to appreciating who she is exhibited the library.
During the time she reads to him, sparks start to fly and they both start to give in to one another.
Throughout this period, Belle's character develops from resentment and despair at her captivity
and the subsequent loss of any chance of leading an exciting life to an understanding of who
she is as a person and her capacity to successfully adjust to her circumstances.

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